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Chapter 972:

At this moment, the Buddha's light suddenly spread to the entire Daleiyin Temple, and a rolling thunder sound echoed in all directions.

"Why don't you just start an internal investigation on this matter?"

All the sages in Lingshan looked at each other, and finally looked at a lotus pedestal above their eyes, and then smiled:

"...Respect the World-Honored Dharma!" XN

At this moment, Sun Wukong, who was sleeping soundly on the lotus platform, suddenly sneezed, then rubbed his nose and forcefully... turned over!

Chapter 1378 Emperor Shitian's Expectation

"Let me lead an internal investigation?"

The soprano, who suddenly raised her voice, shook the chandeliers in the office dome to and fro.

Wearing a blue suit and a flamboyant pink tie, Di Shitian, who was more like a karaoke guest than an office worker, couldn't help but covered his ears, and then glanced at the 'rude' girl with dazzling golden hair in front of him. Shaking his head, he said:

"Even if you complain to me now, it's useless. Do you think you can change things that the great monks recognize?"

Sun Wukong angrily smashed Di Shitian's office staff, and after a thud, he stomped his feet and said:

"Huh? What happened to the bald donkey? Was he trying to trick me? Just like when he tricked me into running a race?"

"Almost." Di Shitian shrugged, then put his hands on his cheeks, and said with a smile: "Who told you to sleep in during a meeting? If you dare to do such a thing, you have to pay a price, right?"

"What are you talking about? When is there a meeting where I don't fall asleep?" Sun Wukong couldn't help rolling his eyes, and then pouted: "That monk has a very bad heart, this is obviously taking advantage of me not paying attention. , deliberately want to cheat me, he didn't do it once or twice, it's seventeen or eight times, can't he be another person to cheat?"

You all know that He loves to trap you, so why can't you guard against it... Oh, it seems that you can't guard against it... Kenshin Uesugi, who was standing next to him, whispered in his heart.

At that time, Emperor Shitian looked up and down at the 'monkey' who unfortunately had an open mouth in front of him, stood up, leaned on the back of the office chair and said, "...Do you think that if you change someone, you can still be trapped by Buddha so easily? ?"

"..." Sun Wukong wanted to scold ten thousand swear words in his heart.

Co-authoring that monk only has the ability to trick me? Isn't this bullying monkeys?

The green-faced Sun Wukong snorted, then walked to the sofa, banged, and fell down, almost shaking Shiva, who was reading a book with his cheek on his back.

"After becoming a Buddha for so many years, my temper is getting bigger and bigger."

Shiva closed the book, glanced at Sun Wukong, snapped his fingers, and appeared on another sofa far away from Sun Wukong.

"It's too long, mother-in-law!" Sun Wukong looked at the old opponent in the 'Seven Days War' with anger, turned his head to look around the room, frowned and said, "Strange, where is Marta? Why is she missing? She is not Is it like a stone to be idle here every day?"

Di Shitian also touched his chin in surprise when he heard the words: "Speaking of which, I didn't see her during the meeting. It's strange, her gossip character will also be absent from this kind of thing?"

Hearing this, Kenshin Uesugi, who was standing next to him, said very calmly: "Senior Marta seems to have disappeared three hours ago. It is estimated that he wrote some other people's black materials and caused trouble to hide?"

"...Ah? Didn't you tell her to calm down recently?"

Di Shitian's face darkened, thinking about his previous advice to Marta, he sighed suddenly, looked at Sun Wukong and said:

"Hey, monkey, what are you doing with Marta?"

"Of course I'm asking what that 'internal investigation' is for!"

Sun Wukong saw the plantain on the tea table in the office, he hurriedly took one, peeled it and took a bite, and said indistinctly:

"Don't ask me why I don't know, I still don't know what Do Victory Buddha is doing in Buddhism!"

Uesugi Kenshin's expression froze for a moment, and he said strangely: "...I remember that the Great Sage did not take too much of your Buddhist offerings, right?"

"Yes! Is there any problem with this?" Sun Wukong asked with a puzzled expression, shaking the banana peel.

Is this all right? You salary thief, you deserve to be caught by the Buddha! Uesugi Ken sighed in confidence, but on the surface he sighed and said nothing.

