After thinking about it, it is safest to follow Whitebeard.

Whitebeard's strength, coupled with his strategy, and their father and son side by side, can completely occupy more than [-]% of the chance of pretending to be in this Taihui.

When the time comes, the chance for their father and son to dance in half will be!

"Hokage too, how about you?"

The actions of Wang Zhangchugang and Chaomeng did not surprise you at all.

"Of course, to admire Whitebeard and the others, they are pretending to be coercive.

It doesn't matter whether it's Zaraki Kenpachi fighting Whitebeard or Gengben Kenpachi fighting Esdes!Such a scene is rare. "

There was a smile in the can's eyes.

For some reason, he always felt that either Whitebeard or Estes would overturn the car.

Not to mention that the water in the soul world is very deep.

Just speaking of Aizen Uesuke in front of him, as the organizer, he would never let Esdes and Whitebeard get the first blood of the conference so easily.

After all, with the ingenuity of the blue dye in the enterprise, plus he already knew that he and Zhang Chulan knew the direction of the death plot, how could he have made arrangements earlier?

It is estimated that in the original plot, even Zhang Chulan, a weak chicken, can pretend to be a coercive scene. Nine times out of ten, they have been transformed into big pits by Youjie, a blue dye. _0_

In the final analysis, every battle that Kurosaki Ichigo and the others fought to invade the Soul Society, they experienced everything, and Aizen was behind the scenes.

"Boss Yi La _. You don't want to destroy Dad's pretense, do you?

Taihui has rules, and you must not use violence to destroy others and pretend to be coercive.

You can't use your status as an administrator to grab the opportunity for your skirt friends to pretend to be coercive!"

Zhang Chugang went to Whitebeard's place as soon as he heard the can.Suddenly vigilant.

The can is as familiar as he is and knows everything about the plot.

If the other party really tramples the rules of the conference recklessly, who can pretend to be him?

"how could be?

The fun of the game is because of the rules, if playing a game has to violate the rules, is there any need to play the game?"

The sound of the cans was still there, but the people had disappeared.

"So fast!" 13.

Shi Nei Yin, who had been speculating about the strength of the cans, saw this scene, and his pupils shrank to the extreme.

Totally can't see!

The speed is so fast that he can't even catch a trace of the trajectory in the palm of his hand!

A Hokage too.Wait, Xiaochao!"

Chao Meng saw the can and left _. He quickly used teleportation to catch up.

"not good!

Daddy may be in danger!"

Zhang Chulan, who originally wanted to chase after him, suddenly glanced at the corner of his mouth with a cage in his mouth. Aizen Yousuke, who had never acted at all, suddenly felt a sudden shock in his heart.

In a trance! . He let Buddha understand what!

Chapter 180 Give me face, give me Kenpachi Zengmu

Aizento Yusuke is a great organizer!

Didn't he just hold this conference because he was afraid that the cans would continue to force him to pretend _. One person was so obsessed with pretending that he would not hesitate to hold a conference of pretending to be in the world, inviting all their skirt friends The forced king to the world of death.How could he just sit back and watch others pretending to be intimidating on his site and remain indifferent?

"Zeraki Kenpachi is a pit!"

At this time, Zhang Chulan, who was only a little late, was aware of it.He didn't dare to stop for a moment, so he turned on Yang Wulei and chased after Whitebeard with full firepower.It's just that Whitebeard is no longer the old, wounded, sick and disabled old man who used to be extremely difficult to beat red dogs.

He has learned chakra, perfectly fused the cells between the columns, and mastered the wooden tunnel far beyond the construction team of Benye. In addition, he has recently decided to read and read and study various ninjutsu. The strength is no longer what it used to be.

Compared with holding the Zhenzhen Fruit, the strength was even stronger at the peak of the period.

Under the education of the teachers hired by Marco with a high salary for 20 years, the white beard has successfully learned the art of blinking with the newly learned hundreds of new fonts!Buxiao had already arrived at the battlefield where Gengmoto Kenpachi and Kurosaki Ichigo were located.

"It's so boring!

Kui Laozi also specially came to find you.

I didn't expect to find a piece of junk. "Gengtai Kenpachi looked at Kurosaki Ichigo, who was slashing several times on his body, but he didn't even cut the skin, and was suddenly disappointed.

Before, he thought that there was something wrong with this trip, so he came to find Kurosaki Ichigo from a long distance.

I didn't expect to take so many wrong paths, and finally the travel disaster that I finally found was a piece of garbage.

It doesn't matter if he can't cut his skin _. He's actually a coward in the fighting game.

I don't even have the courage to carry a knife! "hateful!

What should I do? I can't even cut through his skin!

Is this the captain?

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