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Chapter 272:

"That one actually died in battle two hundred years ago." Leticia said a word, and said nothing more.

The war against the Demon Dragon two hundred years ago was Arcadia, and it was also the beginning of the decline of the lower classes.

It even involves the destruction of the Black Rabbit's hometown, so she naturally doesn't want to mention it.

When Lancelot heard the words, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly and said:

"Oh? That means, I can **** the inheritance of this position?"

"Are you going?" Su Jin showed an interested expression: "It just so happens that I have the contact information of the Queen's housekeeper here."

Su Jinzhengchou couldn't get in touch with the Queen, and Lancelot was willing to let him have another way, of course he was happy.

As for whether Lancelot will change jobs, he is not worried.

Since Lancelot has sworn allegiance to him, he will naturally not regret it. Su Jin has such trust in her.

"Of course, but I need to adjust for another week to get used to Hakoniwa's fighting style."

After hearing this, Su Jin nodded clearly and said:

"Is that so? I will be responsible for the communication with the Queen."

When he said this, he noticed that Leticia was looking at him, so he turned a look back.

'Go out and talk. ' Leticia blinked.

Su Jin nodded slightly.

Chapter 0336 News of the Banner

The sunset light shone on the corridor on the third floor of the castle through the huge windows.

Su Jin leaned against the edge of the window, looking at the green grassland outside the window.

The grassland is located in the direction of the back door of the castle. It is the land integrated from various regions through the land authority of the regional ruler, with an area of ​​about 100 square kilometers.

In a six-figure community, land of this size is also in the upper middle class.

However, in this vast land, there are only a few hundred animals grazing leisurely.

This is also because the juvenile group of the community is worried that the cattle will be lost, so they control them to graze nearby.

Seeing this scene, Su Jin couldn't help but sigh: "There is a long way to go..."

"You've done a good enough job."

In the shadow where the sun can't reach, Leticia walked out slowly and smiled at Su Jin:

"In half a month, it is to wake up the land, to upgrade the community, and to form an alliance with Perseus. Normally, it will take at least ten years."

Leticia said this and smiled playfully:

"Honestly admit that you are not human, the leader is the first student."

"There are still pure human beings here, and the Central Box Garden has admitted it." Su Jin muttered.

Seeing this scene, Leticia chuckled lightly, and then asked with a little doubt:

"You seem to care about human identity?"

In Leticia's view, Su Jin should not be the kind of person who cares about race.

According to his character, unless it is to pretend that humans are plotting against the enemy, he will not care so much.

After all, in Leticia's view, although Su Jin is a lover, he is also a man who doesn't mind winning by insidious means.

"The identity of a human being is a bit special to me." Su Jin was silent for a while, and said with emotion.

In the past, Su Jin may have just thought of breaking the consensus of the gods that "human beings cannot reach the three-digit number", to teach those gods who occupy the pit and do not shit.

But after getting the small universe, things are different.

Thinking of this, Su Jin stretched out his hand and swiped in the void, probing out the interface of the Dimensional Forum.

On the interface, it was a question he asked a long time ago shortly after he got the small universe:

[Question: After becoming the **** of Little Garden, can the small universe be raised to the will of the gods? 】

[Answer: According to the calculation, the power of the gods in Little Garden is different from the microcosm, and there is a high probability of mutual interference. It is recommended that the holder maintain his human identity. 】

[According to calculations, when the holder raises the spiritual level to double digits, there is a high probability that the 'small universe' will be sublimated to the 'will of the gods', and it is recommended to continue to maintain it. 】

"All in all, it's a complicated set of reasons."

Su Jin shook his hand, bought two invitations, and sent them to Pandora and Sita 20 minutes later, then crossed out the interface, turned his head and asked:

"Athena and the others are still used to the community life?"

"His Majesty Pallas gets along well with Ms. Lancelot and everyone in the community."

Leticia explained with a smile.

However, Su Jin, who heard this, showed an expression that he had expected, and said helplessly:

"I knew Luo Hao wouldn't get used to it."

"Ms. Luo Hao, it seems that she wants to live on the edge of the grassland, near the end of the world."

Leticia said this, smiled and said:

"Black Rabbit agreed to help. After all, the direct jurisdiction also needs guardians, and the distance of ten kilometers is not too far for us."

"That is to say, that guy is just not used to getting along with a bunch of children, right?"

The corner of Su Jin's mouth twitched, but he understood Luo Hao's consideration.

"She was always self-aware of her character."

Hearing this, Leticia helplessly smiled and said:

"To be honest, the three ladies you brought back are lucky enough to stay in a community like ours."

In the box garden.

Community upgrades have some hard requirements.