Seeing Uesugi Kenshin saying nothing, Sun Wukong didn't ask any further questions, he just asked vaguely:

"Speaking of which, aren't your Tianjun specializing in dealing with troubles? Why don't I hire you to help me track down?"

At this time, Shiva, who was flipping through the book, raised his eyes and looked at Sun Wukong: "Little monkey, I think it would be better for you not to hire the Heavenly Army for internal investigation."

"How do you say?" Sun Wukong took another banana, and said in surprise.

Shiva put his eyes on the book again and said lightly:

"Because the so-called internal investigation is an 'investigation' initiated to prove that 'nothing happened'!"

"What?" Sun Wukong chewed for a while, then quickly finished eating. Then he picked up the kettle on the table, took a sip, and then said with a weird expression: "What the **** is going on with this internal investigation?"

Shiva didn't speak, obviously not wanting to say anything more.

And Emperor Shitian, who saw this scene, sighed, and then Shiva explained:

"I knew it before I proposed to investigate 'Kalji'. The final result of the meeting is probably to do an 'internal investigation'. The result, the facts are as I thought, heh, Puxian and him are standing behind him. The group of people here is really good enough, and I think about covering this kind of thing."

"I'm about to confuse you all." Sun Wukong pouted and said heartlessly, "So what is Puxian trying to cover up?"

Uesugi Kenshin sighed and explained, "He wants to cover up the fact that Kalji has been born."

"Huh?" Sun Wukong froze for a moment, then said strangely: "Isn't this something everyone knows?"

"But did anyone mention it in a formal setting? At the Water and Land Law Conference? In the Temple of the Gods? Or at the Huoyun Cave Conference? Or the Peach Banquet?" Di Shitian asked rhetorically.

Hearing this, Sun Wukong thought about it carefully, and found that she had attended all these meetings, but it seemed... but no one mentioned it.

"No one said that right?"

"No one is right!"

Di Shitian stood up, walked to the window, looked at the sun that had been hanging below the horizon, disappeared, but let the end of his field of vision be in the extreme day and night, narrowed his eyes and said:

"If you want a son of God with a complete savior's spiritual personality to be born in the little garden, the required condition is the 'doomsday'. Only when the apocalypse is near will the savior be born..."

"No one dares to talk about this, and no one dares to admit it, so naturally Kalji must not exist, especially 'because of Buddhism's laissez-faire, which led to the birth of Kalji', this is absolutely impossible exposed."

"Even if everyone knows about this, it can only be regarded as non-existence. Everyone also hopes that Buddha will be regarded as 'non-existence'."

"That's why there is this internal investigation."

Speaking of this, Di Shitian showed a mocking smile on his face""

"After all, the so-called internal investigation means that nothing can be investigated, so it is called an internal investigation! If a person investigates his own problems, naturally he will not find out anything."

Hearing Di Shitian talking so much in one breath, Sun Wukong kept nodding his head frequently.

When the emperor was finished, she raised her legs and said:

"It seems that this is none of my business. Hey, it turns out that as long as you say that you haven't found anything, you can hand over the business. You said it earlier, why are you doing so much nonsense."

Seeing Sun Wukong's heartless appearance, Di Shitian twitched the corners of his mouth and said with a dark expression:

"You can actually investigate something!"

"I won't do it!" Sun Wukong rolled his eyes: "If you let me do something that obviously offends people, isn't that tricking me?"

Hearing this, Di Shitian's face turned a little green: "What do you think Buddha wanted to appoint you to investigate, don't you want you to 'investigate something'?"

"Hey! Is co-authoring that bald donkey really tricking me?" Sun Wukong was unhappy when he heard it: "Why is he so insidious?"

Di Shitian was speechless, looking at the monkey who was still learning after all, and sighed:

"The monkey who dared to challenge the sky at the beginning is also smooth after all."

After the emperor finished his release, he sighed and said:

"Since you don't want to do it, then you can only find someone who can do it?"

Seeing this, Sun Wukong smiled and said, "You old boy, I already knew you had this trick. Come on, let's match the names and see if we are thinking of the same person?"

"Is it Su Jin?"

Hearing this, