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Chapter 283:

Huh, this is a little bit like two rituals.

Su Jin smiled self-deprecatingly, and then immediately sensed the extent of Leo's support.

However, the first induction was unsuccessful.

"It's a very vast small universe, and the support of the fifty-two galaxies in Leo makes me feel like an ordinary person facing the sea, and I can't see the depth at all."

Su Jin muttered, then frowned and said:

"The scale of the seventh sense? Or more?"

Su Jin said with some uncertainty, he tried to mobilize Leo's small universe, but found that it was extremely difficult, and he could only mobilize one part.

"It's a very small part, less than 1/100,000, and it's still being added. Oh, I'm the most peak silver saint. This is the foundation of the twenty-five sun sovereignty of the small garden?"

Su Jin said this, with a somewhat calm tone:

"Summoning a four-digit avatar, invulnerable to swords and guns, immune to weapon abilities, coupled with the support of Leo's small universe, it seems that my affinity for the sovereignty of the sun is even higher than that of Kalji."

"This is unlikely to be the power of the small universe itself. The will of the gods and the ultimate power of the sublimation of the small universe are not supported by the stars in this description."

"According to my memory, the eighty-eight constellations in the Saint Seiya universe were created by Athena herself to provide support for her subordinate Saint Seiya."

"Then according to this line of thinking, Leo's support should also be given to me by some existence."

"This is most likely the handwriting of the center of the small garden. Only he can reasonably mobilize the power of the starry sky."

"He is acknowledging that my small universe belongs to the simulated star creation map, and has given me the corresponding gift ability, and this ability is the support of the constellation?"

Su Jin said this, his expression became serious:

"By gathering the sun sovereignty of the twelve constellations, I can dominate the small universe of the twelve constellations?"

"No, according to the complete liberation simulation star creation map will usher in a sublimation, it is very likely that it is the support of the eighty-eight constellations throughout the day, which is in line with my impression of the profession of Saint Seiya, the saint of the eighty-eight constellations. fighter."

"Speaking of the starry sky of the small garden, it is basically equal to the eighty-eight stars in the whole sky. That is to say, the liberation of the complete simulated star creation map is equal to the **** of the small garden universe?"

When Su Jin said this, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he said to himself:

"This seems to be in line with the fact that getting half of the sun's sovereignty can build a new small garden."

"That is to say, twelve shares of Sun Sovereignty are equal to the Lord of Little Garden? Tsk tsk, is this the work of the center, or the work of the forum? It's probably the latter."

"It was an irresistible temptation."

Su Jin licked the corner of his mouth, to be honest, it's really exciting to be the Lord of the Little Garden.

Although the probability of completion is basically non-existent, it is still a thought anyway.

Su Jin let out a few deep breaths, temporarily suppressing the delusions in his heart.

"So, with the sovereign support of the Leo Sun, I, who can burn the small universe, can expand my strength to the point where I can match the three-digit four-digit exception?"

Su Jin is not sure if this is the case, because he has absolutely no information on the strength comparison.

And this kind of thing can only be known after a real fight with three figures.

"But I won't take the initiative to provoke three figures, because that would make me look very stupid..."

Su Jin laughed at himself. He didn't have enough interests and motives, so he was stupid to provoke three figures.

Moreover, there are not many three-digit figures in the lower level of the box garden, and some dare not exert the power of the corresponding level.

The reason is naturally the covenant of the gods and the crusade against the corresponding heavenly army.

The Celestial Army not only protects the Dharma for twelve days, but also has angels, twelve Greek gods, and twenty-eight constellations in heaven as reserve.

If there is a three-digit liberation force in the lower realm, it will be faced with a crusade army of at least 30 three-digit crusades headed by Emperor Shitian.

Oh, no one dares to provoke like this except Az Dakaha, the final trial of human beings.

Even Mithra didn't dare to explode with three-digit power when I almost killed him.

If I kill him, he still has a chance to survive, and the crusade of the heavenly army will be different.

If you can't escape, let's not say, it may become a handle, and even be swallowed by Emperor Shitian to complete the spiritual status.

To punish the perpetrator like this, even if Mithra was the real Son behind him, he would have nothing to say, and even he had to send angels to wave the flag.

After all, two digits are also mutually restrictive... After Su Jin sighed, he got up from the sofa and walked to the window.

"The sun has risen..."

While Su Jin sighed, his heart was full of courage to fight the enemy head-on.

I used to be afraid of death, but now, Leo warns you to ask if you are afraid?

"Perhaps, I can start making holy clothes."

Speaking of this, Su Jin narrowed his eyes slightly, actively interfered with the power, and pierced the barrier of Emperor Shitian.


The neat and tidy room disappeared immediately, and it became a room full of banquets and carnivals, with wine bottles littered, juice bottles all over the floor, and the carpet still stained with grease from the barbecue.

At the same time, there were several more figures in the room.

They were leaning, sitting, or even lying in every corner of the room, breathing evenly.

Opposite Su Jin, next to the curtains of the other half of the window, Leticia was standing quietly.

She looked Su Jin up and down, and then asked, "Di Shitian has been here?"

"You're so sharp." Su Jin froze for a moment, then smiled.

What is this, is it old enough? Should I say worthy of being a vampire who survived the dawn... Su Jin groaned in his heart.

At this time, Leticia sighed and said, "Even if you are the master, you can't complain about my age."

"I'm so obvious?" Su Jin widened his eyes, surprised.

"You really think so." Leticia said resentfully.

"..." Su Jin was silent for a while, then changed the subject bluntly: "I think we should discuss something else."

"What are we discussing?" Leticia changed the subject in coordination.

