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Chapter 512:

You are a four-digit outlier, and you want to recruit the largest faith in Hakoba, and recruit a three-digit boss of a Big Mac with more than 100 people. How many tons of wine have you drunk?

"Isn't there any possibility?" Su Jin was a little unwilling to give up.

The faith of the Cross religion, that is two billion people, the largest audience in the 21st century, and even the largest audience of faith in the history of mankind.

Moreover, after observing the amplitude of the universe in Hakoniwa, the amount is simply massive, and it is the massive amount of the cosmic sea.

At this scale, even if he scraped off a little bit of meat, it would still be fragrant. Wouldn't that make him greedy?

"You really dare to think about it." Algor couldn't help rolling his eyes.

Everyone thinks about grabbing the cake of faith from the cross religion. A large group of gods in Hakoba are thinking about this, but Su Jin is still the first to abduct a **** of the Bible from outside to grab the cake of the master of cross religion.

What is this guy's head made of, why is his brain so big?

However, although it can be operated, the risk is too great, and Algor is really not ready to fall out with his old club.

Thinking of this, Algor shook his head and said:

"Forget it, I haven't planned to turn against Yawei yet."

"I'll help you!"

Su Jin replied without thinking, causing Al Gore to roll his eyes.

What do you want me to help you with?

Good guy, help me set up a mortal enemy, you are really capable!

Chapter 0664 Algor's Prediction

"Okay, I'm joking, if you don't want to, forget it."

Su Jin put away his joking attitude and said softly:

"In the end, this kind of thing is up to you. After all, I'm not sure to protect this **** of the Bible."

The personality of the God of the Bible is in the hands of the Lord of the Crusaders. If that person is willing, without the power to stop him, once the Demon High School world is observed by the central center of the small garden, the Lord can rely on the power of concepts to The God of the Bible of this world reclaims.

Therefore, Al Gore was not happy, so Su Jin naturally gave up this plan, even if he was very envious of his belief in Crusades.

Of course, Su Jin will still accept the words of angels, fallen angels and demons. Although their name concept has a master in Little Garden, after Algor's demonization, they can avoid the absorption of their real names and become Su Jin. Jin's forces.

However, if they make this step, they will only have the spiritual qualities from the Demon High School, and will not absorb the beliefs and achievements of the corresponding angels and saints of the Cross religion, thus greatly strengthening their strength, which is considered to be both pros and cons.

And raising a group of angels is something that the group of gods will do.

However, to Su Jin's surprise, Al Gore instead waved his hand and said:

"No, you reminded me that it is necessary to prepare a **** of the Bible."

"What do you mean?"

Su Jin's expression was vaguely wrong. Why did I give up, but you care? Isn't this playing with me?

Oh, no, if Algor wants to play him, this is not the way to play.

"You should have mentioned it before, right? The behind-the-scenes funder of Ouroboros." Algorr's eyes seemed to be wise at this time.

"That's right, the Cross, what did you think of?" Su Jin frowned, the behind-the-scenes investor of Ouroboros had the Cross, which was what Su Jin told Al Gore.

The Ouroboros that destroyed Arcadia were part of the control of the Crusaders, and Su Jin also told Al Gore this guess.

It was because of the hatred that Su Jin wanted to come over with a **** of the Bible and take the job of the Crusaders. After all, with this position, Arcadia can cooperate with the Crusades, and even flirt with each other, but the hostile stance remains unchanged. .

It's a blood feud that can't be changed.

However, it seems that Al Gore saw something deeper from this.

At this time, Algor looked at Su Jin and said playfully:

"Alpha and Omega, as well as Sakyamuni and even All Saints, the reason why the bad things look at you, and the reason why you rushed to the forefront and calculated the cross religion."

"It's not a day or two that the old Crusaders want to change the view of the universe. Sooner or later, they will meet each other. This is an indisputable fact."

In Hakoba, the strongest secret treasure is naturally the view of the universe that every **** group will make together, and the strongest weapon that comes from it is the simulated star map.

However, there is a minimum number of AD for such things as cosmology.

This value is 'two', that is, only two gods can construct a most basic view of the universe, and then create a simulated star creation map.

The cosmology of the Crusaders is 'one', which is a monotheistic religion such as the One God.

Therefore, in fact, the cosmology of the Crusaders is not recognized by the Central Little Garden, and it is not possible to create a simulated astrological map.

This is also the reason why the Crusaders are powerful but not strong at the top.

As long as other groups of gods are a group of gods, they can use a big killer like a simulated star map to smash people, and to a certain extent, they can exert a small part of the power of double digits, but the cross religion does not.

