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Chapter 942:


Hearing this, Su Jin looked at Black Rabbit with strange eyes. How did he feel that Black Rabbit was more worried about Alger's temper than putting a hat on which god?

No way…

Thinking of this, Su Jin said tentatively, "Alger knows about this."

"That's no problem." Hei Rabbit suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, his eyes were no longer red, but he patted his chest happily and said: "It's okay, as long as you are careful not to be found by the Crusaders, things should be okay. It's going to be that serious."

"That's it..." Hei Rabbit said hesitantly on this face: "There is another 'sister', won't the family really fight because of this?"

After careful calculation, Alger, Athena, Pandora, Artemis, who has been black-faced recently, as well as those who came from the lower realm and Leticia... These people really won't fight?


Oh, Luo Hao seems to have challenged his companions many times! Onion pulled Yukina and they were studying the Mechanicus, and they seemed to be preparing for the battle.

It's over, wouldn't the new generation of Arcadia die on the enemy's body, but on the leader's crotch?

What kind of careless method of death is this!

Seeing such a black rabbit, Su Jin was silent for a while, and then said:

"I said, Black Rabbit, you seem to be very used to this kind of thing!"

When Su Jin said this, he remembered what Bai Yasha had said to him earlier.

No way?

Is Black Rabbit really the kind of person who gets greener more and happier? Do Hakoba nobles really have such a strange nature?

Do you want to go to Di Shitian another day to ask about the situation? However, Di Shitian, as the main **** of the Heavenly Army, is also a Cao thief. It is difficult to guarantee that the habit of the moon rabbit is not intentional!


Because you want to prostitute everywhere, so you make your family Lepu into this kind of scrambled egg character?

This emperor Shitian, has his conscience been eaten by Hei Tian?

"Habit?" Hei Rabbit turned his head a little embarrassedly when he heard Su Jin's description: "Why, I'm super angry! I'm super angry every time, just like Shana eating burnt pineapple bread !"

At this time, Vista next to him said faintly, "I'm so angry that I don't even eat pineapple bread? That's so angry!"

The black rabbit who was demolished couldn't help but glance at Vesta, opened his mouth, and finally gave up his sophistry, and turned his head to stare at Su Jin.

Then, her hair suddenly changed from pink to blue.

"Look, I'm angry!"

Looking at the black rabbit who smirked and pointed at his hair in front of him, Su Jin suddenly felt sad.

It's over, his rabbit seems to be a little abnormal!

"Black Rabbit, why don't I take you to see Orihime for treatment. She has learned a lot of medical skills recently, and I'll let her see your brain." Su Jin said in a heavy tone: "It's really not good, find Captain Uzhihua. Look at psychiatry, she has experience with schizophrenia and is very rich."

"This disease can't be delayed after all!"

Black Rabbit: "..."

Chapter 1323 The shock of Uesugi Kenshin

"How is the result?"

Sitting on the sofa, Su Jin, who was drinking a cup of black tea, asked towards the multi-person sofa next door.

Sitting on the sofa, Orihime Inoue, whose hands were glowing blue, stopped, and said to Su Jin with a puzzled face:

"There is nothing abnormal. Sister Black Rabbit is very healthy, but mental fatigue is a bit heavy. It is recommended to get more sleep recently."

"Look, let me just say it, I'm not sick at all!" Black Rabbit, who was very unconvinced that Su Jin asked Orihime Inoue to come over to see a doctor, immediately puffed up his cheeks and questioned Su Jin angrily.

However, facing the annoyed face of the black rabbit, Su Jin calmly tasted the lipstick tea, and then regretted:

"No, it's more serious than being sick."

"Huh??" Hearing this, Black Rabbit was stunned on the spot.

Su Jin didn't wait for the black rabbit to react and asked himself, and immediately turned his head towards Inoue Orihime:

"Orihime, how has your study progressed recently? Are you still used to the life here?"

When Orihime Inoue heard Su Jin asking herself, she immediately replied with great pleasure: "Yeah! The roasted moon sheep yesterday was delicious, especially the taste of lamb chops, which was very good."

"...Just be happy." Seeing this, Su Jin showed an embarrassed but polite smile.

Moon Sheep is a high-grade mutton sheep raised by Artemis' subordinate community. Because the hunting goddess has planned to settle in the capital of the end, her subordinate community naturally opened high-end restaurants here.

It's just... Su Jin took a peek at Orihime Inoue, and it seemed that the child was eating various delicacies at the end of the city except for his medical training recently.

