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Chapter 927:

Seeing that the ancient castle of Meilun Meiyang was cleaned up not far away, Su Jin finally breathed a sigh of relief. "Hey, don't say it, think carefully about the majestic and majestic Mount Olympus, but in terms of feeling, it is still more comfortable in your own home."

Back at home, the cautious Black Rabbit is now somewhat letting go.

On the Greek side, it is always careful not to say a wrong word, so as not to hate those terrifying main gods.

Although it is said that because of the incorporation of the Greek gods into Arcadia, they gave the Black Rabbit a good face, but if you think about it carefully, you will find that the main gods are all Su Jin, and they give the Black Rabbit a good face. It was in Su Jin's face.

If the Black Rabbit really wants to go to Mount Olympus alone, it is a question mark whether those main gods can be so good-natured.

Black Rabbit understands what happens when the servant is strong and the master is weak, but she has nothing to do.

She is a rabbit who has lived in Hakoten for two hundred years. What tricks can she have?


Hei Rabbit thought about it, and couldn't help but look at Su Jin, looking at the other party's relaxed profile.

Su Jin, who noticed the black rabbit's gaze, froze for a moment, then turned his head and said:

"What, is there something on my face?"

"No, no." Black Rabbit shook his head quickly, and then said in a tangled tone: "I'm just thinking, Su Jin, when will you be able to bring back a few more powerful girls."

Su Jin: "???"

Su Jin's eyes when looking at Hei Rabbit became very strange. If he hadn't known that it was impossible for the Hakoba nobles to get sick, he would have taken Black Rabbit to see a doctor.

Bring back a few powerful girls?

Good guy, is this asking him to 'prostitute'?

Are you green rabbit green and addicted to green yourself?

Su Jin complained a lot in his heart, but in the face of Hei Rabbit's expectant eyes full of little stars, he could only say embarrassingly:

"Okay, I know, if I have the chance, I will work hard."

My God, there are still people who beg their husbands to bring women home these days.

And just when Su Jin was speechless, the corner of his clothes was pulled by Vesta.

"Hey, Su Jin, is the rabbit's head really okay? I think I should take a look at it?"

"..." Su Jin looked at Vesta with hesitation and thought for a while, but still didn't intend to ruin the reputation of Black Rabbit: "She just wants Arcadia to be strong, but she is actually a good person. It's just that the spirit of sacrifice is too strong."

Hope Arcadia is strong? Isn't Arcadia strong with Su Jin? Vesta frowned, unable to understand Black Rabbit's thoughts. After all, she has no management experience, but the spirit of sacrifice... Let Su Jin stay a few more girls home, what is the spirit of sacrifice?

"But it does seem like a sacrifice..."

After all, sacrificing **** every night... it is indeed a sacrifice.

Since Black Rabbit thinks like this, can she ask Black Rabbit to cooperate in the future to free up Su Jin's evening time, and then...

Hehehe~ This is quite a chance. She Vesta is not the coward of Hestia, isn't she a night attack. She always cares about this and that, and almost gave Artemis a cut off. , it would be better to win the black rabbit, let her help look at the door, and stop the vixen who peeped at Su Jin, so that she can succeed.

Su Jin, who didn't know what Vesta was calculating, entered the castle with Black Rabbit and Vesta in a good mood, and came to the lobby on the second floor with the welcome of the guards.


With a thud, Su Jin fell on the soft white fabric sofa and said lazily:

"But I'm exhausted. Those Greek gods really don't have any peace of mind. No, I have to lie here for a while and have a good rest."

"Don't say that, it's a family after all."

Black Rabbit hurriedly made a statement to stop Su Jin from continuing to talk about the Greek gods. After all, they were still negotiating a union, and it would be unpleasant for Su Jin to speak ill of people behind his back at this time.

On the other side, after looking around the hall layout, Vesta looked at the endless grassland outside the window, squinted his eyes, turned his head to look at the black rabbit and said:

"Speaking of which, Black Rabbit, Ais, and Alphia should have all been arranged by now. What are you going to do with my order?"

"Oh! Knock on my brain!" The black rabbit patted his forehead lightly, stuck out his tongue, and apologized: "Sorry, I almost forgot Hestia, you haven't learned about the situation in the headquarters, or else I'll take you for a walk now?"

