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Chapter 220:

"The spiritual sense of Rama is also normal. If I encounter Genivia within 5 kilometers, I am afraid that my concubine will be able to lock her whereabouts."

"Is it Gnivia? According to the information, it seems to be a die-hard loyalist of the King of the Last."

Su Jin said this with a slightly strange expression on his face:

"Mother of Earth sincerely serves the hero of steel who kills Goddess of Earth. It's a strange thing to think about."

"In the old saying of the Chinese dynasty, it's probably 'the forest is big, and there are all kinds of birds'."

Athena raised her eyebrows in disgust, obviously not fond of Genivia.

After she said this, she was clearly in a bad mood and said:

"Open the world."

"The arrangement of Ansheela's body needs to be adjusted. After restoring the life of the dragon and snake, she will be attacked by the monkey god. Just in case, the concubine must leave her life-saving power."

"There is also the power in the ring of usurpation, and the concubine should also be carefully sorted out."

"You're positive." Su Jin laughed while cutting through the space and creating an intersection in the world.

"It won't be long before we meet the King of the End, and even a concubine has to be careful."

Athena said this, and at the same time stepped into the world, and before leaving, she asked curiously:

"How far is your influence?"

Su Jin took out his pocket watch and looked at the hour hand pointing to '9', but shrugged and said:

"It's stuck after 9 and stopped moving."

Hearing this, Athena muttered:

"Isn't it really necessary to kill the last king to complete it completely?"

According to what Su Jin speculated, to achieve the influence requirements of observation, to a certain extent, it seems that a great cause that the protagonist should accomplish is required.

In the world of Ghost Slayer, he killed the 'unnamed' ghost king and changed some of the battlefields of World War II.

In the world of godslayers, if you want to achieve it, it is likely to defeat or kill the last king as a godslayer.

This is more troublesome.

After all, the immortality of the last king is notoriously disgusting.

"I'm also prepared for this, but I'm not sure whether the God of Destiny who gave Rama the fate of the last king can also use it to recharge."

"If it is to deal with fate, it is much easier to deal with than the last king, at least she does not have too strong frontal combat power."

Athena murmured and stepped into the secluded world.

Before Netherworld was completely closed, her reminder voice came out:

"When the shackles of the monkey gods need to be lifted, I remind the concubine that the concubine needs to carefully adjust the power with Pandora."


Su Jin responded, then looked at Lu Yinghua, who was standing at the front of the plane, next to the cockpit door:

"Yinghua, everyone is gone, why don't you come and sit?"

In the huge plane, only Su Jin and Liliana are left, but there are three more sofas than them, and one is more than enough for one person.

Hearing the invitation, Lu Yinghua clasped his fists and said:

"Thank you for your kindness, the disciple has allergies, so it's not good to disturb the teacher."

Allergic person, fear of women, how can a good little handsome guy be beaten like this by Luo Hao... Su Jin sighed with emotion, then closed his eyes and said:

"Call me when the plane arrives."


Liliana next to him responded, then looked down at Su Jin, and then looked around.

Um? alone? ?

Thinking of this, Liliana secretly leaned towards Su Jin's sofa.


Lu Yinghua coughed dryly, then looked at Liliana seriously.

Liliana's face changed slightly, and she glanced at Lu Yinghua in annoyance, but she didn't dare to move.

The chance to be alone that was finally ushered in was disturbed by Lu Yinghua. This idiot, doesn't she know that she is now acting in place of the leader of Luo Hao?

At this time, Lu Yinghua raised his eyebrows with obvious pride.

Master, I will uphold your master's purity. Of course, if you cut me a few ribs next time, that would be great... Lu Yinghua thought happily.

In front of the plane, Chiba was watching from a distance.


Chiba Airport.

A member of the official history compilation committee walked to an off-road vehicle bitterly and said to Saya Gongxin in the passenger seat of the car:

"Officer, now is the peak tourist season. The government said that the airport cannot be vacated."

Saya Gongxin, who was already on fire in the car, was suddenly angry and cursed:

"Then use the magic barrier to drive people out. When is it time to talk to me about the peak season, do you want to die?"


With Shaye Gongxin's order, the members immediately went to prepare for the ceremony.

Anyway, the black cauldron is not his back then.

At this time, Saya Gongxin in the car was the first two:

"Damn it, it's Chiba Airport, and it's an unannounced visit, why is that new king so disgusting?"

Unclaimed access, this thing can do too much doorway.

To put it mildly, it is a private visit through micro-service, but the way of private visits by the emperors of the past dynasties, which one has not been cleaned up a hundred or eighty times in advance.

