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Chapter 901:

Just when Fairways showed a shocked expression, Su Jinhao explained in a polite way:

"This gem is the latest research result of the guild. It can limit the power of monsters in the dungeon, and has a strong attraction to special dragon species."


"So what you have to do is to send this gem to the depths of the dungeon to attract the last black dragon. At that time, the crusade team composed of powerful elites of Orari will attack and kill the black dragon."

"According to the research of experts in the guild, this gem can roughly limit the power of the black dragon to level 8, thereby increasing the probability of successful combat to 70%."

After speaking these words in a eloquent manner, Su Jin narrowed his eyes, smiled and looked at the thoughtful Fairways and said:

"Do you understand what you're saying?"

"..." Fairways fell silent.

She originally thought that what she wanted to do was to accuse Dionysus of becoming a rare elf who betrayed the master, but in the end, Su Jin actually invited her to participate in the great cause of crusade against the last black dragon.

This made Fairways fall into a complicated silence.

Who wouldn't want to be a hero if it wasn't for lack of strength?

If it is to fight the last black dragon, it seems that it is not too sad to sacrifice one's life.

Seeing that Fairways was shaken, Su Jin squinted and added:

"Of course, our guild, as the management of Orari, will naturally not force the people to sacrifice themselves."

"Well, according to the report of the scientific research department, the experimental reversal of the human demonization has reached a certain level. If a hero volunteers to participate in the research, it is not impossible to return the half-human, half-monster back to its original state."

Hearing Su Jin's words, Fairways fell into an unprecedented shock.

How could she turn back into a human?

Can she turn back into a human?

"Of course, since this kind of experiment is a prohibited human experiment, the corresponding participants naturally need to change the family to the Uranos family..."

Before Su Jin could finish speaking, an urgent voice rang out.

"I promise!"

Fairways took a deep breath and raised her head towards Su Jin and said:

"Whether it's sending that gem to the depths of the dungeon, participating in experiments, or transferring sects, I've agreed to all of them!"

"As long as you can change me back, I promise you everything!"

Seeing this scene, the people around Lililuka were dumbfounded.

Compared with the stupid Lily Luca, Su Jinzheng, who is very clear-headed, raised the corners of his mouth little by little, showing the expression that he planned to pass:

"I have to repeat, you made a wise choice."

Chapter 1249 What do you say?

Until Su Jin took Lily Luca away, Lily Luca's head was dazed.

The head of the Dionysus family, Fairways, who is known as the mourning fairy, has such an IQ?

That's it?

Su Jin only said a few words, Fairways believed it all, and even turned into a 'Uranos' family in front of her. What is this? Three words, let the head of the elf fall in love with me?

Lily Luca only felt her head buzzing, and the scene in front of her seemed unreal.

Su Jin, who was walking ahead, gave her a slightly surprised look: "Where are you shaking your head and what are you doing?"

"No, Lord Su Jin, I'm just... just..." Lily Luca struggled for a while, and then said with a weird expression: "I just think Fairways doesn't doubt it?"

"Doubt what?" Hearing this, a smile appeared in Su Jin's eyes.

Lililuka hesitated for a moment, then whispered, "We don't seem to have evidence of Dionysus' crime in our hands, right?"

"Does it matter?" Su Jin raised the corners of his mouth at this time, and said with a half-smiling expression: "The important thing is that Fairways thinks we have evidence, isn't that enough?"

Lily Luca was speechless for a moment.

Yes, as long as Fairways thinks that Su Jin has enough evidence to kill Dionysus, that's fine.

As long as Fairways thinks that Su Jin knows everything, the evidence in her head that can really kill Dionysus can also be transformed into evidence in Su Jin's hands. In a sense, the one who really killed Dionysus was the leader of his family, Fairways himself.

In a sense, it was still Fairways killing Dionysus, even though she thought she was protecting him.

When Lily Luca was pity, Su Jin added with a smile: "Actually, in my opinion, Dionysus' life or death is not important, and there is no need for evidence to kill him. After all, evidence is something that only needs to be Just make one."

