Chapter 94: The devil is not as evil as you.

Artolis’s gaze saw Gilgamesh on the side.

Gilgamesh laughed at Atholys the clown before Artolis has not forgotten, and now it is natural to take revenge back.

“Gilgamesh, I remember that the era you lived in was supposed to be a virgin matriarchal society, but you are a man, this is definitely not appropriate,”

“So I thought of a good idea, when I summon the Holy Grail, I will make a wish through the Holy Grail to make you a woman, and then make a wish that you need to rely on male O liquid every day, otherwise you will lose your mind everywhere O match, no need to thank me, who made me so kind!”

Gilgamesh, who survived the battle with Ramses II, suddenly had the idea that he might as well die just now after hearing Artolis’ words.

Semiramis, Artoria, Skaha, Ishtar, Rin Tosaka. The corners of one’s mouth twitched as he looked at Artolis.

Is this man the devil?

No, the devil is not evil with this man!

“Of course, if you want to commit suicide, I won’t stop you, I just don’t know if you, the hero king, will do such a thing as suicide.”

“And don’t think about borrowing other people’s hands to die, with me, I promise I don’t want you to die, you will definitely not die.”

Gilgamesh’s face became a little ugly.

“Don’t have enough strength to dare to stink in front of me? Really thought I couldn’t clean you up? ”

Artolis sneered in his heart.

Gilgamesh called him a clown, and Artolis didn’t care. But Artolis did not say he would not retaliate.

“Speaking of which, the Holy Grail should have almost appeared now, right? The last heroic war itself had almost no loss of mana, and there were several heroic sacrifices, which should be enough. ”

Breaking Gilgamesh’s limbs, Artolis then said to this Ishtar: “Take this hero king, and then we will go and get the Holy Grail.” ”

“Why do you want me to come to see this?”

“Don’t you feel very fulfilled to carry this high hero king like a dog? And more importantly, you have trampled the face of this hero king! ”

Gilgamesh looked at Artolis: “This time it was King Ben who lost, but don’t try to tarnish King Ben’s glory.” ”

After saying that, Gilgamesh was ready to cut himself off!

The king’s treasure shot out a treasure from the void and instantly penetrated Gilgamesh’s spiritual core, and then Gilgamesh dissipated little by little.

“It’s really miserable that the dignified hero king was actually forced to commit suicide!”

Ishtar watched Gilgamesh make a mockery and let the proud heroic king commit suicide, which was tantamount to trampling on the glory and dignity of the king.

But in order to avoid more humiliation, Gilgamesh finally chose to end his life in this humiliating way!

Otherwise, if you really let Artolis turn herself into a woman, then…

When he thought of that kind of scene, Gilgamesh felt that the whole world was simply destroyed.

“This humiliation will be repaid one by one in the future, Ishtar!”

“Do you see me as an object of hatred? You’re really getting ridiculous, Gilgamesh. ”

Ishtar and Ishtar didn’t care about Gilgamesh’s threat, there was already a feud between the two, and Ishtar didn’t care about a little more.

Artolis is quite satisfied with his murderous heart this time!

Gilgamesh previously said that Artolis was a clown, but now Gilgamesh himself has become a clown.

Letting this proud king kill himself is more uncomfortable for Gilgamesh than Artolis killing the other party, which is a trampling on Gilgamesh’s glory as king.

But if you don’t cut yourself, you will suffer even more unacceptable humiliation, become a woman, and then need men’s O-liquid every day.

The lesser of the two powers.

In the end, Gilgamesh can only humiliate himself like a clown.

Others are not surprised by Gilgamesh’s self-determination, and if they survive, they will suffer greater humiliation, and it is better to kill themselves by now.

“Okay, then now that the real Clown King has exited, it’s time for us to go and hold the Holy Grail!”


“Meet again, ma’am!”

In the round Tibetan mountain, Artolis looked at Alice Phil and said hello, and at the same time noticed that Artoria’s face on the side changed slightly.

“Lord Ōgosho.”

After greeting this Artolis, Alice Phil’s gaze looked at Artoria: “Long time no see, saber.” ”

Artoria nodded solemnly, and then looked at Alice Phil: “I didn’t expect to see you again.” ”

Artolis interrupted the two men’s reminiscence: “Then hand over the Holy Grail if you can, I don’t want to grab it myself.” ”

Alice Phil looked at Artolis and pleaded: “Lord Omisho, once the Holy Grail is summoned, then the overflowing malice in the Holy Grail will overflow, and when the time comes…” ”

Without waiting for the other party to finish speaking, Artolis forcibly interrupted.

“It’s not something you should worry about, if you don’t want to, then I can only take the Grail out of your body myself, or do you think that with the one hiding in the shadows and aiming a sniper rifle at 0.8 my Emiya Kiriji can solve me?”

Alice Phil’s complexion changed.

“By the way, Yan Feng Qili has quietly touched behind Wei Gong Che Si now, you said who will win the next Wei Palace Che Si and Yan Feng Qili?”

“Two people who should have died ten years ago have lived ten years longer, which is considered cheap for them.”

“I’m sorry, but I can’t let the Grail appear in this world.”

Alice Phil had just finished saying Artolis when she appeared in front of Alice Phil’s eyes, a hand passed through Alice Phil’s body, and in her hand was holding a golden chalice.

“Don’t worry, sleep a little, soon you will wake up again!” These were the last words Alice Phil heard when she became conscious. ”

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