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Chapter 951:

Su Jin is very aware of this, but also more clearly that this is basically unavoidable, and can only be avoided as much as possible.

Thinking of this, Su Jin rubbed his eyebrows and said, "Speaking of which, do you have any acquaintances over the Greek gods?"

Leticia didn't think much of it when she heard this, and replied directly: "My personal relationship with His Majesty Hestia should be pretty good."

Su Jin was surprised: "Does she have friendship with you?"

Although he had heard of Hestia's communicator, he didn't expect that the other party even knew Leticia. This was amazing. Could it be because of the original text? However, the only people who seem to know about this are the top of the Thousand Eyes and the Crusaders, right?

Just when Su Jin was puzzled, Leticia chuckled: "Probably at dawn, because of the crusade against the final trial, I have communicated with that person, and even accepted the protection of that majesty."

Hearing this, Su Jin was a little stunned, and at the same time, he was a little bit tongue-tied.

Look, crusade against the final trial, tsk tsk tsk, how lofty this word is, in Hakoba, who dares to say that, apart from the Heavenly Army, I am afraid that only Leticia has the experience of crusade against the final trial many times.

The founder of Hakogawa Knights is not just kidding.

Su Jin, who was amazed in his heart, smiled at this time: "In this case, the contact work in Greece will be handed over to you."

"I understand." Leticia nodded and agreed to the errand.

As the contact between Su Jin and the Greek gods, the only suitable person is Leticia. After all, Arcadia’s real four-digit number is exceptional, and only Su Jin and Leticia are still There are three newly promoted Aphrodite.

As for Su Jin, it is naturally impossible for him to communicate and work every day. Aphrodite has enough strength, but whether he can do it is another matter, and it is still in a state of learning, so Leticia is the only one who can really do things.

As for Athena... She's fine as a teacher, serving as the liaison between Su Jin and the Greek gods, let's talk about it when she gives up her hostility to the other twelve gods.

Thinking of his current situation, Su Jin couldn't help but sigh: "I really don't know when Arcadia will be fully staffed!"

"Don't worry, there will be such a day." Leticia just barely smiled, looking at Su Jin's back with a little helplessness in her eyes.

When will Su Jin understand that with his current growth rate, Arcadia can't catch up even on a dragon... Be a little conscious of yourself, jumping from seven figures to four figures in a year is exceptional' geeks'!

Su Jin, who didn't know Leticia's complaints, held a melancholy attitude and led people to the door of the living room. With a creaking sound, she pushed the door open.

Chapter 1340 Please keep in mind

With the door open.

Shiroyasha and Alger, who were sitting on the khaki fabric sofa, also looked over.

When he saw that it was Su Jin and Leticia, Bai Yasha raised the corners of his mouth and greeted with a smile:

"Hey, the couple came here in a group?"

Saying that, Shiroyasha glanced at Leticia curiously and said, "Speaking of which, when did you come back, Little Letty?"

"About two days ago." Leticia responded, then smiled and nodded in return, "You're still in the same spirit."

"of course."

Bai Yasha straightened his chest, then glanced at Su Jin, and said to Leticia:

"Speaking of which, Xiao Leidi, do you want to get rid of Su Jin's color embryo and come here to get a family member?"

"You have to know that this stinky boy is now the ruler of the class, and the status of his family is not suitable, but once he leaves, there will be no one here, and it will be difficult to face. Would you like to help? "

Seeing this, Su Jin rolled his eyes, walked to the sofa next to him, sat down, raised his legs and said, "Just pull someone from me when you come up, but you're too embarrassed to scold me as a slut, you are really interesting."

When Bai Yasha heard this, he was immediately unhappy, and immediately retorted: "What! Aren't we going to give Little Letty an extra salary!"

When Leticia heard the helplessness on her face, she gave Su Jin a wink. After all, she couldn't respond to Bai Yasha with this kind of question, so she could only let Su Jin express her attitude.

"It's actually for the sake of face." Su Jin leaned on the sofa and said jokingly, "Have you been provoked by the queen again recently?"

"Tsk!" Bai Yasha smacked his mouth, rolled his eyes at Su Jin and said, "You two girls are really interesting, how about changing tricks to stimulate us?"

