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Chapter 935:

The corner of Su Jin's mouth twitched slightly when he heard this. He could understand why Pandora didn't worry that the double of the Bible God would be discovered by the two Christians.

Co-authoring is that you often let the 'substitutes' attract firepower and made them dark under the lights?

With this method, who dares to say that you Pandora will not play tricks?

"Eight doubles..." Alger thought of this number, and said with a slightly unnatural expression: "No wonder I lost so many vests after I was sealed. It turned out that you did the co-authoring!"

Hearing this, Pandora 'reported the number' with doubts and said:

"You mean Elle? Or Ishtar of Jalan? Or Astati?"

‘You can’t be angry, you will lose if you are angry, and you will lose if you are angry! ’

Alger took a few deep breaths, then glared at Pandora fiercely, and then forcefully turned his eyes away.

Seeing this, the corners of Pandora's mouth twitched slightly, and she made a 'yeah' gesture towards Su Jin.

Seeing this scene, Su Jin couldn't help rolling his eyes and said:

"Give me a break, both of you!"

Alger, Pandora, Shiroyasha and the Queen of Halloween, it's over, why do I feel that my future is not good!

Life is not easy, Su Jin sighs!

After sighing, Su Jin looked at the **** of the Bible and asked with a frown, "Then what are you going to do with her spirituality next? If you stay like this for a while, you will be revealed in an instant?"

Hearing this, Pandora turned around and smiled:

"I'm very good at covering up with Lingge, but if I use a technique to cooperate with it, the effect may be better."

"What method?" Su Jin asked in surprise, "Where to get it?"

Pandora said with a smile at this time:

"The medium of that technique is called Yasha Pond."

Su Jin heard the words, his eyelids twitched fiercely, and then said in a strange tone:

"You mean... White Yaksha?"

Pandora put her hands behind her at this time, smiled and said:

"After all, I learned that I would say something to them, didn't I?"

Su Jin was silent for a while, then sighed:

"Okay, let me talk, just right, you can also ask about the class rulers."

His rare vacation... It seems, it's going to waste again!

Chapter 1310 White Yaksha: Isn't salted fish bad?

Hakoba, the 3345 outer gate under reconstruction. In the three-story Japanese-style building with the thousand-eyed flag hanging on the roof, Su Jin sat by the window on the third floor, holding hot tea, watching the flow of people coming and going outside the window.

When the tea was half finished, a knock on the door rang, followed by a female voice:

"excuse me."

"Lord Shiroyasha has arrived."

The words fell, and the Japanese lattice door was gently opened by the waiter at the outer door. Wearing a purple kimono and holding a folding fan, a peculiar girl-like Shiroyasha walked in quickly:

"Yo, what wind blows our majesty Su Jin?"

"Don't you go to the Greek gods to accompany your good Athena?"

Hearing this strange yin and yang anger, Su Jin pinched his brows with a headache, and said angrily:

"Isn't it going to go to the Greek gods after coming back? As for speaking in such a tone?"

"Why not?"

Bai Yasha waved his hand, motioned the waiter to close the door, then walked quickly to Su Jin, sat down directly, and said angrily:

"Anyway, you are also our god, but you didn't come to see us the first time you came back from outside. What's the reason?"

Hearing this, Su Jin glanced at Bai Yasha, and said in surprise:

"The queen told you about this?"

Bai Yasha's face froze for a while, and then he said angrily:

"Yes, it's your shameless mother!"

"She's not my mother." Su Jin put down the teacup and said speechlessly.

However, Shiroyasha couldn't help laughing when he heard this, and fiddled with the tea set diligently:

"Good guy, you can do it, come on, come on, say a few more words, we love to hear this!"

Seeing Bai Yasha's enthusiasm, Su Jin wanted to say 10,000 swear words in his heart. I'm telling the truth, okay?

However, looking at Bai Yasha's happy look, Su Jin didn't bother to say anything, and said directly:

"What's going on with the class ruler?"

Bai Yasha, who was pouring tea for Su Jin, paused, rolled his eyes, and said:

"You came to ask me, don't you know what's going on?"

"How do you say?" Su Jin was stunned, and then said in surprise, "Why is it my fault?"

At this time, Bai Yasha let out a snort and asked contemptuously:

"Count yourself, how long have you been gone?"

Su Jin paused for a moment, and thought that he didn't seem to have been in the wrong world for a month, and then converted the time passed by Hakoba: "Hi... It seems that it is less than a day."

"That's not right." Bai Yasha rolled his eyes and said angrily: "It's just a matter of one day, we didn't even write out the resignation letter to the Buddhists! It's also a class ruler, you think this thing is very simple. !"

Su Jin was speechless when he heard this, but then he thought about it, how could he not be able to write a resignation letter? If he could adjust the time and take time to play, could Bai Yasha still not do it?

Thinking of this, Su Jin couldn't help but look weird and said, "You are patronizing and arguing with the queen, so you didn't write anything, right?"

Shiroyasha's hand holding the teapot suddenly froze, and his expression became a little embarrassed.

She laughed dryly and said haha:

"How is it possible, how can we forget the business because we are going to quarrel with that **** from Halloween, this is impossible!"

As long as you are happy... Su Jin is too lazy to dismantle Bai Yasha. Just now, Alger was still arguing with Pandora on the front foot, and the back foot will be involved in the matter of Bai Yasha and the Queen of Halloween. To torture me, right?

Thinking of this, Su Jin picked up the teacup, covered the tea foam with the lid, and took a sip of the tea ceremony:

"Since there isn't, what do you say next? By the way, Hestia should tell you about the favor, right? I brought this thing back, and you have to operate the rest."

"You still have the face to say it."

