Thank You

Chapter 947:

"Speaking of which, I don't think I'm good, why are most of them from the Buddhist school? The conflict between me and the artificial Buddha lineage should not be that big, right?"

"What do you think?" Di Shitian rolled his eyes at Su Jin, and then reminded: "Sometimes, hatred may not necessarily come from yourself, and it may also be implicated."

"I see, does Alger still have White Yaksha?" Su Jin suddenly understood the truth, and couldn't help but smacked his tongue: "They have so many enemies in Buddhism!"

"A lot?" A playful smile appeared on Di Shitian's face: "It's more than a lot. Apart from the Buddha, Buddhism has no enemies with these two people. It's a question of whether it is enough to pull out the black rabbit's hair color."

Hearing this, the expression on Su Jin's face couldn't hold back.

Black Rabbit's hair color is just pink and blue. These two Protoss's non-enemy units in Buddhism are less than two?

Ah this... Su Jin didn't know what to say.

Compared with Su Jin, who was relatively calm, Hei Rabbit thumped a bit, went directly to Su Jin's side, and squeezed the sofa with him.

Seeing this, Su Jin hurriedly stretched out his hand, hugged the black rabbit and said:

"Are you all right?"

The black rabbit trembled and whispered.

"No, it's fine, it's just a little bit weak in the legs."

Seeing this, Su Jin couldn't blame the black rabbit for being too timid, after all, it was the whole Buddhism.

"Hey, these two guys, really are."

Su Jin can only be thankful that the most monster of the Buddha did not get involved, otherwise, it would not be trouble, but always ready to fight to the death.


Thinking of this, Su Jin couldn't help but say speechlessly: "Why are they making such a fuss?"

"Hehe, the three troubled children of Hakoniwa are not joking, but who made you have such a deep relationship with the three of them, this is what you deserve."

Di Shitian grinned, and with that beating expression, he wished that Su Jin would give him a few punches.

I decided to go to Asura's room tonight, trick Hanhan to open the door, and let her father and daughter pay the debt.

Su Jin gulped down the black tea, put down the teacup, and said plainly:

"Have you paid attention to the snake's recent movements?"

Hearing this, Di Shitian gave Su Jin a subtle look, and then said:

"Recently, it's the transfer of the base."

When Emperor Shi arrived, he said meaningfully to Su Jin:

"Because of the Godslayer War in the Southern District, the Ouroboros stronghold over there should be undergoing a large-scale transfer now, and many strongholds have been directly relocated to the Eastern District. If you are willing to investigate, it is not impossible to follow the clues and give them to them. He has robbed the rich to help the poor several times.”

"Is that so? I see."

Su Jin sighed, and then said:

"After seven days, will you be given a spiritual status?"

"Yes." Di Shitian nodded, and then said: "When the time comes, Bai Yasha, who is in charge of the Eastern District, will come and take you. You'd better be prepared."

Hearing this, Su Jin was silent for a moment, and then said:

"...Thank you."

Seeing this, the corner of Di Shitian's mouth was slightly raised, with a smile on his face, he took a big bite at the apple in his hand, and muttered:

"Thank you, thank you, after all, it's all a family, isn't it?"

Damn, the unfilial daughter of the old father who dared to be a **** finally got out of the pit, and he found a good in-law's house. Hehe, you can go to Shezhi's side to sit in the evening, oh, by the way, you can also bring some sideshows... Thinking of this , Di Shitian was instantly delighted, and even the apples felt sweeter.

When Su Jin heard this, she thought to herself, "It's your daughter's filial piety that you decided to sell her after a few words?" Don't even think about it? If Asura knew about this, I am afraid that another father and daughter filial piety will be staged, which is absolutely incredible!

"Yes, the family is really welcome."


Su Jin and Di Shitian raised their heads at the same time, looked at each other, and they all showed their own mischievous smiles.

Chapter 1333 Black Rabbit: Forgive Me

After Di Shitian left. Su Jin picked up the apple that was cut into small pieces and shaped into a rabbit shape on the table. After putting it into his mouth, he exhaled a breath of turbid air, and then smiled at the black rabbit and said:

"It's done!"


The black rabbit smiled and hugged Su Jin's neck, bit his face fiercely, and then lay on the sofa, happily saying:

"Great! Arcadia finally has another member of the hierarchy!"

