Thank You

Chapter 285:

"It's hard for you to find these four-digit rough jades."

"It's still far worse than the previous generation."

Su Jin looked around the hundreds of seats and sighed:

"I should leave the community for three or four days next, and I will temporarily delegate the ownership of the flag to you, just in case."

"Is it necessary to do this?" Leticia frowned.

Su Jin's attitude is basically equivalent to leaving behind on the premise that he may die.

"I'm just used to keeping one hand."

Su Jin shrugged, stood up, turned his head, looked at the flag of Arcadia and said:

"And the next thing to do is indeed a little dangerous, but it shouldn't be too big."

Su Jin said this, for fear of Leticia's worry, so he added:

"Don't worry, I will pull Bai Yasha on this matter, or in other words, without her help, the matter itself cannot be completed."

"That one?" Leticia was stunned for a moment, and then she said with some peace of mind: "With that adult here, I can rest assured."

Although Bai Yasha is lustful, greedy for money, and loves to take advantage of petty advantages, it is undeniable that the other party is a very responsible 'elder'.

If she was helping, even if Su Jin died, the other party would go to the underworld to **** him back.

As far as friends are concerned, Shiroyasha is indeed a very reassuring object.

Thinking of this, Leticia smiled and bowed:

"In that case, please send my regards to that lord on my behalf."

"Got it." Su Jin waved his hand and turned to leave.


September 26, 2:00 pm, outside door 3345, the waiting room of the Thousand Eyes Station.

Su Jin opened the Dimensional Forum, scrolled to the interface dedicated to asking questions, and looked at the question just posted:

[Q: How to make the most of the resources I have to make holy clothes. 】

[Answer: Two copies of orchids (20,000 points), one copy of Gamanion (30,000 points), one copy of Silver Star Sand (30,000 points), and one copy of Pallas Athena’s unawakened blood (50,000 points), Sun Protoss Power Fragment (already held, now Zanpakutō) a share of Sun Sovereignty (already held) Athena's Victory Sanctuary (already held). 】

[In addition to the above materials, the missing materials are 2,000 milliliters of the seventh sense golden saint (only the blood of the holder is allowed), and a drop of blood from the Sun Protoss. 】

[After obtaining all the materials, 10,000 points can be consumed to make 'Sacred Clothes' with forum permissions (26% completeness)]

"In my hand, because I invited Athena and the others, I spent 5,000 points, and it cost Aizen a thousand points to shorten the world of shuttle, and there are 144,000 points left."

"2+3+3+5+1, good guy, 140,000 points, and 4,000 fractions left, really make the most of it."

The corner of Su Jin's mouth twitched, and then he looked at what was missing.

A drop of blood from the Sun Star Spirit, whether or not Bai Yasha will give it or not.

There is also 2,000 milliliters of blood from the seventh sense Saint Seiya, which is also limited to my own.

Not to mention that I am not yet a golden saint with the seventh sense, but to talk about blood.

All the blood on his body was squeezed out, and it was only about 4,500 milliliters, which was nearly half of the blood.

Thinking of this, Su Jin couldn't help but complained to the forum:

"Are you sure this is the best way to do it at present? Not to mention the blood of the sun star spirit, the seventh sense of my own blood, how do you get it?"

[Answer: You can spend 3,000 points to get the promotion guidance of the small universe. 】

Seeing the answer, Su Jin suddenly fell silent.

He looked left and right, looked up and down, but didn't see any problems with the forum's reply.

Just when I closed my eyes and tasted it, I realized two words between the lines-pa! Skin!

But seeing the word "Sacred Clothes" in the answer on the forum, Su Jin clenched his teeth.

This is not a holy garment, nor a holy garment bathed in divine blood, but a divine garment.

Even if it is not completed, even if it is only 26% complete, it is still a divine garment.

What is the concept of God Clothing?

The battle clothes of those almost double-digit main gods in the Saint Seiya universe!

It is the battle equipment of the gods!

Su Jin was silent for a moment, as if a bell rang in his ears.

"Payment X (dimension forum) has deducted 3,000 yuan."

At this time, a message flooded into Su Jin's mind.

He couldn't help frowning, leaned on the sofa, rubbed his temples, and after receiving the information, he blurted out:


There is a lot of information about the promotion guidance of the small universe, and it can be summed up in one sentence.

When the bloodletting exceeds 2,000 milliliters, burn the small universe and realize the true meaning of the seventh sense!

2,000 plus 2,000, 4,000 milliliters, my day, your mother... Is this to make holy clothes, or do I want to commit suicide?

Just when Su Jin couldn't help but want to hammer the sofa, the door of the waiting room opened.

The coolly dressed maid walked in, bowed and said:

"Master Su Jin, Master Bai Yasha has already received the distinguished guests, please move to the tea room."

Su Jin's raised hand was lowered high, and finally, he sighed and got up from the sofa.

Chapter 0354

"You kid, there's a big commotion again."

In the tea room, Bai Yasha, who was sitting on the soft cushion and wearing a Gothic, dark-colored dress, spread out his fan like a dark elf and looked at Su Jin with a smile.

She looked playful, and said with a bit of schadenfreude:

"Looking at your appearance, you don't seem happy at all to kill Mithra?"

"I'm not happy because of this." Su Jin responded, and then added: "I seriously doubt that Mithra is not dead."

