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Chapter 654:

Seeing Xiu Denan's abnormality, Bellupeo naturally understood the inadvisability of armed conflict, and immediately wanted to say something to Su Jin.

However, at this time, the blazing golden flame had already wrapped Su Jin.

"If you want to welcome back Hecate, let the Serpent Serpent talk to me in person."

Before the words fell, the blazing golden flame twisted in a spiral shape, and soon disappeared in front of Belupeo with Su Jin's figure.


Belupeo scolded her mother for a while.

Hecate's fingerprints are needed to welcome back their leader who had been exiled in the crevices of the world.

However, if you want to bring back Hecate, you have to ask the leader to negotiate with Su Jin first.

These two conditions, like two ropes, are still tied into a dead knot.

Aren't you bullying people? Belupeo was extremely aggrieved.

However there is no way.

The power of the **** of the red world is not something that the kings of the red world can resist.

Even if Thousand Changes and Inverse Judges are the top kings of the red world, they can't change the absolute strength difference.


Xiu Denan, who regained control of his body from the hands of fear, slapped himself angrily.

"The worst state of affairs."

Belupiolu sighed, looked at the empty altar above and said:

"Next, what we have to face is no longer a pediatrician like the Fire Mist Warrior."

"The sun **** "The Sun of the Unsustainable"..."

Qianbian Xiudan pushed his glasses, and then gave a wry smile.

With just one look, he made a terrifying existence that he couldn't even act.

Wanting to take back Hecate from such an existence, Xiu Denan clearly understood how small the possibility was.

Belupeo retracted her gaze towards the altar, gritted her teeth and said:

"The most urgent task is to let the professor take the time to study the free method of contacting the alliance leader. The matter of Hecate's being taken away must be decided by the alliance leader."

Without the top seat, the intermediary who connected with the Serpent Serpent, all the plans for the masquerade party became very cumbersome.

But there is no way. If you want to take back Hecate, you must negotiate with the Serpent Snake.

The scene just now has completely proved how powerless the resistance of these red world kings is in the face of the **** of the red world.

Thinking of this, Bellupiolu gritted his teeth and said, "At least we must research the props to welcome back the will of the leader."

"I understand."

Xiu Denan responded silently, and left with a black face.

He is going to urge the willful professor, even if he puts a knife on the other's neck, he will force the professor to create a feasible method of freedom.

If I can't beat the Sun God, can I still beat the researcher, Professor?

With such an aggrieved mentality, Xiu Denan left the prayer hall in a hurry.

Seeing this, Belupeo didn't stop her, she understood that Xiu Denan knew the proportions.

"The sun god, the apostle, the zero-hour fan..."

Bellupiolu bit her bright red nails, her eyes gradually calmed down, and she even said excitedly:

"This kind of unavoidable enemy is really scary."

The more difficult the challenge, the more excited it is. This is the special hobby of Belupeo, the staff officer of the masquerade.

"You have to think of a suitable method..."

Belupeo fell into deep thought.


Magic Capital, an alley in Xuhui District.

Blazing golden sparks appeared suddenly, and then twisted in a spiral.

After a while, Su Jin, who led Hecate, appeared in the alley.


The triangular tin stick made a crisp sound.

Hearing the sound, Su Jin turned his eyes to the side, looked at the calm-faced Azunoza Hecate next to him, and said with a little playfulness:

"Do you want to resist?"

Hearing this, Hecate looked up and stared at Su Jin blankly, without saying a word.

"Did you ignore me? It really hurts."

Su Jin tilted his head indifferently and raised his index finger.

The use of power made the flame of the color of blazing gold reappear.

Su Jin, who was already used to it, squinted his eyes at the fact that "the flame of the corresponding color will appear when using power":

"Before I taste it again, I can satisfy some of your prayers a little."

Heikati heard the words, turned her head slightly, glanced at Su Jin, and said after a moment of silence:

"Yu Ming, you can't interrupt me here."

Su Jin glanced at Hecate and raised the corner of his mouth slightly: "Yes."

Not forcibly interrupting the royal life, this is the small condition that Hecate put forward to Su Jin.

As the price, Su Jin did whatever he wanted.

Before the free method of fingertips was formed, Su Jin said meaningfully to Hecate:

"Don't resist, of course, you can also give feedback as much as you like."

A blazing golden flame floated out from Su Jin's fingertips and devoured Hecate again.

However, unlike the previous 'space transfer', this time, the power contained in the flame was a terrible power that made Hecate, who was hollow in his heart, tremble.

