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Chapter 940:

Anyone who gave Hakoba a position knew that Arcadia was destroyed by the Ouroboros.

And if Su Jin, after launching the snake-killing operation, secretly showed his goodwill through his connection with the Ouroboros and paralyzed the Ouroboros, it might not be possible to maintain the level of declaring war and reduce the danger to a minimum.

And while the two sides are at war, when various means are tacitly used, Su Jin may not be able to approach Lamia's hiding place, destroy it, and bring back the sealed Lamia and Leticia's spirit.

Of course, the premise is that Ouroboros doesn't know 'Su Jin knows the truth about Leticia'.

Thinking of this, Su Jin had some doubts in his heart, and couldn't help but ask:

"Ouroboros confirmed that Thousand Eyes will not give me this information about the original text of Leticia? Why would they think so?"

Hearing this, Pandora and Bai Yasha looked at each other, and finally, Pandora answered Su Jin in a deep voice:

"Because when Leticia Decrea takes back the spirit, it is the time when the original text will destroy itself."

Chapter 1319 Downgrade

"When Leticia takes back the spirit, the original will destroy itself? Why?"

Su Jin was stunned and asked incredulously.

Is it so easy to destroy the simulation star map? Don't be kidding, even a double-digit shot can't be completely destroyed.

The two-digit number can be defeated, and the simulated star creation map can be wiped out, but if they want to destroy it, even they have to pay a certain price.

After all, the simulated star creation map is the strongest secret treasure of Hakoniwa created by the cosmology. In other words, the simulated star creation map is actually a god-created universe created by the gods gathering their respective authority.

Its essence is that the gods imitate the creation of the four truths of the small garden, and the imitated degraded products have been approved by the central of the small garden, and it is a small part of the central of the small garden.

This is also the reason why his name is called the 'Simulated Star Creation Chart'.

This kind of thing, even if it is a two-digit match, is extremely difficult, even if they can modify the lower-level observation universe at will, but the simulated star creation map that is blessed by the authority of the gods and protected by the center of the small garden is still insufficient.

Even in the little garden, there is a saying that the 'simulated star creation map' itself is a "two-digit figure" created by a **** without self, and this statement is generally recognized by the gods.

Therefore, the simulated star creation map is the biggest secret treasure of the **** group.

But now, Pandora actually said that this kind of secret treasure will self-destruct because of Leticia, which is a bit too exaggerated?

Can the four-digit exception counter attack the two-digit? Who do you think is a Pegasus?

Faced with Su Jin's questioning, Pandora's response was very calm, almost certain:

"Because Leticia Decrea was promoted to an exceptional four-digit figure, and she was successfully promoted as a vampire, a human variant, her spirituality is essentially human, and she is the only one other than you to step into the Exceptional humans."

"Therefore, once Leticia regains her original spiritual status, her existence will inevitably directly determine the interior of the original scriptures, that is, to determine the artificial **** theory that 'the gods are born from the beliefs of human beings', and such contradictions, It will lead to the imbalance of the 'Original Canon' itself, thus making this special simulated star creation map invalid. Speaking of this, Pandora said to Su Jin in a persuasive tone:

"The original canon exists because of the coexistence of the two possibilities of 'god created man' and 'artificial god', so once one side overwhelms the other, it will lead to an imbalance in the internal power of the original."

"Hakotei has been here for so many years. Although there are not many candidates for the original script, the total number has exceeded 100, but it has not been able to decide which possibility is the truth. What do you think is the reason?"

Hearing this, Su Jin suddenly wanted to understand something, and said with a somewhat surprised expression:

"Thousands of eyes, no, the twin goddesses are controlling the overall situation, preventing the truly decisive possibility from being born?"

Bai Yasha, who was on the sidelines, nodded at this time and said seriously:

"That's right, the boss is indeed avoiding this possibility of being condemned to death."

"As long as these two possibilities are balanced, gods can create human beings, and human beings can also ascend to gods and become new three-digit existences."

"That's why there has been an endless stream of new triple digits since the dawn of time."

"Let all beings be able to enter the three-digit number according to the possibility of artificial gods, and let all non-human beings become creators by creating human beings and enter the three-digit number."

"Let all beings with spiritual qualities in the whole box garden be able to achieve three figures. This is the role of the original scriptures."

"It is also the first to simulate the truth of the Star Creation Map·Original Code·Creativity!"


Hearing the true face of Yuan Dian, Su Jin couldn't help taking a deep breath.

The real purpose of the original text is to make it possible for all living beings to step into the triple digits? The purpose of the two goddesses to create the original text is to give all living beings the opportunity to advance to three figures?