For example, in a five-digit community, there must be a member whose strength is judged to be five-digit, such a basic strength requirement.

Therefore, some communities that meet the standards in other aspects, but whose strength is deficient, often hire strong people at high prices to serve as consultants or even leaders.

Given such an environment.

Talents like Luo Hao and Athena are highly likely to be invited back to their ancestors with high salaries.

To let them stay in NoName, a community that can only be rated as a six-digit number except for force, is quite inferior in the eyes of most people.

And the reason why they are staying now is because of Su Jin.

Knowing this, Leticia was somewhat worried about the emotional problems of the new members.

After all, although Su Jin has a strong relationship with them, this kind of thing cannot be consumed.

The primary goal of the community at the moment is to provide them with reasonable compensation for benefits, so that the other party can truly become a partner who is fighting together.

But because NoName has just regained its self-sufficiency, it is naturally impossible to supply Athena and the others too much.

Four-digit strength and six-digit treatment are not a long-term solution.

In contrast to this, Su Jin looked very open:

"There are many groups that form cohesion because of personal charisma, and we are not less than one of them."

"And it's just for a while and a half. I explained it to them before I came."

Moreover, it is charm, rather than a chaotic relationship between men and women... Su Jin couldn't help but complained about himself in his heart.

After all, the reason why Luo Hao, Athena and Lancelot are willing to stay in this community is somewhat mixed with his complicated relationship between men and women.

And there are very few partners who are willing to share weal and woe, but there will be relatively more couples.

But if this goes on, NoName will become my harem community... Su Jin's mouth twitched as he thought.


Leticia blinked, narrowed her eyes a little, and secretly looked down at Su Jin's lower body, then quickly pulled it back, and then said with a clear face:

"In a sense, Black Rabbit is very hard."


Su Jin smacked his lips. Sometimes, he hated Leticia's excessive sensitivity.

"By the way, there will be two former goddesses coming over later. Well, unlike Luo Hao and the others, they are the collaborators I found in another world."

"Does it mean that the treatment will be reduced?" Leticia pretended to be surprised.

Hearing this, Su Jin asked speechlessly, "Can we offer any good treatment?"

"That's right." Leticia blinked her eyes and said with joy: "In the final analysis, the underground library has a certain value in the community."

"That's why I want to be 'more not human'!"

Su Jin smiled with a pun.

But it was when Leticia said that he's progressing too fast in half a month before making fun of it.

Leticia pouted, then bowed slightly:

"Please run with confidence, Black Rabbit and I will keep this home safe."

"Suddenly being so formal makes me embarrassed." Su Jin shrugged.

Leticia smiled, thought about it, and asked:

"Because everyone was there just now, so I can't ask you..."

"Is it the last king's problem?"

Su Jin raised his brows, then pondered for a moment and said:

"In a short while, Qianyan should send the certification materials. At that time, I should be able to legally use the power of the 'King of the Last' in Hakoba."

Hearing the sound, Leticia was stunned for a moment, and then she smiled and said, "It seems that your harvest is good."

Leticia stopped the topic of the King of the End in time. Even if Su Jin is willing to tell this kind of secret, she still thinks that the less people know, the better.

The fewer people who know the secret, the safer Su Jin will be.

"It's a very good harvest indeed."

Su Jin thought of Kalji, and thought of the sovereignty of the sun and the flag, and finally nodded, turned to look at the grassland, and thought for a while:

"I have news of the flag."

Leticia's pupils suddenly widened, and after a while, she recovered and looked at Su Jin faintly and said:

"You really are not human."

Chapter 0337 is really in line with your character

The predecessor of NoName.

The large alliance community of Arcadia was destroyed for multiple reasons.

The main reason is because of the life and death struggle of the three-digit Demon Lord Az Dakaha two hundred years ago.

In that battle, more than 80% of Arcadia's important forces were killed.

And among the rest.

The leader, Kasugabe Takaaki, was overwhelmed with gifts, completely lost his human factor, and became inhuman.

The chief of staff, Canary, was overwhelmed and was on the verge of death.

The leading cadre was crippled by the lion every day, and he was on the verge of life and death several times during the treatment process.

In addition, there are many, many cadres of the headquarters and the cadres of the alliance, either dead or disabled.

After that, it was a 200-year recuperation.

But even so, Arcadia suffered heavy losses, and even after two hundred years of cultivation, only less than 1% of the power remained in its heyday.

After that, it was the plot of a demon king whose name was unknown more than half a year ago.

The main combat power was exiled to countless observation universes, all high-value resources were plundered, and even the most important flags were taken away.

And the community has no flag, and it is almost impossible to survive.

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