"It's boring." Bai Yasha pouted, then looked at Alger who was sitting next to him, and complained, "Al, you care about your man. Alger gave her a glance, didn't answer, just turned his head. Said to Leticia:

"Don't pay any attention to her. She doesn't have an exceptional family member in her hands. She was stimulated by the queen before she came, and she's going crazy now."

"Hey! Why did you dismantle me?" Bai Yasha was even more unhappy when he heard this: "We didn't care about the fact that you brought Maria in, and now you have dismantled me, do you have any allies doing this? "

In the face of Shiroyasha's complaints, Alger was very hard-hearted:

"Those who are holding back are not qualified to speak. When you get your status back, tell me this again."

"Hey, you're still panting when you say you're fat?" Bai Yasha snorted and stared, "How did you know we didn't get that thing back?"

Hearing this, Su Jin looked at Alger and said indifferently:

"Alger, have you forgotten? Didn't the spirit of Yasha Pond be returned?"

"That's not what I said." Alger shook his head, just about to say something, when he saw Bai Yasha's proud face, and his brows suddenly jumped: "Wait a minute, your won't really take it back. Bar?"

"Ah? What did you say?" Bai Yasha asked strangely, "Did you not know if we took it back or not?"

Hearing Shiroyasha's denial, Alger immediately confirmed something seriously and said, "You really got it back!"

After speaking, she continued:

"Is it from Shakyamuni, or where are the twin goddesses?"

"Why don't you get along with me?" Bai Yasha said angrily.

At this moment, Su Jin, who was sitting next to him, asserted, "It's from the Buddha's place."

Bai Yasha next to him was stunned and said incredulously:

"How did you know that kid?"

Seeing this, Su Jin glanced at Bai Yasha, and then the corners of his mouth were slightly raised:

"My guess."

Since Alger said that things are only in Sakyamuni Buddha and the twin goddesses, just guess one and see the reaction of Shiroyasha.

From now on, Su Jin was right.

However, Bai Yasha didn't see it that way. She thought of Su Jin, who was the queen's parent and child, but was "ambushed" by her "precedent", and couldn't help but say strangely:

"You kid won't have an inner response in Buddhism, right?"

Hearing this, Su Jin was stunned for a moment, and then said angrily:

"What do you think? I'm a four-figure exception, who just stepped into the upper gate of the small garden, who would be willing to be my insider in Buddhism?"

"Of course there is!" Bai Yasha vowed: "No, it should be said that there is absolutely!"

"Then who do you think it will be?" Su Jin was speechless.

Bai Yasha said without hesitation:


"Absolutely Him!"

All that said, Su Jin couldn't get it right.

This can be written into a book, called "About the fact that the one I developed in Buddhism should be the Buddha himself." 》

What's in your head? Su Jin looked at Bai Yasha subtly, and said in a weird tone, "Why do you think so?"

"Of course it's because..."

Before Shiroyasha could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Algor.

"Okay, since I've got the status back, don't talk too much. Do you really think it's easy for me to hide around?"

Alger glared at Bai Yasha and stopped her words. Then, he turned his head and explained to Su Jin:

"For some reason, Sakyamuni does not get along with the Buddhist disciples below. In a sense, you can even divide them into two people. This information is no longer a secret at the upper level."

"Is there still such a thing?" Although Su Jin had vaguely heard of it before, he was a little surprised to be so determined by Alger.

Leticia, who had already sat next to Su Jin, chimed in and explained:

"It is said that when I was just born, there was a saying that 'Buddha's disciples founded Buddhism and lifted the Buddha to the altar'. Come to think of it, that's what Lord Alger said, right?"

Hearing this, Alger gave Leticia a slightly surprised look:

"I almost forgot that you, this little guy, came from that era."

Speaking of this, Alger said with a subtle expression:

"Speaking of which, you are the only one who came from that era and still retains the human spirit."

Although the Hakoba Knights are vampires, they belong to the extension of the human spirit, and in a sense, they belong to the subspecies of human beings, so it is not wrong to say that Leticia is human.

But for those who don't know the inside story, the vampires will be regarded as ghosts.

Of course, this kind of thing is not something to be honored for Leticia, and she was even embarrassed to be mentioned in front of Su Jin's age.

Seeing that Alger began to discuss Leticia's "ancient", Su Jin, who was worried that the topic would be too in-depth, would lead to the original text, immediately changed the topic and said:

"Okay, now is not the time to discuss such things."