Shiroyasha rolled his eyes again and said speechlessly:

"Every time we make you make a noise, but you make trouble every time, we can't come down from the stage. The special gift that has an effect on three digits is still a growth type. It's really a blessing that you can do it!"

The power that has an effect on the three-digit number, referring to the last two-digit quota of the Godslayer War, you will know how things will turn out.

Now that war has just started. The Taoist Erlang Xiansheng Zhenjun, the Four Great Buddhas of Buddhism, and the Heavenly Kings of Heaven are all dead. If it wasn’t for Hestia’s alliance with Baiyasha and the others to hide the matter, Su Jin is now afraid that he has been sent by the Heavenly Army from Buddhism. Please go to the Heavenly Realm for tea!

That's it, because Shiroyasha recently joined the Queen of Halloween and Alger, plus the twin goddesses with thousand eyes standing behind them, can things be suppressed, otherwise, those double digits, those original truths are in the center of the small garden. Check it out, Wuhu! It's all over!

On the opposite side, when he heard Bai Yasha's complaint, Su Jin was also speechless, so that he didn't have a good air:

"...Can I blame me for this? Can I still rely on me when things are brought out like this? Can I still know if it will happen or not?"

"Oh, I'm sorry, Lord Shiroyasha, the next world you're going to will get Balabala, please be prepared to carry a bucket and run away in advance, Balabala! Okay, do you believe it?"

"I just said you believe it? You don't suspect that it's weird that I'm bragging. Do you still believe it? Believe it!"

Bai Yasha twitched the corners of his mouth, looked at Su Jin seriously, and thought about it, it seemed that it was indeed not Su Jin's fault.

Huge wars, godslayer wars, Alger, and troublemakers, it seems that Su Jin really didn't do it on purpose. Climb up, but unexpectedly, things turned out to be like this in the end.

Even the Greek gods are about to be acquired. If the Canary guy is still alive, he will be happy to see this!

But seeing that Su Jin's matter had nothing to do with him, Bai Yasha was still a little disgusted, so he couldn't help but say:

"I believe what you say now."

"Huh? What did you say?" Su Jin stared.

"Okay, then let's just pretend you didn't do anything."

Seeing this, Bai Yasha took a sip of tea, then looked at Su Jin and said:

"Then why do you come here to find us for this urgent request for an emergency meeting? It's definitely not a trivial matter, right?"

Hearing this, Su Jin paused for a moment, then stretched out his hand to swipe in the void, and took out a white gift card with golden lines embroidered on the corners, which looked very beautiful.

When Bai Yasha saw Su Jin taking out this card, he raised his brows fiercely:

"This is... Maria's exclusive gift card... She actually went to find Alger? It's really rare!"

You really know nothing about Algor and Aphrodite... Su Jin gave Bai Yasha a faint glance, and then handed the card over.

Seeing this, Bai Yasha took the card, flipped it over and checked it, and then said in surprise:

"It's still the memory card of the missing body, and you're still playing with confidentiality?"

Seeing this card, Shiroyasha suddenly had an ominous premonition, and couldn't help but raised his head and said:

"Boy, you must have done something big again, why don't you invite it!"

Su Jin said vaguely: "It's okay, it's not a big deal without grace."

"No? That's okay, it's not a big deal, we can live a few more years."

Bai Yasha patted his chest, sighed with a relaxed expression, then put the gift card between his eyebrows and read the information.

The next second, her face turned pale, and it was as white as there was no blood.

Bai Yasha opened his eyes tremblingly, looked at Su Jin with a pale face, gritted his teeth and said:

"That's what you said isn't it a big deal?"

"Raising a little god? Isn't that a big deal?"

Bai Yasha rolled up his sleeves, raised his fist, and moved towards Su Jin with righteous indignation:

"Su Jin, come here, for the sake of the center of the small garden, today we have to kill you, the **** scourge!"

Chapter 1311 White Yaksha: I'm too hard!

Naturally, Su Jin couldn't get close to being beaten. He even moved his **** back, opened the distance between him and Bai Yasha, and said calmly:

"It's really not a matter of favor! I didn't come according to your request, why are you still beating me?"

"Don't pretend to be garlic there!"

Bai Yasha glared at the words, gasping for breath:

"If you don't have your authority to catalyze that thing, let alone three-digit numbers, it won't work at all for four-digit numbers, and the next-level gift is to cultivate five-digit numbers in batches. Not much, but not much."

"So, to put it bluntly, as long as the enhanced favor from your hands is not exposed, it's not a big deal, but what about you now?"

"Little God?"

"Aphrodite is crazy, so are you? Do you want to be mad at us?"

Bai Yasha is an angry person. He is no longer polite to the Virgin, and directly uses the other party's earliest name to describe her to express hostility.

As Qianyan's top cadre, Bai Yasha's level is one level higher than the twelve main gods under Qianyan. Even Zeus is one level lower than her, that is, she is not a formal person on weekdays and does not pay attention to rules. underestimate.

But saying this at this time is basically equivalent to scolding Aphrodite, 'Don't forget that I used to be your father'.

Others don't know the risk of making a little god, don't you Aphrodite yet?

And the most hateful thing is that you made money from Aphrodite's blood, but what did Su Jin make? It's weird that he doesn't lose blood.

You, Aphrodite, take the benefits of co-authoring, and Su Jinbei is the culprit. Do you want us to wipe your **** when we're done?

Disgusting people are not so disgusting!

Seeing Bai Yasha getting angry, Su Jin's expression changed, but he still pretended to calmly picked up the teacup and took a sip of the tea ceremony:

"Aphrodite only talked about the little **** in there?"

"Huh? What? What kind of ecstasy soup did she give you?" Bai Yasha heard what Su Jin meant.

Is this a private Py deal with Aphrodite? how? Could it be that Aphrodite, like Alger, lost herself in it?

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