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Chapter 929:

"Of course, the newcomers to the community are all very obedient and obedient children. I believe that you will also be Vesta..."

Vesta nodded when he heard the words, then pointed to the woman who was sitting in front of the small wooden pier and put her legs in the lake, apparently playing in the water, and said calmly:

"You're talking about a very good child, do you mean her..."

Chapter 1299 The Protoss of Venus

Black Rabbit followed Vesta's line of sight, and suddenly saw the woman sitting by the pier, playing with bare feet in the water, and then her expression froze:

"What's the situation? Didn't they all say that it is best not to be close to the lake..."

"Is there any harm in the lake water?" Vista asked curiously.

"It doesn't mean any harm, but because the entire lake is an artifact that has just been placed, the water in the lake condenses too much energy, and people with too low strength are easily injured."

Black Rabbit explained the reason why he couldn't touch the lake water, and his expression gradually became vigilant:

"Vista, don't make a sound later, just watch my face and act."

"What?" Vesta noticed the abnormality of the black rabbit and couldn't help asking: "What happened?"

"..." Black Rabbit was silent for a while, then said, "I don't know that woman."

Vesta instantly understood what the black rabbit wanted to say.

The Hakoba nobleman in front of him is the know-it-all of Arcadia, and almost every member of the family has a well-known origin. Therefore, in Arcadia, how could there be people who Black Rabbit does not know?

If you don't know it, you're an outsider.

Outsiders, who don't know the condition of Moon Lake but dare to touch the lake... If I think of it, they can only be outside powerhouses, and they're uninvited powerhouses.

This is difficult.

Vesta lowered his head, did not look at the back of the woman in front, and said in a low voice:

"Do you need me to run first?"

"No." Black Rabbit shook his head, and continued, "With Lord Alger and Su Jin here, no one dares to do anything in Arcadia."

"Then what should I do?" Vesta, who had just come to Hakoba, asked immediately, who was not clear about the situation.

Black Rabbit hesitated for a moment, then said:

"I suspect that the other party is looking for me... Let's meet first."

This judgment is not without reason, but from the inspiration in the dark.

For the Moon Rabbit, who was born to be linked to the center of the small garden, this kind of inspiration is basically equal to prophecy, and it often works terribly.

At least apart from the evil dragon two hundred years ago, Black Rabbit has never seen a few existences that can block this kind of inspiration.

"Don't say anything later. If the other party asks you a question, remember to read the name of Lord Alger in your heart to avoid accidents."

"it is good."

After speaking, Black Rabbit took a deep breath and led Vesta to move forward, and it didn't take long for him to come to the pier along the gravel road.

Looking at the back of the black-haired beauty, the black rabbit gritted his teeth and led Vesta over.

Whoa, whoa.

The slender and white toes made a splash on the water, splashing a circle of ripples.

The black-haired woman turned her back to the black rabbit, and when the black rabbit was less than one meter away from her, she said:

"What means did the leader of your family use to let Artemis put the moon wheel here?"

Hearing this question, Black Rabbit became nervous, and then asked in a low voice:

"I don't know who your majesty is...?"

"Pandora." The black-haired woman chuckled and said, "You can call me Pandora, oh yes, it seems that you have a Pandora in Arcadia, a very cute child, I allow it She uses that name."

Pandora... Which Greek **** created human beings, one of the ancestors of human beings... Black Rabbit instantly remembered Pandora's information, but because of the following 'allowed to use this name', his heart jumped.

The spell of the name is something that can only be done with four digits. The opponent is at least four digits, and there is even a high probability that he is suspected to be a strong person among the three digits, and Pandora is just the opponent's vest, or even the vest. one.

Thinking of this, the black rabbit's courage suddenly became much smaller.

Sure, it's someone who can't be offended!

Thinking that Pandora's spiritual figure came from the Greek gods, Black Rabbit couldn't help but hesitate:

"Pandora, are you here because of the Greek gods?"


Pandora grunted in response, and at the same time finally turned her cheek, revealing her true face.

It was a face that Black Rabbit felt 'ordinary' in his heart, but 'uncommon' in inspiration, and such a contrast made Black Rabbit speechless:

"To put the concept of 'ordinary' on his face."

Does this **** play like this? He clearly has a face that brings disaster to the country and the people, but he forcibly makes it ordinary, which makes the black rabbit, who is naturally highly inspired, especially awkward.

That kind of inspiration is amazed by the other's face, but the brain feels ordinary and awkward.

"It's very interesting, isn't it? And if I appear here with a real face, it will be a lot of trouble." Pandora smiled and seemed to be very satisfied with the reaction of the black rabbit.

Intentionally... This person is definitely intentional... Black Rabbit's heart is full of alarm bells, and the character of the person in front of her reminds her of Bai Yasha.

The well-known problem child Hakoba loved to play tricks most, which was to put a very short miniskirt on a beautiful girl, and then attach the concept of "never going to run out" on the short skirt.

And the **** clothes above the third floor of Hakoniwa are all from the hands of Shiroyasha.

Black Rabbit seriously suspects that Pandora in front of him is the same type of woman as Bai Yasha. To use Su Jin's words to describe it, it is a prisoner of pleasure.

To be targeted by such a person... Black Rabbit suddenly became nervous.

Seeing the nervous appearance of Black Rabbit, Pandora raised his hand and wiped it on his face, and the concealment on his facial features immediately began to melt away, revealing the true face underneath.

However, looking at the 'familiar' face of the other party, Black Rabbit was dumbfounded.