Hearing this, Vesta said with flickering eyes: "Is that so? It's ok. However, Black Rabbit, Hestia's name will not be called in the future. It's better to call me Vesta now."

"Well, at least before I acquired the spiritual identity of 'Hestia', my other personality could only be in a semi-awake state because of the absence of a spiritual identity, and I was the only one who could really act."

"Is that so..." The Black Rabbit hesitated for a moment, and then called out cautiously, "Navista, I'll take you to the station?"

"...Okay." Vesta, with Xiao Jiujiu in his heart, agreed very readily.

Black Rabbit takes her shopping, isn't that a chance to be alone? At that time, wouldn't she be able to test it out and let the black rabbit do her a little 'little favor'?

Vesta, who had Xiao Jiujiu in his heart, did not reject Black Rabbit's 'kindness', and it didn't take long for the two to leave the living room together.

The rest of Su Jin, lying on the sofa, buried her face in the cushion of the sofa, breathing gradually evenly.

I don't know how long.

Su Jin suddenly felt a pair of hands resting on his shoulders, and after a while, he squeezed the feathers appropriately.

Aware of the presence of the hands, Su Jin, who remained silent, relaxed his tense body. Although he knew that the massage was not strong enough, he still pretended to be comfortable and hummed:

"Is it Leticia~ It's just that you and Black Rabbit still have a little conscience, so let me relax."

When the words fell, Su Jin noticed something was wrong, because Leticia's breath was not what it is now.

At this moment, the pair of hands that were originally on Su Jin's shoulders suddenly moved down quickly, moved to Su Jin's waist, then grabbed the corner of the shirt and lifted it up suddenly.


Su Jin's junior with the stove fire pattern was revealed.

Su Jin frowned, turned his neck quickly, and looked back.


Immediately, he saw the golden hair falling on his back behind him.

Chapter 1296 The bad luck of eight lifetimes


Su Jin looked at the blond beauty behind her, and couldn't help but be amazed and said:

"How could you possibly be here?"

The person who came was Aphrodite, the beauty **** of the wrong world, but Su Jin was not surprised by this, but why the other party appeared here when he was unaware.

"Humph~ This is the first time I've seen your panicked expression?"

The beauty **** with long blond hair sat on Su Jin's back with a smile, holding his shoulders with both hands, kneading and said with a smile:

"Looking at how tired you looked just now, isn't it time you need a beautiful girl to soothe your soul?"

"Okay~ If you act like a child in my arms, I don't mind comforting you."

Is the comfort you're talking about serious? Su Jin complained in his heart, and the tension that had just risen in his heart was eased a lot because of this complaint:

"By the way, why did you suddenly appear by my side? Who sent you here?"

"Eh? How do you know someone sent me here?"

Aphrodite opened her eyes wide and asked with a surprised expression:

"Can't I just come over quietly and sneak up to you?"

"..." Su Jin was speechless, looking at Aphrodite with a look of foolishness.

Even sneaking up to him, if you can do it, it will not be the great **** Uranus, but you Aphrodite, the commander of the wrong world, Orari.

Anyway, think about what level of person you are, Aphrodite.

"What, you look at me like that."

Aphrodite grunted, then fiddled with her hair, pulling the strands of hair that were hanging down from sitting on Su Jin's junior behind her head, and then said:

"But forget it, who made Lady Aphrodite in a good mood today~"

Hearing this, Su Jin pretended to be asking for advice and asked, "Lord Aphrodite in a good mood, can you tell me who sent you to me?"

However, Aphrodite gave him an unexpected answer with a proud expression.

"It's your mother."


Su Jin's head can't be turned, does Aphrodite have a mother?

It seems not!

Legend has it that it was the child born by Uranus and the sea, and it is said that it was a natural **** born in the foam of the sea, but she has no mother! At least not a specific mom.

"Hmph, with this expression, I always feel that you are thinking about something very rude, but Lord Aphrodite said that she is in a good mood today, so she won't care about you."

Aphrodite raised her swan neck, stood up from the sofa, and then took off her high heels, her pink and tender toes, and gently stepped on Su Jin's junior:

"How is it? This is the most beautiful goddess in the world, trampling on you~~ Are you happy? Are you happy?"

