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Chapter 912:

Hestia rolled her eyes, then looked at Artemis with pity and said:

"However, Artemis, around Su Jin, is not as good as you think."

"I'm mentally prepared." Artemis took a deep breath.

I'm afraid that your mental preparation is not enough... Hestia murmured in his heart, and then, suddenly, he didn't know what to say.

The best friend has turned into a rival in love, and now she really wants to sort out this relationship.

Likewise, Artemis has quieted down, and she is also mitigating the consequences of the desperate gamble just now.

That is, in this quiet occasion, they heard a little bit of a shattering sound.

"Teacher, ah... they are all outside, won't you stop?"

"Wait a minute, it's almost over, just be patient, Ace."

"But I think... um... ah, I'm going to rush in soon."

Artemis suddenly raised his head and glanced at Hestia, and then the two of them looked at the bedroom next door that was not locked tightly.

After two or three seconds of silence, Artemis came over and opened the door.

"Ah, really came in." Ais said in surprise.

Artemis was silent for a while, then closed the door, turned his head and said to Hestia:

"...I don't think I'm ready yet, but I'm ready to destroy this church."

Hestia raised her head, revealing empty eyes, and laughed dryly:

"Go ahead, don't mind me!"


In the next second, the goddess bends the bow and shoots the arrow.

In the next second, all of Orari's people heard a loud bang.

Mushroom cloud soars into the sky in the West District!

Chapter 1269 Shocked Su Jin for a hundred years

In the basement of Arcadia headquarters, a basement lit by candles.

Quietly, strands of color slowly outlined a human figure in the void, and it didn't take long for Su Jin's figure to appear in the basement.

Su Jin opened his eyes, looked at the familiar dark room in front of him, and looked at the door elf Apoli, who was dozing with his eyes closed not far away, and could not help but let out a sullen breath:

"I'm back!"

In the wrong world, control the guild, remotely control the "hero" to kill the legendary black dragon, and use the sage's stone to lead the entire Orali's adventurers to the dungeon to hunt for treasure.

Su Jin, who has achieved three works in a row, met the observation requirements almost without any accident, thus completing the observation task.

Although it was said that at the end of the completion, there was a little misunderstanding in the small game with Ais, which made Artemis and Hestia see things they should not see, and even caused the goddess to run wild, but in the end, Su Jin still coaxed the goddess and got rid of the hatchet.

"It is estimated that Artemis has not calmed down yet, but it doesn't matter. When she arrives at Hakoba, there will be time to explain to her."

Su Jin said this and pinched his eyebrows, eased his emotions, raised his hand and swiped, and opened the interface of the dimension forum:

[World No. 007 [Is it a mistake to seek encounters in the dungeon] The observation was successful! 】

[According to the forum-central friendly agreement, the share will be deducted from the basic operation consumption...]

【Ding……! 】

[I have been informed of the request of the forum holder to conduct intelligence control on the world. This operation requires all the gains of the world, please confirm. 】

【Ding! The confirmation message has been received, and now the intelligence control will begin... the control is completed, I wish you a happy life~]

Seeing this series of news, Su Jin's mouth twitched a few times, secretly scolding the forum for asking for money.

Although it is to avoid those two-digit explorations of the wrong world, but if you eat all the receipts in one go, your capitalist forum really has enough capital.

If it wasn't for the purpose of controlling the ability of 'Benefit' in my own hands, and if I hadn't considered the inclusion of the Greek gods, I would have gained a lot of merit and increased my spirituality. Believe it or not, I'd just dismantle you bastard!

Damn, the more I think about it, the more angry I get... Su Jin's face twitched a few times, took several deep breaths in a row, then slowly exhaled, and then shouted:

"Alger, are you there?"

Su Jin's shouts echoed in the basement.

At the same time, strands of color that seemed to be able to evoke emotions slowly emerged in front of Su Jin. In the void, an invisible brush waving, bit by bit, outlined a rare and beautiful girl with purple hair.

As soon as Shiver appeared, the beautiful purple-haired girl in pure white restraint clothes, whose figure was outlined by the restraint belt, frowned and asked:

"Su Jin, are you back from another world?"

"Is it a failure? Why didn't I find your newly observed world in Hakoniwa Central?"

Su Jin didn't respond, just opened his hands and hinted at Alger with his eyes.

