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Chapter 281:

Kalji took the initiative to release a signal of cooperation.

Since Mr. Mi is lurking on him, it means that he has a certain intention, and it is an attempt that needs to be parasitized on him to complete.

Hearing Kalji's question, Mr. Mi smiled and said in a gentle tone:

"Whether I can help you or not depends on your judgment. After all, I am not omnipotent."

Does this tell me that he, or that he was once called Almighty?

Kalji was awe-inspiring, hesitant to cooperate with Mr. Mi.

But soon, he convinced himself.

Because he had no choice in the game, he couldn't gamble with Cai Liling's life.

Thinking of this, Kalji sighed and said:

"I predicted the death of my companion Cai Liling, what can you do?"

"Haha, I didn't expect you to be worrying about this kind of problem."

Mr. Mi's gentle laughter is quite sarcastic:

"It's up to you, not me."

Kalji frowned upon hearing this:

"The matter of Ling involved a four-digit existence who died, and was also a prophet who was one of my bosses, and the one who killed him was Emperor Shitian, the head of the Heavenly Army. I don't think I can do this kind of thing. put one's oar in."

At this time, Mr. Mi asked meaningfully:

"Are you really sure it was Di Shitian who shot?"

"You mean?"

Gargi suddenly widened his eyes, with an incredible look on his face:

"Impossible, the Brahma Spear is Di Shitian's signature tool, a Hindu simulated star creation map, and the person who can activate him... Wait, you mean Brahma? This time it's his hand?"

Brahma and Di Shitian belong to related godheads, and the amazing thing is that the two are brothers of life and death in Little Garden, and even jointly master the "Brahma Gun", a simulated star creation map.

This was also the reason why Kalji suspected that Brahma had shot.

At this time, Mr. Mi smiled and denied:

"No, Brahma didn't make a move. The one who made the attack was indeed Emperor Shitian, at least it was him who made the attack."

"Attack..." Kalji suddenly felt uneasy in his heart, he felt as if he was asking the bottom of an unspeakable secret.

At this time, Mr. Mi jokingly said:

"I'm afraid Emperor Shitian didn't expect that a casual blow two hundred years ago would kill a person with a very special status two hundred years later?"

"The guy who claimed to be a god-destroyer never wanted to get involved in such complicated things, but it seems that things will never be what he has."

"The attack two hundred years ago? How is it possible, that attack was clearly just issued... Wait!"

Calgary's eyes widened in horror.

It is impossible for an attack two hundred years ago to hit someone two hundred years later.

This is impossible to happen.

But in the little garden, there are people who can make the impossible happen.

For example, the signature ability of the Buddha Sakyamuni in Buddhism.

'Cause inversion! ’

How could it be a reversal of cause and effect, how could Shakyamuni take action personally, and deliberately borrowed the attack that Emperor Shatian had issued in two hundred years... Kalji thought with a trembling heart.

He thought for the first time that his attempt to escape the surveillance of Sakyamuni and the Son had been discovered.

He even thought of escaping to another world with Cairi Rin and some companions immediately.

At this time, Mr. Mi comforted him and said:

"Don't be too nervous, Sakyamuni just did it smoothly. Even without him, Omega's methods can kill the prophet, not counting these two people. There was also the Queen of Halloween at the time."

When Mr. Mi said this, his tone was full of smiles:

"So no matter how the prophet looked at it, there was no way out."

Omega... Queen of Halloween... There are actually these two, Mr. Mi, are you showing off his life-saving ability to me... Kargi thought with a tense face.

If this is true, then this Mr. Mi is at least a top three-digit person, or even a suspected two-digit existence. Who is it among the seventeen people, or which one of the thirty-three people below?

Can Su Jin actually let the three come to the rescue in person? What is his background? What will be the impact of working with him?

Kalji's heart was pounding, and it took a long time to suppress his fear. Instead of thinking about these questions, he gritted his teeth and asked:

"How to deal with the matter of Ling, isn't her situation even more dangerous when it comes to those existences?"

Mr. Mi sighed and said as if he was reprimanding his ignorant grandson:

"Caring is messing up!"

"When it comes to this kind of existence, does it make sense to kill a five-figure little guy?"

"She's just the first few snowflakes after the avalanche."

"Also, you seem to have been underestimating your importance?"

When Mr. Mi said this, he said jokingly:

"That little guy can force those old foxes to bet in advance by relying on his own speciality, and you who have the same speciality, what is it to keep a little guy?"

"If you want, you can even ask them for seventy-two equally beautiful little girls."

"Such a small character, to them, is not worth as much as a raisin, at least the raisin can taste sweet aftertaste."

"What do I want a pretty girl for? Besides, why are raisins?" Kalgi was stunned.

Mr. Mi paused and coughed dryly:

"You don't need to care about this kind of problem, you just need to know whether the little girl can live or not depends on whether you are willing to protect it or not."

Hearing this, Kalji was silent for a moment, then nodded and said, "I understand."

He will definitely go to the line with the first united member sent by Ouroboros!

If the laning fails, immediately threaten to take Cai Liling to leave the Ouroboros.

I hope it can be successful... Kalji thought a little bit in his heart.