And... Su Jin lowered his gaze a little and looked at the expected place.

Seems to be getting bigger? Does this guy's whole body grow in that place? There is actually such a human being, long experience...

On the other side, Black Rabbit, who noticed something was wrong, asked hesitantly, "Su Jin, you just changed the subject, right?"

"Why is it worse that I'm not sick than sick?"

"Tsk." Su Jin tutted secretly, and then said to the black rabbit with a smile: "How could it be? It's your illusion."

However, the black rabbit was unrelenting, staring at Su Jin with a bulging face: "You just clicked, didn't you? It's definitely a click, right?"

Why can't this guy get over this... Su Jin groaned in his heart, and then said:

"No, no, you misunderstood. I was just worried that Orihime's gift had no effect on you."

After speaking, Su Jinman said apologetically to Inoue Orihime:

"Sorry, it seems that my worries are superfluous."

After finishing speaking, Su Jin changed the subject and said, "By the way, I just felt that you have the aura of godhood in you, Orihime. Did you accept the godhood?"

Although he is the leader of the community, Su Jin doesn't understand the internal personnel and affairs, and he has no energy to manage it for the time being, so he is generally in charge of Black Rabbit and Leticia.

Therefore, even if Orihime Inoue was given a godhead by the community, Su Jin didn't know about it until he discovered it back then.

Hearing Su Jin's words, Inoue Orihime thought for a while, then clapped her hands, and suddenly said, "Ah, are you talking about the thing that Black Rabbit gave me a few days ago? It's becoming more and more godlike?"

Hearing this, Black Rabbit was stunned for a moment, and then said speechlessly: "...Inoue, you shouldn't have used the godhead without listening to my explanation before, right?"

Inoue Orihime scratched his head when he heard the words, and said in a daze, "Ah? Black Rabbit, have you explained anything?"

"...I really didn't hear it!" Black Rabbit was stunned, and said with a somewhat collapsed expression: "Godhead is an adaptive argument! If a godhead that does not match the gift is used, it will cost 10,000 more than if it is not used. times!"

"Hey, how serious is it?" Inoue Orihime scratched her face, and then said, "But I don't think there is any problem at all!"

"God!" Hei Tu couldn't help covering his face with one hand and said: "It seems that I will ask Uzhihua to do a detailed examination for you later, obviously it is for others to see a doctor, but in the end I have to send it to myself. Doctor, what's going on!"

Although the topic change was successful, in a sense, the black rabbit was even more tired... Su Jin groaned in his heart, and then continued:

"Although it is a bit excessive, several angels will come to Arcadia in the next few days to hand over part of the sacred sequence with us. It is estimated that you will be responsible for this matter."

"You should pay more attention to rest."

"Holy sequence..."

Hei Rabbit's mouth twitched when he heard this word, but he didn't complain. It was about the growth of the community. She recognized it even though it was bitter, but she still had a little worry in her heart:

"Will the transfer of control of the sacred sequence really not cause the Crusaders to declare war on us?"

Black Rabbit understands that since Su Jin has made such a decision, he is somewhat prepared, but he will inevitably worry and expect an accurate reply from Su Jin...

"Probably not."

Su Jin shook his head, put down the teacup, and said calmly:

"First of all, the transfer of control was carried out in secret. On the bright side, the leader of this sacred sequence is still Pandora, who has no direct affiliation with us.

On the other hand, in a short while, the gossip that Pandora secretly joined the Queen of Halloween is expected to spread among the upper levels. In this way, the Holy Sequence will be settled in Arcadia, and the upper gods, especially the members of the Crusaders. It will only be considered that the Queen and Alger and Pandora have reached some kind of agreement. "

"Well, compared to this, perhaps the Greek **** group is included by us, but it will attract the attention of the gods. Of course, in the case that I have been regarded by the gods as 'Boros' and the fourth generation of Greek god-kings, The intensity of this attention will not be too high.”

"After all, the godslayer war is still going on. Before the two-digit quota is completely decided, it is unlikely that the old people at the upper level will fix their eyes on me."

Speaking of this, Su Jin couldn't help raising the corners of his mouth, revealing a mocking smile.

Even if it is a god, in the face of interests, it will cover his eyes, what's more, I have not had much actual battles in Hakogawa except defeating Zeus and possessing a defensive simulation star map.

Maybe there are still many gods who think that I have had **** luck, and maybe I just got the power to restrain Zeus.

Hehe, in the final analysis, a four-digit figure is only a mid-to-high-end power in the heaven. Although the number is small, it is only relative to the vastness of the heaven. If I want to attract their attention, I need to expose it a few more times.