Alger was stunned for a moment when he saw this, and then he opened his hands in annoyance, hugged him, and let himself be hugged into Su Jin's arms and said:

"What's the matter, all of a sudden you're acting coquettishly?"

"Could it be that you really failed? If you fail, it doesn't matter. If Hestia really dares to make things difficult for you, I will block her door tonight."

Su Jin embraced Alger, chin resting on the top of the girl's head, took a deep breath, sniffed the girl's fragrance and said:

"That's not necessary. In fact, it's not a failure. It's just a little trick to hide the world I observed."

"???" Alger froze for a while, raised his head, looked up at Su Jin's face, and after making sure that the other party was not lying, suddenly said strangely: "You mean, you hid that world? Are you sure?"

She just discovered for the first time that when Su Jin returned, she directly intervened in the central system, searching for the new world that Su Jin observed, but found nothing.

Who is she!

Lingge arrived at the ancient protoss with three-digit exceptions, the original magic star, the only three-digit exception in Hakoniwa, and the highest combat power in name.

In this way, she still can't search the world that Su Jin blocked?

Subconsciously, Alger thought of several things.

First, where did Su Jin find the means, how could he be able to hide from my search?

Second, what kind of treasure is there in the world observed this time, and Su Jin was forced to hide it in this way.

The third is that this wave has made a lot of money for the evil girl in Halloween and the sullen girl in Hestia. It is incredible that Su Jin still has such a high-quality world hidden in his hands!

With a lot of twists and turns in his mind, Alger couldn't help but patted his forehead, and then asked Su Jin:

"How is your harvest, can you meet the requirements?"

Alger clearly remembered the purpose of Su Jin's trip to another world this time.

One is that Bai Yasha wants to step down as the ruler of the class and support Su Jin to come to power, so as to give a share of the sovereignty of the sun, so Su Jin needs to make contributions to the gods. Condition: 'Let the Greek gods gain the possibility of evolution again'...

It is really hard for Alger to imagine that there is such a coincidental world that can fulfill both requirements at the same time.

Is it really the same as Athena guessed, Su Jin actually has a lot of world coordinates in his hand, and only throws out one or two copies when he needs it to deal with crossovers?

This is really outrageous...

"It can only be said that the requirements are basically met." Su Jin touched Alger's tender cheek, then stretched out his hand and pulled it in the air, and manipulated it in the forum to lift the intelligence control on Alger's personal. .

In an instant, Alger directly sensed the existence of a new world from the center, and in a short while he obtained the information he wanted from it.

"Benevolence? It was given to humans by the gods, allowing humans to extract the possibility of themselves and thereby evolve? Huh? Hephaestus has become a woman? Ah? Prometheus has also become a woman? Where is there a Hephaestus? Sitia? Hoho? It's still such a waste Hestia, which is interesting... Wait, my dignified demon star Alger has actually become a father?"

Hearing this, Su Jin hurriedly stopped: "You are understanding later, I corrected it."

Alger sullenly received the message, and when he found that Su Jin framed the matter to Zeus, his face suddenly became better.

"Tsk, this is not good in another world. There are always people pretending to be 'Alger' to do some bad things. Sure enough, it's not good for people to be too beautiful."

"Yes, yes, yes, that's it." Su Jin agreed like a worm. If you don't coax Alger at this time, he is a pig's head.

After learning the information about the wrong world, Alger's expression softened a lot. She pinched her eyebrows, glanced at Su Jin, and said:

"Well, it is considered that you have a heart, and you know that you are thinking of me, but is this thing really a little conscious, the blessing that leads to the possibility... It is a bit similar to the piece of collapsing jade on your body..."

Alger rubbed his chin, then narrowed his eyes and said:

"I'm not sure about the effect of this thing, but it doesn't matter, we can find professional people."

"Professional?" Su Jin was stunned for a moment, then thought of a person: "Do you mean..."

Alger tapped the corner of his mouth slightly and said with a smile:

"Humph, let the goddess of wisdom eat dry food for so long, it's time for her to exercise."

Hearing this, Su Jin had a thoughtful look on his face and asked Athena to discuss it... It is indeed a good choice...

Chapter 1270 Two Versions of Favor

Arcadia headquarters, in Athena's room.