"Oh~" Bai Yasha said suddenly: "Indeed, that old thing doesn't die so easily, or in other words, even if he dies, he will climb out of the coffin."

"Oh, you know, there are too many sun gods with the power of rebirth. Although Mithra is good at contracts, he is also a powerful sun god."

"Of course, He is still hundreds of millions of points away from our rank."

Shiroyasha raised his right hand and made a little gesture with his thumb and forefinger vividly.

The universe at your fingertips... Su Jin complained a bit in his heart, and felt a little better because of the complaining.

After he bought the promotion guide of the small universe, he felt that he was at a loss.

Because burning a small universe can speed up the perception of the seventh sense, as long as he burns it once, he can know it.

However, because it involves lifespan and there is no suitable enemy, Su Jin has never burned a small universe at all, so he doesn't know such a thing.

"I am the only saint who has never burned a small universe..." Su Jin laughed at himself in his heart.

Of course, his 3,000 points did not actually lose, and even made a lot of money.

Because that is the summary of the dimensional forum, the burning method that can maximize the exploration of the true meaning of the seventh sense.

If Su Jin can figure it out for himself, he may have to burn at least more than 100 million years of life before he can sum up the odd bits and pieces of information.

In this sense, three thousand points is indeed not a loss, but Su Jin himself knows that human greed is endless.

Why use points to buy things that can be prostituted for nothing? If you buy them, you will lose money.

' Therefore, those golden saints who have golden clothes and can always feel the inheritance and the seventh sense are the emperors of Europe. All kinds of crooked paths have been explored by their ancestors. As long as they have sufficient qualifications and perseverance, they can achieve the goal. The seventh sense, this person is really going to be **** off compared to others...'

The extrajudicial saint Su Jin thought with resentment.

At this time, Bai Yasha, opposite the tea table, picked up the teacup and blew:

"You came here today, probably because you covered up your experience, right?"

Omega had informed her about it, which is why she said it.

Su Jin was silent for a while, and then said:

"I got Leo Sun Sovereignty."

Shiroyasha's hand shook, and even the tea splashed on his fingers.

"You seem surprised? Could it be that you don't feel the Leo in me?"

Su Jin looked at Bai Yasha in surprise.

Shiroyasha's lips twitched a bit, and then he sipped the tea in one gulp, and said in a bad breath:

"What do you think?"

She rolled her eyes at Su Jin and muttered:

"The Sovereignty of the Sun has its own anti-divination ability, and it is even equivalent to the highest deceived authority in the center of the small garden."

"This kind of thing, even if we have to start looking for it, we can only discover it with the help of the resonance between the sovereigns by fully developing all the solar sovereignty on the body."

When Bai Yasha said this, he opened his mouth and stopped talking.

And Su Jin automatically made up what Bai Yasha didn't want to say.

Because we are self-proclaimed spirits, we can't show the power of more than three-digit scale... Maybe that's it.

Shiroyasha sacrificed a lot to stay in the Nether, but I don't know the real reason for her staying in the Nether.

Well, it feels very nonsensical, for example, in order to see beautiful women... Su Jin thought with a bad taste in his heart.

At this time, Bai Yasha sighed with emotion that her younger brother had collected the sovereignty of the sun, but she was still a waste, and suddenly she was a little motivated:

"Have already collected a copy of Sun Sovereignty, or is it the corresponding Leo? So, your simulated star creation map has been awakened?"

"Yes." Su Jin nodded, then looked at Bai Yasha.

Seeing this, Bai Yasha understood in an instant, and said with some clarity:

"It's the exclusive divine tool, right? You want our help?"

When she said this, she poured herself a glass of water leisurely, and then said with a smile:

"If this is the case, we can eat all the points from the previous sale of the King of the Last Intelligence. After all, our shot fee is very expensive."

"A drop of the blood of the Sun Protoss."

Su Jin's voice fell, and Bai Yasha's expression immediately froze.

"Isn't it enough?" Su Jin raised his eyebrows and said with a surprised expression.

"How is that possible!"

Shiroyasha's face was distorted, and his voice was low as if he was grinding his teeth:

"In the entire Little Garden, in all the observation areas, there are only two sun star spirits, Zan and Wansheng, and our true blood is almost equal to the source, and it is a part of their own truth."

"This is more precious than authority. Dividing authority and creating four-digit outliers is just a matter of breathing for us, and true blood takes thousands of years to breed a drop."

Su Jin heard about this from Leticia, because of the top-level agreement, each two-digit number can only divide the authority to create three agents as the spokesperson for the lower level.

Leticia exemplified Bai Xueji at that time. The reason why this five-digit waste snake is so wasteful and so leisurely is that she will appear as the agent of the White Night King at the necessary moment.

At that time, Shiroyasha will take the initiative to grant Bai Xueji authority, making her temporarily become a four-digit abnormal existence.

This is almost synonymous with invincibility at the lower level, because at the lower level with less than three digits, only those who break the rules can intercept those who break the rules.

Thinking of this, Su Jin said indifferently:

"I can trade the sovereignty of the sun."

Bai Yasha, who was about to say something, suddenly got stuck.

She opened her mouth and finally sighed:

"Forget it, Sun Sovereignty is much more precious than our true blood. If you exchange Sovereignty with that woman for true blood, she will probably throw dozens of drops to you."

"If you know that a drop of our blood is fully manifested, the size is at least the size of a planet. This amount is enough for you to bathe in blood for tens of thousands of years."

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