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Chapter 932:

As for the sacred sequence, there are only seven sequences in the Crusaders, and if each sequence is pulled out, it is feared that even the Greek gods will be completely suppressed.

This is basically equivalent to giving Su Jin a whole group of Greek gods in one breath.

Suddenly, Su Jin understood why Pandora didn't bother to show his face at the meeting of the main gods held in Greece.

He didn't believe that Pandora's men would only have the allegiance of one King of Angels.

When you can easily pull out several members of the Greek **** group, I am afraid that Su Jin himself doesn't care about the mess of the Greek **** group.

And when Su Jin was silent, Pandora seemed to feel that the two were still shaking, so he smiled and added more chips:

"How about a copy of the Holy Bible? I think you should know what this text means."

Holy Mary... Su Jin's hand trembled, and his expression froze.

In Little Garden, the recognized disadvantage of the Crusaders is that the fundamental nature of the gods does not constitute a dualism, so they cannot have secret treasures such as the simulated star creation map.

But this does not mean that there is nothing comparable to the simulated star chart among the Crusaders.

The Ten Commandments of Moses, the Bible, and the Holy Scriptures.

These are all treasures that are said to be comparable to the simulated star creation map. If Hakoten allows Monotheism to construct a cosmology, then these things may become a simulated star creation map.

As for the Holy Bible, although it ranks third among these three secret treasures, its function has not been disclosed, but in the gossip, the biggest role of this scripture is suspected to be 'creating angels'.

This function made Su Jin think of the "Angel Reincarnation Pool" written in many novels, but he was not sure whether the function of the "Holy Mary" would be what he thought.

But I have to say that the price given by Pandora is really high.

Even Alger couldn't sit still.

Her current spirituality is the opposite of the gods, a spirituality that is opposite to gods. If a sequence of angels, including the king of angels, is directly corrupted, the completion of the spirituality will increase rapidly, which in turn will increase her strength. Another surge.

And the angel in this sequence is the 'bait' thrown to her by Pandora.

Relatively speaking, the Holy Bible is a temptation to Su Jin. This legendary scripture that can resurrect the dead and become angels and saints is extremely important for the development of a power.

And now that the Greek gods have joined Arcadia, the situation where the master is weak and the servant is strong is destined to be inevitable in the future. Su Jin wants to firmly control the rudder of Arcadia, strengthen the strength of his own people and be in the power. proportion is inevitable.

And these two gifts from Pandora are the perfect solution.

Angels' loyalty is well known in Hakoba.

In the turbulent mind, Su Jin couldn't help but look at Pandora, whose face remained unchanged.

This woman hasn't even changed the frequency of her breath a few times since just now. Except for Su Jin's guess that the "Only God" made her breathing chaotic for a moment, other times it is simply the same frequency.

Too stable, too thick, too thigh, and too rich.

I can't help but hug my thighs... Rich lady, I'm hungry! Su Jin relieved his emotions by complaining in his heart, and then he turned his head and looked at Alger.

At that time, Alger also turned his head and looked at Su Jin expressionlessly, but Su Jin, who had been in contact with her many times at a negative distance, easily read the information from Alger's eyes.

'Promise her! Quick, you promise her! ’

The corner of Su Jin's mouth twitched a few times, and then said to Alger:

"Can you believe it?"

He was asking if he wanted to reveal the woman at the bottom of the box to Pandora because of Pandora's price.

Alger hesitated for a moment, then glanced at Pandora, thinking of the other party's reputation, and nodded towards Su Jin.

Seeing this, Su Jin sighed, stood up, and said to Pandora:

"Come with me."

Chapter 1305 Pandora doesn't believe

In the aisle of the ancient castle of Arcadia.

Pandora, who walked side by side with Alger, asked curiously:

"Alger, where are you taking me?"

Alger obviously didn't want to pay attention to her, and said with some disgust:

"Ask what to ask, just follow."

"Can't you even ask a question together?"

Pandora looked at Algor helplessly, asking for no interest, so she could only turn her head and look at the blond 'self', Aphrodite with the Greek beauty goddess:

"Little guy, do you know the destination?"

Aphrodite glanced at her, then looked at Su Jin's back, thought for a while, but didn't say anything.

Seeing this, Pandora couldn't help but say: "Okay, I said why you didn't speak before, co-authoring was given a password by them? Are you really taking me as a thief to guard against?"

When Su Jin heard this, although he understood that Pandora was making fun of him, he couldn't keep silent any longer, so he said directly:

"Okay, I did something wrong here."

After he finished speaking, he said to Aphrodite:

"It's hard work, you don't have to hide it anymore."

After confirming that Su Jin really lifted the 'ban', Aphrodite let out a sigh of relief and said, "It suffocated me to death!"

She said, blinking at Pandora next to her, her eyes shining brightly:

"I from Hakoba, why did you leave the Greek group of gods, is it because of that Zeus?"

Seeing this, Pandora pretended to be surprised and said, "Huh? I thought it was a mute, but it turned out to be a curious baby."

Aphrodite was immediately unhappy when she heard it: "What dumb, obviously it's Su Jin, or I'll just interject and block you like a thief. I just couldn't beat him, so I deliberately didn't speak."

When Pandora saw her performance, she was also happy:

"You little guy, it's quite interesting."

She looked at Aphrodite with a smile, and repeated the question just now:

"By the way, since you want to ask me a question, let's exchange it at an equal value. Come and answer my next destination first?"

Aphrodite turned her eyes slightly when she heard the words, and then said with one hand on her hips: "That's not good, what you want to hear is Su Jin's secret, but what I want to ask is just a little thing, it's not fair."

Pandora glanced at her, then smiled:

"How is that fair?"

"It's fair if you say it first." Aphrodite laughed.

