Chapter 424 Back to The fish men island, Shakky, a complicated mentality!

“grown ups..”

In the depths of the valley and jungle, Kaguya Kimimaro, who had been on guard, saw Orochimaru’s figure reappear, his expression relaxed a lot.

Although it has been nearly a month since I came to this strange world, Kimimaro still has many problems to adapt to.

Crisis is pervasive and nerves are tense.

But for Orochimaru-sama, everything is worth it!

“How long will it take to reach the destination?”

Coming out of the space for the help of the gods, Orochimaru’s mood seemed to be much better, and the worries and worries that had come from the past few days were thrown aside.

“If there is no accident, there will be about three days of itinerary. There are many anecdotes about flame weird people here.” Kimimaro Kaidō.

“Bland the flame weirdo, haha.” Orochimaru chuckled, his gloomy eyes gleaming strangely.

In the past few days, the mainland has been turbulent, and many forces have emerged one after another, which also let Orochimaru see the danger of the world of runes.

But danger and opportunity are often directly proportional.


Orochimaru’s heart was hot and agitated.

Taking advantage of Salros’s attention being attracted by the “bandits” and the ascension ceremony, he collects runes as much as possible.

Of course, in addition, we must also pay attention to the dynamics of the Hokage plane.

Orochimaru does not return to the Hokage plane very much, but it does not mean that he is indifferent to things there.

Leaving is just a helpless act. He wants to know what will appear after the nine-tailed beasts are gathered, whether it is like the legend.

Anyway, if Salros is interested, Orochimaru will pay attention.

When others eat meat, there will always be some soup and water, which is enough to make Orochimaru’s belly round.

“I will walk the rest of the road by myself. I will send you back later. After I go back, I will keep quiet and collect information as much as possible. In addition, I will see if there are suitable seedlings so that I can bring them here in the future.”

Orochimaru always likes to be alone, but this is not a world he is familiar with. He can’t do many things alone.

Kimimaro nodded silently.

On the Pirate plane, Acedes stroked the wooden necklace on the white neck for a long time.

“The result was unexpectedly good 々 “!”

For a long time, Ace Des’s mouth curled up with a thrilling smile.

No treacherous, cold, just pure joy!

“Da da da ”

The sound of Muzhan’s stepping came slowly, interrupting Acedes’ happy moment.

The delicate willow leaf eyebrows are slightly trimmed, and there is no one who can come to find himself at this time except Tsunade.

After all, on the huge horror three-masted ship, she is the only one worthy of Ace Des’s “gentle and charming” talk.

As for the others?

Hehe, they are just Salros’s playthings, even the Momousagi Admiral, who has the weight of height, is the same!

“Your complexion looks very good today, why, space ninjutsu has improved?”

Since being rigorously educated by Salros, Tsunade has been “habitually” wearing a collar.

The collar is entirely black, and against the white skin, it is very eye-catching. There are some sparkling diamonds dotted around the collar, which shines in the sunlight. In addition, there is also a delicate little bell hanging on it, walking on the road. Come, bells rang, crisp and sweet.

This is of course not that Tsunade is following the trend. If she can, she doesn’t want to wear this thing at all. This is an insult to her personality. Of course, she is constantly reminding her of her stupid mistakes.

“That’s not true, I just remembered some happy things in the past.” Acedes said, his eyes swept across the collar around Tsunade’s neck inadvertently.

If he sits and waits to die, Tsunade is his future fate, perhaps even more miserable.

Let her beg her to serve a bastard?

Ace Des dare not even think about it, she is not the kind of shameless technical woman in the streets.

I have to say that women’s instincts are extremely sharp.

Although Acedes only glanced at the collar, he was still caught by Tsunade, and he also noticed the unruly ambition of the ice Admiral.

“I have a way to solve your lack of Chakra.” Tsunade grimaced, and pulled the kimono neckline a bit, trying to hide the eye-catching collar.

“Oh.” Acquiring two like-minded “allies” reduced Acedes’ interest in space ninjutsu a lot, but considering Orochimaru’s nature, she felt it was necessary to work hard on this.

“Baihao Technique!” Tsunade touched his forehead, which was dotted with a diamond.

“This is a unique ninjutsu I created. You can store Chakra that you don’t use temporarily, and release it when you encounter a situation.”

Baihao Technique was developed by Tsunade to make full use of the Ninja Art: Mitotic Regeneration Technique created by First Hokage.

Not everyone has a tail beast-level Chakra, and Tsunade is no exception.

You must know that this technique can stimulate the body and regenerate organs and tissues. It can not be said to be intrepid in battle. As long as it is not fatal, it will soon be able to once again have good fighting ability after performing this operation.

“. “Interesting, equivalent to the principle of a water storage dam. ”

“Yes, in addition to this ninjutsu, I will teach you another ninjutsu, and it will be more powerful in conjunction with hundreds of ninjutsu.”

“Ninja Art: Mitotic Regeneration!”

“As the name suggests, it is ninjutsu that can regenerate body organs. As long as it is not an instant fatal injury, you can heal yourself in a short period of time.”

“But this ninjutsu has a drawback, it will shorten the lifespan!”

Hearing that, Ace Des smiled, the drawbacks?

There is always an angel blessing necklace, she doesn’t care about these side effects at all.

Seeing that Acedes did not reject his proposal, Tsunade directly took out a dead fish from behind.


The co-author has already calculated that I will agree.

Tsunade smiled and did not speak. No matter how strong Acedes was (Nuohao Zhao), she was just a little girl, and many careful thoughts could not be kept away from caring people.

“We start with medical ninjutsu first.”

Ace Desi sighed helplessly. He clearly wanted to learn spatial ninjutsu, but he had to switch to medical ninjutsu.

At the same time, Salros returned to the fish men island 10,000 meters under the sea with Princess Otohime, who was petite like a doll.

Looking at the familiar people coming and going, Princess Otohime’s eyes were clouded with tears.

Dragon Palace, Aunt Shakky threw the cigarette butt aside, and then vomited a few beautiful cigarette rings.

To be honest, Shakky’s feelings for Salros are complicated and resentful, but there is a different kind of affection hidden deep in her heart. In the middle, Salros beats himself with a whip

While thinking about it, the familiar and unfamiliar figure gradually appeared in his sight. .

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