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Chapter 274:

The Queen of Halloween smiled sweetly at this time:

"Skaha, do you know when it is most convenient to kill someone?"

"..." Skaha wanted to say head-to-head combat, but she knew very well that this was not the answer the Queen of Halloween wanted.

At this time, the Queen of Halloween said with a smile full of malicious words:

"The answer is to become their own people. When hiding behind their backs, stabbing a knife is the most convenient and most uncomfortable time for them."

Skaha suddenly understood what the Queen of Halloween was thinking.

At this time, the Queen of Halloween said with a smile:

"It's like I let Su Jin grow up and gradually gain the trust of Bai Yasha."

Skaha's pupils shrank, then helplessly sighed:

"I'm afraid you're going to be disappointed. That man doesn't seem to be willing to treachery."

"You seem to have misunderstood something?" The Queen of Halloween looked at Skaha in surprise.

At this time, Skaha sighed helplessly and said:

"I want to say that you started too late, and now there is no room for you to intervene."

"Oh? Do you think so?"

The Queen of Halloween is still holding that exquisite and perfect face and chuckling.

"Isn't it?" Skaha asked deliberately, trying to test the news.

The Queen of Halloween naturally knew this, but she still said without mind:

"Do you really think that the first person who picked him up was my stupid disciple who didn't even learn the basics of the realm?"

Skaha opened his mouth wide in astonishment, his face incredulous.

The Queen of Halloween tilted her head slightly, then narrowed her eyes and said:

"Go to the outer door of 33454 and stand by, Skaha, take my projection avatar, and take the canned herring I asked you to buy."

"Follow your will."

Skaha laughed helplessly, then bowed, as if he was about to retire and continue to carry out the Queen's willful order.

You can't see me, you can't see me... Skaha muttered cautiously, backing away slowly.

However, at this time, her body suddenly stopped and was forced to stop.

At this time, the Queen of Halloween laughed and isolated herself in the different space, then picked up the can of herring that opened automatically, and shouted softly:

"My deacon, come, ah~ don't try to escape."

"I still haven't escaped." Skaha gave a wry smile, pinching his nose and opening his mouth.


September 25th, 10 o'clock at night, 33454 Outer Gate, Yaodu.

In this city where monsters gather, it is at the door of a bar around the city center.

Su Jin, who was wearing a suit, deliberately removed her tie, and messed up her hair, disguised as a young man who failed to confess, came here and looked up at the bar sign.

——【Old Boy Bar】

He looked at the signboard, tugged at his neckline, and pushed open the door of the bar with a heavy heart.

0339 Secret Meeting

Before entering the old boy bar, Su Jin was still thinking about his preparations.

In the cafeteria opposite the bar, Leticia Decrea is sitting.

Fifteen kilometers away, the Black Rabbit rested on the top floor of a building, where the Black Rabbit's strongest divine tool and the best throwing range of the Vatican gun were in the city.

The radius of the blow covers the entire demon city.

At the same time, the three letters Su Jin had prepared in advance were also in the hands of Black Rabbit. If something unexpected happened, they would use it immediately.

At the same time, Su Jin also negotiated with Aizen in the Dimensional Forum in advance and asked him to issue a designated invitation.

Although the time interval has not passed two months, the conditions for going to the world of death again cannot be met, but if Su Jin is willing to pay 1,000 points, this condition is equal to none.

The reason why the designated invitation is used instead of the shuttle ghost world or the godslayer world of the dimensional forum is due to the priority of the forum and the consideration of privacy and security.

First, according to the forum's reply, paid traversal is protective and has a higher priority than free traversal, which can ensure safety.

The second is that the world of the godslayer and the world of ghosts have been observed, and they may be successfully tracked by two digits.

It's not like the blood-devouring attack and the world of death have not been observed, and there is no direct connection with the small garden.

The third is one of the worst predictions in Su Jin's mind. If he is caught up in another world, the loss of the world of Death God being destroyed by the enemy is far less than that of the blood-devouring world.

And the same preparation, there is another.

That is the interface of the dimension forum that has been in Su Jin's eyes.

At present, the interface is 'Whether to pay 2000 points to lead 'Leeticia' and 'Black Rabbit' to the world of death. ' prompt bar.

This is preset. As long as Su Jin's mind is confirmed, or the forum judges that his life is absolutely threatened, the 'button' can be activated automatically.

After making these preparations, Su Jin came to the old boy bar outside the door of 33454, ready to meet with Kalji.

If I still fail with this kind of preparation, then I will spend 100,000 points to search for Sasha, take the enemy to meet Athena... Su Jin sighed inwardly, and then walked slowly into the old boy bar.

Before walking a few steps, he saw a strong man leaning on the load-bearing column and wrapping his arms.

The other party was obviously watching the scene, but for some reason he was watching the scene after the bar came in.

At this time, the strong man glanced at Su Jin and said, "New here?"

Su Jin secretly looked at the strong man on the opposite side.

Lingge aura was deliberately released, and the five-digit level was a little weaker than Bai Xueji.

