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Chapter 924:

Hephaestus' face was full of schadenfreude.

Su Jin, on the other hand, cursed her mother directly in her heart.

This bastard, actually played a riddle with him? He knew for a long time that he should not let Hephaestus in the wrong world, so that the **** in front of him could understand what suffering is!

Thinking of this, Su Jin said angrily: "If you want to say something, hurry up, I don't have time to gossip with you now."

Hearing this, Hephaestus grinned:

"Yes, it means that you did guess right. Hera and Athena did pinch, but what's not right is that you missed one Artemis, and she also got involved."

The words fell, and ten thousand swear words were brewing wildly in Su Jin's heart.

Chapter 1290 Divine Spectrum

Artemis is also involved in the competition of the queen?

Is her brain a watt?

After hearing that Artemis was also involved in this incident, Su Jin's first thought was to swear, and the second thought was this.

He has never seen Artemis' attempt to become the queen of heaven. After all, if this guy really wants to compete, long before he came to Mount Olympus, there was time to communicate with him in Arcadia. .

Don't let him, the "God King" agree, just like the day after, what's the difference between not having a bank card and going to the bank to withdraw money?

That guy definitely has a temper again, and he is tossing me... Su Jin hated Artemis 10,000 in his heart, and did not think of the beauty of the goddess's carcass the night before.

Compared to Hakoba, who can "make", he still likes the blue-haired Artemis of the wrong world, although the goddess has ignored Su Jin for several days because of the rape.

Su Jin, who was full of thoughts in his heart, pinched his brows, sorted out his thoughts, and said:

"They didn't fight directly, did they?"

"It's still in the language stage." Hephaestus said this and gave Su Jin a look: "As for what the language stage is, you understand."

Still scolding... Su Jin's mouth twitched as if uncontrollably, and there was a hint of sadness in his expression.

He knew that for his own strength, Hera would not give up, and Su Jin and Hera had reached a consensus on the position of the 'Queen of Heaven' before. In terms of interests, it was naturally impossible to stop him.

But if Athena really wants to take the position of the Queen of Heaven, Su Jin naturally prefers this pillow person in her heart.

So the matter is up to now, he is not a human inside or outside?

"Hera, Athena, Artemis... Really familiar names..." Little Hestia couldn't help sighing when she heard the familiar names: "But then again, why did they quarrel?"

"Ah this..." The black rabbit next to him heard Hestia's questioning, and ran over in fright, covering her mouth and saying, "That kind of thing should be explained to you later, now is not the right occasion... "

"Uhhh (why isn't it a suitable occasion? Little Hestia, whose mouth was covered vigorously, struggled, her expression full of panic and confusion.

Seeing this scene, the red-haired Goddess of Stove Fire couldn't help but let out a low laugh, and said with a narrow expression:

"Do you really want to know what they're competing for?"

Seeing Hestia's voice, hesitation appeared on Hestia's face, and the little hand covering the little Hestia's mouth was not released, nor was it held.

But she hesitated for a short time, and finally, Black Rabbit let go and gave up the physical ban on Little Hestia.

"Bah, it's suspicious that you are so nervous!" Little Hestia poohed a few times, then glanced suspiciously at Hei Rabbit, then turned around and looked at Hakoten's 'self' and said, "Since I've asked this question, so I definitely want to know."

Don't make trouble... Su Jin cast a look at Hestia next to him, but this gentle-looking goddess was obviously also a black-bellied guy, ignoring his hints, opened his mouth faintly, and explained:

"They are competing for Su Jin's queen position."

Su Jin's position as a queen? ? Little Hestia was stunned for a moment, and then her brain suddenly started an equation.

Su Jin's queen, equal to Su Jin's wife, equal to Su Jin's palace, equal to me!

"I want to join the competition too!"

Looking at the little Hestia who raised his hand with a serious face, Su Jin couldn't help covering his face and said, "Don't make trouble, Hestia."

"Who are you talking about?" X2

The two Hestia turned their faces and said in unison.

Su Jin: "..."

Well, these two stand together!

Life is not easy, Su Jin sighs.jpg

Seeing Su Jin's embarrassed look, Black Rabbit finally couldn't help it, and pulled Little Hestia's sleeve and said:

"That... Hestia, the competition of the Queen of Heaven is not something you can just participate in casually."

