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Chapter 247:

A four-digit powerhouse with the same name was brought in to divide Athena's beliefs, but he was not punished, and he got a benefit?

It's too lucky, isn't it?

No, it can't just be said to be lucky, Su Jin's credit accounts for more than half of it... Hei Rabbit secretly added.

Seeing Su Jin's promise, Athena's mouth turned up slightly.

She raised her hand, and a silver necklace appeared in her palm, with a clear blue crystal in the center of the necklace.

She put the necklace on the coffee table in front of Su Jin:

"This is the necklace that contains the divine position of 'Pallas', and it is also part of my essence."

She explained, turned her head, and looked at Su Jin who was stunned and said:

"You give this to her and she'll know what I want to do."

Part of the essence of Athena Hakoniwa... Is this supporting another Athena to achieve the Queen of the Trinity?

Su Jin's eyelids jumped wildly, looking at Athena in disbelief.

This is not to divide the level of belief, but to hand over the essence of one's existence.

What is Athena doing?

"If she accepts, then she can participate in any gift game in the name of 'Athena, Metis or Medusa'."

"Huh?" Black Rabbit was stunned for a moment, and was instantly dumbfounded.

It means that the fake Athena at home will become the genuine Athena?

This? !

Athena glanced at the black rabbit and seemed to feel that her reaction was very interesting:

"Of course, I suggest that she temporarily participate in the boon game under the name of 'Pallas', which is very beneficial to her."

In some ancient books, the real meaning of the name Pallas Athena is actually 'Pallas the Maiden of Athens'.

That is, 'Pallas' is believed to be Athena's real, original name.

But this part of the inheritance is only spread on a small scale.

Therefore, if another Athena used this name, it would at best be regarded as the incarnation of Athena.

Of course, it is also possible to suspect that she is the daughter of Triton, who was mistakenly killed by Athena in Greek mythology.

Is this a reminder to try her best to hide her identity... Su Jin frowned deeply.

He couldn't understand what Athena was thinking.

Of course, he also knew that this was the result of a lack of intelligence.

After all, it's not long since I came to Hakoten, and I don't have enough background... Su Jin sighed with emotion, and looked at Shiroyasha next to him at the same time.

The latter didn't make any movement, just drinking tea silently beside him, the old **** was there, obviously he didn't want to get involved in this matter.

Thinking of this, Su Jin frowned and said:

"I'll let her know."

Although he said so, Su Jin understood that another Athena could not refuse this kind of condition.

The spirituality of the Trinity, the three-digit number visible to the naked eye, or even the shortcut to the two-digit number, is me, and it is difficult to refuse.

Thinking of this, Su Jin sighed and said:

"I now seriously doubt whether I have stepped on the trap you set."

"You bumped in yourself." Athena picked up the teacup and smiled.

After she finished drinking the tea, she put down the cup, stood up and said:

"I have to go now."

She grumbled and complained:

"Being caught by this spirit, if I want to get rid of the suspicion in the eyes of the gods, I have to confront Algor now."

"Heh, I hate seeing that guy, just breathing the same air as her makes me sick."

When she said this, she turned her head and glared at Su Jin and said:

"The first time, do you understand? What will happen the third time, I think you should understand."

The corner of Su Jin's mouth twitched, and he was speechless for a while, didn't he say that he understood the matter? Why do you still remember his notebooks?

However, facing Athena, he had to smile reluctantly: "Just be happy."

Athena nodded slightly, then turned into a brilliant golden light spot and disappeared into the tea room.

When Athena disappeared, Su Jin turned his head and looked at Bai Yasha.

At this time, Bai Yasha said helplessly:

"Don't ask us, we don't know what she thinks."

After speaking, she pondered for a while, and explained somewhat uncertainly:

"However, according to our inference, she is probably planning to give up the spirit of Athena and challenge an unfinished spirit that has nothing to do with Athena."

"Eh? Can you still do this?"

The black rabbit immediately showed a confused expression.

A **** abandoning his original identity to become another god? Can you still play like this?

At this time, Su Jin whispered in a low voice:

"I knew that this woman would never lose."

Bai Yasha glanced at Su Jin, then put down the teacup in his hand, took out a note from his pocket, wrote a line, and handed it to Su Jin:

"Tell me, does it have anything to do with you?"

Su Jin looked down at the note.