If Su Jin is really an ordinary tourist who doesn't receive a solemn reception, and the other party makes a snub, would your island nation apologize, or would you kneel down to apologize?

If it's a big copy and a special case, and someone says I'm a private visit from a micro-service, you're also a complete wreck.

This is a naked conspiracy, just waiting for them to offend Su Jin, and then come to a classic event to re-enact.

There is only one line left in the Jiufazhong family who died, so we can't let the family die, right?

Thinking of this, Saye Gongxin suddenly became manic:

"Damn, why would the upper echelons insist on sealing up the gods and throwing them out?"

On the driver's seat next to him, Amakusa Dongma looked at his nose with his eyes, and his heart with his nose, as if he didn't hear anything.

Just listen to this sentence, keep it in your heart, and don't say anything, so as not to be put on small shoes when you get it.

After a few minutes, a subordinate rushed over and said, "Officer, that one is here."

Hearing this, Saye Gongxin's face froze, and then she sighed slowly:

"What should come will always come."


Stepping off the gangway, Su Jin looked at the figure in front of him who was bowing his head, and raised his eyebrows deliberately:

"Yo, the group welcomes me, why are you being so polite with me?"

As the person in charge of the Kanto region, Saya Gongxin stood at the top of the line, raised his head and said with a refreshing smile:

"The island country official history compilation committee led all members of the Kanto branch to meet King Su Jin."

"Our Kanto branch will fully cooperate with your visit to Kanto this time."

After Su Jin heard this, the corner of his mouth twitched, he took a few steps forward, and used his index finger to lift the chin of Saye Gongxin:

"You said to cooperate fully? What kind of cooperation method?"

The frivolous movement made Saye Gongxin stunned for a moment, and then quickly replied:

"Naturally it is a whole-hearted cooperation."


Su Jin smiled and patted Saye Gongxin's cheek and said:

"Very well, it's just you tonight."

Um? ? Tonight, me? Shaye Gongxin suddenly widened her eyes and opened her mouth to say something.

At this time, Su Jin raised his brows and said doubtfully:

"What, do you think it's too little?"

"No, this, that..."

Shaye Gongxin was a little confused by this wave.

Isn't this even superficial? And feel too little? Little ghost, how hungry are you?

At this time, Su Jin smiled and said:

"Then let's have a few more high-ranking witches. You don't need too many, eight or nine will be fine."

Shaye Gongxin's face froze for a moment, but she said strangely: "What are you planning?"

At this time, Su Jin said with a smile:

"What else can you plan? Summon the **** of disobedience."

"Summoning in the island country?" Saya Gongxin's mouth twitched.


"Using our witch?" Saye Gongxin's eyes were dull.

"Isn't this nonsense?" Su Jin raised an eyebrow.

Shaye Gongxin clenched fiercely in her heart, wanting to cry without tears.

It's better to let her accompany the evening entertainment!

Chapter 0274 I thank you

Near Shiba Park and Toto Tower, follow a path to the end and you will see Nanao Shrine.

This is a secret shrine that belongs to the official history compilation committee and is not open to the public.

The main function is to train priestesses and priests, and of course there are occasional monks who come to study.

And among these trainees, the one with the highest status is Yuri Wanligu.

The Wanligu family where she was born is a family that inherits the blood of the mother from generation to generation.

Although the power is not strong, but unexpectedly has strong personal connections.

Therefore, although there is no precious inheritance, it is regarded as a treasured talent protection by the official history compilation committee.

Of course, there are exceptions to the strictest protection.

Four years ago, when I was invited to travel to Europe by a friend of my father's generation.

Banligu Yuri was kidnapped by a local magic guild eager to curry favor with the Marquis of Vauban, and became one of the sacrifices of the priestess who summoned the gods.

Although it is a sacrifice, it is actually just a witch for auxiliary use. Even if a **** is summoned, at most it is only overloaded with spiritual power, and it is not life-threatening, and it is weak for a period of time at most.

Even the Marquis of Vauban knew the scarcity of witch resources, so naturally he would not fish for the sake of exhaustion.

On such an occasion, the **** of disobedience was summoned by the shrine maidens including Yuri Mariya.

However, at that time, Wanli Gu Yuli never thought that the true meaning of life is ups and downs! fall! fall! fall!

The summoned **** of disobedience was cut off, and was successfully assassinated by the king of swords, Salvatore Tony.

Naturally, the Marquis of Vauban fought the King of Swords.

During the battle, even if the Marquis of Vauban deliberately avoided the witch, but he was really angry, he naturally used all his strength.

The witches at the scene suffered heavy casualties.

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