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Chapter 919:

Daomen's Golden Elixir Avenue, to be precise, is the Golden Elixir Avenue created by the "Lao Tzu", which is naturally not a secret to the Greek gods.

Therefore, in fact, how the effect of the Golden Core Avenue is, everyone here is also clear.

The first is not to fake foreign objects, not to use too many resources, and even famous for the style of food and drink (the poor cultivators should not eat it), and focus on tapping their own potential.

The second is that the upper limit of growth is extremely high. The highest-level cultivators known so far have been infinitely approaching double digits. As long as some of the real emperors of Daomen reach the top, then the system of Jindan Avenue will be completely formed and achieve a stable growth from seven to seven. Progressive progression from digit to 2-digit number.

Although there are not so many people who are destined to become two-digit numbers, it is not impossible to wholesale four-digit powerhouses.

Compared with Jindan Avenue, Enhui's prospects are obviously narrower, but according to Hades' calculations, it is still possible to make a weak life from seven figures to four figures.

And this is precisely what the Greek gods lack.

Do you want to try to supplement it and see if you can raise the upper limit of favor? Thinking of this, Hades fell into contemplation.

At this time, Hestia turned her head and asked Hades:

"Hades, what do you think?"

When Hades heard the words, he suddenly interrupted his thinking and tapped the table:

"Ability development attaches great importance to qualifications, and it is very biased towards trials. If this system wants to become stronger quickly, I am afraid that it will continue to challenge qualified opponents to accumulate resources for evolution. This will lead to a series of troubles."

"What's this?" Poseidon asked Hades a question as soon as he saw Hestia, and was immediately unhappy: "There are so many monsters and monsters in my sea world, I can't kill them all, let those little guys be one of them. It's just a challenge."

As soon as Poseidon said this, everyone had to be filial.

What is Poseidon's sea world used for? Who doesn't know there?

That's the anencephaly child born to put Poseidon on one night stand with all kinds of life.

Of course, because of the backstage of Poseidon, these beings are collectively referred to as "sea monsters" in Hakoba, and life can be considered to go on.

It is a little filial to let the new generation of the gods kill the sea monsters in the sea world, and it is proposed by the ancestor of the bloodline Poseidon.

"You'd better shut up." Apollo, who had never planned to interject, was disturbed by Poseidon, so he couldn't help but say a word, speechless: "Hades means that this system is too fancy on the opponent, so It will increase the frequency of fighting, which will lead to changes in the situation, haven't you heard it?"

Due to the fact that the Greek gods are subordinate to Thousand Eyes, things like favor must be handed over to Thousand Eyes headquarters. It is obvious that it will be popularized within Thousand Eyes, and even sold to the outside world.

And the grace that requires 'fighting' to speed up the evolution, what it will become after it is popularized in the lower classes, you can guess without thinking.

That's why Hades said 'there will be trouble'.

However, Poseidon is obviously not a reasonable person.

"But what's this?" Poseidon was a little annoyed, snorted, and said angrily: "Whether it's my sea world, Zeus' celestial world, or the monster world left by that guy, not all There are a large number of ghosts, will the Qing capital clear it? Isn't this just a waste of time?"

Which group of gods do you think are as deformed as we are in Greece? Also, are you still proud of what you and Zeus got out of their bad crotch?

Apollo resisted the urge to roll his eyes, he knew very well that Poseidon himself did not understand, but this guy just got angry, and he didn't care about anything, so he patronized and choked.

"I can't explain it to you."

"Then don't explain." Poseidon crossed his chest with his arms as if he had won a battle, with a proud face on his face.

However, the next second, Hestia's words did not make him happy.

"Poseidon, for the next hundred years, you will guard Mount Olympus."

"...Yes." Poseidon just wanted to refute, but when he raised his eyes, he saw Hestia's warning gaze, and was suddenly startled, and quickly shrank his neck, not daring to choke any more.

Suppressing Poseidon, Hestia frowned in distress and said:

"Apollo, we also understand what you mean, but things haven't happened yet, and the final result still depends on the meaning of that person."

