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Chapter 949:

"You can say it earlier, but there are some things, you still have to do enough and prepare to talk about it."

Athena looked down at her with a cold face, and then threw a black scroll into Aphrodite's arms:

"Sign it."

"Oh!" Seeing this, Aphrodite opened the scroll without looking at it, bit her finger, and printed her name on the signer of the scroll.

Seeing her like this, Su Jin was stunned for a moment, then couldn't help but be surprised, and said:

"Don't you even look at what's written in it?"

"Don't watch it! Just don't watch it." Aphrodite shook her head quickly and said, "You will definitely regret it after watching it, so why did you watch it? Are you angry with yourself?"

Seeing this, Su Jin raised his head and glanced at Athena, and then he was dumbfounded:

"Aren't you afraid of any traps in it?"

"I'm afraid! But if I'm really afraid, I won't come to Little Garden with you from Euleri." Aphrodite resisted looking at the words on the scroll, but she still caught a glimpse of the rest of her eyes. .

Master-servant contract? absolute command? Who is the master? No, I have to look at it, oh, it's Su Jin... That's alright... Wait, do you want to look at it again... Aphrodite resisted and continued to read, she closed the scroll directly, and then lay on the bed with big characters. On the ground to:

"I've already signed it anyway, let's start."

"You... I really don't know what to say." Su Jin opened his mouth, then sighed, and looked up at Athena. They thought it would be troublesome, but Aphrodite was unexpectedly interested. And cooperation, which makes them somewhat unexpected.

Athena closed her eyes at some point, and when she opened it again, her eyes softened a lot:

"Compared to that Aphrodite, I like you quite a bit."

Aphrodite's face changed suddenly when she heard this, and she said nervously: "Teacher Athena, you must not count the 'I offended you from the little garden' on my head! I don't want to take the blame. !"

"Don't worry, it doesn't count on your head, just pick up the gods."

The corners of Athena's mouth twitched slightly, and after instructing Aphrodite to put the **** spectrum in place, she took a few steps back and nodded towards Su Jin.

Seeing this, Su Jin took a deep breath and slowly walked towards the host of the ceremony, then raised his right hand, tying it into the palm of his hand, and swiped his left wrist fiercely.

Tick, tick.

Blood with an obvious golden texture dripped on Aphrodite's body and also on the divine spectrum.

The colorless and odorless mist gradually began to fill, and at the same time, in Su Jin's soul, the spirit of Zeus gradually began to boil.

[In the name of the Great Father God! Release your shackles! 】

【Remember it, sing it! 】

【This is the epic of the gods! 】

With the sound of excitement, a mighty river flows from the dark past to the present, flowing in this dark underground space.

On the river, one after another lofty figures stand on the riverbank, or in Hanoi, or drive a small wooden boat, looking up at the historical river, and going down the river.

At this time, somewhere in the river, the goddess who existed in the past, with bright blonde hair but a blurred face, slowly opened her eyes.

Aphrodite, who had been confused for a long time, suddenly saw the face of the goddess.

It was her own face.



After all the visions disappeared, Aphrodite looked at her hands as if she had just woken up from a dream, felt the boundless power in her body, and looked at Su Jindao blankly.

"Well, it's over." Su Jin, whose face was a little pale, took a few deep breaths, and then his face gradually returned to blood: "How do you feel?"

Aphrodite looked at her hands, squeezed her fists and released her fists, and then gradually said with a serious expression:

"I always felt that there was something I had to do."

"Huh? What's the matter?" Su Jin wondered.

Aphrodite raised her head at this time and said seriously:

"I'm going to fight Artemis, and ten!"

Chapter 1337 Bad Su Jin

Hit ten Artemis... After Su Jin heard Aphrodite's thoughts, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, resisting the urge to roll his eyes and said:

"Okay, I'll help you contact Artemis and see if she's happy to fight you."

Seeing Su Jin's agreement, Aphrodite didn't doubt that he had him, and even more "chased after victory": "Remember to contact Artemis I know, not Hakoten."

Hearing this, Su Jin wondered, "Why not from Hakoten?"

At this time, Aphrodite raised her face and said solemnly: "Artemis of Hakoba - too strong!"

Su Jin: "..."

So you are such Aphrodite... Su Jin looked at the blonde goddess in front of her with contempt, then took out the gift card, took out the conch-shaped communication gift, and dialed Artemis' exclusive number.

After the busy tone of beeping, the confused voice of Artemis came from the conch.

"May I ask who is that?"

"It's me." Su Jin replied calmly.

"Eh eh?"

On the phone, Artemis's voice became flustered, and there seemed to be a faint sound of something falling to the ground.

After waiting for about 10 seconds, the place finally calmed down:

"Is it Su Jin?"

"Yes." Su Jin nodded, and then said, "I have something to ask you."

Artemis: "Huh? At this time?"

After a brief surprise, Artemis' hesitant voice came:

"Vista is still with me."

