But reason tells him that starting with Konoha is absolutely impossible!

"Don't worry!

Can't fight!

This Konoha Sannin, Yellow Flash, Shinobu, and a lot of shadow-level powerhouses get together, and they are powerful, but they are also very powerful when they fight internally.

That's all, it's enough to endure the headache.

I think nine times out of ten he was trying to scare us today, but in fact he was more eager to sign us than anyone else.

Only when there is no external pressure can he concentrate on infighting! "

The corner of Tutai's mouth lifted slightly.

"Azabuyi's information!"

At this time, Samui and others also reacted.

Tian Ren is indeed strong, and Konoha is indeed strong.

A bunch of shadow-level powerhouses got together, and it was terrifying to think about.

But in the same way, if this group of shadow-level powerhouses fights within each other...they will be excited just thinking about this picture!

"A Konoha who is constantly fighting, no matter how powerful he is, it is not scary.

What's more, we also have Hiruzen Sarutobi and Danzo hidden teammates.

Especially Sarutobi Hidden!

With his talent, I believe he can definitely help us Yunyin bring down Konoha. "

The earth platform is placed in the shape of a large tube of wood peach, and the eyes have the ability to see through the future.

At a glance, he saw through the bronze consciousness and low-end operations hidden in Hiruzen Sarutobi.

If any king's tuba falls into his hands, he will only be played as a bronze warrior without exception.

Even the King of Hundred Stars is no exception!

"Look, after I win the eyes, I will attack Tianren in turn on the grounds that Sun Xiangjia attacked our Yunyin messenger.

The time is up, we want it, the alliance treaty has been signed, and even the humiliation we suffered in the Hokage office today can be recovered! "

When Tutai said this, he can't wait to turn into Yunyin Dance King immediately and dance in this Konoha!

So that Konoha understands the force of his cloud hidden dance king.

"But my heavenly delivery technique can only deliver items!"

Mabuyi was a little worried.

"You can rest assured about this!

Raikage-sama took this into consideration and asked Kirabi to seal an eight-tailed chakra inside me.

This chakra can keep me from dying when I use the technique of sending from heaven! "

Tutai Fang Buddha received the wisdom blessing of Nara Shikuji, and with a few words, Azabuyi's concerns were dispelled.

Samui and Karoo, who were on the side, saw that Tutai had thought so thoroughly about all aspects, and were persuaded.

Thinking of being able to get back today's humiliation from Xiang Tianren, they couldn't help but feel an uncontrollable excitement in their hearts!

Chapter 40 In Konoha, all dance kings are prohibited from dancing

"When to act!"

Mabuyi said.


Tutai said.

"Why don't you wait until the evening to do it again?"

Samui frowned slightly.

Not to mention that the success rate of snatch the eye at night is higher, just to say that it is definitely safer to do it at night than during the day.

"You said that the people of Konoha would think that Yunyin's messenger would dare to sneak into the Hyuga family in broad daylight to snatch the eyes?

Compared to starting at night, I feel safer at noon. "

Tutai said calmly.

As a Jōnin who often walks on the edge of life and death, he obviously knows that death can only be played at noon.

Otherwise, sooner or later things will easily happen.

"You don't have to worry too much!

Tutai-sama's idea is right!

And when Hyuga Hizu got married, I went to Hyuga's house.

I know exactly where his room is.

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