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Chapter 944:

Su Jin's increasingly sophisticated soul attainments can still see the soul of the 'fa spring' in the doll.

Shouldn't this be... Just when Su Jin was in shock, Asura smeared an osmanthus-scented lotion on the doll's head, and the next second, a touch of rich divinity suddenly appeared on it.

"Wait, this is holy water for sacrifices? Isn't that doll a **** statue? Wait, this is too..." As the former **** of the Moon Rabbit Clan, Black Rabbit immediately recognized Asura's operation.

Sacrifices, statues, and souls as tributes are meant to embody the ritual of the gods, but the things used for them are too buried, right?

Before the black rabbit could finish speaking, a touch of will fell on the teddy doll from a faraway place, and the cheap black eyes on the doll's face suddenly became clear.

The next second, a frivolous voice sounded:

"Well done, Asura, I thought you would have to wait a day before agreeing to perform a divine descent... Wait, what is this? What did you rely on for me?"

Di Shitian, who had just arrived, lifted the furry dog's legs, and the whole person was a little confused, but then, something even more ignorant came.

A bitch's soul, entangled!

"Fuck, where did this estrus mother Teddy come from, how did she get into my soul space, what the fuck, why does this dog have such a grudge? Wait, what do you want to do? Stay away from me, don't come here!"

"Don't come here...!"

When the doll was jumping wildly, Asura came to Su Jin at some point and handed a roll of black parchment.

Su Jin looked at 'Di Shitian', then looked at the scroll, turned his head and asked:

"what is this?"

At this time, Asura was very happy and pressed the scroll on Su Jin's hand: "With the high-grade one-time use method of the object, after the explosion, it is effective for four-digit exceptions. Of course, it can also be a scapegoat occasionally, dear. The test works!"

"Asura, you are so filial!" Su Jin looked at the filial daughter in front of him, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching a few times.

Then, Su Jin silently put away the scroll.

Chapter 1327 Ceiling Window Theory

"Reverse girl! Reverse girl!"

The teddy doll, less than 30 centimeters tall, jumped with anger on the tea table. On the left and right of it, there are Su Jin and Black Rabbit sitting together and Asura sitting on a sofa alone. The three of them are holding tea cups neatly and tasting quietly.

Seeing three people ignoring him, Di Shitian couldn't help but hurt his head and said:

"Are you going to say something?"

"What?" Su Jin cast a glance at 'Teddy', and then said with a suppressed smile: "I have a close relationship with the perpetrator, so I have to avoid danger, isn't it?"

Emperor Shitian heard the words - the corner of his mouth twitched.

Safe haven? You are a ghost, you are clearly watching me for fun, and you are watching it very seriously!

On the other hand, Asura dragged his face and complained repeatedly:

"Yu Mingming has worked hard for a long time in order to collect the materials for the arrival, but father, you are complaining so much? You really don't know good people."

Yes, it's hard for you to find a sassy mother Teddy in the East District, and she still has Zeus blood, hemp, do you think I don't know that your hard work is 'finding my things'?

"Then do I still want to thank you?" Di Shitian's stomach started to hurt.

"Isn't it of course!" Asura said with a small face and righteously: "The sacrifices that Yu chose are perfectly in line with your father's requirements. No one will find out that you are relying on your father!"

Yes, because no one would have thought that I would actually rely on this kind of thing... Di Shitian sneered in his heart, then glared at Asura, and said angrily: "You better say a few words, I still want to live a little more. year."

Asura stuck out his tongue and stopped talking for a while, but there was still a sense of cosmic joy on his face.

Sure enough, it was intentional, this filial daughter... Su Jin looked at Asura's undisguised expression, couldn't help but complained in her heart, then turned her gaze to Di Shitian and said:

"Is the situation at the top so tense? Even you only dare to sneak down?"

"Half and half."

Di Shitian's Teddy squatted on the tea table, folded his arms around his chest, and sighed:

"On the one hand, it's because of the Ouroboros' sniping, and on the other hand, it's also proof that I don't want to get involved in the Godslayer war."

"Recently, in the Southern District, the fight is getting hotter and hotter, and many old immortals have already descended to the sky and went straight to the end, but they are not sure of their whereabouts."

Is it a godslayer war with power as a bet... Defeating all the contestants will have a chance to become a double-digit, and I don't know why the center of the small garden is hinting this way... Su Jin shook his head, and then asked:

"Do you know that Shiroyasha wants to get down from the class ruler?"

"Huh?" Di Shitian's eyes flickered when he heard the words, and he said in a playful tone, "It really has something to do with your kid!"