Su Jin was silent for a while, and then said: "...If you are heavier, it will have a little massage effect."

Hearing this, Aphrodite immediately protested: "What, my weight has been carefully calculated by me, and it is the best ratio. Didn't you feel very happy when you held me before? I said so. It's the most comfortable to hold, ah, sure enough, no man's mouth will tell the truth."

Aphrodite said all the fun of this boudoir, and Su Jin was not easy to refute, but now, he has come back to some extent.

Does Aphrodite have to be her mother if she calls her a mother? Couldn't it be something else, someone Aphrodite would be willing to call her mother?

Moreover, this person must also have the ability to silently send a person to him...

Thinking of this, the corners of Su Jin's mouth twitched, then turned around, lying on the sofa and said:

"Is the person looking for you the Queen of Halloween?"

"Huh? You're actually called by such a nickname?" Aphrodite, who lightly stepped on Su Jin's back, said with a look of surprise: "Aren't you the same unfilial son who spoke unkindly to your biological mother like Zeus?"

Why are you comparing Zeus to me again? Su Jin groaned in his heart, and then turned the topic with a little helplessness and said, "Is she looking for you for something?"

Aphrodite raised her chin when she heard the words: "Of course she likes my daughter-in-law who is as beautiful as hers."

My dear, this is touted... What the **** did you say behind my back... Su Jin's eyelids jumped, and then he said angrily: "Can you say something I like to hear?"

Aphrodite said with a disgusted face at this time: "You are really unfeeling, it is rare for Lord Aphrodite to show kindness to comfort your tired soul, but you have always cared about your equally beautiful mother... Eh, wait?"

Aphrodite said this, looking at Su Jin with a very strange expression:

"You shouldn't... No... Zeus is not as crazy as you are..."

Su Jin's face froze, even if Aphrodite didn't say anything, a lot of distorted thoughts appeared in his head, he quickly shook his head, and then explained:

"My relationship with the Queen, well, all in all, it's complicated."

"Huh? Is that so..."

Aphrodite looked at Su Jin suspiciously, but in the end she chose to believe it. Anyway, she didn't suffer. It doesn't matter if she believed in a letter, and then she began to explain what Su Jin "cares about":

"Didn't Hestia bring those human adventurers to Hakogari after Orari's carnival before?"

"After that, Artemis also seems to want to come here, but I don't know why she can't make up her mind, but I think she will come here sooner or later, so I will come over to explore the way first."

"So that's the case." Su Jin could understand: "Then how did you meet that queen?"

Hearing this, Aphrodite tilted her head, sat on Su Jin's back, looked at Su Jin strangely, and said, "Because when I came to Hakoten, I was in the courtyard of Mother Mother, didn't you set the exit at Is it there?"

"?!" Su Jin was shocked when she heard the words, Aphrodite went to the courtyard of the Queen of Halloween as soon as she came to Little Garden? This... is this the one who used the authority of the realm to remove people directly before Aphrodite came?

Why did the Queen of Halloween do this, and was there something special about Aphrodite that caught her attention?

Thinking of this, Su Jin almost instantly thought of what that 'special' thing was.

That is Aphrodite herself.

What the Queen of Halloween attaches great importance to is Aphrodite herself, who comes from the same source as the Virgin of the Crusades!

Chapter 1297 Aphrodite's Little Problem

Thinking of the Virgin, Su Jin couldn't help but think a little. After all, the Queen of Halloween took Aphrodite away at the first time for this reason. Although she returned later, such an action inevitably caused Su Jin to have a little **** in her heart.

He suspected that the Virgin would do dangerous things because of Aphrodite's existence, but then he felt that this kind of persecution paranoia didn't make much sense.

After all, that is the Virgin of the Crusades.

And the Aphrodite Linga belonging to the Greek **** of beauty, I am afraid that it has already lost its effect on that person.

Do billionaires care about the gains and losses of billions? Even if she cared, would she risk losing all her wealth and go crazy - chasing the billion?

Think about it and know it's unlikely.

"What's wrong? All of a sudden, you look embarrassed." Aphrodite stretched out her hand, trying to smooth the wrinkles on Su Jin's brows, and then asked a little tangled: "Is it possible, you and your mother The relationship is very bad? Then should I stay away from her in the future?"

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