Two hundred years ago, in the heyday of Arcadia, in Arcadia, which was an alliance community, there were three class rulers who served as high-ranking officials.

However, because of the Evil Dragon War two hundred years ago, major cadres suffered heavy casualties, which directly led to the interruption of Arcadia's inheritance.

A year ago, when Su Jin came to Hakoten, Arcadia was left with Canary, Kasugabe Takaaki, and Leticia. The four-digit number was no more than 10, and most of them were old people.

At that time, Black Rabbit was the only four-digit newcomer in the community.

But there is one thing to be clear. Black Rabbit was born with a four-digit natural **** and Buddha, so at that time in Arcadia, basically no newcomers stepped into the four-digit number.

In the final analysis, the blood loss was too serious, and almost all the five figures were lost in the Evil Dragon War, which directly caused the talents to be cut off.

If nothing else, even if Su Jin didn't come, even if the Ouroboros didn't attack, Arcadia would gradually become an ordinary four-digit community after Canary and others died.

However, everything changed completely with the arrival of Su Jin.

"Hey, Su Jin, do you want a banquet? Do you want a big meal?"

Looking at the expectant expression of the black rabbit, Su Jin couldn't help rolling his eyes and said:

"What's the hurry, call Leticia back from Mars first, and then wait until the official appointment is made. Even if there is a banquet, everyone will be there, right?"

"But a lot of things have to be prepared in advance." After Su Jin's "strike", Black Rabbit couldn't help but puffed out his cheeks and said with a gloomy face: "It's hard to hire both ingredients and chefs."

In this regard, Su Jin's solution is simple and rude: "Let the Greek gods arrange, they are almost joining the community, how can we do it without a little effort, it really can't, let Athena go, she is not all-rounder~ It's hard work for the capable ones. !"

Hearing this, Black Rabbit couldn't help but chuckle, patted Su Jin's shoulder and said, "I think you just want to squeeze Athena's crown."

"Leave some kindness. Now the enlightenment education of new members, the training of direction, the personnel transfer and resource allocation of the community, and even the territorial transformation of the community are the responsibility of the two big and small Athena, Su Jin, you don't care at all. What's the matter!"

"She has so much work now?" Su Jin was surprised when he heard the words, and was slightly surprised: "Can no one help?"

Black Rabbit's expression froze a little and became a little embarrassed.

In Arcadia, there are really only two Athena goddesses who can play such a thing, not even Leticia.

After all, Leticia is good at combat and military affairs, and the others are still lacking.

Su Jin, who knew this, thought about it for a long time, and then said, "How about letting Onomia help?"

Onomia, the eldest sister of one of the three Greek goddesses, is currently a four-digit goddess on Mars who is assisting Leticia to reorganize her team.

Su Jin remembered that this person who seemed to have served as Hera's secretary was also a management talent, right?

"Let's try it." Black Rabbit said uncertainly, she actually knew that Arcadia was still in a strange state of half-decade talent.

The reason why it is said to be half-dated is because Su Jin has brought a lot of talents from the lower world, and many of them are experts who can take up positions after training.

But the trouble is this 'training' problem.

In a world like Hakoba, there are too many things to pay attention to. A qualified Hakoba expert is not the cultivation of strength. Just understanding knowledge will take three to five years of systematic study, which is not considered as advanced study content. .

After all, not everyone can be like Su Jin, who has the goddess of wisdom to teach in person with secret methods, and directly 'teach' all knowledge in one day.

Even if you have the power to enlighten wisdom, you still have to have some learning. Now you count the first group of people that Su Jin recruited from the world of godslayers, Erica Browntree and Luo Hao who have made the fastest progress. , According to Athena, it will take two months to polish at the earliest, and the members who are transferred to the Queen's side are estimated to be even slower...

As a result, Arcadia has a bizarre scene where there is a lot of talent, but there is a lack of available talent.

However, in Su Jin's view, these people must be cultivated so as not to be reversed by the master and servant of the Greek gods, and they are the cornerstone of Arcadia's development and growth.

Black Rabbit looked at Su Jin's face, and then whispered: "Your Majesty Athena said, even if there are ten times more people, she doesn't care, it just takes time, after all, the depth of learning is not something that her teacher can decide unilaterally. ."

Hearing this, Su Jin couldn't help but have some headaches and said: "It seems that in a short time, at least within two months, I should not go to the lower realm."