"Isn't life or death important?" Lily Luca looked up at Su Jin's profile in astonishment, then thought about the other party's recent actions, thinking that the other party killed Soma after borrowing her last time, but in the end it was just to get her own magic assistance. He felt something in his heart and said, "Did you deal with the **** Dionysus for Fairway's sake?"

After speaking, Lily Luca was frightened by her bold idea.

Su Jin went to persecute Dionysus because he wanted to get Fairways. If that's the case, then Master Soma would be very happy in the heavens, right? Glad you have a partner?

Hearing Lily Luca's bold guess, Su Jin couldn't help but smile:

"Yo, your little guy's IQ has risen very fast recently. Did you stay with Alphia for a long time? Was it enlightened?"

That's true... Lily Luca looked at Su Jin dumbfoundedly: "Could it be that Fairways also has some special magic?"

Lily Luca heard from Alphia that she was attracted to Su Jin because of the magic of Cinderella, so come so soon, Fairways also has a strange magic?

However, after listening to Lily Luka's words, Su Jin sneered: "I just praised you, and my IQ was taken off the shelf again."

He raised his hand with a smile, tapped Lily Luka on the head lightly, and said with a bit of a teasing tone: "Why did I look at Fairways, I should have said it just now?"

already said? Lily Luca recalled for a moment, and then said in astonishment:

"Is it because of half-man, half-demon?"

"Is it true that you just want Fairways to help you send a gem to the dungeon?"

"What? You don't believe it?" Su Jin looked at the eyeballed dwarf girl playfully, with a bit of a smile on his face.

"It's not that I don't believe it, it's just... it's just..." Lililuka hesitated for a while, and then whispered: "It's just that Lord Alphia once said: 'If you don't want to be eaten with your body, Su I can't believe a word of Lord Jin's words, so I thought you had a crush on Fairways."

Alphia actually speaks ill of me behind my back? Su Jin was stunned for a moment, and then said angrily, "That woman who is used to waves will always do nonsensical things in meaningless places."

But that's right, apart from the gods and the black dragon, Alphia has never suffered so much since her debut. If she doesn't have a terminal illness, she can be said to be the strongest human being in the world of Orari. It's normal for such a person to do whatever they want. .

Shaking his head, Su Jin sighed, and while continuing to move forward, he said:

"Do you know what the gem I just gave Fairways was?"

"What is it?" Lily Luca asked curiously.

"'Sage's gem'." Su Jin raised the corner of his mouth and said with a smile: "Of course, I named it myself, and it is only similar to the real sage's gem."

"The real function of that gemstone is to store my 'corpse energy underworld wave', which can restrain the souls of the monsters around it, and trap the dead souls, so as to create a real sage's stone that can bring the dead back to life. "

Imprison the souls of monsters? Lily Luca couldn't help but be stunned when she heard such a description, and then said incredulously: "The refining of the sage's stone requires a soul? Also, your purpose for letting Fairways enter the depths of the dungeon is actually for refining. Sage's Stone?"

"Almost..." Su Jin shrugged and said with a little curiosity: "Although I am also curious that the Sage's Stone needs to be refined with souls, this is indeed the information recorded by the guild, and it is true that Fairway's Going down to the dungeon, I do have the idea of ​​​​refining the Sage's Stone by the way."

Of course, the real idea is to send the sage's stone to the depths of the dungeon, use the corpse gas on it to restrain the will of the dungeon, and incidentally attract the black dragon as the tentacle of the dungeon to sell Alphia and Ai Silk a favor.

And the reason why it is so troublesome is because the last time I entered the dungeon and played too much, I was afraid of the will of the dungeon, which caused it to shrink so much recently, which made it difficult for me to capture it perfectly.

However, although this is a little troublesome, it can not only refine the stone of the sage, but also imprison the will of the dungeon, and sell favors to Alphia and Ais. In a sense, it can already be called four wins. Now, I have won four out of four... Su Jin muttered to himself.

At this moment, a cold female voice sounded from the corner: "Do you actually need soul refining? No wonder the Sage's Stone appeared once in Orari and became a legend. It turns out that there is such a doorway."

Hearing this, Su Jin turned around not unexpectedly, and smiled at Alphia, who was walking towards him:

"How does it feel to 'kill' your former boss?"