On it was written 'Investigate the 'real name' of the King of the End. ’

Su Jin was stunned at first, confused and then stunned:

"What is this?"

At this time, Bai Yasha narrowed his eyes and said playfully:

"Sure enough, you did it."

Chapter 0305 Where to go?

"Sure enough, you did it."

After saying this, Su Jin was a little stunned.

Forum incognito expired?

Bai Yasha used two-digit means?

Or maybe the twin goddesses, or the one from Buddhism who took a look?

That's not right, the forum can even pit the center of the garden, how could it be lost here?

At this time, Bai Yasha said a little speechlessly: "It's really you!"

Su Jin's eyelids jumped fiercely.

It was only then that he realized that he had been thinking for more than two seconds.

And this time is enough for Bai Yasha to judge.

This guy, it turned out to be deceiving him just now!

Thinking of this, the corner of Su Jin's mouth twitched, and he said angrily:

"Is it too much to use tricks on your own gods?"

At this time, Bai Yesha let out a 'hum' from his mouth, folded his arms around his chest, and said with a smile:

"You still need to exercise, how can you be cheated out easily? Faced with those old fried dough sticks, you will be eaten to death sooner or later."

Don't you see that I try to avoid encountering those old monsters, and even if I do, it's only when the information gap is huge? Su Jin groaned in his heart.

At this time, Bai Yasha was also muttering in his heart.

It's been a few times, World Wars, Solar Sovereignty, and now the last king that even the bosses are paying attention to.

This kid is full of plans, and he will gain strength for half a month, right? Even taking into account the different time flow rates in the other world, the bone age is not more than 30 years old.

Tsk, thinking about it this way, this kid is like a moving natural disaster generator... Bai Yasha sighed inwardly, then leaned back on the chair, folded his arms and said:

"So, who is that last king?"

When she said this, she was afraid that Su Jin would make some twists and turns, so she explained directly:

"Let me explain in advance, this is the investigation order from the boss, so, do you understand?"

When Bai Yasha said the end, he gave Su Jin a look.

At this moment, Su Jin seemed to see eight golden characters appearing behind Bai Yasha.

'Frankness is lenient, resistance is strict! ’

He blinked, the illusion disappeared, and looked at Bai Yasha with a subtle expression:

"The mental illusion is too much, it's still like this..."

"It would be nice if I didn't write 'Iron Faceless' for you too much." Bai Yasha muttered.

At this time, Su Jin thought for a moment, then frowned and said:

"Hasn't there been a massive change in human history?"

Is there a problem with the concealment of the dimension forum? Why is it so widespread?

No, it's unlikely, the high probability is because the spiritual personality of the King of the End involves too many aspects.

Because the information of the King of the End is concealed and the scope is too wide, it is difficult to obtain evidence for the center of the small garden, resulting in no changes in human history?

Bah, why did I use the wording of obtaining evidence? Damn it, those eight words that Bai Yasha made made me think of myself as a prisoner... The corners of Su Jin's mouth twitched faintly.

But Bai Yasha raised his eyebrows when he heard Su Jin's words, and said with a surprised expression:

"Yoah, listening to you, is it a major event that will even shake the history of mankind?"

Speaking of which, she asked with a smile:

"Come on, we are very big-hearted, and tell us who will be involved."

Su Jin heard the words and looked at the black rabbit with a faint gaze:

"Black Rabbit, go out and see if there is anyone outside."

"Is there a clerk outside?"

Black Rabbit was stunned for a moment, and then he reacted.

This is to avoid it!

At the same time, Bai Yasha also looked at Hei Rabbit's ears and raised his brows:

"We suspect that Athena is still outside, Black Rabbit, help me take a look."

Shiroyasha is very clear that the ears of the moon rabbits are connected to the center of the garden, which is their special authority as the judge of the gift game.

Then Su Jin's intention to send the black rabbit is obvious. This is to guard against even the central center of the small garden.

Two digits involved? Shiroyasha couldn't help but think so.

"There's no need to be so circumspect." Black Rabbit muttered like this, but he also walked out of the room honestly.

When the black rabbit closed the door, Shiroyasha turned his head and asked with a subtle expression:

"How many are involved?"

"You should ask, who else has not been affected." Su Jin spread out his hands and sighed slightly.


Shiroyasha sucked in a breath of cold air.

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