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Chapter 230:

He took a sip of wine and said:

"Three godslayers gather together, if the monkey **** monarch casts the great law of the covenant, it can increase the magic power more than three times. This power is enough to increase his combat effectiveness by more than ten times."

"Faced with such a monarch, it is very difficult for King Su Jin to win. Of course, a godslayer who can't view a character according to common sense may have a means of confrontation, but I still think his chances of winning are not high. "

At this time, Sita, who was beside him, suddenly said:

"Oh~ look at my side, the great sage seems to be about to use the great law of the covenant."

Sita naturally knew the secret method used by the mythical husband Rama.

Therefore, when she saw Sun Wukong posing in the picture in front of her, she recognized the trace of the Dafa of the Covenant.

"Where, let me see?"

The black-clothed archmage narrowed the distance between himself and the picture, and then regretted:

"Unfortunately, the picture is silent, otherwise, if I hear the spirit of the covenant Dafa, the old man can study it."

"Hahaha, Mage, forget it, even if this Covenant Dafa is among the gods, it is the privilege of a small number of people!"

Susanono took a big mouthful of wine and laughed arrogantly.

"Look at this tone, husband Yu, will you do this too?" The black-clothed archmage said strangely yin and yang.

"I do not know."

Susanoo said simply and rudely:

"But I have 'brains' that my compatriots never have."

"What about the Dafa of the Covenant? After all, it's just three times the power of the spell, as long as I do a little trick..."

Before Susano's words were finished, the scene in front of him was turbulent because of Sun Wukong's near-substantial magic power, and he almost didn't collapse directly.

In an instant, the three elders of the Official History Compilation Committee stared at the Monkey King, whose mana was inflated, almost unable to close their jaws.

The head of the black-clothed archmage fell off by himself and landed on the tatami.

But he quickly picked up his head and pressed it, turned his head to look at Susanoo and said:

"Husband Yu, didn't you say that Covenant Dafa can only triple the power of the spell? This? Is this what you say is tripled?"


Susanoo looked at the monkey whose mana power had increased at least a thousand times, his face was twisted, as if he had eaten a dozen tons of lemons, it was not sour:

"This god, you can't just look at the magic power, but also the combination of powers, tactics, and flexible brains."

"Could you use these to increase your combat power to the level of a great saint?"

The black-clothed archmage naturally changed the title of the ape **** to the great saint, and at the same time asked Susanoo, as if full of malice.

Susanono glanced at the black-clothed archmage, and he didn't feel it before, but now why do you feel that this guy's mouth is so cheap?

The corners of his mouth twitched, and he muttered:

"If the old man goes all out and works hard, he can still reach the level of this monkey."

The black-clothed archmage had some mockery on his face, but he didn't say anything. He turned his head and looked curiously at Sita who was still in shock:

"His Royal Highness Sita, do you see if there is a problem with this Covenant Dafa?"

"I-I don't know."

Sita was at a loss at this time:

"Even if it is the Rama Hall, I am afraid that it will not be able to reach the current level of the Great Sage. It may even be only one-tenth, no, it may be less than one percent."

After she finished speaking, she looked at the phantom of golden threads behind Sun Wukong, and frowned:

"And the phantom behind the Great Sage, I always have a subtle sense of sight."

"It's the goddess of fate."

Susanoo drank the suffocating wine and said:

"The goddess who gave Rama the fate of the last king, the representative of the power of historical revision."

"Unexpectedly, this guy actually went out in person, and he was still dealing with that King Su Jin."

"Is it the Goddess of Destiny? It's the first time I've seen the real body, but this person seems to have always been known for maintaining the normal progress of history and disgusting transcendental existence to interfere with reality."

While talking, the black-clothed archmage looked at Su Jin, shook his head and said:

"I don't know what the heinous thing this god-killer did to be targeted by that goddess."

"It's gone, it's gone, there's no suspense now, another sad little guy who was beaten to death by the Great Sage."

Susanoo waved his hand, and was about to urge the other two to leave.

Then at this time, the two sides fought.

Even if the three of them looked at the picture seriously, they could only see the golden light flickering.

Then, the two people staggered.

"Who won?" Sita asked curiously.

"Should it be a god?" The black-clothed archmage hesitated.

At this time, Susanoo looked at Sun Wukong's broken golden hoop, and couldn't help but patted his face:

"What's the matter? The monkey's weapon was broken?"


The black-clothed archmage turned his head and glanced at Susanoo, and then heard Sita's exclamation. When he turned his head, he was stunned to find that Sun Wukong was actually dead.

