Thank You

Chapter 681:

"According to your will, the leader, we have successfully sent an invitation to Your Excellency Shahar, the God of Guidance."

"According to the information from the front line, His Excellency Shahar has already agreed to your invitation."

Serpent Serpent: "???"

Chapter 0918 Shahar's Desire

After a short silence, the Serpent Serpent pretended to be calm and asked:


"Although it is necessary to eliminate interfering elements before the Great Life Psalm begins, General Yu, what is your reason for inviting Shahar?"

"Isn't this your will, lord?"

Xiu Denan looked at the sacrificial snake in astonishment, and said a little strangely:

"Let me wait to inform your old female friend, Your Excellency Shahar, isn't the imperial order from you personally?"

Serpent Serpent: "..."

Women, old friends, gods of the red world, well, apart from old friends, Shahar is indeed quite suitable.

Considering that Qian Bian is his faithful servant, it is not easy for the sacrificial snake to tell him that he is looking for the sun god, you are wrong.

Therefore, after a moment of silence, he said:

"Xiu Denan, Yu will give another instruction now."

"Yes!" Xiu Denan immediately knelt on one knee and greeted the oracle of the sacrificial snake.

The Serpent Serpent said lightly at this time:

"Send someone to invite the sun **** "The Sun of Bushuo". "

"It's time to return, Yu witch."

Not to mention that you want to find Hecate, I am afraid that Xiu Denan, you will run to find the calamity of the God of Punishment, Tian Rang.

When it comes to looking for Hecate, you can't find the wrong person, right?

Hearing this, Xiu Denan looked happy, and hurriedly bowed his head and said: "I will obey the imperial order."

"Yeah." The Serpent Serpent nodded and said, "After you go down, notify the messenger of Shahar to come over."


Hearing this, Xiu Denan got up, stepped back a distance, and then turned and left the hall.

After Xiudenan left, the Serpent Snake couldn't help but sighed:

"Shahar, if possible, Yu doesn't want to touch this troublesome guy after all."

"The death of the Thousand Commander Organ, the abrupt action of the hunter Fariagni."

"Maybe other kings of the red world can't see the truth, but Yu is not ignorant of the name of your guiding god."

The power of Shahar [arousal] and [communication], the means of combining these two powers, the Serpent of Ritual is not ignorant, and even understands it very deeply.

After all, the person who first called this method [induction] was himself.

Now that Shahar, the God of Guidance, has come forward to induce Fariagni to attack and kill his subordinates, the Serpent of Ritual has naturally listed Shahar as an object of vigilance.

Of course, even if it was listed as a vigilant object, the Serpent Snake did not want to contact Shahar too early.

However... Xiu Denan's comprehension ability is really lacking.

Thinking of the upcoming meeting with Shahar, the sacrificial snake turned his head and said to the person who was in charge of maintaining his body: "Professor Dantarion."

"I'm here~~ Your Excellency the Serpent Serpent~~"

With round eyes and a treacherous smile, the man in the white coat who looked like a mad scientist laughed:

"I'm currently studying the composition of the will of the gods~~ If you have something to do, can you talk about it later?"

Something close to blasphemous came out of Dantarion's twisted tone.

However, in the face of the fact that it was "researched", the Serpent Serpent had no surprises.

Affirming the wishes of the disciples is the responsibility of the Serpent Snake, so for Dantarion, who has embodied the concept of 'research', the Ritual Serpent can not only understand the other party's thoughts, but also condone the other party's catharsis.

"Although I don't want to stop your research, I still want you to help me deal with something."

The sacrificial snake talked eloquently.

"I need a cage that isolates sound, spreads the power of existence, and spreads electronic information, preferably even the fluctuations of the law of freedom can be hidden."

"I don't want my conversation with Shahar to be broadcast live all over the world in the face of that talkative guy in Shahar."

Ritual Serpent knows Shahar too well.

It was a **** who kept his own affairs strictly secret, hyped up the secrets of others, and even tampered and twisted them for fun.

The Serpent Serpent had serious doubts, if he said he wanted to 'create nowhere and give disciples a new paradise'.

Shahar will definitely tamper with this as 'The Serpent's intention to drive the disciples of the red world from the new world, and swallow all the power of human existence. ’

Otherwise, it would be 'Shocked, the Serpent's Serpent actually created a world to imprison Xinyi's disciples of the red world. ’

As a former victim, the Serpent of Ritual never believed in Shahar's integrity.

"In terms of ability, can you do it?" Serpent Serpent asked Dantarion.

"This kind of thing~~simple~~Just need to activate the hidden sanctuary of the Xingli Hall, mix it with my crystallization of my learning-forbidden speech package 1010, it can be done~~"

Dantarion's answer was very confident. As one of the most famous Zizi Masters and the strongest research scholar in the Red World, he could still do such trivial things.

"That's good."

The Serpent Snake sighed, then fell silent.

