Diodora Astalot’s eyes were full of disbelief when she looked at this Artolis!

Don’t say that he doesn’t believe it, other people don’t believe it too.

One by one, they looked at Artolis, and their eyes seemed to say that you are playing me.

Feeling the strange gazes of others looking at him, Artolis defended himself: “Don’t be misled by the live broadcast room, the live broadcast room is purely slander!” ”

Lias gave Artolis a white look.

“All in all, the reason why I want to kill you is simple, that is, because you are a scumbag, I have no problem with Skywalk!”

Diodora Astaloot’s face turned livid.

“You’re kidding me!”

Artolis glanced at Theodora Astalotte in front of him and asked in surprise: “Did you see this?” ”

“Okay, don’t talk nonsense with you, letting you live for so long is already the greatest favor to you, now you should die.”

But before Artolis could make a move, Diodora Astarot was already the first to sneak attack!

As Diodora Astaloot, who has seen the video in the live broadcast room, he knows that he in the video is a failed sneak attack, and now he naturally wants to strike first.

It’s a pity that he thinks a little too highly of himself.

Artolis knew from the beginning that the other party wanted to sneak attack, and even most of the people here guessed that Diodora Astarot would sneak attack, but no one stopped it.

Artolis didn’t stop them, let alone stop them.

“Give me death!”

Shouting wildly, Diodora Astarot poured out the magic condensed in his hand towards Artolis!

Looking at the symbol symbolizing the infinite snake that appeared in Diodora’s hand, Artolis pinched his chin and said: “Orpheus is really a fool, what kind of goods are not giving power, she expects a group of goods like you to defeat the True Red Dragon God Emperor?” ”

On the surface of the golden radiance of Artolis’ body, Diodora condensed all his magic power, and the attack he sent out could not touch Artolis at all.

The emperor’s shield is still so reassuring.

“How, do you feel desperate? Even if you get Orpheus’ power from Orpheus, the gap between you and me is still unbridgeable. ”

“Guess why did I let you sneak attack when I knew you would sneak attack? That’s because I don’t care at all, it’s like an ant biting you, will you notice it? ”

Dignity was trampled under the feet of Artolis.

Diodora Astarot shouted frantically and attacked Artolis.

Seeing this scene, Canna couldn’t help but push his glasses.

“It’s really bad fun, just kill it!”

For Artolis’s fooling of Diodora, Zhi Tori Canna had a slight opinion.

“A sinful person like Diodora, if he just kills the other party easily, then it will be too cheap for the other party.”

“So Artolis is punishing Diodora with this kind of behavior, and those saints who fell because of Diodora, do they deserve it?”

Lias’s words echoed in Zhi Tangna’s ears.

Shutori Canna couldn’t help but fall silent.

Since the end of the video, the matter of Diodora Astalotte has become a matter of countless people’s attention, and Zhi Canna has naturally learned about it.

Therefore, after knowing that those holy women were all seduced and fallen by Diodora Astalot, they also hated Diodora Astalot!

Let’s just say that a recent Holy See saint met Diodora Astalot.

At that time, Diodora Astalotte pretended to be injured, and then tricked the kind saint into treating him, but after the result, he directly announced that this saint had healed a demon.

Therefore, the saint is now defined as a witch!

So Fetch Canna now has to admit that it is too cheap to kill Diodora Astarot.

As a woman, Zhi Tena was extremely disgusted with Diodora Astaloot.

This was especially true after Takesa knew what was going on with that lost demon.

The lost demon that was previously killed by Artolis was none other than Byadora’s dependent, a saint of a certain generation of the Holy See.

But he fell because of Diodora Astalot.

And now Adeodora’s dependents are full, but Diodora has taken a fancy to a new person, so what to do?

Naturally, it is attrition!

So the dependant was forcibly turned into a lost demon, and then thrown to Artolis to test Atoris.

Originally, Diodora thought that Artolis was just a demon king, and it may not be true.

Even if he is really a demon king level, with his back against the calamity group, and there are demons in front, what can Artolis do with himself.

But who knows…

“Forget it, since Cang Na has spoken, then give Cang that face.”

Artolis clenched his palms into fists, and then punched Diodora in the face without any magic or elemental power.

It’s like ordinary people fighting and brawling!

However, Diodora, who was hit by a punch, exploded on the spot!

The whole person was like a bomb, and it exploded directly into a blood mist!

Sazex’s pupils constricted.

Sazex naturally saw that Artolis’s fist was just an ordinary curl, a punch that ordinary people could punch.

But it was such a punch that Diodora exploded on the spot!

Is the ability that Artolis said true, as long as the guilty is punched, he must die?

Sazex’s forehead couldn’t help but break out in a cold sweat.

Artolis glanced at Sazex.

“Then if it’s okay, I’ll go first!”

“Wait a minute!”

Sazex saw that Artolis was leaving, and immediately stopped Artolis.

“One thing I want to ask about, does the world of Tivat really exist?”

“Why not?”

After a moment of silence, Sazex spoke again.

“So about you and Lias…”

Before Sazex finished speaking, Artolis raised his hand and interrupted: “Lias and I are only ordinary friends, not even boyfriends and girlfriends.” ”

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