Heh, there are actually five figures that are weaker than Bai Xueji... Su Jin was surprised, but nodded, and said at the same time, "Lin introduced me."

The strong man straightened his back when he heard the words, glanced at Su Jin in surprise, then pointed to the bar and said:

"Find the bartender, order a cup of lion's blood and matcha with 2 silver coins."

Su Jin nodded, then stepped into the bar.

Passing through the load-bearing column that the strong man was leaning against, he was acutely aware that he had passed through an enchantment.

Then, Su Jin heard cheers and cheers, as well as the strong aroma of malt wine, and the smell of Tajima cattle being grilled on a sizzling plate.

Why did I come here without supper... Su Jin thought so as he walked through the crowded crowd.

During this period, he was almost stolen by several charming female monkeys, but fortunately he escaped in time.

Passing through a bronze statue of a sheep that seemed to be used to purify the air, Su Jin came to the bar and sat down, looking at the bartender with a glass of wine and said:

"Come a cup of lion's blood and add 2 silver coins to matcha."

The wine glass looked up at Su Jin, and then skillfully prepared the drink.

The lion's blood is actually the blood of the lion, but it is the blood of the hybrids of the descendants of the Egyptian mythical beast, the Sphinx.

This blood has an enchanting odor, and has the effect of sinking into sane sage time.

The side effect is that people feel a certain pleasure once, of course, this is not a side effect in the eyes of some people.

Because of these effects, Lion Blood is the signature drink of the Old Boys Bar. After all, when it first opened, it was a gathering place for 'old boys' who didn't have girlfriends.

After Su Jin, who had investigated this bar from his neighbors, ordered wine, he naturally didn't drink it, but waited quietly.

Not long after that, a charming woman leaned over and patted Su Jin on the shoulder and said:

"Handsome guy, are you going to play on the third floor?"

The second floor of the old boy is an isolated box, an independent space completely isolated by gifts.

Therefore, it is deeply loved by men and women who are boiling with animal blood in the middle of the night.

Seeing Su Jin being accosted by a woman, the bartender on the opposite side nodded to Su Jin and stopped talking.

Seeing this, Su Jin put down the cost of the lion's blood, and then hugged the woman to the box on the third floor.

Once you enter the room, close the door.

The seductive woman suddenly collapsed on Su Jin's body.

At this time, Cai Liling's voice came out from the bathroom door in the box:

"Put her in the bathroom first."

"You actually still use amateurs?"

Su Jin was surprised that he could perceive that the woman leaning on him was just an ordinary orc, and it was unlikely that she was a subordinate of Cai Liling and Kalji.

Of course, if their organization is willing to accept a subordinate with at most seven figures, Su Jin is naturally willing to admit defeat.

"For the sake of confidentiality, this kind of amateur is the most convenient, and tomorrow, she will think she had a good night with you and get two silver coins.

It's so common in this bar that few people doubt it. "

Saying so, Cai Liling walked into the box.

The box is in the style of a KTV, with three sofas, an LCD TV and a turntable. In the middle is a knee-high glass table with a few pots of fresh fruit on it.

"Because of His Highness's special status, he cannot come forward directly, so I will meet with you instead of His Highness."

Cai Liling sat on the sofa, picked up a small piece of watermelon on the table, and said while eating.

Su Jin, who put the woman on the toilet, came out and said, "What do I want?"

At this time, Cai Liling glanced at Su Jin and said after a moment of silence:

"The sovereignty of the sun is of great importance, and His Highness cannot give it to you directly."

Hearing this, the corner of Su Jin's mouth twitched, walked to Cai Liling, raised her chin and said:

"This is your reason, or Kalji's reason."

"It's my arbitrariness. Of course, Your Highness was persuaded by me."

Cai Liling said this, while gritted her teeth and said:

"At least, at least let His Highness fight with you, and then miss it and be snatched away."

"If you feel unhappy, I am willing to pay all compensation, even if the compensation includes myself."

Su Jin was stunned for a moment, and immediately touched Cai Liling's tender and pretty face, then let go of her hand and said:

"It's good to keep accounts for that kind of thing. But do you want to let Kalji's backstage know that Sovereignty was not deliberately sent away?"


Seeing that Su Jin didn't do anything, Cai Liling breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, Su Jin said playfully:

"But why should I promise you."

"What I need is the sovereignty of the sun. Why should I be responsible for your safety? Let me be targeted by your backstage?"

At this time, Cai Liling raised her hand, raised her index finger and said:

"First of all, make a correction. Because of the spirit of the last king, you have been targeted. This is a fact after our usual report."

Then, she continued to raise her **** and said:

"Secondly, we haven't got Pisces yet, so we have the value of being protected."

Finally, she raised her ring finger and said:

"In the end, you and His Highness must fight against each other, because the stronghold where His Highness is now has the flag of NoName stored."

Hearing this, Su Jin was silent for a moment, and then said:

"How many people in the base need attention?"

The flag is something that must be taken back, and Su Jin knows that.

It's about the future of the community.

And the sovereignty of the sun is related to his own future.

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