Thinking of the thousand-eyed man, Apollo fell silent, obviously not wanting to say anything.

Seeing this, Hestia also expressed understanding, but thinking of Enhui, the greasy fat, she couldn't help but show a helpless look, she rolled her eyes at Athena and said:

"Aren't you going to let him calm down a bit?"

Athena returned a look of 'it has nothing to do with me', and then read the book quietly.


Let Su Jin restrain himself? She was almost never killed by this guy at first, but still restrained? When Su Jin was in trouble, she couldn't hide in time!

Seeing Athena's attitude, Hestia had no choice but to put down the document in her hand, glanced at the side hall, and sighed:

"Now I really can't think of success or failure."

Su Jin is still testing the effect of the enhanced version of favor on three-digit numbers. If this can take effect, the value of favor will immediately catch up with the Jindan Avenue created by Daomen, even if it is a little worse in all aspects, but it is still the same. The value of a system that can work from seven to three digits is naturally immeasurable.

If it succeeds, Greece is really making crazy money, but the pressure they will face in the future will also be crazy. If it fails... The present favor can also make them hurt and happy.

This is really, both hands are difficult...

"I hope there will be a good result there."

As soon as Hestia's words fell, the door of the side hall opened with a creaking sound. Su Jin, who had finished painting the favor, wiped his hands with a handkerchief and walked out slowly.

Chapter 1282 Shocked Su Jin for ten thousand years

"What are you looking at me for?"

Su Jin, who was wiping his hands with a handkerchief, looked at everyone suspiciously, with a surprised expression:

"The monkey is in the back!"

Following Su Jin's words, everyone looked back, and suddenly saw Hermes limping, holding his back with one hand and the wall with the other, and moved out of the side hall.

Looking at the situation, I don't know what happened to Hermes.

But in fact, he just had his soul shoved and stuffed by Su Jin, and some of his soul collapsed, and he couldn't control his body finely for the time being.

"Oh... oh oh..."

Hermes shouted in pain as he moved his body, and at the same time shouted:

"You're still looking at what I'm doing, don't come and help me! Who do you think I sacrificed myself for?"

Seeing him in such a miserable state, Poseidon couldn't help laughing:

"Hahaha, I said Hermes, you're no different from the first time Zeus called him to his palace back then-"

Hermes jumped up when he heard it, and said in a rage:

"Poseidon, what nonsense are you talking about! You were played by Zeus! No, your wife was played by Zeus!"

When Poseidon heard this, his face turned green and his eyes became anxious:

"What nonsense, what kind of wife do I have, I have a fart wife, I'm still a golden bachelor!"

"What?" Hermes widened his eyes as if he had heard some shameless remarks: "Your child is going to be counted in omens, and you're still a bachelor? Do you still want a face?"

"What do you say?"

Poseidon had a "you don't understand" expression, and said thiefly:

"A man who has taken security measures and has no direct contact with women is not a single virgin? As for those children, is it because they peeped at the inheritance of the gods and claimed to be my sons?"

"Anyway, most of Zeus's children now come this way. Why do you think I will be an exception?"

After Hermes heard this fallacy, 'disdain' was written all over his face:

"The manufacturer who sold you security products is really bad luck. If you set one out of the factory, someone will poke a hole in it. There are quite a lot of enemies~"

"Okay, you two, are you trying to **** me off?"

With a thud, Hestia slapped the table heavily, and said in a rage:

"Shut up for me."

"Oh~" Hermeston shrank his neck.

Poseidon did not dare to speak.

In fact, they also knew that this was actually Su Jin here, otherwise Hestia would not care about their 'business'.

Seeing the two 'thorn heads' being honest for the time being, Hestia rubbed his temples and said to Su Jin with a gloomy face: "Sorry, I made you laugh."

Su Jin inadvertently stuffed the melon seeds back into the gift card, pretending to look like he didn't eat the melon, and said indifferently, "Nothing, it's hard for an honest official to cut off housework~"

Hestia looked at the melon seeds that were put away, and her eyelids twitched.