"This Greece hasn't been incorporated yet, so it's not good for you to play the idea of ​​class domination?"

"I suggest you do the big thing first and think about it later..."

"Greece has agreed." Su Jin said lightly.

"Consider... Wait, what did you say?" Di Shitian couldn't help widening his eyes, looking at Su Jin in disbelief: "Who agreed?"

"The Greek **** group, or the twelve main gods including Hestia, Hera, and Hades all agreed to Arcadia's inclusion of the Greek **** group."

Su Jin said this and looked at the bronze clock on the right, and then said:

"It is estimated that at this time, Qianyan and Tianjun are already in contact there, and they are preparing to form a professional team to negotiate."

"What's the matter?" Di Shitian was a little confused when he heard this: "How long has it been before you let the other side nod and agree? This is impossible, right?!"

"Father was frightened." Ashura glanced at Di Shitian, then said to Hei Rabbit, "Hei Rabbit, would you like to explain it to father?"

"Ah, this..." Seeing this, Hei Rabbit, who didn't feel too loud at first, could only shrink his neck and said, "Master Ancestor, the compilation process has indeed begun, and it has indeed happened."

"..." Di Shitian was silent for a while, and then said with a strange expression: "The information of my Heavenly Army is actually out of date? This..."

That guy in Hestia deliberately kept it secret, otherwise the information can't be late. I haven't received it yet... Thinking of this, Di Shitian's mood is complicated.


Is he a middleman anyway? I don't even give a notice of this notification, how much does that woman hate seeing me...

After thinking about it, Di Shitian sighed and said:

"Well, since things are like this, there's nothing to say."

To make the Greek gods agree to Su Jin so quickly, I thought that Su Jin had paid a 'thing' that satisfied everyone. Although I was a little curious about this thing, Di Shitian still pressed the urge to ask.

Anyway, I will definitely inform you in the future. Instead of wasting energy asking, it is better to continue to build a good relationship... With such a mentality, Di Shitian said helplessly:


"So, you contacted me this time because of the class ruler?"

"Yes!" Su Jin nodded and admitted directly, "I hope to add another seat in the Eastern District."

"The temple of the gods wants me to help?" Di Shitian immediately understood Su Jin's thoughts, and then hehe smiled and said: "Don't think about it, in this situation, if I help you, it will be a disservice to you..."

"Wait a minute?" When Di Shi reached this point, he suddenly paused, looked at Su Jin, whose face remained unchanged, and said, "Don't you want me to come in the opposite direction?"

Hearing this, Su Jin glanced at Di Shitian in surprise, and then the corners of his mouth twitched slightly and said:

"I didn't even say it, you guessed it!"

"You kid..." Di Shitian looked at Su Jin, then couldn't help laughing: "Let me, the guy who offended ouroboros recently jump out and sing the opposite, are you trying to play them like monkeys?"

Among the gods with some ability in the heaven, who doesn't know that Su Jin and Di Shitian are wearing a pair of pants, oh, that's not right, it was Di Shitian's daughter who was worn by Su Jin.

Anyway, in the eyes of the gods, Di Shitian and Su Jin are of the same position. He came to oppose Su Jin. Isn't that a joke?

At this time, Su Jin smiled and said, "Aren't you going to listen to my proposal?"

"Oh? What is it?" Di Shitian asked curiously.

At this time, Su Jin said quietly:

"Let Arcadia be elevated to a group of gods!"

Chapter 1328 Di Shitian Don't Panic


Hei Rabbit jumped up from the sofa in shock when he heard Su Jin's words, and said with a shocked expression:

"God, **** group?"

"Will it be too early?"

Hearing this, Su Jin glanced helplessly at Hei Rabbit, reached out and pressed her back on the sofa, then said angrily, "What are you thinking, it's just a proposal destined to fail."

"Can't you pass?" Black Rabbit suddenly looked pity.

You really want to become a group of gods... Seeing the black rabbit's face, Di Shitian couldn't help but complained in his heart.

How did he not realize that his great-granddaughter had such a great dream?

At this moment, Asura, who was chewing a biscuit on the table, suddenly understood something, and suddenly said, "Ah, Su Jin, are you making up that ceiling window theory!"

"Ceiling window theory?" Black Rabbit was a little confused by this strange description.

At this time, Di Shitian glanced at the black rabbit, and then said:

"It's the so-called 'when you want to open a window, you'd better suggest to others to lift the ceiling, so that they will be willing to let you open the window' is probably a joke put forward by a literati in the modern East, and it's quite interesting. "

Speaking of this, Di Shitian couldn't help but complain: "Black Rabbit, haven't you even understood much about the outside world in recent years? Anyway, pay attention to the wind direction of the little garden!"

