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Chapter 960:

Therefore, when normal people know that Su Jin killed Maxwell, they will think that he has not obtained the perpetual motion spirit, but Heitian still cautiously thinks that "Su Jin has obtained the perpetual motion spirit".

But he also guessed right, Su Jin did use the forum to secretly obtain the perpetual motion spirit when he killed Maxwell, the purpose was to prevent the 'evil dragon' card in the hands of Ouroboros.

At present, the two sides seem to have guessed each other's calculations, thus forming a stalemate.

For Su Jin, this situation can only be said to be a small profit, and he did not expect Hei Tian's cautiousness.

But compared to the sealed 'Evil Dragon' card of Ouroboros, Su Jin is definitely not at a loss.

"Boss, are you sure you can kill that evil dragon?" Sarah saw Su Jin's reaction, and she endured the shock and excitement.

Salamanda, the community where Sarah came from, both its previous leader and the previous leader died in the Evil Dragon crusade launched by Arcadia 200 years ago. There is a blood feud between the two sides.

And Sarah also knows that the evil dragon is now sealed under Salamanda, if Su Jin is sure to kill it...

"You think too much, I'm not very sure." Su Jin shook his head, and at the same time slandered in his heart: At most, it's only 98% sure.

The reason why it is so high is that in addition to restraint, there is also information left by the canary.

For the final trial of human beings who are only sealed, Canary naturally cannot fail to guard against it. In the series of manuscripts she left behind, there are many restraint materials for the final trial, most of which are 'Dystopian Demon King' and ' Absolutely evil Aziz Dakaha' information, I know who is guarding.

With this information in hand, with Su Jin's strength, even if he is singled out against Azi Dakaha, he has a 98% chance of winning.

"If that's the case, then why... I'm sorry, I lost my way." Sarah quickly stopped her offensive behavior in the middle of her words, and expressed her apology with her head.

"You are quick to respond."

Merlin looked at Sarah's performance with a smile, and expressed her approval for her behavior.

The reason for this is because 'Azi Dakaha is currently in a sealed state'.

Because he was sealed, he naturally had to unblock if he wanted to kill him, but once Su Jin went to unblock the evil dragon, the Ouroboros would never mind calling Su Jin an ally of the evil dragon.

Don't expect Ouroboros to have high morals, for their purposes, their downline is much lower than their own estimates.

It was precisely because of this thought that Sarah realized how ridiculous what she just said.

This is not at all a problem that cannot be done, but a problem that cannot be done.

If the evil dragon breaks the seal by himself, it's okay to say, but it will definitely not work if it is liberated by Su Jin.

"It's okay, I can understand." Su Jin smiled at Sarah. Although he had not experienced the evil dragon crusade, he had heard about the situation from Leticia, so he naturally knew that those who survived treated evil spirits. Dragon's fear.

Besides, if there is a chance to kill the evil dragon, Su Jin will not be polite.

Not to mention the merits and benefits brought by the crusade against the final trial, but only to say the position, Su Jin must also crusade the evil dragon.

After all, he is the second generation of Arcadia. He has a position and a premise to crusade the evil dragon. As long as it does not cause too much influence, no one is qualified to gossip.

So in fact, Su Jin actually had a plan to defeat the evil dragon as the promotion to the commander of the Heavenly Army.

If the merits of popularizing favors are not enough, Su Jin himself will find a way to liberate Aziz Dakaha without Sarah's words.

Even if you can't liberate yourself, can you still pretend to be a 'Ouroboros'?

Don't mention anything else, it's not like he hasn't done anything like pretending to be a Ouroboros. Don't say anything else, just say 'Kalji'. The last time Su Jin pretended to be righteous, he was afraid that he would have to 'clapp his hands now' applaud' it!

"Okay, let's end the matter with that evil dragon."

Merlin clapped his hands and stopped the topic this time. To continue, she was afraid that the topic would go to the crusade against the evil dragon, and she didn't want to face the monster directly now.

"The situation on the snake's side, if you want to come to Su Jin, you should know a little bit."

In the face of Merlin's inquiry, Su Jin said:

"The super-large demon king alliance, everyone knows it!"

"That's right." Merlin clapped his hands and said plainly: "The Devil King Alliance 'Ouroboros', the biggest hidden force in Hakoba at present, its main members are the 'Demon Kings', and therefore, they The relationship with our class ruler is an absolute mortal enemy."