Thinking of this, Su Jin felt a little pained:

"Not enough manpower!"

Moreover, all the talents who came out were Athena's 'personal disciples'. Good guy, this woman is really stable. She doesn't pull her cronies into Arcadia, and she doesn't form gangs. Well, eat the women Su Jin brought to death.

Tsk, it really is a thousand-year-old fox, and it has become a fine.

Faced with this situation, Su Jin also had to sigh:

"Slow down for now."

Whether it is the cultivation of talents or the growth of the community, these Su Jin have to be slowed down.

Otherwise, even if Arcadia is now promoted to a four-digit community, Su Jin will not have anyone to control the territory, not to mention the usual placement of personnel among the alliance's subordinates.

Arcadia lacks people, people who can be trusted!

"Anyway, let's take things one by one."

Su Jin squeezed his eyebrows, and then said to the black rabbit:

"What's the first thing you've been busy with lately?"

Black Rabbit blinked, thinking of what Vesta secretly told himself before, and suddenly said with a subtle expression:

"It is the arrangement of the gods, the succession of the gods of Lord Aphrodite, and... the guidance of Lord Vesta."

Guidance questions? Did I say I was going to mentor Vesta? Su Jin thought blankly.

Chapter 1334 Aphrodite: Let me prepare anyway

"The antelope with the blood of the **** Pan rejoices, the devil's horns contaminated by the blood of Medusa, the sea foam of the white sea containing the blood of the gods, the sea shells used by the mermaid for thousands of years, and a golden apple."

In the underground secret room, Su Jin placed the materials one by one in the ritual array that he had drawn a long time ago, and placed them on the five corners of the pentagram array. The dark book-like items were placed in the very center.

"Is that enough?"

After doing all this, Su Jin turned his head and looked at Athena, who was wearing red half-framed eyes, tied her blond hair into a ponytail, and raised it high.

"The basic ritual is like this. The next step is to slowly inject the power of the gods and use the properties of the materials to awaken Aphrodite's authority of the goddess in the gods."

Athena pushed the glasses on the bridge of her nose, and explained in a calm tone:

"But with all due respect, just because of the vacancy, handing over the personality of one of the twelve Greek gods to a little girl from the lower realm will probably bring more negative benefits to Arcadia than positive ones. ."

Speaking of this, Athena paused, looked at Su Jin's face, saw the slightly distressed look of the other party, closed her eyes and said:

"You are also aware of the impact of unpaid gains on other members of the community."

The gift of theogony is different from the gift of spirituality in the center of the small garden. The latter is a gift from the whole world of the small garden to the newborn, while the former is the gift of the simulated star chart of the Greek gods to individual individuals, which is a step to the sky.

What everyone has, no one cares, but what is given alone, it must be fair.

Even if everyone knows that the position of the **** of beauty, the only person suitable for Arcadia is Aphrodite, but Su Jin still understands the principle of not being too few.

"I understand your idea."

In the face of Athena's reminder, Su Jin took out a black sheepskin scroll that he had prepared a long time ago. This is the "master-servant contract" he took from Alger, and then handed it to Athena:

"I will let Aphrodite sign this subordinate contract as a price for her to gain the status of God of Beauty."

Athena saw the scroll, glanced at it, and then rolled it up and said, "Although there are still some conditions that are too loose, it can be considered so-so."

Ah, do you think the contract with absolute right of obedience is loose? Su Jin looked at Athena's calm face in shock, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and then said unnaturally:

"I thought you would make some reasonable suggestions."

He thought that Athena would say it was too harsh, but it turned out to be too loose... Su Jin was convinced in an instant.

At this time, Athena put the rolled sheepskin scroll into the gift card, and said lightly to Su Jin: "Bring that little guy here."

Don't you pay me back... Su Jin was stunned when she saw Athena's actions, and then immediately understood what she meant.

Is this the rhythm of Athena coming to act as a 'wicked man' to make Aphrodite sign a contract?

Thinking of this, Su Jin's eyes on Athena suddenly changed. He reached out to Athena and said with a smile, "Otherwise, let me come."

Athena looked up at Su Jin, and the corners of her mouth were slightly raised:

"Does it hurt?"

"It's right to feel distressed, but this matter is still avoided. After all, there are some things that you are not suitable to do."

Seeing Athena say this, Su Jin couldn't say anything else. He could only say:

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