The voice obviously had a taste of wanting to welcome but also refusing, so that Athena next to him couldn't help but glance at Su Jin more.

Su Jin, who had already noticed that Artemis was in a bad mood, paused and said intentionally, "Isn't that better? I just happen to have something to look for her."

"..." Artemis on the other end of the phone was obviously silent for a while, and then said in a beautiful voice: "Su Jin, if you really think so, I'll be really angry."

really angry? Or was it installed before? Su Jin murmured in his heart, and then deliberately changed the subject and said:

"Why did you suddenly get angry, didn't Vesta tell the black rabbit to tell me that he wanted me to guide or something?"

"Hey!" Artemis' voice was obviously raised a lot, and he was shocked: "She? She? This matter was proposed by Vesta? Are you kidding?"

Su Jin said confidently at this time: "If you don't believe me, you can ask her."


Inside the dormitory next to Moon Lake.

"...Let me ask."

Holding the phone, Artemis, who was standing in the corridor, covered the phone with unusual calmness, turned his head, and looked at Vesta, who was lying on the sofa, resting his cheeks with one hand, and eating biscuits.

Was it actually Vista who asked Su Jin to come over? Artemis, who got this news, was really shocked.

Although she rarely met Vesta and knew that the other party was bold, she had no idea that Vesta was so bold.

Does Hestia know about this?

With such an uneasy mood, Artemis was completely panicked.

"Artemis, are you alright?"

Vesta, who was lying on the sofa, stole his eyes suspiciously:

"Who's calling? It took so long?"

"No, nothing."

Artemis hurriedly shook his head in denial, and then asked nervously:

"That Vista, let me ask you one thing, okay?"

"Huh? You said." Vesta paused after hearing the words, then put down the biscuits, was sitting on the sofa, and replied with a serious face.

Seeing Vesta's serious appearance, Artemis suddenly had the idea of ​​retreating in his heart, but in a flash he thought that Vesta even told Su Jin such a bold thing, but she retreated here, right? A little bad, so he hesitated.

Seeing Artemis like this, Vesta, the 'old man', said at a glance:

"If it's something embarrassing, you can tell me in words."

Hearing the sound, Artemis was stunned, then patted his chest, heaving a sigh of relief:

"I understand."

As she spoke, she said "please wait a moment" to the phone, then hurriedly turned to the study, took a note not long after, handed it to Vesta with a blushing face, and ran away quickly.

"It always feels a little weird." Looking at Artemis hiding in the study, Vesta looked at the direction of the study suspiciously, then opened the folded note and looked at the content on it.

Vesta: "..."

The moment he saw the content above, Vesta suddenly grew up.

"Ah this..."

Was Artemis so daring? Vesta immediately folded the note, carefully folded it in half several times, then set it on fire, looked in the direction of the study with a blushing face, looked at it for more than ten seconds, and then turned his eyes to the telephone receiver placed on the table, sinking into the air. a brief hesitation.

After about four or five seconds, Vesta stood up, walked to the phone, picked up the receiver and said:

"Is it Su Jin?"

"Yes." Su Jin's voice came from the phone.

Vesta hesitated for a moment, then said: "...I only wait 10 minutes."

After speaking, she hung up the phone immediately, then leaned against the wall, breathing heavily.

And at this moment, Artemis came out of the study and said:


"It's over."

Vesta calmed down at this time, then looked at Artemis strangely and said:

"But then again, aren't you angry?"

Although Vesta himself is usually asleep, leaving the personality of Hestia on the outside, she is somewhat clear about Su Jin and Aisi.

Therefore, she naturally knew how angry Artemis was after seeing Su Jin and Aisi.

But he is clearly angry, why is he suddenly not angry anymore?

Even though she was also a woman, Vesta felt that Artemis' anger was a bit strange.

Then in the face of Vesta's question, Artemis looked at Vesta with speechless and helpless eyes, and said a little angrily:

"Who do you think I'm mad at Su Jin because of?"

Vesta was startled, then pointed to his face, and stopped talking for a while.

The co-author is angry because he was bullied?

Vesta, who finally knew the truth, was stunned, and then picked up the phone again in silence.

"What are you doing?" Artemis quickly suppressed Vesta's hand and said in surprise, "Didn't you talk to Su Jin?"

"No. I'm not calling him." Vesta shook his head quickly.

"Who is that?" Artemis was stunned and let go.

At this time, Vesta said calmly: "I called Black Rabbit, she is Su Jin's secretary, so Su Jin can be reasonably freed up."

'Is there such a way of playing? ' Artemis had an expression of 'I am from the countryside and have never seen such a scene'.

At this moment, the phone was connected, and the cute and innocent voice of the black rabbit came through.

"Hello? Who is it?"

"It's me, Vesta." Vesta said calmly: "That good thing, I want you to help."

There was 10 seconds of silence from the other end of the phone, and then the black rabbit came over with a slightly unnatural voice.

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