In order for Little Hestia to understand the reality, the black rabbit directly persuaded him to retreat: "The special personality of the group of gods, such as the queen of heaven, has the lowest limit of strength. After wanting to become the group of gods, the spiritual At least it's an exceptional level of four figures, do you understand?"

To be so high... Little Hestia smacked her tongue secretly, and at the same time looked at the black rabbit with strange eyes and said, "If you say that, you can't participate in the competition, black rabbit, right?"

Black Rabbit: "???"

Black Rabbit: "!!"

"I'm really sorry that I can only be a concubine, I'm really sorry."

Looking at the black rabbit squatting on the ground with a gray face, both Su Jin and Hephaestus could not help but say in their hearts: 'What a cruel heart. ’

He actually gave the Black Rabbit a critical blow here. It seems that this small Hestia is not brainless on the surface.

"Hey, why did I start crying, I didn't mean to!"

Seeing Little Hestia's flustered look, Su Jin helplessly shrugged and shook his head:

"It's a mess."

On the other hand, Hephaestus, who knew that the topic should stop for a while, changed the topic and said:

"Speaking of which, you came to me because of this little guy?"

"See?" Su Jin asked slightly surprised.

Hephaestus sighed when he heard the words: "Anyway, I'm also a craftsman, and I still have the eyes of appraisal. Besides, the phenomenon of people without spirituality is a rare thing, and it's strange if you can't see it."

When he said this, he glanced at Su Jin and said, "What solution have you discussed with eldest sister?"

Su Jin and Hestia looked at each other, then said in unison:


"Vista...I thought about it, and it is indeed the easiest way." Hephaestus squinted his eyes, then shook his head and chuckled: "Exactly, the curse of Vesta's name is in my hand. , but it's not too much trouble."

"The curse of Vesta's name is in your hands?" Su Jin said in surprise after hearing this.

The concept-like ability that condenses specific concepts that contain directional concepts such as name and identity is the spell of name.

This is a kind of conceptual monopoly power that is similar to a real name, a name patent, etc., which can bind a name to a certain person or identity and prevent others from usurping the position.

In essence, it is a countermeasure used by the gods to worry about the idol theory and to prevent some people with ulterior motives from impersonating themselves.

However, with the years of development of the box garden, this ability has become very complicated, and to a certain extent, it can achieve more functions than the ID card of the ancient country of the East.

"If you gave the name of Vesta to Hestia, the one from the Roman **** group..." Su Jin frowned and expressed his concerns.

The Roman **** group now has a Vesta, and it is still a three-digit god. If the curse of the name is given to Hestia, that Vesta will be a fake.

Who would be happy with such a thing?

It's easy to offend people.

However, the expression on Hephaestus' face was very calm:

"It doesn't matter, what I gave is just a possibility for Vesta, and it won't have much impact. Of course, even if it has an impact, Vesta over there will only think that I am warning her."

Those in the Roman **** group also have their own careful thoughts... Su Jin understood the potential lines of Hephaestus almost instantly, and said with emotion:

"You too have a hard life!"

"No, I think I have a better tomorrow." Hephaestus said and raised the corners of his mouth: "After all..."

Hephaestus blinked at Su Jin, who understood and said in unison:

"Zeus is dead after all!" x2


Su Jin laughed, then raised his legs and said, "If that's the case, then please Yan."

"No, it should be said to get rid of Hestia." Hephaestus smiled and took out a golden gift card, handed it to Hestia, and said: "After all, the same type of spirituality, It's safer for you to take action."

"That's right." Hestia said this, stood up, and before taking away the little Hestia, said in a low voice: "In this case, how to use the divine spectrum to inherit the operation of Aphrodite's Lingge, It's up to you to explain."

Hephaestus was stunned for a moment, then smiled bitterly:

"You really make the most of it."

Aphrodite ... Su Jin looked at Hephaestus with some indescribable pity.

"Don't look at me with that kind of eyes." Hephaestus rubbed his temples with a headache, and sighed softly: "I can explain a lot of gods, but Aphrodite can only be with you at most. Explain the basics."

Hearing this, Su Jin smiled and said:

"That's enough."

What he lacks the most right now is a 'basic' understanding.

Chapter 1291 This is technical work

Inside the Hall of Stars.

Sitting on the sofa, Su Jin crossed his legs, holding a cup of coconut milk latte that Black Rabbit had just soaked in his hand. While tasting the sweetness of the coconut milk, he also focused his attention on Hephaestus and waited. with the other party's answer.