NoName's stronghold.

Su Jin woke up after drinking a bunch of red wine.

He opened his eyes, rubbed his eyes, and in the messy living room, he saw the black rabbit sitting next to him.

And he was lying on the black rabbit's lap in the form of a knee pillow.

"?!" Su Jin was stunned for a moment.

At this moment, a playful male voice rang in my ears:

"Boy, my great-granddaughter's thighs feel pretty good."

At this moment, the hair on Su Jin's body stood on end!

Chapter 0348 Emperor Shitian

Su Jin immediately surrendered his gaze to the direction from which the voice came.

It was the sound from the sofa on his right, less than 3 meters away.

At this time, a blue-haired single ponytail man in a dark purple suit, with an open bow tie, blue nail polish on his nails, and a rather frivolous manner was sitting there.

The other party leaned on the sofa with one foot crossed, spread his hands, pressed against the top of the sofa, and looked at Su Jin with a smile that was not a smile.

Seeing the other party, Su Jin's pupils shrank slightly, and then carefully sensed the surroundings, and soon found an abnormality.

Leticia, Athena, Lancelot, and the children disappeared.

The sundries left over from the party last night are also gone. Although it is still the living room, everything that should be there is gone. Is this a different space?

At this time, Su Jin also noticed that he and the black rabbit were lying or sitting on the floor of the living room.

The movements of the two were that Su Jin was resting on Hei Rabbit's lap, while Hei Rabbit himself was sleeping soundly with his back on the sofa chair.

Hei Rabbit slept very soundly. It should be that after seeing me fall asleep last night, he put me on his lap and leaned on the sofa casually and fell asleep... We both drank a lot of magic wine yesterday... Su Jin tried his best to resolve it. The hangover from divine wine.

This kind of wine was a special offering from Shiroyasha. It seemed that it was a good wine that Black Rabbit had performed well in a gift game for the God of Bacchus, and the other party asked Shiroyasha to give it away.

It's a **** wine that can make four figures drunk, but unfortunately the community of the gods of wine has stated in advance that it can't be sold... Su Jin relaxed, turned his head, and buried his head deeply in Hei Rabbit's arms.


Su Jin's behavior directly aroused the unhappiness of the blue-haired man, and even made a clear smacking sound:

"You kid, know who I am and dare to take advantage of my great-granddaughter?"

Su Jin turned his head and said with emotion, "I didn't wake up!"

"..." Di Shitian was silent for a while, then sighed and said, "Stop playing, I'm not ready to face this child yet."

Feeling guilty for not being able to protect the hometown of Black Rabbit two hundred years ago... Su Jin immediately thought of this incident.

It is said that the members of the Moon Rabbit Clan at the time exceeded a thousand, which is almost equal to nearly a thousand four-digit numbers, but in one night, they were annihilated by the three-headed demon dragon, and less than ten orphans survived.

The three-digit final trial is really terrifying, and I don't know how far my little universe can improve to be able to match him.

But having said that, it's no wonder that Bai Yasha said that Emperor Shitian is a natural **** and Buddha with human feelings. He would not dare to face the black rabbit because of the ineffective protection of his dependents... Su Jin thought so, but also from the black rabbit. Climbed up.

Then, he carried the black rabbit to the sofa, found the coat that was hanging on the hanger last night, and put it on her.

After doing all this, he walked to the sofa opposite Di Shitian and sat down, looking at him with a calm expression.

But Di Shitian, who saw his actions like this, smiled shrewdly:

"Heh, you're more beating than I thought."

Because I stole the unhappiness of my lovely granddaughter... Then should I call your father-in-law? Su Jin complained in his heart, and then asked calmly:

"Is it because of Mithra? He should have been killed by you."

The only thing related to Di Shitian recently was Mithra, and Su Jin suspected that Di Shitian came to him because of this.

Hearing Su Jin mentioning Mithra, the corners of Di Shitian's mouth twitched inevitably:

"You kid is not cute at all."

Dishatian did not explain that Mithra was not killed by him.

Even if he didn't want to blame his boss, but considering Sakyamuni's coffee position, he chose to remain silent.

Anyway, I also saw Mithra's sullenness... Di Shitian comforted himself in his heart and said:

"This matter is understood."

Understood... Su Jin raised an eyebrow.

He obtained the sovereignty of the sun, reported Mithra, and suspected that he had killed the other party directly.

At this time, Di Shitian said calmly:

"You can use that power reasonably and openly, but only if you are promoted to four figures."

He said this, paused, and then explained:

"I know what you are worried about. Your growth is indeed too fast, so fast that we will put the suspicion of many things on your head, such as the World War, such as this Godslayer."

Don't be suspicious, I did it... Su Jin thought for a while.

At this time, Di Shitian sighed:

"On the matter of cross religion, the Buddhist man and the Thousand Eyes man have reached a consensus."

"Thousand Eyes will give a reasonable explanation for the experience before the five figures, and even my boss will help cover it up."

"However, for promotion to four figures, a reasonable medium is needed."

When Di Shitian said this, he glanced at Su Jin and said:

"You should have promised Athena to be her agent? Observing the unknown world for her?"

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