Chapter 76 Rin Tosaka: You pervert, give me a thousand deaths.

“If Kudo Shinichi really committed a crime, then Kudo Shinichi should know how to deal with evidence, so Kudo Shinichi can’t use his original voice to speak, but must use a voice changer, so the voice that Sonoko heard was not Kudo Shinichi’s.”

The judge looked at Concubine Yingli and was stunned for a moment before saying, “But how can this prove that your guess is true?” ”

“Reality is supreme, this time there is not only Kudo Shinichi suspect, but also another suspect!”

“Another suspect?”

Everyone looked at Concubine Yingli.

“Yes, that’s Artolis, and Artolis saw Kudo Shinichi sneak into Suzuki’s house.”

“Then this shows that Artolis is also there, which means that Artolis may also be one of the suspects.”

Fei Yingli’s analysis made everyone nod: “It makes sense!” ”

Even Concubine Yingli’s opponent Kujo Reiko couldn’t stop nodding and said: “The analysis is very reasonable, and Artolis is indeed one of the suspects.” ”

Artoriston’s eyes widened on the side: “Yingli, you actually doubt me!” ”

Fei Yingli pushed her glasses, and then said to Artolis: “In court, please call me Concubine Yingli lawyer!” ”

“At that time, I just came out of Ayako Suzuki’s room and happened to see Shinichi Kudo.”

“So the question is, why did you come out of Ayako Suzuki’s room? What are you looking for Ayako Suzuki again! ”

Concubine Yingli questioned this Artolis in a cold voice.

[Sakata Gintoki: Of course, this is what it is. 】

[Waizumi Sagi: It’s really too obscene, too obscene. 】

[Rin Tosaka: That’s right, this bastard of Artolis is really too obscene, and according to Artolis’s shamelessness, this matter may really be done by Artolis, and then planted dirt and framed Kudo Shinichi’s head. 】

[Alice Phil: However, if it is Artolis, there is no reason to do this, and if you really want to, I think Miss Sonoko Suzuki will definitely agree to teach her headband directly to Artolis, right? 】

[Sonoko Suzuki: Yes, if Artolis wants to come to me at any time, there is no need to steal it. 】

[Hijiya Hachiman: So isn’t it really about Artolis coming out of Ayako Suzuki’s room now?] 】

[Kazuto Kiritani: This bastard’s Yanfu simply makes people crush their back teeth. 】

Artolis replied crisply when he heard the question: “I am very good friends with Miss Ayako Suzuki, so it is normal for Miss Suzuki to invite me to the room to talk about life, right?” ”

The judge knocked on the wooden hammer and then said to Concubine Yingli: “Then, is there any other evidence?” ”

Fei Yingli said to the judge: “I applied to search Artolis’s residence, and I should be able to find the headband that disappeared from the garden.!” ”

“Officer Shiratori, please go and search Atori’s house.”

“Yes, Your Excellency.”

Soon Officer Shiratori returned and said to the judge above the courtroom, “Your Excellency, I am back.” ”

“Very well, did Officer Shiratori find anything in Artolis’s house?”

“Yes, Your Excellency, I found not only Suzuki Sonoko’s headband in Artolis’s house, but also Mikoto Misaka’s game tokens, Rin Tosaka’s stockings, Yukinoshita’s headband, Shinomiya Kaguya’s ribbon, Fujiwara Chika’s bow, Princess Eiri’s glasses, and a series of other items.”

[Mikoto Misaka: Why do I have my game tokens? 】

[Rin Tosaka: Why did my stockings appear in this perverted hand? 】

【Yukinoshita Yukino: Atoris!!! 】

[Shinomiya Kaguya: Artolis can say it directly if he wants, and he doesn’t have to steal it. ] 】

[Chika Fujiwara: Yes. 】

[Fei Yingli: Huh! 】

[Kudo Shinichi: Artolis, you are a beast, I TMD know that you must have done this, you wronged me! ] 】

[Artolis: I guess if you stole it and hid it in my house.] 】

[Kudo Shinichi: You TMD fart! ] 】

[Erina: Pervert! ] 】

[Artolis: Erina, you are excessive, this is at most just a small hobby, like collecting those game figures, or anime figures, isn’t this normal? 】

[Rin Tosaka: Why do other people’s things are all kinds of normal things and mine is stockings!] 】

[Artolis: I can play with those legs for a year. 】

[Rin Tosaka: You pervert give me death, 1,000 times! ] 】

“Since the prisoner has been caught, now this court has announced that Kudo Shinichi is acquitted, as for Artolis…”

“Your Excellency, I will not pursue this matter.”

Sonoko Suzuki raised her hand and said to the judge.

“The plaintiff withdrew the lawsuit, the trial is over, and the trial is now adjourned.”

Artolis walked out of the dock directly, and then looked at Concubine Yingli with his hands crossed at his waist and said: “Tonight, if you don’t have good fruit to eat, even if you meow and beg for mercy, it’s useless.” ”

The video that followed, but it didn’t end there.

[Yukinoshita Yukino: @阿托利斯, it seems that it is necessary to correct some of your bad hobbies. 】

[Lias: I am quite unhappy that there is no mine. 】

[Rin Tosaka: @阿托利斯, give me 1,000 deaths 10,000 times 10,000 times, you pervert! ] 】

[Yono Yukinoshita: She’s dead, Artoris. 】

[Sonoko Suzuki: @阿托利斯如果你想要我的发箍的话可以直接说的没有必要偷偷摸摸的偷走. 】

[Artolis: I just thought that you would be beautiful if you didn’t bring a headband down with your bangs, so I promised me not to wear hairbands in the future.] 】

[Sonoko Suzuki: Good. 】

[Artolis: @妃英理, I said that you should give me some compensation. 】

【Concubine Yingli:??? 】

[Artolis: So give me your glasses, just as compensation for this time.] 】

[Fei Yingli: Can I refuse? 】

[Artolis: Of course not. 】

[Fei Yingli: Then if you want, you will get it yourself.] 】

[Artolis: No problem, I’ll go now. 】

The chat room was closed, and then Artolis directly turned into a breeze and appeared in Fei Yingli’s law firm. Fei Yingli looked at Artolis who suddenly appeared in front of her, and was startled and cold.

Artolis looked at Concubine Yingli: “I’m here to get your glasses.” ”

Concubine Yingli sighed and said to Artolis: “So many young and beautiful girls, why do you have to arrest this old aunt of me.” ”

Artolis stepped forward and looked at Concubine Yingli: “You are not old, and I don’t need to say how popular you are.” Artolis stepped forward and stretched out his hand to take off Concubine Yingli’s glasses. ”

Sighed helplessly: “Give me back the glasses, if you want, I will give you another pair later.” ”

“Okay, but I’m going to charge some interest.”

Concubine Yingli was stunned for a moment, but the next moment Concubine Yingli was gagged by Artolis.

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