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Chapter 674:

Chapter 0908 Punishment

"you're awake?"

A childish child's voice rang in Marjoram's ear.

She opened her eyes in confusion, raised her hand to her forehead, and said blankly:

"I'm... where is this place?"

"This is the Waddington Hotel in Paris, of course, the location means nothing to you now."

The young child's voice answered Marjoram's question.

She narrowed her eyes, finally recalling what had happened earlier in her mind.

During her hundreds of years of chasing and killing the Red World, she routinely developed a depressed mood. On the way to find a bar to get drunk, she happened to meet the bone picker Lamy, and chased him for three hours...

Ah, it looks like I fell into the hands of the man who was with Yan Zhan's eyes... But how did I lose...

Marchionne finally recalled everything, then turned her head and saw a elf-like girl with short pink hair and a dress sitting on the wooden chair next to her.

Seemingly aware of Marchionne's attention, the girl with her clean feet swaying on the wooden chair smiled at her.

At this time, Ma Qionglin found that the other party's left calf seemed to be wearing a delicate silver anklet, and as the other party shook his feet, the anklet also made a crisp sound.

"You are?"

Marchionne looked at the pink-haired elf.

The girl with a subtle blush on her face is currently holding a boxy wooden board, which seems to be a painting. From Ma Qionglin's perspective, she can still see the girl sitting on her side, A picture of many young girls standing in the middle of the field.

Among the teenagers, one of the girls seemed to be the girl in front of him.

The elf-like girl held the drawing board in her arms, Yingying smiled and said:

"Having chased and killed me for most of the night, why did you forget it so quickly?"

"Rami!" Marchionne froze for a moment, then showed a horrified look.

That famous person dressed like an old gentleman is actually such a cute little girl? !

If you had exposed your appearance early, I wouldn't have chased and killed children... No, you can't judge what's inside just by looking at your appearance... That kind of cannibalism, it's better to kill them all without leaving them behind.

Just when Marjoram was in chaos, on the bedside table, from the huge hardcover dictionary came the rampant laughter that Marcosias was familiar with:

"Hahaha, I knew you would be frightened!"

"How does it feel, my sweetheart, how does it feel to be frightened by Lamy's real body?"

"Shut up, Marco." Marjoram glared at Marcosias, and immediately raised her hand to fight.

Then the moment she raised her hand, Marchionne was stunned to find that the sense of strength she had in the past had disappeared without a trace.

This feeling... Ma Qionglin looked at her thin arm, and in a trance, it seemed that she had returned to the human era hundreds of years ago.

"So that's the case, has my power been sealed by you?"

Marchionne looked at Lian Nancy and said sullenly.

Without waiting for Lin Nancy to answer, Marcosias said with a smile:

"Although it's not that Lian Nancy can't do this, it's a pity, my Ma Qionglin, it's other beings that seal your power. Look at your left foot."

Ma Qionglin lifted the quilt and found that she had taken off her lady's suit at some point and put on a close-fitting bathrobe. At this moment, at the bottom of the bathrobe, a silver necklace was clearly visible on her calf.

"A Noble Phantasm that seals power?" Ma Qionglin's heart sank, and then she was stunned, turned her head in surprise, and looked at Lian Nanxi:

"Lian Nancy? Are you the spiral organ, Lian Nancy?! The legendary Zi Zi Zi Shi?"

"Hahaha, have you finally realized what great deeds you have done?"

Marcosias laughed, as if he was about to burst into tears.

"I thought it was chasing down Xiao Xiami, but it turned out that there was a Tyrannosaurus Rex under Xiami, congratulations, my sweetheart, if Lian Nanxi didn't want to fight, we would have carved the tombstone."

Spiral Organ by Lynn Nancy.

Although it is a disciple of the red world, its existence is recognized as more difficult than the king of the red world.

She, who is good at freelance programming, is a legendary mage in game terms.

Even if the power of the other party's existence is scarce, its terrifying means is enough to make any king of the red world shudder.

If it weren't for the difficulty in collecting the power of the other party's cherished existence, Marjoram would be killed by the other party in a few encounters.

"Tsk..." Ma Qionglin smacked her lips, feeling regret after impulse for the first time in her heart.

She also wondered why the bone picker Lamy was recognized as harmless, and the co-author of the bone picker was this big guy.

She is lucky to be alive.

"So, am I your captive, Lian Nancy?"

"No." Lian Nanxi held the drawing board and said with a smile, "I am a prisoner like you now. Of course, it can also be said to be that slave."

"That one?" Marchionne was stunned and looked at Marcosias subconsciously.


Marcosias, who usually laughs at contract partners, fell into a deep silence at this time.

"Marco, do you know anything?" Marchionne frowned, sensing that something was wrong with her partner.

"We're planted, mate."

Marcosias sighed and said in a melancholy voice:

"Who would have thought that the blazing golden flame is actually the representative color of the **** of the gods. We really suffered a great loss of lack of culture this time!"

The **** of gods... Ma Qionglin was stunned for a moment, and then she thought of the sublime gods served by the 'Apostles' represented by the four seasons, the group of disciples of the red world that chased the gods.

"The Sun God..."The Sun of the Unsustainable"? ! Marchionne only felt a toothache: "That little girl, or the man who defeated us, is the sun god?" "

"The man is the sun god, and the woman is the object of his contract. Although I don't understand how he appeared alone without the contractor, it is indeed himself."