Speaking of which, Merlin looked at Su Jin with deep meaning and said:

"So, even if there is no reason, even if you don't know each other, as long as it is against the Demon King, the class ruler can do it."

"Do you mean that?"

Seeing the hint of 'malicious' in Merlin's eyes, Su Jin frowned and said with a strange expression:

"Let's find a Ouroboros now and practice our hands?"

"I didn't say anything." Merlin looked up at the sky and said indifferently.

Su Jin was stunned: "You really want to find a hapless one... oh no, you're looking for a lucky one!"

Speaking of which, Su Jin added:

"Do you have a target? Or do you have any enemies, do you want me to frame him? After all, I also know a few people in Ouroboros."

Merlin's eyes flashed:

"This, yes."

Chapter 1357 Goddess of the Lake

South District, 77551 Outer Gate. The forest city 'Sword Lake City' is covered by huge white bubbles.

Jianhu City is the core city of 77551 Outer Gate. It is famous for the divinely-made landscape "Sword Lake" in the center of the city. It is the capital of trees established by the goblins.

And because Sword Lake can naturally produce some sword concepts every year, it also has a good reputation among sword users in the southern district.

Su Jin, who had just stepped out of the realm gate, looked up and looked around, glanced at the nearby tree house, then raised her head, looked up at the transparent bubble diaphragm in the sky, and said in a curious tone:

"Is this the spirit vein defense system? Now all the cities in the southern district have this kind of thing arranged?"

Merlin, who followed Su Jin out of the realm gate, waved his staff and said with a smile:

"Isn't this something that can't be helped? After all, the southern district has become the battlefield of the godslayer war. If this kind of thing is not arranged, I am afraid that when the battle is over, the southern district will be abolished."

Hearing this, Su Jin didn't mean to deny it, but just moved his arm a little, feeling the subtle suppression, and praised:

"This system is not bad. It can suppress the four-digit number to a certain extent. It seems that I will also arrange some in the East District in the future, so that there will be no fools waiting for the opportunity to cause trouble."

When Merlin heard that Su Jin actually wanted to promote the Lingmai defense system in the Eastern District, he quickly waved his hand to persuade:

"Don't don't don't, this defense system is very precious. If it weren't for the Southern District being the direct base of the gods, not many people would use this kind of thing to protect the city. After all, the cost of a normal metropolitan area, is there any Half of the system is still a problem."

"So don't think about it in a large area. It's okay to have a few strongholds alone."

" that so..."

When Su Jin heard the cost problem, he suddenly turned off the flames. If the price is really too high, he might as well spend more energy to create a small universe barrier. Anyway, the effect is similar to this defense system, and it is even better in terms of physical destructive power. Be stronger, and most importantly, enchantment is cheap!

On the other side, Sarah, who had just paid the fees for the three-person realm gate, came over, looked around the city and said, "Is the target community right here?"

The three class rulers who came to the Southern District naturally couldn't have come to travel.

In fact, the purpose of their trip was to crusade the Demon King entrenched in Jianhu City and to clear the community under it.

In a sense, this is a novice trial for class rulers.

"Yes, the community of goals is here."

Merlin nodded, the staff waved lightly in the air, and a roll of white parchment suddenly fell from the air:

"Aaron Lancelot, the four-digit Demon Lord, the candidate knight of the community 'Avalon', the leader of the community 'Knight of the Lake', the danger level 'three'."

"That's our goal this time."

Hearing the identity of the target, Su Jin raised his brows slightly, and said in a strange tone: "Avalon's subordinate, it doesn't matter if he is a demon king, after all, it is the queen's subordinate, and it is normal to have a demon king, but now Avalon's demon king is actually Want us to fight? That's really interesting."

The community 'Avalon', its leader 'King Arthur' is currently vacant, and Merlin temporarily serves as the acting leader and concurrently serves as the class ruler of the southern district.

Avalon, on the other hand, is one of the Queen's subordinate communities. In a sense, Avalon is the Queen's dog-legged son at the lower level.

But now, as the Queen's subordinate, Merlin, the acting leader of Avalon, actually took her to clear his subordinates, which was very interesting.

Thinking of this, Su Jin glanced at Merlin, only to feel that the white-haired heart in front of him was really bad:

"Although I asked you, 'Would you like to help you clear some annoying people', but I didn't expect you to agree with the situation?"

"Did this Lancelot substitute offend you?"

Community 'Avalon' is a very special community.