"Hehe!" The black rabbit touched the back of the man's head and began to act stupid.

Su Jin glanced at her, but didn't say anything. This rabbit has been busy with important community matters recently, such as placing new members of the lower realm, adjusting the development model of the capital at the end, etc. It is normal to not pay attention to the outside world.

In view of this, Su Jin specially explained:

"From my current position, I have many hostile people in the heavens. If I rashly put forward the proposal of 'adding a new seat and making Su Jin the ruler of the class', there is a high probability that it will be rejected by the union." But if In exchange, he proposed 'to upgrade Arcadia to a three-digit group of gods' by incorporating the power of the Greek gods, and let this proposal be rejected first, and then proposed to 'become a class ruler', such a successful There are many possibilities. "

"It's called 'when you want to open a window, it's better to propose to others to lift the ceiling', in this way, others will consider the risk of offending you because they reject one of your proposals, and thus carry out certain actions. compromise."

"So that's how it is!" Hei Rabbit immediately understood Su Jin's intentions after listening to it: "It seems that Lord Baiyasha is playing the same game. If you say abdicate directly, the gods will definitely refuse, but if you don't abdicate, add a class. The seat of the ruler, then there is a possibility of success, is that right?"

"Almost." Di Shitian replied vaguely: "But because of the character of that person, Bai Yasha, there may be cases where both fail. After all, his deterrent power has dropped a lot on the side of the gods."

In Hakoniwa, there is an old saying that 'a defeated demon king is not as good as a dog'. It is because the unscrupulous demon king in the past became a slave after he was defeated. He lost his autonomy and had the "weakness" of a master. Therefore, in recent years, the gods, it can be said that The nose on the face is so powerful that as long as Shiroyasha's proposal is passed, few will pass.

This is also the reason why it is clear that Shiyasha sits in the lower class and is the ruler of the class, but only the Eastern District is a little more peaceful.

According to Su Jin's idea, directly proposing to 'establish a group of gods' actually means turning the table.

Hakoten’s plate is so big, and each additional group of gods will share a cake. The original group of Greek gods is already enough, and Arcadia is mixed in to create a new group of gods, which is almost equal to two. Groups of gods of different sizes join forces.

Those old things in the pantheon definitely don't want another person to share the cake, so this agreement will definitely not pass, and they will even force Di Shitian to 'not pass' the proposal.

There's a bit of a door in here.

If it works well, not only will the position of the class ruler be obtained, but also a lot of benefits.

"That's why Su Jin asked Tianjun to come forward?" Hei Rabbit murmured to himself, and then asked Di Shitian, "Then ancestor, what are you going to do?"

"Me?" Di Shitian's tone became cheerful: "Of course I do it according to the situation!"

"Anyway, the bottom line is 'Su Jin becomes the class ruler', isn't it?"

Hearing this, Asura glanced at Emperor Shitian, and then directly said to Emperor Shi: "Father's extra income, Su Jin will share 70%."

"...Grass!" Di Shitian was stunned for a moment, then couldn't help cursing: "You stinky girl, I hurt you in vain!"

"I'm sorry, Father, a married daughter is like water that was poured out. You don't think about catching the water back, do you?"

When Asura was talking, he was rather eager to try, with a posture of 'take me back quickly, I will cheat you immediately'......

Looking at the leaky little padded jacket in front of him, the corners of Di Shitian's mouth cracked open.

What the **** did he have with Shezhi?

Seeing the two of them catching fish, Black Rabbit said with eyes full of stars: "As expected of Lord Asura, he actually predicted Lord Di Shitian's prediction! It's really amazing!"

Seeing this scene, Su Jin's eyelids couldn't help twitching, and he secretly decided in his heart that "in the future, once there is a child, I will never educate these two women."

Di Shitian and Asura looked at each other for more than ten seconds, and finally, Di Shitian flinched:

"Okay, okay, got it, this little money is counted with me, I haven't asked this stinky boy for a betrothal gift."

Speaking of this, Di Shitian was also a little puzzled. Didn't he put Asura in Su Jin for a period of time? How did she suddenly become a married daughter?

When did this happen?

Di Shitian thought strangely in his heart, and finally shook his head and asked Su Jin:

"Is there anything else? If there is nothing else, I will go back to heaven to prepare."

Su Jin heard the words, thought about Pandora and the God of the Bible, and then thought about the air leakage of the Tianjun like a sieve, nodded calmly and said:


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