"I can't wait to add two more knives." Alphia snorted and said with a sneer: "That pretentious sick girl has made my sister cry so many times, and it's too cheap to kill her like this."

While listening, Su Jin looked at Alphia's involuntarily raised mouth, just smiled, and then said:

"Then do you want to do it again?"

"Speak up." Alphia glared at Su Jin, and then snorted: "Don't be silly, the meeting of the gods is about to start, hurry up and put on your Uranus vest to attend the meeting."

"Are we going to start? What is the issue?" Su Jin asked knowingly.

Alphia rolled her eyes, and did not dismantle Su Jin, but explained indifferently:

"What else is there to discuss? Interrogate Zeus."

"After all, there is another **** who 'died' in something related to him."

Seeing Alphia's final gloating, Su Jin shrugged:

"Looks like something big is going to happen."

Chapter 1250 Interrogation

Tower of Babel, Hall of the Gods. Beneath the towering stone pillars, a handsome man and a beautiful woman stood on both sides of the hall, looking either blue or white, very ugly.

Because of the information gathered by the guild, there was a lot of discussion in the crowd.

"Is Hera really dead?"

"How can this be fake? Didn't you see the repatriated beam of light? How about more than a dozen? More than Hera died."

"Who killed it? So many colleagues were killed, it must be organized and premeditated. Can't the guards catch a single person?"

"Ganesha's guards are still arresting, I think it's out of play."

"What happened to this lower realm recently? Does the guild have the ability to protect the gods? If it doesn't work well, it's better to replace it!"

"Be careful! That lord in the guild is not something we can talk about!"

"Maybe that lord is also an insider? Don't forget to kill God first, isn't he a friend of that lord?"

"You said... Zeus?"

"Hey! No way?! He's not like this, is he?"

"But didn't Hera die because she went looking for him?"

"Hey, don't guess, when Lord Uranos comes over, contact Hera in the heavens to understand the truth, don't guess now!"

At this moment, the guard's shouts came from outside the door.

"Lord Uranos is here...!"

Hearing the sound, the originally noisy hall became silent in an instant, and they all looked in the direction of the gate.

next second.

Su Jin, who was wearing a black cloak and surrounded by mental illusions, walked in slowly.

In the eyes of the gods, the people who walked in outside the door were wearing the old image of Uranus.

When Su Jin entered the door, a group of gods who were guessing everywhere suddenly stood on both sides of the road with low eyebrows and bowed heads, as if there was no behind-the-scenes discussion just now.

Seeing this scene, the corner of Su Jin's mouth twitched, sneered, and then walked towards the most central throne.

The throne is located in the center of the hall, at the midpoint of a huge U-shaped birch table with four seats on either side of the U-shaped table.

There are a total of 9 seats, representing the 9 great gods who made a contract with the gods in the first lower realm.

However, due to the thousands of years of kinship games, the gods in these 9 seats, except for Uranus, have lost their status. Therefore, now sitting in these 9 chairs are only the previously launched 9-person council. member.

At this time, when they saw Su Jin coming, in order to show their respect for the great god's suppression of the dungeon, the eight people got up one after another, and because of the current situation of the gods of Orari, their faces were painful, and many people were still blue.

Before arriving at the throne, Su Jin looked at Hestia, who was blue-faced On the waist, it belonged to Hestia's hand.

They were like two bison with opposite horns, each small hand working hard under the table.

Seeing this scene, Su Jin was speechless.

Although the insiders, including Astoria, pretended to be in pain, it was enough to help each other with you to "pretend" to be in pain.

Su Jin, who was speechless for a while, sat on the throne that belonged to him and said, "Sit down."

The other eight people sat down one after another, and the surrounding gods also looked over and said:

"Lord Uranos, we can't wait any longer, let's judge!"

"Yes, yes, although there are still a few colleagues who have not returned, Zeus must not wait any longer! Look at how many **** friends have died in the past few days!"

"As far as I'm concerned, Zeus definitely did this today, even if he didn't do it, it has something to do with him!"

"Yes, yes, since I was in the heaven, I felt that Zeus was not a good person, and he must have done what happened today!"

Hearing these comments, Su Jin couldn't help but twitch at the corners of his mouth.

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