"Okay!" Pandora simply agreed, and then said directly: "You are asking 'Is the reason why I left the Greek gods because of Zeus?' Right?"

"Yes!" Aphrodite's curious eyes widened.

"I'm afraid you're going to be disappointed. The reason is actually very simple." Pandora said lightly: "I think I can't get along with Zeus, so I left Greece."

"Eh? That's it?" Aphrodite didn't hear the love and hatred she wanted to hear, and was obviously a little unhappy.

On the other hand, Alger, who heard Pandora say this, nodded in agreement and said:

"I knew that your character would definitely not be compatible with Zeus' grandson, but I didn't expect you to quit directly in the early days of the group of gods."

Su Jin, who was on the side, agreed deeply. According to Hestia, Pandora's withdrawal from the group of Greek gods was at dawn, or even earlier.

At that time, it happened that the Greek group of gods had just been established, and they were fighting in the heavens. Perhaps it was because of the early days of the establishment that Zeus concealed Aphrodite's withdrawal from the group of Greek gods. At that time, Zeus probably also I didn't want to cause too much turmoil in Greece, but later, it was estimated that he was playing, and there was no way to explain it.

"Don't mention it, Metis was so heart-warming to the pervert at the time, but in the end, the old pervert looked at me with unreliable eyes, hehe, I told Hestia the king of heaven at that time. This position is wrong, it should be handed over to Hades, but she doesn't listen to her persuasion, so I will naturally go according to my own ideas."

Alger's answer seemed to open up Pandora's words, letting her follow her words and let out the resentment in her heart.

After finishing speaking, Pandora exhaled a turbid breath and said with a smile:

"I feel better when I say it, and the facts tell me that my original choice was not wrong."

Aphrodite heard the words and responded:

"Of course that's right. Would a **** named Zeus be a good thing?"

Pandora was surprised when she heard the words, and then nodded with a smile:

"Yes, Zeus really doesn't have a good thing."

Saying that, Pandora glanced at Su Jin blatantly, causing him to stab his back and his expression solidified.

My dear, this woman should not have guessed that Athena gave me Zeus' spirituality, and then scolded Huai there?

Glancing at Su Jin, Pandora did not continue to dig deeper, but asked Aphrodite with a relaxed expression:

"Then it's up to you to answer the question."

Aphrodite turned her eyes when she heard the words, hehe smiled and said:

"Did you say the destination? Sorry, I don't know~ After all, I only came to Hakoba today."

When Pandora heard this, she said with a smile on her face:

"Okay, you're actually making fun of me? Don't you think it's too much?"

"Is there? You are Aphrodite, and I am also Aphrodite. Is it too much to cheat with myself? I wanted to exercise to lose weight yesterday, so I don't have much to do today?"

Seeing Aphrodite's confident appearance, everyone present almost couldn't hold back their laughter.

Pandora giggled a few times, and then asked Aphrodite:

"Are you sure you're not exercising?"

Aphrodite froze for a moment, then shook her head of course.

Seeing this, Pandora said meaningfully: "Eh? No, the residual breath on your body is obviously from working out for several hours?"

"Ah?" Aphrodite froze for a moment, then thought of something, suddenly looked at Su Jin, and her face suddenly turned red.

Su Jin next to him was a little embarrassed by Pandora's words.

Alger is still here! Pandora, you exposed it to your face, is this trying to kill me?

On the other side, Aphrodite was also worried about being seen, and said quickly: "Whatever you say, I didn't do anything today anyway."

After she finished speaking, she turned around and ran away, obviously afraid that Pandora would continue to speak, and she would just slip away.

"This little guy..." Pandora smiled, reached out and took out a white gift card, and with a flick of it, a black jade bracelet appeared in her hand.

Pandora looked at the back of Aphrodite running with her skirt on, and threw the bracelet away. The bracelet turned into a streamer in mid-air and landed on Aphrodite's wrist.

After doing this, Pandora did not stop Aphrodite, but let the other party run away, and then turned back to Su Jin and joked:

"I'll give 'self' a gift, you shouldn't mind, right?"

Hearing this, Su Jin didn't say a word, but he just saw it, that the bracelet had an aura of authority.

Just giving away a piece of authority, this handwriting... Su Jin not only can't say anything, but I'm afraid I have to thank Aphrodite.


"Okay, it's all delivered. Anyway, I really like this child."

Pandora interrupted Su Jin's words, then clapped her hands and said:

"Okay, bring it in quickly, I want to see what big secret you are hiding."

Hearing this, Su Jin didn't talk much, and directly led Pandora and Alger to the underground of Arcadia headquarters.

Chapter 1306 Pandora shocked for ten thousand years

Underground of Arcadia headquarters, World Hall.

Surrounded by silver portals, Su Jin led Pandora and Alger through the stairs and entered the hall full of doors from the entrance on the right.

As soon as he saw the doors, Pandora's face couldn't help showing surprise:

"This is... through the gate?"

"This kind of realm power... Well, it turns out that Arcadia still hides this kind of trump card. You know, there are not many realm gates of this level even in the Cross religion. There are so many of you here, just from From the outside, I really can't tell that you have these foundations."

When Alger heard it, he immediately retorted: "Take it down, you are desperate for money. You obviously have the money and the ability to do it, but you don't want to do it one by one. Do you think I don't know the style of your Cross religion 'nobility'?"

"Oh, even if you have money in the cellar, but you don't spend it, what are you putting on here?"

Hearing Alger's nasty words, Pandora glanced at her and couldn't help but ask:

"Then what if the Crusaders spend as much money as they earn, and those stalkers find that the funds are wrong and dig out the resources that were secretly allocated to the development of Ouroboros?"

"When will you Alger make up for us?"

Hearing this, Alger stopped talking for a while.

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