With Artolis’s call, the red magic array instantly appeared in front of Artolis.

Subsequently, the three figures of Lias, Himejima Junai and Tacheng Baiyin appeared in front of Atoris.

“Originally, we wanted to do it, but after seeing you make a move, we didn’t do it.”

“Theodora Astaloot, if this guy leaves the underworld, then I will slaughter him, remember to tell me!”

For Artolis’s words, Lias could only helplessly comfort: “I know you are angry now, but Theodora Astalotte is a blood relative of the demon king Beelzebub, the next head of the Astalotian family. ”

“And then?”

“The current demon king Beelzebub is named Achuka, and before becoming the demon king Beelzebub, the other party was the heir of the Astalotte family, and later after overthrowing the old demon king, the other party became the new demon king.”

“The strength is no less than my brother, and he is already a transcendent!”

“So what, could it be that Leas, do you think I will be indifferent to this demon who puts the lost demon under my nose because I care about the demon king Beelzebub?”

“Not really, just don’t want you to be impulsive…”

Before Lias finished speaking, a screen appeared in front of them, and the live broadcast room appeared and began to play the video!

[Artolis: @狄奥朵拉 Astalot, you’d better hide in the underworld forever, otherwise I don’t mind killing you! 】

[Asashel: Yo, little brother, something happened, and I actually wanted to kill the blood relatives of the demon king Beelzebub. 】

[Michael: Please also refrain from it, if there is any misunderstanding, we can help mediate it! 】

[Sazeks: @莉雅丝, has something happened? 】

[Lias: Sorry brother, this… Maybe you can watch the video yourself. 】

The video starts playing.

One figure is running away in front of him, and the other figure is chasing after him leisurely in the back!

The figure in front stumbled and fell to the ground, and the other party turned his head in horror to look at the person who caught up.

Artolis walked up leisurely and looked at the man who had fallen to the ground and said, “Theodora Astaloot, why don’t you run, or do you keep running?” ”

Theodora Astalotte looked at Artolis as if she had seen something incomparably terrible!

“Why did you mess with me when you said you were good, I and your well water do not violate the river water, what did you want to do when you threw a lost demon under my nose half a year ago?”

Theodora Astalotus defended this Artolis: “It is the lost demon who runs to you on its own, and it has nothing to do with me!” ”

“Are you stupid or am I stupid, when you don’t know about your joining the Calamity? I guess those guys with serious brain diseases who should be in the woe group let you test me, right? ”

Artolis, who rubbed his chin, looked at Theodora Astalotte and said with an affirmative expression.

“Obviously, I didn’t want to provoke anyone, but you individuals have to force me, do you think I’m a soft persimmon, you can pinch as much as you want?”

[Sazeks: @阿托利斯, about Theodora Astarot and the Lost Demon, the demon will give you an explanation. 】

[Artolis: Then wait for your explanation. 】

“Speaking of which, I still have some doubts, whose idea is it to take advantage of the three parties of angels, demons and fallen angels to make peace this time? You guys are very faceless to be a fair person like this! ”

The more smiling Atorius put on his face, the deeper the fear on Theodora Astaloot’s face.

“To say that I can understand that you sent that lost demon to me before, I didn’t show strength at that time

It’s normal for you to be suspicious

But now that even the Great Red Red Dragon God Emperor has been overturned by me, where did you get the courage to hit me in the face!” ”

[Orpheus: @阿托利斯, did you defeat the Red Dragon God Emperor? So is it possible to defeat the Red Dragon God Emperor now? 】

[Artolis: That’s a matter for the future, how can I be the opponent of the Red Dragon God Emperor now, or continue to watch the video, I really want to know why these individuals have so much courage. 】

“Half a year ago, if it weren’t for the fact that the demon had two traversers, you would have died a long time ago, but it’s not too late now.”

“Speaking of which, you don’t know, half a year ago, I was already a transcendent, the kind that opened up with the demon king Lucifer.”

[Lias: Are you already a transcendent? And after half a year, even the Red Dragon God Emperor is not an opponent? 】

[Asachel: Hey, hey, this opening is too much, turn it off! ] 】

[Sazeks: Sure enough, my feelings are not wrong, the feeling you gave me before is already not inferior to me, we will give you a satisfactory disposition as soon as possible about Theodora Astalot, please wait a while. 】

[Artolis: What’s going on in this live broadcast room, can’t you leave me some hole cards? ] This bottoms are ripped off, it’s a bit excessive! 】

[Hijiya Hachiman: I can see your disgusting face across the screen! ] 】

[Kazuto Kiritani: Artolis is now on this side of the old school building, all those who want to catch Artolis come quickly! ] 】

[Artolis: Kirito, are you special… 】

“Let me go, don’t you like women? My dependents are beautiful women, and each of them is a fallen saint I use in various ways to seduce from the Holy See, as long as you let me go, they will all be yours! ”

Diodora Astalotte begged Artolis for mercy and said a news that made Heaven angry.

[Michael: @萨泽克斯, please be sure to give me an explanation, before I thought it was strange why the Holy See saints kept falling, and the original reason was here! 】

[Sazeks: … 】

[Achuka: Theodora Astalot I will handle it personally, please rest assured! ] 】

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