Marcosias explained, and then whispered:

"Marjoram, I advise you to be a slave obediently. We really can't afford that existence."

"Marco..." Ma Qionglin looked at her contractor in surprise, and it was the first time she saw her contractor soften.

Seeming to see through Marchionne's surprise, Lian Nancy chuckled aside:

"It yelled at you when you were in a coma, 'If you dare to touch my sweetheart, I will kill you', and then he was punished a little by the sun god."

"Disciplined? How to punish?" Ma Qionglin was stunned for a moment, and then said in surprise.

"It, or just calling 'she' now, will do."

Lian Nancy showed a naughty smile at this time:

"Genderless, she was given a definite gender and a human body by the sun god, and in a short period of time, she experienced the pain that women go through hundreds of times every month."

"Of course, overall, it's not very harmful, but it's extremely humiliating."

"I just don't know if she can take it."

"She... Marco..."

Marchionne people are dumbfounded, there is such a punishment? How could the sun **** actually do such a thing?

Immediately afterwards, Marjoram clutched her stomach and laughed loudly:

"Hahaha, I actually became a woman, and I also experienced dysmenorrhea, which made me laugh to death, Marco, do you feel good when you have dysmenorrhea? That's the feeling I lost for hundreds of years after becoming a Fire Mist Warrior!"

"Shut up!" Marcosias scolded angrily, and then yelled: "If I hadn't protected you, would my mother suffer this kind of crime?"

"Grass, why am I calling myself an old lady, **** sun god, he definitely put the concept of women into my original power of existence!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Marchionne clutched her stomach, her shoulders kept shaking, and she really laughed.

"Killing me!"

"Marco, will we be good sisters in the future? I will definitely teach you how to be a girl, hahahaha!"

At this moment, the door opened, and a male voice came in:

"You seem to be having a good time chatting?"

Marjoram's laughter stopped for a while, and Marcosias' scolding stopped abruptly.

In the room, everyone's eyes were focused on the door, on the black-haired youth.

Chapter 0909 Slave and Price

"Why, so happy to see me? Can't say anything?"

Su Jin pushed in the door, closed the door, and smiled at Ma Qionglin in the room.

"The Sun God "The Sun of Unsustainable"..." Marchionne said in an extremely unnatural tone.

"I didn't expect that such a humble person would be lucky enough to meet the legendary God of the Red World..."

"Don't underestimate yourself, Marjorine Duo." Su Jin smiled: "In terms of the level of a Fire Mist Warrior, you are also a first-class existence."

"Even me, it took a lot of effort to subdue you."

With a lot of strength, do you lose consciousness when you touch it... Ma Qionglin, who saw Su Jin for the first time, was not at all happy about the fact that the sun **** actually made a joke.

Who made her the clown in the joke.

Not caring about the complexity of Ma Qionglin, Su Jin walked to the bed, sat down, and asked:

"Are you aware of your situation now?"

"Situation?" Marjoram didn't come back to her senses for a while.

Hearing this, Su Jin turned his head and looked at Lian Nanxi, whose face was blushing and his eyes were always dodging, and suddenly said helplessly:

"Don't panic, I won't eat you again."

"You haven't told her yet?"

You won't eat me, but you want me to eat strange things... Lian Nanxi blushed and whispered:

"I just paid attention to the drawing. I didn't explain much, but it just showed that she had become a slave."

"Isn't that already said?" Su Jin reluctantly reached out his hand, wanting to touch Lian Nancy's head.

The latter shrank his neck, but thought of something, and probing the probe jerky and active.

After rubbing Lian Nancy's broken hair and messing up the vibrant pink hair, Su Jin turned his head and looked at Ma Qionglin and said:

"Do you understand your situation?"


Marchionne's face was very complicated.

Born into a noble family in the seventeenth century, she was sold to a prostitute during the war-torn era, and she heard this terrible word again.

But now, it is not the slave owner who can contact her father's old friend to confront her who is enslaving her, but the transcendent existence in the red world, the **** in charge of power.

This is not the slave owner she contacted her father's old friend and tried to kill with a mercenary, and no mercenary can kill a god.

"It seems that your mood is very complicated." Su Jin smiled indifferently: "I heard that during the slave period, you used wisdom to deal with the slave owners, and while preserving your innocence, you also found a mercenary with your relationship. Almost killed the slave owner? Is that true?"

When Marchionne heard this, she immediately looked at the hardcover dictionary on the cabinet with anger:


"You can't blame me for this!" Marcosias's tone was weak, but plausible: "In the face of a monster like the God of the Red World, in order to save you, I naturally try to talk about poor things, or you will die. ,what should I do?"

Marchionne suddenly became anxious, but she couldn't say that Marcosias was wrong.

She can protect herself with all her might, and she is already very loyal among the contract demon kings.

Most of the disciples of the red world would not be so righteous in the face of the death of their contractors, and dared to risk offending the gods.

After all, the contractor died, and the king of the red world just returned to the red world and offended the **** of the red world, but he would be chased to death by the other party in the red world.

Marchionne opened her mouth, but finally recognized the reality, turned her head, and sighed:

"It happened once."

"Want to try to kill me?" Su Jin asked eagerly.

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