You really forgot who you are, who you are, and who you are?

Believe it or not, I'll bury you now! "

Just when Zhang Chulan was complacent and wanted to put another wave in front of the cans and others through the live broadcast, a voice with a strong Sichuan flavor suddenly came from behind.

"Bao...Sister Bao'er!"

Hearing this, Zhang Chulan turned back stiffly, and suddenly found that Feng Baobao, who was dressed in scruff, was standing behind him at some point.

"What did you call me?"

After Feng Baobao and Zhang Chulan looked at each other, Okamoto Zero Zero was displayed in his right hand, and he picked up a shovel in his left hand.

"Master... Master, that's not right!

Why should I call this crazy woman the master. "

After Zhang Chulan blurted out, he immediately shook his head:

"Crazy woman, you heard clearly.

The young man is no longer the young man he was yesterday.

Starting today, the relationship between you and me will be reversed.

The master is the master, and you are the slave! "

Holding Leiqie in his hand, in his pocket there are a group of gold masters who reward ninja tools and court tools.

He was obviously unwilling to live a life of being enslaved by Feng Baobao.


Is it because he defeated Zhang Lingyu, the sage, so he became more courageous?

It seems that you have not beaten you hard enough before! "

A gleam appeared in Feng Baobao's cute eyes.

"Today's young master is no longer the same young man as yesterday.

With Rachel in my hand, even the sky can be turned over! "

When Zhang Chulan spread out his right hand and was about to show Leiqie, he found that the Leiqie in his hand was extinguished like a fireworks in an instant!

"Oops, it's Rachel's time!"

Zhang Chulan's face turned pale.

Just now, when I was pretending to be in front of Zhang Lingyu, I almost forgot that the Leiqi Talisman had a time limit.

"Your Sa Zileiqi doesn't seem to work!

Then try my Okamoto [-]! "

Feng Baobao showed a dangerous smile, then dodged and rushed towards Zhang Chulan, slashing him all over with two or three knives.

"Crazy woman, you forced the young master!"

After suffering several knives, Zhang Chulan finally found the gap and pulled out Tong Yi's text from the chat cloud:

"Let you see the servants of the young master: Tong Yiwen!"

As soon as the words fell, the Tongichi character he had just pulled out was cut off by Okamoto [-].

"Damn it! My Majesty, you didn't give me a fake minister, did you?"

Zhang Chulan looked at the broken knife in his hand with horror.

Eyeballs almost fell to the ground in fright.

Can: "Esdes, is this really a vassal? You don't think Bilian is pleasing to the eye, so you just found a long knife as a vassal to trick him, right?"

Whitebeard: "Little girl, you are a little unkind!"

Aizen Susuke: "Oh, it seems that I sent the wrong thing. I shouldn't have given him the black cloak used for coercion, I should have given Chu Lan a light punch!"

Esdes: "But... maybe this cabinet has been kept in the treasury for too long, and it's a little rusty!"

At this time, Zhang Chulan, who was forced by Feng Baobao to almost reach the peak of his life with an Okamoto [-], had no time to go back to the cans.

"Fortunately, although Her Majesty the Queen is unreliable, I still have Boss Yi La!

The things produced by men who are capable of turning over the waves must not be bad! "

Facing the menacing Feng Baobao, Zhang Chulan resolutely threw away the useless furniture, and then took out a water prison talisman from the chat cloud.

Chapter 23 @Cans!Aizen initiates a video chat with you

"Crazy woman, look!

Water Escape·Water Ageing Technique! "

Zhang Chulan gave a low drink, raised his hand and sacrificed the water prison talisman.

"Is this a shit thing?"

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