In fact, Su Jin does have a lot of things to know.

For example, how did Aphrodite and Alger compete for the status of the Virgin, or how Hephaestus was defeated by Zeus, or the first time he saw Aphrodite staring at him Lingge's 'Zeus', his wife, what was Hephaestus's mood when he got together with Poseidon and others.

However, most of these things can't be asked. Asking is to tear his face. Hephaestus will definitely leave the coffee and turn his head away, without giving Su Jin a good face.

But fortunately, he still wanted to know about the theogony situation and Aphrodite's succession rules, so it wasn't like he had nothing to say.

"I think you should have tried to use the Divine Manual, but found that you can't use it?" Hephaestus, who was not aware of all the gossips in Su Jin's heart, took a sip of coffee and smiled softly.

His tone was very positive, obviously he recognized that Su Jin had already tried to manipulate the divine spectrum, and as he said, after Su Jin obtained the divine spectrum on his 'wife' corpse, he really couldn't use it.

"It seems that the Divine Manual has limited usage conditions?"

"Yes." Hephaestus nodded, put the coffee on the table, and took out three chocolate bars from the plate with snacks next to it. This is the black rabbit and little Hestia who came in and waited. At the time, the small snacks sent by the angels.

Hephaestus placed the three chocolate bars between himself and Su Jin, then squinted and said:

"In terms of rules, the gods can only be used by the **** king and the queen of heaven, and the most suitable position is the king of heaven, that is, the position of Zeus. The reason, I think you should have experienced it. The reason... I also experienced... Su Jin suddenly recalled the battle with Zeus at the outer gate of 3345. Although there were no surprises, but if it weren't for the existence of the great secret treasure, Su Jin might not be able to endure the power of chaos, even if It can hold up, but it can't be intact.

"Is it because of Chaos..."

"Positive solution." Hephaestus applauded, then looked at the three chocolate bars in front of him and said, "The God spectrum is an auxiliary simulated star chart, and its core cosmology is the 'inheritance of the Greek gods'."

"Because of this, many gods with completely different sources of voices have gathered under the banner of Greece, forming a completed **** system that seems to have blood inheritance."

"And the source of this **** system is the original **** of chaos, Chaos. He is a virtual spirit that exists in our assumptions and uses the beliefs of the lower universe. The corresponding digits are the ones that do not exist in Little Garden at present." digits'."

"And Chaos directly descends, is Gaia, and then is the **** Uranus, then is the overlord of time, Cronus, and finally is the king of Zeus. This is the most direct inheritance in the gods."

Hearing this, Su Jin couldn't help frowning and asked, "So, only the Heavenly King can borrow the power of these high-ranking existences? Because he is the most direct heir?"

If this is the case, it is understandable why the most suitable user is Zeus, because in the God spectrum, his position can be directly connected to the highest-level Chaos, on the contrary, Poseidon and Hades continue The superior is only Kronos.

Because others, such as Tartarus, the **** of the abyss, or the **** of the ocean, Okeanos, have no direct inheritance relationship with Hades and Poseidon.

"Yes!" Hephaestus nodded and admitted: "This is something determined by the foundation of the divine spectrum. You will understand when you take charge of the position of Heavenly King in the future."

Hearing this, Su Jin asked with doubts on his face: "Then why do you want to establish a system of three gods and kings? Since the strongest power can only be issued by Zeus, isn't it enough to establish a system of heavenly kings and queens? Isn't the binary system also possible? Build the most basic cosmology?"

"You're right, but it's such a waste." Hephaestus shook his head.

"Waste?" Su Jin noticed the problem in Hephaestus' words. Is it a waste to only establish a dual system? Functional waste? Can such a system maximize the value of the divine spectrum?

At this time, Hephaestus pointed to the three chocolate bars in front of him and said:

"The three gods and kings system is the biggest point that the gods can accommodate."

Then, Hephaestus took out another chocolate bar, cut it in half on purpose, and placed it next to the three chocolate bars:

"And the Queen of Heaven is a virtual one. The fourth God King is the fourth pillar that shouldn't exist but needs its existence."

"This is the limit that the divine spectrum can accommodate on the throne of the gods."

After saying this, Hephaestus took out six more chocolate bars, almost twitched the remaining amount, then folded them in half, placed them in twelve bars, and placed them in front of Su Jin:

"This is the location of the twelve Greek gods."

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