Thank you for Waiting, Mister Tang!

Chapter 4594: Do you know how many women are waiting for me 2

No matter what he does, no matter how well he does, as long as there is something that is not as good as she wants, she will totally deny it.

Ye Xiangnan's voice cooled down, and the expression on her face seemed to have made a certain decision.

He said quietly, "Just so."

He put her card back in her hand and took a step back: ‘Miss Su, you will only be Ye Xun’s mother in the future. If you want a divorce certificate, you can give it to you tomorrow. ’

He was really angry. After speaking, he saw Su Mu still leaning on the car and gently pulled her away.

He glanced at her deeply, then opened the door and got into the car.

The car drove away quickly, leaving Su Mu standing there alone.

She knew that Yi Ye Xiang Nan's temper would not return.

She knew that she was arrogant and arrogant in his opinion, but in Su Mu's heart, they were just two people who didn't love each other, and there was no need to be tied together.

In fact, what she didn't know was that she was just afraid of being hurt.

I'm afraid that I will give my heart to a man like Ye Xiangnan and won't be able to get it back. I'm afraid that he will get tired and trample her heart on the ground wantonly.

Standing in the night breeze, Su Mu felt a little cold.

She walked back slowly, knowing that this time they probably didn't need to meet, but they did, and it was for Ye Xun's business.

Ye Xiangnan drove the car, a bit hot.

Didn't he just give Yihuan a few glances, he admitted that he was lost for a while.

What is Su Mu?

Between husband and wife, can't there be any tolerance?

He always makes her happy, always thinking of making her happy, is he so selfish that he only thinks about his own man?

Su Mu is.

She is a woman who only thinks about her own happiness, she only cares about her own mood.

It's scum!


Young Master Ye Gui thought angrily, he also felt that he cared a little too much about her.

Su Mu, what she has, is also worthy of him.

After thinking about it, I went to the bar and drank late at night.

But this night, when a woman came to tease, he didn't respond, and a cold face scared away the women who came near.

Ye Xiangnan drank a lot, but still drove to Su Mu's downstairs.

He didn't go upstairs, just stood in the night breeze, as if forcing himself to wake up.

When he woke up, he told himself that it was just a woman.

And she was an incredibly stubborn woman who would shake her face at every turn.

Being with such a woman would be very tired and hard...Why should he?

Ye Xiangnan leaned on the car, lit a cigarette, smoked slowly, and stayed like this until dawn.

Su Mu didn't sleep well either. After waking up, he dumped the garbage from the previous day. When he got downstairs, he saw Ye Xiangnan.

Did he stand all night?

The jacket was probably left in the car, and there was a black shirt on him. When he approached, he smelled of alcohol.

Ye Xiangnan stared at her and said calmly: "I also thought about it. We are really not suitable. There is no need to get together. Su Mu, whoever you are with in the future is up to you, even Shen Wenxuan! I'm not waiting anymore."

When he finished speaking, he opened the door and got on the car, and the car left.

Su Mu lowered his eyes, and there was a trace of tears in his eyes.

There was also some itching in the throat. She didn't say anything, but slowly took out the garbage.

Later, Ye Zhenggang's birthday banquet, she did not go.

It was not Secretary Li who went to Lin Lu.

It was Ye Fen who called and said that Lin Lu had transferred it back.

Su Mu didn't know if Ye Xiangnan and Lin Lu were together again. The only thing she could be sure of was that he did it for her, and that was to give her a good show.

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