Its members 'King Arthur' and 'Twelve Knights', as well as 'Queen', 'Sages' and others are all in the succession system, except for sages, they change every thousand years.

The method of changing the ranks is to let those who have the qualities that can become the corresponding knights compete with each other every thousand years, and finally decide the suitable candidate and inherit the corresponding name.

On the contrary, those who are replaced will ascend to the heavens and join the various knights directly under the Queen of Halloween to become their members.

In a sense, this succession system is a method deliberately created by the Queen to recruit talents.

And Su Jin's target 'Alan Lancelot' this time is the current competitor of 'Knight of the Lake Lancelot', otherwise, it belongs to Avalon's community 'Knight of the Lake', nor Let him be the leader.


When he heard Su Jin's 'slander', Merlin waved his hand pretending to be surprised and said, "Offend me? How could it be, I am a famous good lady, how could there be such a rare thing as an enemy."

"This 'Alan Lancelot' clearly offended His Highness, you are."

"Offend me?" Su Jin turned his head and said strangely, "I haven't seen anyone before, how could he offend me?"

"Are you so hard to forget?" The smile on Merlin's face suddenly became interesting: "Before you, you arranged a 'best succession system' to come to Avalon!"

Su Jin paused for a moment when he heard this, and then thought of the goddess Lancelot from the world of godslayers.

In order to act as the link between Arcadia and the queen, and to become stronger, the goddess seems to have gone to Avalon after getting permission from Su Jin.

If nothing else, that goddess is now also serving in the community 'Knight of the Lake', and is in competition with that 'Alan Lancelot'.

After figuring out the relationship, Su Jin couldn't help but smack his lips and said, "Tsk... you can stop talking about me. I don't believe that you were ordered to eliminate the devil just because of me."

"Speaking of which, what's wrong with this 'Alan Lancelot'? Did he offend the Queen, or was he an undercover agent arranged by Ouroboros under the Queen's command?"

Su Jin knew that Merlin must be aware of the contradiction between herself and Ouroboros, so since she dared to bring herself over to clear the Demon King, it means that 80% of this target has something to do with Ouroboros.

That's why he deduced that the target was the 'undercover who was placed under the Queen's command by the Ouroboros'.

"Neither." Merlin shook his head, then nodded again, "But it's both."

Having said that, Su Jin has been tricked a little.

Is it or is it not? Are you playing a riddle?

At this time, Sarah, who had been listening to the conversation between the two, made a hesitant voice:

"Could it be that this Allen is loyal to the Queen and Ouroboros, but he is not loyal to both sides, but only to himself?"

Hearing this, a word suddenly popped into Su Jin's mind:

...the grass on the wall!

Chapter 1358 Unreasonable

...the grass on the wall, the wind blows and falls on both sides.

This is a common saying that Su Jin heard when he was a child, and it also refers to some "capitulation factions" who are not firm in their stance, that is, the kind of people who surrender to whoever is strong.

Of course, if it's just grass on the wall, it won't reach the point where the queen orders to clear it.


"Isn't he the one who 'uses ouroboros to dig Avalon's corners', and then uses 'Avalon's power to suppress ouroboros', who is playing this kind of slapstick operation?"

Facing Su Jin's hesitant question, Merlin restrained his smile a little, then narrowed his eyes and said:

"It seems that, Your Highness, you have indeed inherited the wisdom of Her Majesty the Queen!"

It really is! Su Jin's mouth twitched when he heard this.

Su Jin was speechless... Even a person of his level would not dare to play this extreme balance, how dare a legendary demon king with at most four figures dare to play this?

No wonder the Queen of Halloween would order the removal, completely disregarding the identity of this guy as an undercover agent of Ouroboros, co-authored by Ouroboros and wanting him to die!

Everyone knows about the existence of undercover, but if you dance so hard that even two owners dare to cheat, that would be a death sentence.

As for why the other party became Su Jin's target, Su Jin actually knew it.

It's nothing more than that both the Queen and Ouroboros want to remind Su Jin not to be such a person, and at the same time sell Su Jin well.

Of course, I want to remind Su Jin that 80% of the time is ouroboros. As for the queen, it is more to sell to Su Jin, suggesting that he can decide the position of 'Lancelot'.

Oh, you really treat me as His Highness... Su Jin complained in his heart, then looked at Merlin, nodded to Sarah again, and said:

"Let's go and see this fierce man who dares to eat both ends."

By the way, let's see the goddess of the lake... Su Jin thought silently in his heart.

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