[Artolis: It doesn’t matter whether Abe Qingming is an animal or not, @天照, come out and talk about which world’s evil god colluded. ] 】

[Amaterasu: I’m not in collusion with any evil gods! 】

[Artolis: Do you believe what you said, when I am a fool or an idiot, to say that you did not collude with those extraterrestrial evil gods, you would have given up this country so easily before, but I am an idiot? 】

[Artolis: @米迦勒, @萨泽克斯, @阿萨谢尔, @奥丁, @湿婆, look it up. 】

[Michael: I will have Gabriel personally investigate this matter. 】

[Sazeks: My side will also let Serafl investigate with me!] 】

[Asachel: Are you investigating? I can hear your crackling abacus through the chat room! 】

[Odin: My side will also send Valkyries to investigate. 】

Shiva simply did not respond.

[Orpheus: @阿托利斯, if you need to, I can help you directly erase the entire Takamahara. 】

[Artolis: You don’t have to, but if you have time, come and see me, there are some things to find you. 】

Orpheus: I’ll come here. 】

[Sazeks: Can I ask you what exactly is going on with the Infinite Dragon God? 】

[Artolis: It’s not a big deal, but I heard that Orpheus is cute, so I want to know more. 】

【Yukinoshita Yukino:??? 】

【Kasumigaoka Shiwa: ??? 】

[Alice: ??? 】

【Erina:??? 】

【Shinomiya Kaguya: ??? 】

[Lias:??? 】

【Buried in the soil:??? 】

[Artolis: Don’t get me wrong, I’m just just learning about it. 】

Closing the chat room with a smile, Artolis then sent sweets and light novels from Yasaka to Issin Pure Land.

“Your hatred I will help you repay, the feather fox will also die, and Abe Qingming will also die with him, no need to worry!”

Looking at Yasaka’s worried look, Artolis gave Yasaka a promise.

“Thank you very much!”

Yasaka withdrew, and not long after Yasaka left, Orpheus appeared in front of Artolis.

Looking at the cute loli in front of him, Artolis said to Orpheus: “This time I just want you to be careful about the guy Zevim Livian Lucifer, and the people of the Scourge Group are using you, don’t continue to be used by the Scourge Group.” ”

Listening to what Artolis said, Orpheus nodded and said, “Got it, then you can help me defeat the Red Dragon God Emperor now?” ”

“Not for the time being, I don’t think I’m the opponent of the Red Dragon God Emperor now.”

Red Dragon God Emperor, to be honest, Artolis didn’t really want to make a move with the Red Dragon God Emperor.

It’s not that Artolis is afraid of the Red Dragon God Emperor, but the guy of the Red Dragon God Emperor doesn’t know if he is the guardian of this world, and Artolis doesn’t know if there is an EXE world.

Therefore, in the absence of conflict, Artolis was unwilling to clash with the Red Dragon God Emperor.

However, Artolis felt that if the Red Dragon God Emperor was really a guardian, then maybe the world of Tivat wanted to integrate into this world, and Artolis would have to fight with the true Red Dragon God Emperor.

But that’s for later!

“Then when will you be able to defeat the Red Dragon God Emperor?”

“After half a year, it should be possible to do it after half a year, after all, didn’t the live broadcast room say that I would be able to defeat the Red Dragon God Emperor after half a year?”

Orpheus nodded, half a year is not unacceptable.

After so many years, Orpheus has waited for this half a year.

“Or I’ll be by your side in the future?”

Orpheus tilted his head and looked at Artolis and said!

“It’s not impossible, I’ll find you a quiet place where you can stay?”

“No problem!”

The reason why Orpheus wants to defeat the Red Dragon God Emperor is simple, it is because the Red Dragon God Emperor drove Orpheus out of the dimensional gap, and Orpheus naturally has to defeat the Red Dragon God Emperor if he wants to go home.

And the reason why Orpheus wanted to go home was because no one would disturb Orpheus there, so Artolis simply found a quiet place for Orpheus to stay there by himself!

The Pure Land of One Heart just meets the requirements of Orpheus, and there is only one Thunder Movie in the Pure Land of One Heart.

Ray Movie itself is also an otaku and naturally does not bother Orpheus.

Let the two of them stay in a pure land, naturally there will be no problem.

Taking Orpheus into the Pure Land of One Heart, Ray looked at Artolis and Orpheus with confusion in his eyes.

“Orpheus, it is regarded as the top combat power in this world, which is equivalent to the earthly seven ruling of the Tivat world or even a higher level of heavenly principle, but this guy is a complete house girl like you, so I plan to let Orpheus stay here.”

Hearing what Artolis said, Ray Movie looked at Orpheus, a little girl-like character, with some surprise, but then nodded.

“But as a price, dessert and light novels must be doubled.”

Ray Movies also put forward its own requirements for this Artolis.

“No problem, I’ll let people send more desserts and light novels later.”

Ray Movie nodded in satisfaction, and then looked at Orpheus.

Although Orpheus looks cute, Ray Movie does have to feel that powerful power from Orpheus’s body.


Above the high heavens!

“I didn’t expect that you really colluded with those extraterritorial evil gods!”

Bishamentian looked at these high-altitude primordial deities and questioned these gods.

“If it weren’t for the aggressiveness of those other god systems, if it weren’t for that humble human being who made us lose face again and again, why would we have to do such a thing, everything is to make the high-heaven original god system great again!”

The subsequent gods looked at Bishamentian: “You, as a traitor to our High Heaven Origin God Lineage, must solve you.” ”

“It’s not that easy to solve me!”

Visha Mentian is not the kind of person who sits still.

“All those artifacts of yours have been killed by us, you are simply powerless to resist now, if you tie up your hands, then we may still be able to keep you alive!”

Bishamen Tian’s eyes were suddenly torn!

Have all those artifacts of your own been killed?

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