That is the high-ranking existence at the level of gods and Buddhas, the power in charge.

The power to "destroy".


The blazing golden flames covered Hecate's entire body, destroying all impurities.

And the main place of destruction is the concept called [individual].

For the gods and Buddhas with more than four digits in Hakoba, the essence of battle is the battle of concepts.

As a large-scale collection of concepts, power has the title of "universal power".

Through the secret technique taught by Athena, Su Jin temporarily destroyed the concept of 'individual' with the power of power, and gave the concept of 'props' in the interim.

Such behavior did not cause Hecate's appearance to change, but the main change was in the interior.

After the flame disappeared, Su Jin paused and stretched out his hand towards Hecate.

While holding down the opponent's wide white hat, Su Jin instilled his own strength into Hecate.


The power of existence of alien species poured in, and Hecate couldn't help but let out a cry like a small animal.

However, at this time, she suddenly felt a strange connection between her and Su Jin.

"This is……"

An inexplicable emotion rose from Hecate's heart, which was the emotion that came from Su Jin.

On the other hand, Su Jin sensed the wonderful 'starry sky' composed of concepts under this delicate connection.

Looking at the starry sky that can only be seen from the perspective of the soul, Su Jin couldn't help saying:

"This is the composition of [Creation] power..."

Hecate's current mood is very subtle, and all kinds of human emotions are transmitted through the connection with Su Jin.

A container without emotion, it feels the presence of emotion.

"What did you do to me?" Hecate, who had a little vitality in his tone, asked.

Su Jin did not respond directly, but raised the corners of his mouth little by little:

"I just turned you into my exclusive 'prop'."

Chapter 0882 Shana of Versailles

The smile on Su Jin's face was rather wicked.

Destroy the concept of the individual and give it the concept of props.

In gamification terms, Su Jin temporarily erased the character Hecate and made it into a piece of equipment called 'Hecate'.

But now, Su Jin, who wears this layer of equipment, naturally obtains the 'good fortune' attribute of the equipment, thus obtaining a shortcut to study the power of good fortune.

This is also a common trick used by some gods and buddhas of Hakoba to deal with the defeated.

It's just that compared to Su Jin, who keeps Hecate's self, those gods and Buddhas who will erase the self of props are more cruel than Su Jin's behavior.

"..." Hecate was speechless, and his disgust for the word 'props' surged in his heart.

This disgust was so unfamiliar to the once 'container' that Hecate felt the novelty of the experience.

At this time, after eating the twisted melon, Su Jin, who was experiencing a mouth full of sweetness, said with a smile:

"As agreed, I won't stop you from carrying out your life, but as a price, you will stay by my side as a prop."

Heikati silently responded to Su Jin, and did not express the idea of ​​​​refusing.

She even wanted to ask for more emotions from Su Jin.

But inexplicably, she chose to hide this emotion.

'What a strange experience. ' Hecate thought silently.

Seeing Hecate agreeing with silence, Su Jin's smile became even wider.

With the first acquiescence, there will be a second time. When it comes to his Su Jin, Hecate still wants to go back to the masquerade party?

Don't even think about it!

What if Hecate was picked up at the masquerade in the future?

The most important source of power in Wuyoujing - Zero Hour Mizi is in the hands of Caipiao Feilaisi.

Cai Piao is Su Jin's 'subordinate'.

Aside from the zero-hour fans, the only person who can support Wuhejing's creation with individual strength is Su Jin, who has a huge small universe.

So from the beginning, Su Jin was an inescapable part of the masquerade party.

Originally, Su Jin also wanted to have friendly contact with Hecate, and use the return of the sacrificial snake as an excuse to get help from the other party, but the previous reaction seemed that this road would not work.

Even if the snake returns, Hecate's function will not change, and her answer is naturally impossible to change.

Therefore, if Su Jin wants to achieve his goal, what he needs to do is to forcefully change the function of Hecate, until this 'Nuwa' finally belongs to himself.

With many emotions flashing in his heart, Su Jin narrowed his eyes and muttered:

"Calculate the time, it's almost time to go back, otherwise Shana will probably find something abnormal."

Su Jin muttered, stretched out his hand, and disappeared into the alley with the speechless Hecate.


In the suburbs of Modu, in a church with a striking spire.

Shana, who was escorting the members of Waiwaihu, suddenly felt a heavy weight on her back, as if she was carrying something heavy on her back.

"??" Shana raised her head suddenly and looked around.

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