Two extremely cold and evil auras appeared in his palm.

Obviously it is the curse of heaven and earth.

"I'll buy!"

Zhang Chulan was the first to speak as soon as the can was said.

no way!

Even the ordinary Pacific battle has become so terrifying!

This makes the weakest Bilian feel extremely uneasy!

Having bought the goods from the Naruto Live Studio, he already trusts the production of soda cans.

Although it is said that the cans are very ruthless.But what he does produce is of excellent quality.

"It seems that you haven't paid back the eight amazing skills you owed me before?"

The cans stared at Zhang Chulan, not feeling well.

"Boss Yila. You can't say that.

Although I didn't find a subordinate skill for you in the end, I also didn't ask for the swordsmanship and the arrogance of the pirate world from Yier!

At most we just can't make a deal!

Shouldn't the small reputation issue still be unaffected?"

Zhang Chulan said with a smile.

Originally in the pirate world.When the cans were delivered live, he placed an order.

With both hands, the relict of the spirit, the six library immortal thieves and the magic machine, one of the four strange skills is refined in exchange for the swordsmanship and the domineering of the pirate world.

But in the end, I don't know if Zhang Chulan really didn't get these four amazing skills. I still think it's not worth the transaction. In the end, I didn't even get any of these four amazing skills in exchange for swordsmanship and domineering.

"What do you want in exchange?"

The cans didn't care about why Zhang Chulan gave up in the end.He didn't even care about the other's thoughtfulness.

In the saddle, since he has obtained administrator privileges, he can completely forcibly travel to the world under one person.

With his strength, as long as he is willing to spend time.Get anything.

It's just that he didn't do it.Nor is it necessary to do so.

It is good to forcibly go to other worlds to harvest, but it will drive the development of every skirt friend and their world.And then harvesting all the time 4 This kind of long-term sustainable harvesting is undoubtedly better.

From the cans' point of view, this is also what he should do as a manager.

After all, forcible harvesting is only temporary, and unlimited harvesting is permanent!

Chapter 198 The arrogant Bilian: I want the curse of heaven and earth

For a temporary harvest!If you make yourself hate ghosts and ghosts in skirt chat, a skirt friend joins forces to attack it, that's not what cans want.

Zhiyu said whether other skirt friends will surpass him, +( Threatening him as an administrator with similar thoughts, he has no idea at all.

As a person who has no place to hang, the power of *-2 has become the fourth generation of Hokage and married Tsunade. He has no confidence at all. How can he become the strongest in the ninja world without hanging up?

"Lost the curse mark~, I want it all."

Zhang Chugang said arrogantly, and then took out a scroll from his pocket.Unsealed! !

With a bang, accompanied by a wave of white dew, a body appeared in front of everyone.

"This is?"

As soon as the can's eyes opened, the Samsara Eye of Sangou Jade opened immediately.

In front of his eyes, all the secrets of the corpse that Zhang Chulan took out were exposed.

"The body of a congenital alien!

This is a congenital alien that endangered society that I hunted down when I was working everywhere. "

Zhang Chugang, who has never shown mountains and waters, and who is full of Bilian demeanor, is also expected.

After all, the usual low-key,.Coward, shamelessness is just his disguise.

After becoming a member of Wanjie Chat Skirt, although it is still an indisputable fact that his strength is at the bottom, no one knows how much goods he has in his hands.

After all, among the many worlds currently in Wanjie Chat Skirt, the world under the seemingly weakest person is very mysterious.

There are some abilities, some secrets even far beyond Naruto and Shinigami!

The magical powers and magical skills produced in it are placed in other worlds, and they can often play the role of defeating the strong by the weak, or even against the sky.

In this regard, cans are well aware of this.

For the emphasis on the world under one person, he is even still in the pirate world of Whitebeard.And on the world of Aizen's Grim Reaper.

Without him, because under one person there are not only eight strange skills, as well as the mysterious Feng Baobao, but also the legendary god-level figure who has become an immortal.

The ghost knows how strong are these immortal-level characters such as Lu Zu and Zhang Sanfeng who have not appeared in the scene!

"When this innate alien was killed by me, it was immediately sealed.

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