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Chapter 958:

If nothing else, Algor who protects the calf is still there!

If it wasn't for the two goddesses representing the two-digit truths of the universe and Alger secretly negotiating, this small garden would have been set off by this guy with enemies all over the world.

If Buddhism dares to target Su Jin at this moment, it will be the old birthday star who eats arsenic and has a long life.

Isn't Alger waiting for these old enemies to come to court for death?

"But although they can't deal with you openly, they can do bad things for you secretly."

Speaking of this, Bai Yasha saw that Su Jin was a little disdainful, and couldn't help reminding:


"Don't underestimate them. If they do the right thing, they may not be able to, but if they hold you back, they are professional."

"You have to know that even Sakyamuni was dragged by them and pitted many times, not to mention you."

When Su Jin heard this, he was stunned for a moment, and said somewhat incredulously:

"That one can still be tricked?"

At this time, Marta couldn't help breaking her mouth and said: "If Buddha is really cruel, one of these people will not survive, but which one is his filial son and filial grandson, plus which of his temperament Well, persuasion is the main thing in doing things, but won't you be tricked?"

Su Jin felt a little numb when he heard this.

He had forgotten that Buddhism was founded by the disciples and grandsons of the Buddha. This is really related to the Buddha.

These guys with connections and strengths really want to come over to drag him down, but he really can't do anything about them.

Thinking of this, the corners of Su Jin's mouth twitched a few times: "No wonder Di Shitian was trapped like this, and he couldn't do it together."

Marta scratched her cheek when she heard the words, and found herself unable to refute.

Acknowledging that Buddhism still has a lot of great powers, but there are also a lot of related households, and those who have no temper who cast Emperor Tiankeng are not those related households?

Although it is said that the Tianjun is operated by multiple forces, but after all, the theme is the Buddha's 12-day Dharma protector, and the Buddha's 12-day hindrance, they really can't do anything about it.


At this time, Bai Yasha snorted and said with a sneer on his face: "Hey, Marta, that old boy Di Shitian wants to replace the main body of the Heavenly Army with a Greek group of gods, right?"

Marta heard this and did not refute.

But Su Jin, who had guessed it for a long time, shook his head and said angrily:

"I knew it wouldn't be good for Di Shitian to be the middleman. It's better for him to be the middleman. He's staring at all of us."

What Su Jin said was the truth.

If Di Shitian hadn't been the intermediary and let him watch how Su Jin acquired the Greek gods, then Di Shitian would not have planned to let Su Jin take over as the chief of the Tianjun army, and replace the chief by changing the chief. The internal structure of the Heavenly Army replaced the foundation of Buddhism with the foundation of Thousand Eyes.

Su Jin also understood at this time that Emperor Shitian wanted to take the bottom line after experiencing the Ouroboros lurking incident, to clear the Buddhist family who was holding him back from the Heavenly Army, and let the Greek family take the lead.

In this way, even if Di Shitian is no longer the commander of the Heavenly Army, the power and resources he can mobilize have increased countless times.

Although there is more boss Su Jin, but Su Jin, the son-in-law, can really order Di Shitian to do things he is not happy with?

If the black rabbit really wants to blow the pillow wind, Su Jin probably won't do the same.

Thinking of this, Su Jin couldn't help laughing and scolding: "That old thing is really good, so you're not afraid of losing your wife and losing soldiers and horses?"

After speaking, Su Jin froze for a moment, feeling a little stupid.

Emperor Shitian is really not afraid of losing his wife, and he is eager to marry Ashura quickly.

This matter is really for Di Shitian to figure out inside and out. He is not a matter of winning once or twice, he is winning!

"Well, it's my fault, he's really not afraid to accompany his wife."

"You just know, that old boy didn't have a multi-planned plan to make sure that he would not be too bad in the worst case. Hehe, if he didn't have this skill, he would have been eaten to death by Buddhism, where can he still be? Live till now."

Bai Yasha laughed and scolded, but then turned to ask Marta:

"Speaking of which, what about Su Jinque's achievements? With his current reputation, he is still far from succeeding the commander of the Tianjun Army, right?"

At this time, Marta glanced at Su Jin and replied with a smile: "Di Shi: Su Jin has a solution."

"I have a way, I have a way, why don't I know?" Su Jin was stunned for a moment, and said incredulously: "He doesn't think I can solve everything by going to the lower world, right? I'm not omnipotent. medicine."

Marta shook her head at this time and said, "It's not the lower realm, but it's possible now."

"Now?" Su Jin was stunned for a moment, and then thought in surprise: How can he have anything that can make a contribution to the whole Hakoniwa world now, this thing is not... wait... It seems that there is really...

Thinking of this, Su Jin looked at Marta with a strange expression, and said with an unnatural expression:

"What you said, shouldn't it be... favor?"

Chapter 1353 Merlin's Small Classroom


That is what Su Jin obtained from the wrong world. It has an effect on all four figures and is defined by the center as a gift of 'auxiliary accelerated growth type'.

If there is anything in him that can help the entire Hakoba in a short period of time, then Su Jin seems to be the only one.

Sure enough, after hearing Su Jin's words, Marta looked at Su Jin not surprised, and then smiled:

"Your brain is pretty fast."

After she finished speaking, she paused, and explained the function of favor to Sarah and Meilin, who were a little dazed and didn't know the expression.

After getting Marta to explain, Sarah only felt her brain buzzing:

"Accelerated growth type? Is there such a gift?"

Although she had heard that the Eastern God Group had some gifts that could speed up the subordinates to become stronger, she did not expect that Su Jin actually had them, and they could be popularized on a large scale.