This is also the reason why in the lower level of the little garden, the Cross religion occupies the most beliefs, but the most powerful group of gods is the Greek group of gods.

This is not only because the Greek gods are too stubborn and there are too many outliers, but because the Cross religion does not simulate the creation of stars.

In other words, the most powerful cross religion has no 'nuclear bombs'.

This is an absolute flaw.

It is also what the Crusaders desperately want to change.

To change this, it is necessary to abandon the existing small garden and rebuild the new small garden.

That's what Ouroboros was created for.

It is also a secret that Su Jin and Al Gore know together.

Of course, Su Jin told Algor the news, and the prior reminder was speculation, but Algor gave a positive answer.

Because according to Al Gore's understanding, that Lord would really do such a thing.

This is the advantage of having seniors.

It is possible to judge whether the original information in Su Jin's brain is correct through the experience of the seniors, and then make the correct choice.

"If the Crusaders want to change the little garden, they have to get most of the gods to agree to give up the existing little garden, and here, the only thing that cannot be changed is the sun sovereignty on Shiroya, so from the beginning, the existence of the sun sovereignty will inevitably be Calculated by the Crusaders."

This is also the reason why Salamanda will fall, Arcadia will fall, and the Hakoba Knights will fall.

One of them has Chenlong, one has Leo, and the other is Ophiuchus. These things are all desired by Crusaders.

Coupled with their existence, the order of the lower layers will be on the right track, and the stable development of the small garden will be made, so it will naturally become a thorn in the eyes of the Ouroboros.

"In the short term, the godslayer war will be in full swing, and all the gods will compete for double-digit opportunities, while the Crusaders will participate in the war openly, dormant in the dark, and wait for the final winner to appear."

"Because compared to the benefits brought by the new small garden, the qualification of the two-digit number cannot be given up. Besides, the cosmology of the Crusaders destined that this two-digit qualification can only be played by Yawei himself, but he was marked by the center of the small garden. , it is impossible to be a two-digit candidate, this is the limitation of monotheism."

"Since this is the case, when the Crusaders took action, it must be in the second half of the godslayer war. I estimate that they will start a dispute among the sun kings, and use the major groups of gods to hope that a savior will be born to solve the observation that the universe is coming to an end. At the end of the day, to support Kalji and gain ten sun sovereignty."

The countless universes observed by Hakoniwa have similar human histories. If all human histories are regarded as tributaries, then their aggregates can be regarded as the mainstream.

And what the mainstream is, you can know by looking at the one with the largest share.

At present, the future that holds the greatest possibility is the extinction of mankind.

As for exactly how to perish, and under what circumstances, there are various reasons for perishing, but the trend of perishing has become more and more obvious in recent years.

And the group of gods that affects this market is the cross religion.

To say that he is the root of all evil is not an exaggeration.

For the gods, this matter is naturally not allowed, but the gods are a collection, and there are too many voices in it. Under the dealings of some gods, including the Crusaders, I have never made up my mind, how to avoid it. this doomed future.

What the Crusaders should take is to abandon the existing human history, re-create the Little Garden, and re-interfere with the source.

And this route requires the authority of the core of the small garden, more than half of the sovereignty of the sun.

"Once Kalji is promoted, it will be eleven solar sovereignty, and then there will be two remaining to be obtained. Whether it is from the Queen's side or Shiroyasha's side, it is better to start with it. I estimate that the biggest possibility is Shiroyasha. , as long as she is forced back to the heaven, then she will definitely choose a successor and temporarily entrust the position of the ruler of the class and a portion of the sovereignty of the sun to stabilize the situation."

That's too accurate... Su Jin couldn't help but sigh.

When Azi Dakaha appears, isn't White Yasha forced to return to the heavenly realm? At that time, White Yasha will temporarily entrust a share of the sun's sovereignty to Jiao Liu, the Demon King.

And a four-digit legendary stage Flood Dragon is much easier to deal with than Bai Yasha.

At that time, with the addition of this solar sovereignty, the Crusaders will be able to hold 12 solar sovereignty, more than half of the thirteen, and only one remaining, so the possibility of success will naturally increase greatly.

"The ten shares of Kargi, the share of Leticia, and the share entrusted by Shiroyasha are already twelve, and it is still possible to create a temporary sovereignty out of thin air with the ability of an old thing. It's more than half past thirteen minutes, and the general trend has come to an end."

