Chapter 64: A Corner of the Past.

At this moment, Artolis, who saw this video, had a slightly complicated face. In reality, there was a sudden knock outside Artolis’s apartment.

Artolis walked out and opened the door, looking at Yukino standing in the doorway a little stunned.

“Yukino, why are you here?”

“Don’t let me in?”

Artolis let go without speaking, and Yukinoshita Yukino approached the room, and then sat down on the couch stool to watch the video.

Seeing that Yukino didn’t speak, Artolis sat to the side, and in Artolis’s eyes, the interface was still playing.

In the live broadcast screen, one person after another was pulled out of the cultivation tank, and then piled up like garbage.

One by one, those individuals opened their eyes and were blank, and it was obvious that they had lost their lives.

In one of the culture tanks, Artolis opened his eyes to look at the corpses piled together. Then he slowly closed his eyes.

The screen also dimmed, and as the video lit up again, Artolis was fighting a man with a dagger in his hand!

The dagger in his hand ruthlessly slashed through the neck of the other party, and it seemed that the young man who was only in his 20s fell to the ground, and his body gradually became cold.

Artolis took a key from the other person’s body, then took a key from himself, then opened a door and walked out.

The screen turns.

A middle-aged man with a little girl with white hair watched the boy leave through the one-way see-through glass.

“Mr. Sakayanagi, how, this is the highest masterpiece of our base.”

The middle-aged man looked at the white-haired little girl on the side with a somewhat stiff expression on his face, and only breathed a sigh of relief after seeing that the white-haired little girl was fine.

The white-haired little girl did suddenly speak: “What’s his name?” ”

“He doesn’t have a name, we’ve always called him codename 998!”

“Then I’ll give him a name, just Artolis!”

After hearing the little girl’s words, the head of the base nodded indifferently: “If Mr. Sakayanagi is willing to invest, then this will become his name.” ”

The white-haired girl who heard this sentence looked at her father with a smile.

The middle-aged man looked at his daughter helplessly and said, “Well, just celebrate your birthday!” ”

The white-haired girl smiled, and then said to the person in charge of the base in front of her: “Remember, from now on his name will be Artolis.” ”

[Hijiya Hachiman: Raised by loli since childhood? 】

[Kazuto Kiritani: MD, crush my back teeth! ] 】

[Shinomiya Kaguya: Who is that girl, hateful! ] 】

[Yukinoshita Yukino: Is this the past of Artolis?] 】

[Lias: Some feel sorry for Artolis, does it turn out that Artolis also hides such a thing in his heart? 】

The head of the base smiled indifferently: “No problem, from today onwards, the name of 998 will be Artolis.” ”

“Then, every year on my birthday, I will come to see Artolis, and as long as he is alive, every time I will bring you an investment to support the continuation of your base.”

The eyes of the head of the base suddenly lit up.

“Understood, please rest assured Miss Sakayanagi!”

The screen suddenly darkened, and it was clear that the video had finished playing!

Without paying attention to the discussion of a group of people in the chat room, Artolis looked at Yukino under the snow in front of him and said with a smile: “You shouldn’t pity me, right?” ”

Artolis who just opened his eyes in the picture just crossed over, and if it were not for Artolis’s crossing, then it is estimated that this body would become one of the piles of corpses.

Although the latter was very tired and almost died several times, the later base was destroyed by itself, and now Artolis naturally does not care.

Yukinoshita Yukino looked at Artolis and shook his head.

“Okay, so what about you coming to me today?”

“Originally, I wanted to ask you something, but now it’s not necessary.”

Artolis was confused by the snow under the snow.

“Do you like me?”

Yukishita Yukino saw Artolis’s appearance, a faint smile appeared on his face, and then he went straight to the point. Artolis suddenly couldn’t hold back, and Yukino suddenly asked this question what he wanted to do! Looking at the snow under the snow in front of him, countless speculations appeared in Artolis’s mind for a moment.

“I like it, but not just like you, I like other people too.”

Yukinoshita Yukino looked at Artolis and said speechlessly, “Do you like other people?” Are you simple, as long as you look good, you like it? ”

Attolis defended himself against Yukinoshita Yukina’s rebuttal: “Is there anything wrong with pursuing good things? ”

Looking at Artolis, who was not ashamed of his thoughts at all, Yukino couldn’t help but be speechless.

“Was that previous one your first kiss?”

Artolis nodded.

Seeing Artolis nodding, Yukinoshita Yukinoshita had a smile on her face: “Then just this one, I’ll go first.” ”

“Aren’t you supposed to ask me if that was my first kiss?”

Yukinoshita Yukino didn’t answer, just hurried away…

But look at Yukino Yuki’s red ears.

Artolis couldn’t help but laugh.

Just laughing and laughing, the smile on Artolis’s face disappeared.

For those memories, Artolis did not feel anything, just owed favors to be paid.

“Sakayanagi Yusu, so it is!”

If it weren’t for this video, Artolis wouldn’t have known that he actually owed such a favor.

But now that he has known, Artolis naturally has to return it, and Artolis remembers that Sakayanagi Yusu seems to have heart disease, congenital heart disease.

“Then go and take a look.”

The thunder flashed away, and Artolis had disappeared into the room. Highly cultivated high school, first-year dormitory.

Sakayanagi Yusu looked at Artolis and said, “I guessed you would come.” ”

“So what do you guess I came to you for?”

After speaking, Artolis looked at Sakayanagi Yusu in front of him and suddenly frowned.

“Are you well?”

Artolis discovered that Yusu Sakayanagi had a heart condition. Sakayanagi Yusu took out a God Eye from his body. The Eye of God with water attributes!

Artolis, who saw this scene, was silent, originally wanting to cure Sakayanagi Yusu’s heart disease in order to repay Sakayanagi Yusu’s favor.

Unexpectedly, Sakayanagi Yusu had actually obtained the Water Attribute God Eye and thus cured his heart disease.

“You can make a wish to me!”

“You can’t fulfill the wish I want, I don’t need anything else.”

“How do you know that I don’t have a 2.4 method to fulfill your wishes?”

“If I let you belong to me alone, will you be able to fulfill this wish?”

Artolis shut up directly.

“@ me in the chat room if you need to, as long as I can do it.”

“So can you answer me a question? Of course, it is not considered to use that one condition. ”

“Of course.”

“What is the name of the woman who made you rebel against the base or even destroy it for her?”

“Can I not answer this question?”

“Of course, if you don’t want to answer, you can not answer.”

Sakayanagi Yusu is obviously not the kind of person who breaks the casserole and asks the end, so after Artolis shows that he does not want to answer, Sakayanagi Yusu directly says that he can not answer.

“Then I’ll leave first, if you want to find me, @ me in the chat room.” After saying that, Artolis left in a hurry. ”

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