She originally thought that after Su Jin took command of Greece, there would be less tossing in the group of gods, but now, seeing Su Jin's attitude of "watching the fun is not too big a problem", she was a little worried.

If this is another fire, then in the future... Hestia said it, and his heart froze, and he didn't dare to think about it any more.

No matter what, it will not be worse than Zeus, right? It can't be like this... Hestia kept getting lucky in her heart, and at the same time on the bright side, she calmly asked Su Jin:

"How is the completion of the favor on Hermes?"

"Meet the expectations of Athena and I." Su Jin said, hinting Hermes to lie down on the table with his eyes.

Hermes was 'unhappy' when he heard it, and while covering up his thoughts of being a hooligan, he pretended to be melancholy: "Hello, isn't it? This is for my body? This is not good, girls are all here I am."

Hearing this, Hades stood up and said calmly:

"Poseidon, Apollo, help me hold him down."

bang bang bang bang!

Poseidon and Apollo stood up, one left and one right, holding Hermes up.

When it was over, Hades came over with a skinning knife and tried the blade:

"Don't worry, I tried it on Zeus' backhand recently, and you only lose a layer of skin and don't hurt a little bit of flesh."

"..." Hermes was silent for a while, with an ugly smile on his face: "Uncle, no, father, father, father, please forgive me, I will kowtow to you on behalf of Zeus!"

next second.


Su Jin didn't want to watch the scene, so he returned to his own position, turned his eyes to Demeter, who had been playing with clay, and said:

"Is this the case for all of your meetings?"

Demeter glanced at Su Jin, didn't speak, just nodded.

Seeing this, Su Jin also understood that the other party didn't want to say more, and turned his head directly, just in time to meet Athena's line of sight.

Seeing Athena's 'meaningful' eyes, Su Jin coughed dryly with a constant expression, and was already in position, waiting for Hades' 'good news'.

Not long after, a layer of processed 'leather' appeared on the long table made by the Tree of Life. On its back, the golden blood constructed the seal of Hestia's 'Stove Fire'.


As for Hermes, who was grinning beside him, no one wanted to pay attention at this time.

At this time, on the long table.

After the pattern of grace was displayed in front of everyone, Hades and Poseidon peeked at Hestia, and after seeing each other's eyes staring at Su Jin, after making fun of their eyes, they decisively retracted their eyes, but they were speculating in their hearts. With Hestia's current thoughts.

After all, the concept of the symbol on this pattern is too clear, any five digits can be seen as a symbol of Hestia.

Su Jin offered this favor in the outside world, but it turned out to be related to Hestia? This information is not mentioned in Athena's information!

According to the principle of "covered up secrets are absolutely confidential", they doubted whether Su Jin had raised a Hestia-brand "bouncy doll" outside.

And there is serious doubt.

Cultivate a **** with the same name and surname in a different world, and then wait for the disgusting body of Little Garden. Zeus did this. At dawn, Zeus brought the female version of 'Hades' and 'Poseidon' back to Little Garden in another world. The things that have deliberately disgusted them for thousands of years are still vivid in my mind.

Shouldn't Su Jin also play this game?

Could it be that there is also a female version of himself in the world that Su Jin observes? Still surrendering to his crotch?

This... won't be so cruel, will it?

At that time, Hephaestus, who paid attention to the expressions of Hades and Poseidon, smiled playfully.

As a 'filial piety and filial family', Hephaestus knows the characters of these people too well, and he can guess their thoughts just by thinking.

Hephaestus didn't care that Su Jin might have a 'female version' in the outside world.

Anyway, it's not that he is disgusting himself. If they are vicious, they will be vicious. What can he be afraid of?

Hephaestus is not afraid of anything!

I'm here to watch a play, and I'm here to have fun!

hehe, just playing~how about~

At that time, Su Jin, who was being stared at, coughed out of embarrassment, and then said:

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