The sun was still on the endless plains, the breeze was blowing slowly, and the grass was undulating like waves.

Pure white, under an outdoor umbrella with lace edges, a tan casual rattan tea table, sitting on a rattan chair, wearing an olive wreath on her head, wearing a Greek-style white dress, revealing blond hair with clean lotus roots The woman slowly picked up the black tea on the table, took a sip, and turned the book in her hand.

After a while, Athena, who was enjoying the leisure time in the afternoon, suddenly closed the book and placed it on the rattan table next to her. When she finished, two figures appeared in front of her.

"Oops, running too fast has messed up my hair, no, I have to take care of it again."

As soon as he fell to the ground, Alger jumped down from behind Su Jin, suddenly took out a small copper mirror, and fiddled with the bangs.

Su Jin moved his shoulders and said angrily:

"This kind of words should be said by me who ran behind your back, right?"

At this time, Alger raised his chest just right and said seriously: "Pegasus will not complain."

"My dear, is this taking me as your heavenly horse?" Su Jin couldn't help but groaned. At the same time, he walked to the rattan table, pulled out a rattan chair and sat down.

"Is black tea ok?" Athena picked up the brewed teapot and asked softly.

"Thank you." Su Jin nodded, then watched Athena wash the cup and cut the tea, and finally picked up the snow-white ceramic cup, smelled the fragrance of the tea, and took a sip.

At this time, Athena also poured a cup of black tea for Alger, and then arranged the tea set with a dull expression:

"The time you came back was much earlier than I thought, is the plan completed ahead of schedule?"

When Su Jin heard Athena's question, he immediately spread his hands and said:

"I knew I couldn't hide it from you."

Su Jin said, stretched out his hand and swiped in the void, and added Athena to the whitelist of the forum.

In an instant, Athena also received information from the wrong world.

That is, at this moment, Su Jin clearly saw that the goddess who rarely showed any change in expression seemed to be stunned, her mouth opened slightly, and her expression was very cute.

Seeing this scene, Alger who finished his hairstyle also looked over, blinked his eyes, and said with a smile:

"Hey, Athena! What's the matter with your expression? This kind of surprised fishing is not suitable for you, a female fox!"

"No...I'm just a little...well, it's hard for me to describe my mood now..." Athena raised her hand, patted her cheek lightly, and then looked at Su Jin, who was smiling, and thought about it, auditioning Asked: "Did you arrange it?"

"What did I arrange? What did I arrange?" Su Jin paused when he heard Athena's riddle, and then said suspiciously, "Is it because my hands observing the world are not clean?"

He framed the bad deeds of Argol's prototype 'Ista' as the handwriting of Zeus, replaced Uranus, obtained his spiritual status, controlled the Greek gods of the wrong world, and then controlled the management of the guild, as well as the sages. The contradiction of the stone was thrown to Zeus, these things, Su Jin thinks that he can do well, right?

So why is Athena looking like this now?

Athena's cherry lips slightly opened, she wanted to speak, but she wanted to stop, and finally looked at Su Jin with a complicated expression:

"Apollo and Zeus... are also arranged by you?"

Su Jin was stunned when he heard this.

He suddenly remembered that Apollo in the wrong world had a perverted ecstasy with Zeus because of Dionysus' calculations, and after the incident, Zeus scored a brace in revenge.

If these two things were recorded by the central hub of the little garden... wouldn't the Apollo of the little garden go crazy?

Thinking of this, Su Jin looked quite embarrassed, and said with dodging eyes: "I tell the truth, this matter is not my arrangement, it is a self-development in a sense, only the hands and feet of Dionysus' identity in the end were made by me. of."

As soon as Su Jin finished speaking, he heard Athena's obvious, like a sigh of relief:

"It's not just your secret calculations. In this case, with Apollo's character, you won't be held accountable too much."

The subtext is that if Su Jin deliberately calculated, then Apollo would 'explode'.

In Greece, there are not many gods who have a good relationship with Zeus, and there is absolutely no Apollo, the real Greek affairs manager, who is most disgusted by Zeus, the problem **** king who is always causing trouble.

Especially now that Zeus raided the outer gate of 3345 and planned to kill Su Jin and was counter-killed, the sky army is focusing on surveillance, the gods are making things difficult, and the compensation matters related to the outer gate are all handled by Apollo.

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