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Chapter 224:

Qingqiuyuan Hui Na put on a stance, and then said:

"However, at the same time as the probing order was issued, Grandpa also issued an order after losing, I will return to the king's order."

"If you think about it this way, Hui Na thinks that as long as she admits defeat quickly during a fight, she shouldn't have to die."

"That's why I came here with that thought in mind."

"By the way, I suspect that Grandpa will command Hui Na remotely, so if Wang wants Hui Na to be his lover, please be gentle with me."

"Of course, if there is any backhand control, please clean it up. You don't want to be stabbed by your lover at night, right?"

Hearing this, Su Jin's expression suddenly became a little subtle.

What to say?

Seiqiuyuan Huina carried out Susanoo's mission with the idea of ​​surrender, provoking herself.

If he really wants to talk about this, he really doesn't have any bad feelings towards Hui Na of Qingqiuyuan.

After all, he is a man with three views and five senses. His head can't forgive Hui Na, but his lower body forgives.

At this time, Liliana next to her couldn't help but stood in front, holding the knight's sword at her waist, and scolded:

"The messy remarks, you want to admit defeat, and you are trying your best to mobilize the magic power. What are you trying to do?"

"Witch of the West? Give it up, you can't beat Hui Na."

Qingqiuyuan Huina, who was full of purple magic power, said with a dim light in her eyes:

"As a later lover, I don't want to kill you and be hated by my husband."


Liliana was stunned, and then blushed:

"Shameless words and deeds, are people like you really a witch of an island country?"

"Need to check my country of origin?"

Qingqiuyuan Huina smiled. Although her body was in abnormal pain due to the overload of a lot of magic power, she still smiled very naturally.

"By the way, the divine sword in my hand is the cloud of the sky, which is part of Grandpa's power, so I said, 'If you don't want to come, you have to come'."

At this time, Su Jin motioned Liliana to step back, then squinted and said:

"Are you trying to say that you are being forced to be helpless?"

"It's great that you understand, Wang."

Qingqiuyuan Hui Na seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, and then muttered:

"To be honest, I don't understand what Grandpa wants to test my life, but I can't help it. Now my body is out of my control."

"Sure enough, grandma is right, the God's Arrival is a bad trap, and the cloud of the sky is not just thrown to me."

Qingqiuyuan Huina complained, and then said:

"King, please be careful. The Cong Cloud of the Sky is the divine sword that Grandpa captured by killing the Yaqi Orochi. It has the sharpness of steel and the immortality of snakes. If you want to break it, it is very difficult."

"Meaning, just smash this knife?"

The soft whispers in her ears made Qingqiuyuan Hui Na stunned.

Then, a crackling sound rang out.

However, the cloud of the sky in the hands of Hui Na of Qingqiuyuan shattered into countless pieces.


Qingqiuyuan Hui Na was stunned for a moment, then raised her head, looked at Su Jin's face that was close at hand, and said blankly:

"It seems that the body has regained control."

"and then?"

Su Jin tilted his head and asked.

At this time, Hui Na of Qingqiuyuan said "oh", stretched out her hand to wrap Su Jin's neck, and hung it like a koala:

"Then, I'm yours tonight~"

"How, how shameless!"

Seeing this scene, Liliana glared at Qingqiuyuan Huina with a blushing face and said:

"The first time we met, I entrusted it for life, really, really..."

"What is it?"

Qingqiuyuan Hui Na looked at Liliana, whose face was red and her eyes were dodging, she tilted her head and said in surprise:

"Could it be that you, like Hui Na, became lovers on the first day?"

Liliana tilted her cheek, and suddenly she didn't dare to speak.

"Oh~ So we are the same."

Qingqiuyuan Hui Na said suddenly:

"Isn't that not bad? You have to marry someone anyway. Marrying a man who is pleasing to the eye and stronger than you is just a lover, but it's easier to win."

"Here!" Liliana couldn't help but refute:

"If you are a knight, you still have to find a lord worthy of allegiance..."

At this time, Hui Na of Qingqiuyuan leaned her chin on Su Jin's shoulder and said with a hearty smile:

"Then Hui Na, I am loyal to the king, although not like a knight."

At this time, Su Jin patted the Qingqiuyuan Huina hanging on him, and said:

"Okay, come down."


Qingqiuyuan Hui Na jumped down quickly, then looked at the fragments of the divine sword on the ground and said:

"My partner was beaten so badly, how far should Grandpa hide now?"