If this is the case, then the Crusaders' confidence that they are not worried that Qianyan will tell them this secret is very clear.

Because if you let Su Jin know and let him **** the spirit back willfully, then the original script will be self-destructed, which means that only those with human spirit can enter the three-digit number in the future. If so, Su Jin will offend everyone. non-human race.

This is equivalent to completely offending the celestial spirits, pure-blooded dragons, natural gods and Buddhas, and those powerful species in one breath!

Even if Qianyan is domineering, He would not dare to do such a thing.

And Qianyan dared not, Su Jin even dared not.

Thinking of this, Su Jin was a little scared: "I can't give it back to Leticia, but only let Lamia or someone else use it?"

"if not."

Shiroyasha rolled his eyes and said angrily:

"If it weren't for this thing being too important, the boss wouldn't let us go to the lower realm to talk about this kind of thing. She was also worried that your brain would be short-circuited, so she deliberately put the conversation in the lower realm where we can exert a certain strength, just because I was afraid You're going crazy so we can hold you down, understand?"

"I'm going crazy?" Su Jin said with a weird expression: "Are you distrusting me too much?"

"Take it down. If you don't believe me, you will tell you such a thing? It's just insurance."

Shiroyasha resisted the urge to roll his eyes again, and then held his breath:

"The boss's meaning is actually to allow you to take back Leticia's spirituality. After all, he also knows your relationship, but he suggested that this spirituality be placed on you instead of returning it to Leticia, otherwise the strongest species will start trouble. , you have to peel off your skin even if you don't die, we don't need to be bored to offend so many strangers, it's sick, it's courting death."

"I know what you mean and the dangers involved."

Su Jin sighed deeply, and then said:

"My next goal is to stabilize the income of the Greek gods, gain the status of the class leader, and then wait for the opportunity to retake Lamia. Apart from these, I won't do any superfluous things, please rest assured."

Hearing Su Jin's promise, Bai Yasha was somewhat relieved, although he was a little worried that he would do something big unconsciously.

"You can tell Little Letty about this matter and let her understand the seriousness of the matter. It's better than not knowing anything."

"Isn't this risky?" Su Jin frowned and asked back, he was worried that after Leticia found out, there would be bad changes.

"No, not even if her spirit is on you."

Shiroyasha thought for a moment, and then explained:

"Well, how should I put it? Maybe her spirituality will be better on you. After all, the power you use is not the orthodox system of Hakoba, and it cannot touch the deepest rules of the original text."

"And your relationship with Little Letty is a bit special. According to the boss, this may be able to use a special method to let Little Letty use the power of the original text, but there are some good benefits."

Saying that, Bai Yasha glanced at Su Jin with a strange look, as if he didn't expect Leticia to teach Su Jin's fighting skills, but the two of them actually hit the bed.

When I took it out of the black rabbit's mouth, I was really shocked to Bai Yasha.

This is his wife's current crime, and the crime is still Leticia, who is a good sister of the Canary. I don't know how Su Jin did it. Anyway, the two of them suddenly became better.

Bai Yasha heard Hei Rabbit say that Su Jin drank some wine one day and attacked Leticia. Little Letty did not resist, but how could Bai Yasha believe this.

It's impossible to be soft when drunk, a man can't be hard when he's really drunk, so there's a high probability that these two are a little bit funny, and then borrowed alcohol to strengthen their courage, and they got together in embarrassment. Bai Yasha seriously suspects that this is the case. Possibly, otherwise there's no way to explain when these two got together.

At this time, Su Jin was still thinking about Shiroyasha's suggestion: "Put it on me, and then Leticia's secondment... It's also a way to deal with it."

It's this secondment that I don't know if it's serious or not. After all, Leticia wants to use the original scriptures. It is estimated that every time I need to ask him for a medium, and between them, the best medium is the one that can make Leticia have me in you. , can't I have you, the one who can create a child if he loses control...

It is also a solution... Su Jin complained silently in his heart, then turned to look at the Bible God who had been listening in silent, and then laughed:

"Okay, I almost forgot, and your spirituality needs to be resolved first."

First solve the spiritual disguise of the God of the Bible, then take her to Little Garden to become Pandora's stand-in, and finally solve Leticia's problem.

Thinking of this, Su Jin sighed:

"Come step by step."

Chapter 1320 Unsuitable Divine Sequence


bright red.

Blood-like bright red filled the entire space.

The gray-haired and red-eyed woman knelt in the center of the space, breathing up and down, and strands of bright red sank into her body, causing her complexion to change from pale to blood-red, and from blood-red back to white.

I do not know how long it has been.

A male voice echoed in the space:

"Should this be over?"