He died in the blink of an eye!

At this moment, Su Jin in the picture raised his head strangely, and transmitted his voice to the world:

"The three of you better be careful, maybe I will come and talk to you when I have time."

For a moment, one monk, one **** and one **** ancestor all trembled, and then fell into a long silence.

After about a while, Sita raised his hand, covered his lips, and said with a slightly pale face:

"Husband Yu, what's up now?"


Susanoo was also a little dumbfounded. Faced with this situation, he couldn't think of a countermeasure, so he could only vaguely say:

"We don't seem to have any deep hatred with that King Su Jin, right?"

Hearing this sentence, the black-clothed archmage couldn't help but clapped his hands and said:

"If that's the case, why don't we surrender?"

"..." Susano's face suddenly turned green.

He is a **** of disobedience looking for a god-killer to surrender?

Isn't this going to the toilet with a lantern, courting death!

"This, we still consider it carefully."

And before Susanoo finished his words, the surrounding environment suddenly distorted.

Immediately afterwards, the three of them, together with the floor of the house, appeared in a mountain range.

Not far away, you can also see the scene of Nikko Toshogu Shrine.

Nearby, the three saw the figures of Luo Hao, Athena, Angela, and Su Jin.

At this time, next to the three, a beautiful woman with wheat-colored skin was apologizing with an embarrassed expression:

"Sorry, everyone, my power seems to be rampant again. This power is like this every time. It always pulls the things of the world into reality... eh? Is it actually a human being pulled this time?"

I am Nima...!

The three of Susanoo looked at Su Jin, who was so close and even a little surprised, and they were all dumbfounded.

Don't come here-!

0286 Lucky Aisha

on the frozen mountains.

Monk Sha, who was fighting with Athena, suddenly became stunned, and his figure gradually began to dissipate.

"Did Big Brother actually lose?"

Monk Sha was stunned for a moment, then shook his head with a wry smile, dissipating as a light spot.

In the sky opposite him, Athena put away her scythe and looked at the ground expressionlessly.

At this time, the ground halfway up the mountain was full of potholes, as if it had been bombarded by saturation.

And on the ground full of potholes, Mrs. Elsa stood there unharmed, patted her chest and relaxed:

"Hey, the attack just now didn't scare me to death, but luckily I escaped."

Athena raised her brows slightly, and looked at Aisha below subtly:

"In the venue where I fought with Monk Sha, there was no injury..."

"Eh? Did you say that?"

Aisha was startled, raised her hand, touched the back of her head, and smiled honestly:

"Probably because I'm lucky."

And at this moment, in the void, Luo Hao, who killed Zhu Bajie, returned to reality from the world.

"Ah, big sister~" Aisha on the ground shouted in surprise when she saw Luo Hao appear.

In the air, Luo Hao, who was only covered in dust on the corners of his clothes and sleeves, frowned when he heard the call, and said:

"Didn't I say wait for me at the hotel?"

"I'm so sorry~~"

Asia, who was reprimanded, quickly bowed and apologized.

Seeing this, Luo Hao sighed, looked around, looked at the ice layer and the deformed terrain, and frowned:

"You don't use any troublesome power, do you?"

Hearing this, Aisha smiled and said, rubbing her head:

"It's only [Life and Death], and [The Grace of the Lucky Saint]. After all, my elder sister, you told me not to interfere."

"Thank you for remembering my advice."

Luo Hao snorted coldly, then glanced at Ansheela, who was curled up beside her eyes, gasping for breath:

"Useless things."

She turned her head and looked at Athena said:

"How is your husband?"

"It should be over."

Athena responded, and then raised her head slightly, the corners of her mouth turned up slightly:

"No, he's already back."

At this time, Su Jin's figure appeared from the void: "It looks like you are over here too."

While he was talking, he turned around, frowned slightly when he saw Aisha, and then said to Athena:

"Have the coordinates of Susanoo's Netherworld been confirmed?"

"not yet."

Athena shook her head, followed by a wave of her hand, pulling the fragments of the cloud of the sky and Godou Kusanagi, who was in suspended animation, out of the underworld, and threw them on the ground:

"However, according to the remnants of the spell here and these associations, it is not difficult to lock the opponent."

Hearing this, Su Jin frowned and said:

"I've already alarmed that guy. If you don't hurry up, I'm afraid this mouse will run away."

"I try my best." Athena sighed, but she didn't plan to make any guarantees.

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