"Lord Alger... No, no, who are you?"

"Didn't I say..." Pandora stared at the face that was the same as Alger, and said with a bright smile, "Just call me Pandora."

After she finished speaking, she frowned and looked at Black Rabbit with a smile and said:

"Oh, I'm still reading Alger's name in my heart... What a naughty rabbit..."

After she finished speaking, she was not angry, but raised her hand with a smile and took Alger's hand.

With a thud, Algor shook the bucket a few times, and the liquid inside made a purring sound of bubbles.

Pandora glanced at the bucket, and then said quite amusingly:

"You're going to throw sulfuric acid on my face, you're as stingy as ever, Alger."

At this time, the perfect girl with dark purple hair shook off Pandora's hand with a sneer, and said:

"You are so embarrassed to be bluffing and cheating with the same face as me every day."

She said this, quite gnashing her teeth:


Chapter 1300 Pandora and Alger

"What are you doing."

Alger crossed his chest with his arms and said impatiently.

Seeing this, Pandora smiled instead, and his tone was full of teasing: "Only your little lover can rob me of my position, and you are not allowed to come to the door to ask for an explanation?"

Argel snorted when he heard the words: "Come on, how long have you given up Aphrodite's position? It's strange that you care about this."

Pandora blinked at this time: "But, this position was robbed by your little lover, so isn't it natural for me to come to trouble?"

After hearing it, Alger suddenly said, "That's true."

She and Aphrodite are also old enemies, not to mention the personality of a main god, even if a rabbit is lost, it will still be found.

Thinking of this, Alger no longer cares about such trivial matters, and asked directly:

"So...Did you bring the simulated star creation map?"

"No!" Pandora said confidently.

"Dare to come here without you?" Argel was very surprised when he heard the words. He didn't simulate the star creation map, and Aphrodite dared to go to her chassis. Isn't that a draw?

However, Pandora said with a smile at this time:

"If you do it, I will trouble your little lover."

"Even if I can't find it, in the future I will find someone who can beat you when I trouble your child, right?"

"...You are cruel enough!"

Alger gritted his teeth. Aphrodite was indeed the body who came here. This woman's character was so reckless and terrifying, but unfortunately, she was not sure to keep her.

And even if he stayed, he couldn't kill him.

In Little Garden, no one can kill a Protoss, and Aphrodite is the Protoss of Venus.

"Witch, your hidden methods are really getting better and better!"

Thinking of the unpredictable latent ability of the woman in front of him gave Alger a headache.

If Perseus had not been blessed by this woman, she would not have been hidden by the other party without being discovered, and then fell into Athena's calculations, resulting in being sealed by the other party.

She is obviously the Virgin of the Crusades, but she is best at 'lurking'.

Such a person is actually called a 'female husband' by the lower-level people. How can this guy's behavior be called a husband?

Give a weak chicken the ability, let him assassinate himself, can he still be called a man?

Could it be possible that he had been notified in advance that he would “disgrace her Alger”, so he could get rid of the stigma of sneak attack?

Said to be a witch, Pandora still looks like Yan Yan with a smile:

"Can I interpret this as a compliment?"

"what ever."

Alger curled her lips. Although she hated the woman in front of her, she had to say that the other party was indeed a bit of a jerk.

If it really turns the relationship into a deadly enemy, it will be a headache to have such a person who is good at lurking watching.

And don't forget, Venus is still a symbol of the **** of war in the eyes of the ancients. The fighting power of this woman gave Athena a headache back then, and she could only use her tactics to force a draw.

In front of this real Greek **** of war, Ares is afraid that he is not even a younger brother, but a son.

An enemy with extremely strong frontal combat power, but at the same time good at stealth assassination operations, this woman has the strongest deterrent power.

Killing and not killing, fighting and endless troubles, and Alger really worried that his child would be missed by this woman in the future, so he couldn't help but be a little annoyed:

"Be honest, what are you doing here?"

Hearing this, Pandora glanced at the black rabbit, and then said with a smile:

"Just come and see, what kind of person gave that little guy the first pot of gold and let him develop."

"Me?" Black Rabbit pointed at himself blankly, his face full of incredulity.

A character that even Alger is afraid of, actually came to see her. Although most of it was due to Su Jin, it really made Hei Rabbit a little flattered.

After all, she's just a 200-year-old rabbit! How can He Dehe be 'valued' by such a big man!

"Yes, it's you."

Pandora seemed to have a good impression of Black Rabbit, and said in a rather pleasant tone:

"Don't underestimate yourself, the Hakoba nobles who can bear the sovereignty of the moon, I have only seen two of them over the years. If you count the current number of moon rabbits, you will most likely be the last one who can bear the sovereignty. Pure blood moon rabbit."

Did I have such a rare thing? Hei Rabbit thought for a while, but then, she thought about it, the Moon Rabbit of Hakoba seems to have less than five fingers left in Di Shitian's mouth, and all of them are girls .

Without males, it seems that there will be no pure blood moon rabbits in the future, so this rarity seems to be quite high.

But when Black Rabbit was surprised at his worth, Alger curled his lips in disdain and said:

"Every digger has come to me? Do you really think I won't shoot at you?"

"Eh? Poaching?" Hei Rabbit took a few steps back when he heard the words, looked at Pandora vigilantly and said, "I have no intention of switching to other communities, not now, nor in the future."

"If I really poach people, the first sentence would be 'The Crusaders lack talents like you'. How can I say this."

Pandora glanced at Alger after hearing the words, and then chuckled lightly:

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