In contrast, those two figures who have been paying attention to me for a long time, and even those original truths are troublesome, especially the one who is of the Cross. The matter of the God of the Bible has a direct conflict of interest with Him. If it breaks out, it will be troublesome. Absolutely me.

Well, it is necessary to do something quickly and divert the attention of the upper management from me. The class ruler is a good choice.

Thinking of this, Su Jin decided to continue the previous plan, so he said to the black rabbit:

"Black Rabbit, I have something to ask you."

"Huh?" Black Rabbit was surprised, and then made a gesture of listening.

Seeing this, Su Jin said calmly:

"I hope to meet Di Shitian as soon as possible."

Chapter 1324 The Queen's Excuse

Buddhism, three thousand worlds, a Buddhist temple above Lingshan.

Wearing a cassock, with a Buddha's hairstyle, and with a solemn appearance, the smiling Tishutian held a roll of parchment, narrowed his eyes a little, and threw the parchment to Kenshin Uesugi next to him:

"My dear, my precious great-granddaughter prayed to me for the first time in two hundred years."

"Su Jin is looking for you."

Uesugi Kenshin, who was dressed in a brown lady's suit and dressed out of tune with the temple, took the parchment, glanced at it, and turned his head towards Teisha:

"Recently, that person has made a lot of moves. I heard that the Virgin of the Crusades had a secret meeting with him once."

Hearing this, Di Shitian was stunned, and then asked curiously:

"Eh? Who did you hear this from?"

"I heard from Matana." Uesugi Kenshin replied.

"The upper level of the box court almost knows everything." Di Shitian spread his hands, and then said with a strange expression: "I just don't know what the troublesome woman has to do with Su Jin. Of course, it's best not to involve me."

Uesugi Kenshin glanced at Di Shitian at this time, then squinted his eyes and said, "The current upper level of Hakoba thinks that he is looking for Alger for peace talks. How can you think that he is looking for Su Jin?"

"Do you believe it?" Tishutian looked at Kenshin Uesugi with a playful look: "Although that woman has a conflict with Alger, she is a little worse than Shiroyasha and the Queen of Halloween, and these two guys are going to have peace talks. Why go to Su Jin's, just find Bai Yasha as the middleman, why do you want to find Su Jin?"

Uesugi Kenshin frowned, and then said: "Because he is the glue between the three major problems?"

At this time, Di Shitian shook his head and said, "No, no, no, your idea is just the public's idea. In my opinion, the real reason is because Pandora wants to change jobs. "What? "Uesugi Kenshin was obviously frightened by Di Shitian's words.

The Virgin of the Crucifixion wants to change jobs? What's the situation?

"Didn't that one get along very happily with the Crusadian God and the Son? How could that be?"

"Very pleasant? That's really pleasant. That woman doesn't have many enemies. After all, her enemies have all been killed by her, and there are not many who can resist her assassination."

Di Shi shook his head at this point, with some kind of admiration on his face. Although there were many strong women in Little Garden, this one was the only one who really fought steadily.

When the Greek gods were about to set foot on the peak, they retreated bravely, and invested in the Cross religion, which was not strong at the time, even a nest, and developed it into the fifth giant of the four giants, Pandora, no, Avro Ditto's ability is not weak.

But it is precisely because of this that Emperor Shitian is a little melancholy:

"That woman, like before, made another choice that I don't understand."

Hearing this, the young Uesugi Kenshin was stunned for a moment, then came back to his senses, vaguely remembering what Marta had said.

It was an incomprehensible choice for the top powerhouses of Hakoba at that time to retreat bravely in the midst of the prosperous Greek **** group and join the weak Crusader group of gods at that time.

But it was later proved that the Crusaders really had more potential than the Greek gods, and Aphrodite also succeeded in stepping into the extreme of the triple digits because of the advantages of the platform. If it were not for the constraints of the Crusaders, many people In fact, I am more optimistic about her, thinking that she can become the second three-digit exception after the queen.

And now, the goddess Aphrodite did another operation that he couldn't understand.

And this time, Aphrodite seems to have joined the alliance of the three major Protoss, no, if that's the case, Di Shitian wouldn't say that he didn't understand.

Could it be... Aphrodite actually joined Arcadia?

That Arcadia, who was turned back by Su Jin and just recovered not long ago?

Aphrodite is optimistic about Su Jin, and thinks that he can bring him more benefits than investing in the Crusaders?

This... how is this possible?

"Why does she think so?"

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