Hearing this, Alger paused for a moment, but did not say anything, but looked at Shiroyasha.

Aware of Alger's sight, Bai Yasha snorted, took out a gift card, put it on the table, and looked at Su Jin and said:

"We want to hear your opinion before taking over the spiritual status of the class ruler."

"What's your opinion?" Su Jin asked in surprise.

At this time, Bai Yasha raised his face and said solemnly:

"A view of snakes."

Chapter 1341

Snake, also known as Ouroboros.

Hakoniwa is currently the biggest dark side force.

According to the current information, the founder is a large-scale alliance led by the "god" of the Crusaders, and the "Sun Kings", the ten incarnation members of Vishnu, as the core.

The main purpose is not only at present, but it is suspected to occupy the small garden, to promote the **** of cross religion to achieve the spiritual status of the only god, and thus to be promoted to one digit.

For this purpose, Ouroboros secretly controlled a large number of four-digit figures, used them as raw materials to produce 'power', and used power trading as a bargaining chip to win over a large number of strong men in Hakoba.

In addition, there are many behaviors such as secretly targeting the small garden to explore the community, causing it to collapse, and it is suspected to inhibit the development of the small garden.

Su Jin skipped the actions of the Ouroboros one after another in his mind, and then frowned and replied to Bai Yasha:

"To be honest, I have a very bad impression of ouroboros, but personally, the hatred between us is not deep."

This is the big truth.

Although Ouroboros controls the four-digit number, making it repeat the behavior of 'collecting the concept, producing power', which reminds Su Jin of words such as black-hearted capitalists and slave owners, but the celestial personnel affairs have nothing to do with their own high-hanging thoughts. Yes, although Su Jin can't see it, she is not a virgin to the point where she has to save a stranger.

As for the hatred of Ouroboros, Su Jin actually doesn't have much. His hostility to Ouroboros comes more from Leticia's experience and the collapse of Arcadia.

To put it bluntly, if the Ouroboros hadn't blackened Leticia's spirituality and harmed Arcadia's Canary, who had saved Su Jin's life, Su Jin would have been too lazy to pay attention to these guys.

The strong ones are going to die, but they are very ill-mannered. If they can ignore them, they will naturally ignore them.

But the two sides have already become enemies, so Su Jin will definitely get eye drops where he can put eye drops on ouroboros.

Hearing Su Jin's answer, Bai Yasha smiled, shook his head and said, "You boy, you can hear it clearly."

Speaking of which, Shiroyasha gave Leticia a playful look, and said in a teasing tone:

"Originally, we thought you, a person full of insidious tricks, would not be able to grasp it clearly, but now it seems that you have seen it too clearly, so clear that we want to say a few words about you."

Speaking of this, Bai Yasha couldn't help laughing and scolding:

"Stinky boy, when you talk, pay attention to the occasion! Leticia is still there."

In front of Leticia, he said that he didn't have much hatred with Ouroboros. Isn't this kid afraid of Leticia being petty?

Seeing Shiroyasha looking at her, Leticia said with a deep sense of helplessness: "Lord Shiroyasha, don't embarrass Su Jin, he just told the truth, and you actually underestimated 'our' determination."

In fact, it is not only Su Jin who thinks that he does not have a deep hatred with Ouroboros, but even Leticia thinks so.

After all, Su Jin has not been here for more than a year, and since he is an outsider, how could he have a deep hatred with the Ouroboros entrenched in the small garden.

Even if it can't be seen, it's just a dispute of ideas, and it can't reach the level of the enemy.

The reason why things have developed like this is because the Ouroboros hurt the people Su Jin cares about, and the resulting hostility is nothing more than that.

Even if Su Jin doesn't talk about this kind of thing, they can see it clearly, even the Ouroboros as a hostile force.

Leticia also recently received a gossip from Thousand Eyes, saying that there was a large-scale language conflict within the Ouroboros and even attracted the enemy Su Jin because of the 'destroy of Arcadia'. The senior management of Ouroboros came forward and forced the matter down.

Even the enemy felt that destroying an Arcadia brought the evil star Su Jin, and felt a little disadvantaged, not to mention their own people.

This is one of the reasons why Black Rabbit is so "indulgent" to Su Jin.

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