"Damn it, when will we officially enter the stage of Hakoniwa."

When Su Jin said this, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly and said:

"In the name of the new Arcadia."

Chapter 0351 Seating

NoName, or the meeting room of the Arcadia headquarters.

It has not been opened for nearly half a year, but on September 26, Su Jin led the current key members into this conference room.

The black rabbit who walked into this large room did not sit down immediately, but came to the front of the main seat and looked at the golden flag hanging on the wall.

It was the 'Arcadia Alliance Big Banner' that Su Jin took back from Mithra.

It is not uncommon in Hakoba to use the community name and flag as the flag of the Alliance, and Arcadia is one of them.

So their community flag is the same as the union flag.

"I finally saw it again..."

Black Rabbit looked at the flag, then looked around the seats, muttering to himself.

In a trance, she seemed to see a woman with short blond hair, a gorgeous face, and a smile on her face all the time, sitting in the position of the chief of staff, looking at herself.

"Canary..." Black Rabbit whispered in a low voice.

At this time, Su Jin, who was sitting in the leader's position, raised his legs naturally, and even exaggeratedly clamped his legs on the long table.

"It doesn't feel special, does it?"

Su Jin, who was sitting in the leader's position, said in a frivolous tone.

At this time, Leticia, who passed by and had not yet sat down, said with a smile:

"My master, how about eating fried pork trotters tonight?"

Seeing this, Su Jin silently put down his legs, coughed dryly, and sat upright in his seat.

However, it didn't take long for him to put his elbow on the table and prop up his chin lazily.

Seeing this scene, Leticia smiled and did not speak, but walked to the position she should do with a little emotion.

The first seat in the right row, this is the position she used to sit, and it is also the ranking order of the top cadres.

According to this ranking, above Leticia's position, only the leader of the main seat Takaaki Kasugabe, the chief of staff Canary opposite the main seat, and the top cadre Hiten Lion in the first seat on the left.

The reason why the big cadre Ritian Lion is above Leticia is because he is strong and prestige, and he is also the holder of the previous generation of Leo's Sun Sovereignty.

In contrast, Leticia, who holds the virtual sun sovereign constellation Ophiuchus, will be relatively higher, but the gap is not too big.

"Oh, it's hard to find a place now." Lancelot, who had just entered the room, scratched his head.

Leticia sits in the first place on the right, and this master is the only person in the community who is no more than Su Jin.

Then she can only be in the back? Well, including the black rabbit, and the words of Athena. The second from the left, the second from the right, someone, he should be the third from the left.

At this time, Athena, who was wearing an olive wreath and still looked like a loli, walked in.

After Athena came in, she smiled at Su Jin, and then walked to the second seat in the left row.

"Let's take the first seat." Leticia said, adding: "You don't need to use the seat as a ranking."

Your words are equivalent to directly saying that the seat is the ranking... Su Jin groaned, but did not make any moves.

He was the leader for the first time, and he didn't have any experience. This kind of behavior of ranking seats in the community was not easy to express, so it was better for them to arrange themselves.

When Su Jin was silent, Athena looked up at Leticia and said a little surprised:

"It's not the ranking of seats, it's the ranking of feelings?"

Emotional ranking? With whom? Hei Rabbit, who was still missing, froze for a moment, and subconsciously looked at the first position on Su Jin's left.

Should I pull the position back a little bit and find a corner position... Lancelot thought a little dumbfounded at this time.

Athena, if you say this, it will show that I am very scum... Su Jin barely kept a smile, and then said, "Black Rabbit, take the first place."

This obviously biased speech made Athena couldn't help but look at Su Jin.

At this time, Leticia next to her showed a smile: "Black Rabbit, sit over there."

"What's so funny..."

Black Rabbit took a step subconsciously, then shrank back, couldn't help but looked up at Athena.

Wait, why am I afraid of her? Is her relationship with Su Jin as deep as mine? Black Rabbit froze for a moment, and suddenly felt a little heavy on his head, as if he was being weighed down.

Well, it's still a heavy object with a grassy smell...

"Huh? What are you doing here?" Luo Hao, who had just walked in, looked at everyone suspiciously.

Then, she glanced at the vacant seat for a moment, snorted, and said in a flat tone:

"Are you seated according to strength? Well, save the trouble."

As she spoke, she walked to the third seat on the right, which was the seat opposite Lancelot, which was also the last seat.

Pandora and Sita, who had already arrived at Hakoba, were not allowed to attend. Their current status was similar to that of the guest, and they were not official members at all.

You said that you were seated according to your strength, and you were sitting in the last place, your face was very stinky... Su Jin looked at Luo Hao who was seated, and couldn't help sighing.

At this time, Athena smiled and said: "According to strength? It's fine."

As she spoke, she sat first in the left row, holding her face, facing Leticia.

Leticia's face did not change at all. After all, Athena, who had obtained another Athena's authority and successfully absorbed a lot of benefits from it, was indeed above her in terms of strength on paper.

I was obviously the first to come... Black Rabbit looked at the first position, then looked at Su Jin with a resentful expression, and then sat next to Athena.

It's useless to look at me... I took the initiative, you don't take the initiative to blame me... Su Jin knocked on the table very unconsciously and said, "The position is tentatively set like this."

Although the second row on the right was empty, it was impossible.

Well, maybe it can be regarded as a place reserved for Ashilia.

After Su Jin finished speaking, he looked up at at least a hundred positions, and smiled self-deprecatingly: "Six people."

This hall is a conference room for senior cadres, and only four figures can be seated in the peak period.

And now, among the six people in the row, Luo Hao was just getting used to the power of the 'five-digit exception'.

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