This frightened Sarah a little.

Hasn't Su Jin been here for a while? Why are there weird things?

On the other hand, Merlin just touched his chin and said suspiciously:

"Why does this thing sound like a double experience to me?"

Hearing this description, Su Jin couldn't help but glance at Merlin.

This guy, online games are definitely not played less.

At this time, while Bai Yasha clapped his hands to attract everyone's attention, he also said:

"Well, all in all, Su Jin has this kind of good stuff in his hands."

Saying that, Shiroyasha glanced at Merlin and Sarah, and said:

"The role of this thing is currently only in the Greek God Group, the high-level inside Thousand Eyes, and there is some rumors in the Heavenly Army, you two remember not to spread it."

"At least until Su Jin decides to make it public, it can't be rumored."

Hearing this, Merlin and Sarah looked at each other, and immediately responded in unison, "Understood."

Su Jin looked at the two and didn't say anything, just frowned and asked Marta:

"What is Di Shitian thinking?"

Marta spread out her hands: "Anyway, when this kind of favor becomes popular in Greece, interested people will start, right?"

"It's better to take this thing out and use it as a stepping stone for the commander of your melee army."

This is exactly what Su Jin thought, but...

"Does this thing have that kind of value?"

Su Jin looked at Bai Yasha with some doubts.

"What are we doing?" Bai Yasha spread out his fan to cover the lower half of his face: "We are born with three digits. If you ask us the value of this kind of thing, how can we understand?"

After saying that, Bai Yasha winked at Sarah: "You ask Sarah, this little girl has experienced the process of going from weak to strong, and she knows better than us."

Hearing this, Su Jin couldn't help but cast his gaze on Sarah's face.

Noticing Su Jin's gaze, this Long Niang blushed, couldn't help but looked around Su Jin's handsome face, and then forcibly turned her eyes away and said:

"I can only speak my personal opinion."

She said this and took a deep breath, then explained:

"Similar to the 'gong method' of the Eastern God Group, it can accelerate the growth of the lower layers. If its value can be popularized, it may be comparable to a secret treasure at the level of a simulated star chart."

"It's so valuable?" Su Jin was a little surprised.

It's not that he doesn't know the value of favors, but his focus has been on special favors that can be used for three-digit numbers after being strengthened by the power of creation, so he is not sensitive to degraded favors.

"Actually this is a criminal record."

Sarah didn't believe Su Jin when she saw Su Jin, and gave an example:

"A long time ago, before the Gao Tianyuan Gods were destroyed, they tried to use the lease rights of the simulated innovation map and the ancestral gods of the Eastern Gods to customize a batch of exercises, but they were rejected in the end."

"It is precisely because there are such examples and similar favors that I give this kind of value. After all, its popularity must be stronger than that of specific people."

"Is that so?"

Su Jin touched his chin, lost in thought.

He was thinking about how it would affect Arcadia if it was just a public favor.

The result is no impact.

After all, he is still holding the enhanced version in his hand, but if the low-end version leaks out, although the speed of training the strong at the lower level is accelerated, it obviously cannot keep up with the speed of Arcadia, and the impact is not very deep.

But if it's the other way around, it's not a good thing for ouroboros.

For the Ouroboros, who have been trying to accelerate the solidification of the class, Su Jin's behavior of public favors is simply sabotaging their thousand-year-old efforts.

If so, that would be interesting.

Su Jin has full interest in destroying the good deeds of potential enemies.

Thinking of this, Su Jin couldn't help but said, "I will talk to the Greek gods about this kind of thing."

The meaning of this is to tell Marta that he agrees with the matter, but he just needs to convince the Greek gods.

After all, the original Greek **** group wanted to speed up the development of the owner's favor for a period of time, and now it is naturally the interests of Greece that have to openly lose.

However, Su Jin also knew that if Emperor Shitian exchanged the interests of the Heavenly Army with Greece, I am afraid that Su Jin would not need to say that Greece would be 100% willing to make such a transaction...

Wanting to understand this, Su Jin didn't scratch his hair, looked at Marta speechlessly and said:

"That guy Di Shitian is 80% even included in this, right?"

"That's not right." Marta raised her chin slightly and said proudly, "In order to estimate the impact of this incident, both Brahma and Di Shitian's heads are going to be bald."

Saying this, Marta winked at Su Jin: "If you ask for a favor in the future, remember to send him a wig, preferably the same as the Buddha."

"Sorry, I don't understand." Su Jin silently looked at Marta in front of him.

At this time, he is still instigating him to provoke Di Shitian. I beg you to be a man.

Marta put her hands on the ground and jumped up:

"It's fine if you don't understand, I'll talk to Asura next time."

"Good guy, or the matter of Asura and Emperor Shitian, and your writing?"

Su Jin looked at Marta and asked:

"Why are you planning to leave now?"

"Otherwise?" Marta patted her skirt, then said with a smile: "Everything has been explained, it's up to you what to do."

"For better or worse, the outcome is acceptable to us."

"Is that so?" Su Jin asked with narrowed eyes.

"That's it!"

Marta nodded, then looked towards Shiroyasha.

Seeing Marta's look, Shiroyasha closed the folding fan in distress:

"Good guy, we knew you were going to have a bad time this time."

Saying that, Shiroyasha also stood up and said to Merlin:

"It's up to you, the senior, to teach these two guys about the class rulers. Now we have to go to Buddhism and support Emperor Shitian."

Saying that, Bai Yasha turned his head and looked at Su Jin and said:

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