Simply incredible!

That proud.The cold-blooded Captain Aizen actually has friends?"

Ichimaru Gin, who had been silently observing Qing Zhang Chulan and the others, stood aside, the more he looked at it, the more surprised, and the more he felt unbelievable.

At first, he thought that Zhang Chulan and others were subordinates of Aizento Yousuke.

But soon he realized something was wrong.

Although Aizenmo Usuke is polite to anyone around him, hidden behind the politeness is endless indifference and contempt.

Even when facing his Ichimaru Gin.

But after his brief observation, he discovered for the first time that Aizen, when you You Qi treated the white beard, Esdes and others in front of you, not only did you lose a bit of etiquette and became more casual and candid. , and even a sense of equality.

Each of these people who suddenly appeared in the Soul World is a friend of Aizento Usuke!

Although he thinks it is incredible that people like Uisuke Aizen also have friends, but at present he can only use this word to describe it.

Chapter 176 Aizen, I still like your unruly look

"Anyone else?"

Just when Ichimaru Gin, Aizen, Usuke, was secretly shocked by the fact that he lived on an equal footing with others, a more giant passage suddenly appeared.

At the same time, an unforgettable picture came into his eyes.

I saw that proud.Indifference and contempt for everything, Lanyanwu Youqi actually greeted him with a shy smile.

That's right!

This kind of expression used to be the expression only those flattering people would show.

Even Aizento Uusuke never showed his appearance when he disguised himself in the Soul World.

Such an indigo dye Usuke surprised Ichimaru Gin, and could hardly believe his eyes.

"Could it be that Captain Aizen used Kyoka Suizuki's ability on me?

Yes! It must be a hallucination!

How could Captain Aizen show such a gesture!"

Although Ichimaru Gin is trying to figure out how to kill Aizen Uki every day and night.

But it is precisely because he observes and studies Aizen Uesuke all the time that he has an extremely deep understanding of the death force jade.

In his opinion, Aizento Uusuke would not be able to show such an ugly posture even if he died.

"Is this the scenery of the world of death?

It really has the aura of other pirates and Hokage!"

After walking out of the passage, the can slowly opened its double hairs.

His perception was overwhelming.

The unique spiritual child of the world of death, the aura of the powerful entrenched in the world of corpses, all clearly presented in his perception.

To say that among these countless breaths, there are two that stand out the most.One is as hot as the sun, releasing the breath of the Buddha that will burn all the matter, life, and energy around it.

One is as unfathomable as the ocean of Wang Yang!But it is as unpredictable as a kaleidoscope, making it impossible to grasp its depth.

These two breaths put the Buddha roots in opposition to each other.Domineering and majestic!

A blocking sink_mystery!

One is far away.One is in sight.

Clearly, this gloomy, cryptic aura is in front of you

Looking up at the can, Zhang Xian's handsome face with a smiling face immediately caught his eyes.

Looking at Aizento Usuke's smiling face so close, he fell silent.

Is this still the Captain Aizen that he is familiar with?

Why did he show him such exciting things when he came to the Soul Realm!

"Little Lan, I still like your rebellious and unruly attitude at first. The spleen looks at everything!"

Please restore it!" After a few seconds of silence, the cans just said these words.

Although, he knew that Aizen was pretending to be smiling at this moment.

To say that he is afraid of him, Aizenwu Yousuke really can't say it.

However, he is still very uncomfortable with Aizen's problem!"

The smile on Aizen Wu's face gradually faded away.That air of flattery and flattery reveals that time is scattered and invisible.

At the same time, while he reached out and took off the glasses on his face, he lifted the hairspray and grabbed the bangs in front of his forehead and shook it back.


Hairstyle is so important to a man's image.

Just took off the black-rimmed glasses, put a little hairspray on the head, and casually stroked the shape.Aizen Usuke just put the Buddha into a different person.

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