In mythology, Susanoo has the image of a coward.

In it, deceit, fraud, theft, impatience, destruction, and the attributes of steel also exist on this godhead.

The word used to describe it is the God of Steel who likes to play tricks and tricks and is prone to irritability.

Therefore, it is very easy to guess that after seeing Su Jin's power to defeat the cloud of the sky, it is very easy to guess that he will avoid Su Jin.

"Theoretically, yes."

Su Jin looked at the debris on the ground and replied playfully.

He confirmed that it was indeed Congyun Tianzhi who was commanding Hui Na of Qingqiuyuan by remote control.

And Hui Na does have traces of surveillance techniques on her body.

Everything is as Hui Na said.

But there are some subtle differences.

At the moment just now, he felt a very subtle power in Hui Na of Qingqiuyuan.

That is somewhat similar to An Xera, the power from the ancestors.

Then, the person who 'ordered' to Qingqiuyuan Huina may not necessarily be Susano's man.

"Then now, is Hui Na safe?"

Qingqiuyuan Hui Na, who received Su Jin's reply, took Su Jin's hand and touched his five fingers curiously:

"Is this the hand that broke the partner just now? It's so powerful, there is no damage at all."

At this time, Su Jin looked at the elevator at the end of the aisle with very subtle eyes.

Not long after, the elevator opened, dressed in pure black, like a monastic uniform only used at funerals, a woman with soft blonde hair, saluted Su Jin:

"Guian, King Su Jin, Grenivia greets you."

Chapter 0279 Meeting with Gnivia

The long golden hair is soft, the face is young and childish, and the body is slender and soft, like a green fruit.

Seeing Gunivia like this, Su Jin couldn't help complaining:

"This world inexplicably favors young girls."

At this time, Genievia, who stepped out of the elevator slowly, smiled and continued:

"In terms of the personality of the Earth Mother God, the ancestor of the **** is a young snake, young, tempting, and full of the beauty of life."

"The manifestation of this concept is the childishness of me."

After Gnivia finished speaking, she stood 20 meters in front of Su Jin, lifted her skirt gracefully and said:

"Are you satisfied with this witch? King Su Jin."

"Ah? Was it calculated? I said how could Grandpa think of such a stupid order."

Qingqiuyuan Hui Na patted her head and said with some distress.

Her memory was buzzing now, and the memories of being influenced by Gnivia were gradually coming back.

That seems to have happened half a day ago.

She, who practiced deep in the mountains, was found by Gnivia and was subjected to a memory technique, which made her think that she was "ordered by Susanoo to test Su Jin".

"Oh, it's a big loss."

Qingqiuyuan Hui Na touched the back of her head, and then said to Su Jin carelessly:

"But it's like this now, there's nothing I can do. Anyway, are you willing to accept Hui Na's allegiance?"

"You can watch it."

Su Jin smiled at Qingqiuyuan Huina, then turned her head and looked at Gunivia:

"Give me a big gift for nothing. Does Princess Genievia want to change the flag and give allegiance to me?"


Or Guinevere.

In mythology, the wife of King Arthur, who had an affair with the betrayed knight Lancelot, led to the division of King Arthur's Knights of the Round Table.

In this world of godslayers, she has an even more ancient identity, the mother goddess of the British region, the goddess of white who forgot her real name.

And the other party is the loyal servant of the last king Rama, who has been running for Rama all his life.

"Thank you for your love, but Gunivia already has an object of allegiance."

"I came here this time just to cooperate with you to confirm whether the Monkey King and Susanono are the masters I follow~"

"Compared to you as a godslayer, are you also curious about the true body of the King of the End?"

Gunivia put down her skirt and looked at Su Jindao with a smile.

She was playing a conspiracy.

Because as long as it is a godslayer, no one will refuse to challenge the gods.

Especially if that **** is the last king, he will not refuse.

After all, godslayers are fools!

At this time, Su Jin, who heard this sentence, raised his eyebrows and said, "Is Rama's charm so great?"

Gunivia's pupils shrank violently, and then, she smiled happily:

"Thank you for telling my lord's name, King Su Jin, your kindness will make Genivia unforgettable forever."

After hearing this sentence, Su Jin's expression was very subtle:

"Don't you even know who your loyal master is?"

At this time, Gunivia smiled a little embarrassedly and said:

"For some reason, after I was reincarnated as an ancestor, I lost the memory related to my lord."

After she finished speaking, a cold female voice sounded behind her:

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