After all, his return is only part of his will. To maintain his sobriety, he needs a lot of human emotional support.

So in order to save consumption, most of the time, he will choose a silent way to save energy.

The sacrificial snake that has been wandering in the gap between the two worlds for thousands of years has long since penetrated into the instinct of 'saving'.




Xingli Hall, before the Silver Sand Corridor.

A three-eyed beauty with a blindfold on her right eye and a dark dress, Injury Judge Belupeo was welcoming someone.

A 'mind' wearing a green three-legged hat, covering his eyes, and his face covered by a white cloth, making it impossible to see his face and gender, and carrying an old lute.

"I haven't seen you in a thousand years, Love Carre, the Hilarious Hire."

Lovekare sighed lightly on the lute and said in a reciting tone:

"Accurately speaking, in the year 1043, after the establishment of the ancient Song Dynasty in the East, I never saw each other again."

"Your memory is as good as ever."

Belupeo gave a polite sigh, then turned around and said as she walked:

"Please come with me, our leader is already waiting for you and His Majesty Shahar to arrive in the palace."

Hearing this, Lovecare walked into the silver sand corridor with the lute.

It was a huge back-shaped passageway, and on both sides of the passageway, there were numerous silver gravels dotted.

This is the 'Silver Sand Corridor'.

A large-scale Noble Phantasm that can change the spatial layout of the Xingli Hall at will, and carry out spatial teleportation within the range of the Xingli Hall.

And now, Belupiolu is controlling the silver sand corridor to confuse Lovekare's sense of spatial orientation, and at the same time bring people to the deep altar.

After a while, the corridor appeared at the end, a black stone door with a huge serpentine sculpture painted on it.


The stone door slowly opened, and the scene inside came into Lovecare's eyes.

It was a huge and empty hall. The hall was staring at the thick and messy pipes. There were many holes on the pipes that were spewing steam.

If the space is not large enough, this hall is afraid that it will become a building like a sauna.

At this time, in the center of the hall, a silver-white armored man was sitting quietly on a wooden chair.

And 3 meters opposite the armored man, there is also a bench, obviously reserved for Lovecare.


After Lovekare entered the door, the silver armored man slowly raised his head, and then said softly:

"Are you still going to keep hiding?"


A silent vibration came from Lovecare's body.

Belupiolu, who was the closest, took a step back, clearly feeling that some kind of will was familiar in Lovecare's body.

A playful and smiling female voice echoed in the atmosphere: "Are you playing the role of a knight? Fuxi."

The silver armored man was not surprised by this, and said lightly:

"Right now, it's more appropriate to call Yu's Hongshi's real name 'The Serpent's Serpent'."

"Oh? Reason." Guiding God Shahar asked the bottom line.

The sacrificial snake has long been accustomed to this, but said helplessly:

"Names that have been defeated are unlucky, is this reason enough?"

"Enough." Shahar chuckled lightly, as if 'making the sacrificial snake helpless' brought her a lot of joy.

Facing the unscrupulous compatriots, the Serpent Serpent erased the idea of ​​reminiscing the past, and asked in a deep voice:

"Before the official negotiation, Yu's compatriot Shahar, Yu wants to know, your true 'desire'."

"Fantastic things."

Shahar smiled and replied:

"This is my pursuit."

"So, in the ancient times, I could follow you without caring about the identity of the **** of the red world and witness the beginning of the world, and I could also abandon you without hesitation and follow the footsteps of the "Sunshine Sun" to witness The first order was born. "

"And now, I can sell you to..."

Speaking of this, Shahar said in the shock of the Serpent Serpent and the astonishment of Belupiolu:

"The new sun god."

Snapped! Snapped!

The applause that should not have appeared quietly echoed in the hall.

Chapter 0919 The Four Pillars of God Gather

Crisp applause echoed in the hall.

Belupeo couldn't help but look in the direction of the voice. When she saw the figure clearly, her pupils shrank and she lost her voice:

"Sun God!"

She immediately took a few steps back, then gritted her teeth, and hurriedly walked to the body of the sacrificial snake to block:

"Leader, please avoid it for the time being..."

The sun **** "The Sun of Bushuo" actually appeared in the Xingli Hall, and according to the tone of the guiding **** Shahar just now...

Obviously, the sun **** and the guide **** cooperated, and facing the two gods, even the snake of their lord sacrificial ceremony could not have a chance of victory.

What's more, the Serpent Snake is only partially returning its will, and the power it has now is enough to fight against the God of the Red World, not to mention the King of the Red World.

I'm probably going to die here today... This is Belupeo's first thought.

The second thought is, Shiu Denan, is it stupid to smoke? I don't know where yet.

Completely forgetting that Xiudenan has been sent by the Serpent Serpent to invite Belupiolu, the sun god, and is now very flustered.

What interrupted her panic was Su Jin's playful eyes and words:

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