
Just as Hyuga Hizu thought more and more and panicked, the sound of a soda can suddenly came from the front.

"I was wrong, Lord Four!"

As soon as the can shouted, Hyuga Hizu was startled and admitted his mistake on the spot.

Seeing this scene, Hatake Saun and others were speechless.

The prestige of the can in Konoha is vividly reflected in the body of the sun at this moment.

Zhang Chulan: "Fuck! He didn't do anything, but just a single word can make Patriarch Hyuga admit his mistake!"

Whitebeard: "How did the fourth generation of the cans come to be!"

Esdes: "Same as above!"

Aizen Soyousuke: "As expected of a man who can be seen by my Aizen!"

Through the live broadcast, Zhang Chulan and others, who had a panoramic view of the performance of Hyuga and Hizu, were amazed at the prestige of the cans, and at the same time they couldn't help but wonder how the four generations of Hokage can be!

This kind of deterrent power, don't even think about it without burying [-] to [-] people!

"No, not only are you right, you are also credited to me, to everyone, and to Konoha!"

The can quickly walked to the front of the sun, and looked at him with burning eyes.

"I've made a contribution to the fourth generation of adults?"

He was almost stunned by the frightened Hyuga Hizu.

Four generations of adults actually praised him in front of so many people.

He can't remember when he did such a great thing!

"You don't have power now, but you will have it soon."

The cans patted the sunflowers in an approachable way.

Just about to say the last sentence, young man, work hard, I am optimistic about you!

"Fourth generation adults, please forgive the stupidity of the sun and feet, I really can't understand your words!"

Hyuga Hizu racked her brains, but she couldn't think of anything except that she almost lost her mind.

"Didn't you just ask Yun Yin's messenger how to deal with it?

About this, Lu Hisuna and I have already thought about it.

As long as it is implemented according to the plan, it will not only stop the mouths of the major Shinobi villages condemning our Konoha for tearing up the treaty, but also make Konoha Master famous for destroying Yunyin! "

The soda can looks like a Chizhu in his hand.

"You were driving with Tsunade all night last night, if you really thought about it, you would be a ghost!

In this battle plan, except for the title you thought of and the six words Yunyin collapse plan, I thought about it all night by myself! ! "

Nara Shikaku pouted secretly.

Of course, he just pouted.

He is well aware of the truth that the pot must be carried by him, and the limelight can only be produced by the fourth generation of cans, so naturally he will not come out and demolish the platform.

Of course, he would never admit it. He was afraid that after opening his mouth, he would be buried alive in a can in the can, to be the company of Hizan Sarutobi and others.

"It's just that if the plan is to be implemented smoothly, you must be slightly wronged!"

The can raised his hand and put his hand on Hyuga Hizu's shoulder, as if he had high hopes for it.

"Don't be embarrassed!

As long as you can help four generations of adults, you can win this war for Konoha, even if you sacrifice the lives of my entire family! "

Hyuga Hizu said with a resolute expression.

"Have you seen it?

This is the will of fire passed down from generation to generation by our Konoha Hidden Village.

At first glance, the sun foot is the perfect successor of this kind of will! "

The cans smiled with relief, and then dissipated the white ball of light shrouded in his right hand.

Chapter 36 Alliance?Are you Raikage and Yun Yin compatible?

Naruto Building

"The fourth generation of adults, the messenger of Yunyin Village has brought it here!"

Under the leadership of Hatake Kakashi, the Yunyin messengers headed by Tutai stepped into the Hokage office.

"Good work, Kakashi!

You go to work first! "

After the cans waved the screen away from Hatake Kakashi, his eyes fell on the three Yun Ninjas in front of him.

"Cloudy's messengers Tutai, Samui, and Karoo have seen Lord Hokage!"

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