"At that time, no matter if it is coercion or lure, there will always be a large part of the **** group willing to go to the new small garden. If there happens to be a powerful final trial causing trouble, and the forced gods dare not go to the realm, it will be better, and directly put most of them in one breath. It is not impossible for the group of gods to take them away. As for the other two-digit old monsters, they can either join forces or let them play with their own. Anyway, from the very beginning, they were going to break up. ."

With the unknown gossip provided by Su Jin, Al Gore could almost see through the trend of Little Garden and almost foresee the future.

But Su Jin twitched the corners of his mouth at this time. He really didn't expect that there would be a way to create a sovereignty out of thin air. Is this the Lord of the Cross? Really naughty.

And speaking of this, Al Gore looked at the front with a playful look, as if his line of sight had passed through the world barrier and saw the Paradise Mountain in Hakoniwa:

"You say, if I reveal this prediction, or even just reveal it to Shiroyasha, will Thousand Eyes support us in electing a new Lord of the Cross?"

Hearing this sentence, Su Jin couldn't help smiling, and even the smile gradually changed.

"Are you trying to draw wages from the bottom of the pot?"

Chapter 0665 My Day!

Crusades are monotheistic.

The Omniscient and Almighty Lord is in command of everything.

Even if there are guardian angels, saints, demons and many other beings who share beliefs and merits, but the core of Crusaders is the Lord, this is a topic that is unnecessary to discuss.

And what if there is one more Lord?

This is the contradiction that Algor wants to create.

Two gods and two masters are theoretically achievable. As long as you use the method of observing the world, you can create one more master.

This is like Catholicism and some denominations, they actually believe in the same God, but they are forcibly divided into two.

If Al Gore gets the support of the twin goddesses and even Buddhism, it is not impossible to separate a master.

In fact, she can do it by herself, but the power of the Crusaders is too great, and she naturally needs some strong people to share the pressure there.

It is easy to keep the God of the Bible from being swallowed up by the Lord of Crusades for a while, but it is impossible to protect each other all the time without a powerful force.

Moreover, in the early stage, the God of the Bible needs to be dormant.

Because Al Gore's purpose is to wait until the Crusaders start to implement the new Hakoten plan, then they will launch the God of the Bible, give Thousand Eyes and Buddhism a new choice, and also give the Crusaders a cut.

Just like Shiroya loves Little Garden, Algor also has subtle feelings for Little Garden. The relationship between Protoss and Little Garden is similar to that of children and mothers. If there is no accident, no one wants their own mother to die suddenly.

Especially in the case of the Crusaders, intentional behavior is no different from assassination.

So for now, Al Gore tends to keep the God of the Bible as his trump card, and once the Crusaders are not right, he will play a trick to draw the bottom line.

In the case of mental arithmetic, it is absolutely no problem to overthrow the lifeblood of the Crusaders.

Don't think that the cross religion is very united, it is only united on the surface, and there are as many factions in the inner bottom.

Otherwise, the outside world will not split into the Puritans, Christianity, Catholicism these factions.

"If it's possible, I don't want to play this kind of method, but he is about to overturn the table of the Crusaders, and I at least lift it together."

Al Gore's tone carried some disgust.

Crusading is really inauthentic, at least if Al Gore was not reminded by Su Jin, he would never have imagined that they were actually playing tricks like changing the world.

It is no wonder that when Algor was sealed by Buddhism, the Crusaders refused to detain him, and instead entrusted the Greek gods to take over. The co-author had long understood that Algor, who was a Protoss, would definitely not agree to this plan.

As for Al Gore's mood, it is probably that you are in the first year of junior high school and I am in the fifteenth year, and no one is laughing at anyone.

At this time, Su Jin smiled playfully: "To be honest, I always feel that your brain seems to have a lot of inspiration, and you have been tricked out of experience?"

"If you don't speak, no one will treat you as dumb." Algor rolled his eyes.

What does it mean to be tricked out of experience, her eyes are obviously wise.

Of course, Al Gore also knew that if it wasn't for the so much information Su Jin dictated, she would never have imagined that the Crusaders were actually planning such a thing.

But then again, the information in Su Jin's mouth was as detailed as those poets who had observed everything secretly were secretly recording it.

Even though he was a third-rate poet at best, it surprised Algor so far.

She suspected that Su Jin or the twin goddesses were ambushing spies in the Crusaders, or a poet spy, but she didn't know which guy it was.

After all, there are many poets in the Crusaders, and there are even special choirs who specially make up various chants and Divine Comedies to praise the angels and the Lord.

It can be said that poets are called the fourth strongest species, and there is a big reason for the use of poets by the Christian religion.

Playing lip service is what the Crusaders do best.

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