"Almost, the spirit has changed. Now she is no longer a natural god, but an ordinary human being."

"That's good."

Outside the space, in a large hall, Su Jin wiped the sweat from his forehead, heaved a sigh of relief, turned his head to take the water handed over by Pandora, drank it in one gulp, and then said:

"Is the role of the original text actually changing the spirit? It's really exaggerated."

Su Jin, who has used it, knows how terrifying the change of the spirit is. This trick is basically an instant kill for people below four digits. Even the natural gods and Buddhas can be knocked down by him and downgraded to weak ordinary people. The three-digit number will also be greatly weakened.

The horror of the simulated star map is fully released by the original.

This is the power that can knock a god-king into the mortal world.

Of course, since it was just a secondment, Su Jin's use of the original scriptures would be limited in scale, but this was already very scary.

It can be said that if he had fought against Zeus with the original script in his body, he could completely reduce Zeus to a mortal, and then use a body comparable to three figures to bully Zeus inhumanly.

This is not about beating children, but the original script. It can turn adults into children and let you downgrade and attack each other. It is really outrageous.

It's no wonder that there is a simulated Star Creation Chart in Little Garden that can only be dealt with by the simulated Star Creation Chart. Of course, this plug-in can only be dealt with by a plug-in.

However, although the effect of the original script is very good, this special effect is a bit...

Thinking of this, Su Jin looked at the **** of the Bible still in the different dimension, and at the blood-red space, he couldn't help but complain:

"I always feel like I'm doing a blood sacrifice ceremony. Can't I make the scene look better?"

Hearing what he said, Pandora couldn't help laughing:

"Why do you think the original text will be reincarnated as a vampire?"

"The spiritual level is linked to the essence of life. Changing the spiritual level is equivalent to changing the essence of life. Isn't this thing one of the symbols of vampires?"

The legend that the race that is sucked by vampires will be alienated into vampires is widely spread not only in the small garden, but also in the observable universe under the small garden.

But if we really want to investigate its essence, the first embrace of Leticia's lineage is, in a sense, the leakage of the power of the original scriptures.

The most important role of the original scriptures in elevating human spirits to gods and the spirits of gods to creators is to change, from the spiritual transformation.

This is also the main reason why the spiritual figure that Shiroyasha can suppress, shrinks the spiritual figure from two-digit to four-digit Yaksha.

After all, it's not a simulated star creation map like the original, and it really can't help Shiroyasha's spirit. After all, this is a monster that has been defeated three times, and the spirit can be weakened and can maintain a double-digit level.

Su Jin looked at the Bible God whose breathing had gradually calmed down, then turned his head to Pandora and said, "So now the Bible God is a human being, and the next step is your work, right?"

Pandora nodded in a good mood when she heard the words:

"Yes, I will give her the spiritual status of the Virgin later, but then again, it is interesting that the Virgin of this world is actually the **** of another world."

"Is she?" Su Jin thought of the Virgin God who was still assisting the mechanical **** in tracking the Time and Space Administration. In fact, if it was her, it would meet Pandora's requirements, but after having the God of the Bible, Pandora was a little concerned. not up.

After all, the benefits of cultivating a virgin are obviously not as great as cultivating a little god.

However, considering the risks involved, Su Jin still persuaded:

"If you do this, are you sure you won't usher in the censure from the Crusaders?"

However, Pandora's attitude is very obvious: "He will always trample me under his feet, what should I do with his opinion?"

Everyone is a veteran of the development of the Crusaders. If you want to be an eternal emperor and want to control everyone in the palm of your hand, don't blame them for adding hindsight.

Not to mention Pandora, even the saints of the Crusaders, and even the Son, few really want Yawei to succeed.

If it wasn't for the fact that the Crusaders couldn't unite, why did Yahweh go outside to develop the force of the Ouroboros?

Isn't it because He couldn't cover the sky with one hand in the Crusaders?

In the face of Pandora, Su Jin didn't say much:

"Forget it, this is your business in the first place, and I don't care much. I just need to make sure that God in the Bible is safe."

In the final analysis, Su Jin is only making a head in the matter of the little god. In terms of investment, he is not as good as paying a sacred sequence, but also contributing to the merits of the Virgin, and in the end, he has to come forward with Alger and the Queen of Halloween. , Shiroyasha and others united front.

This is a lot of work and contribution, and it also contributes most of the capital, but Su Jin eats a lot of the benefits. In this case, Su Jin naturally doesn't want to turn against the sponsor.

Su Jin looked at the Bible God at this time, looked at it a few more times, and finally turned her back to Pandora and said, "Then she will hand it over to you."

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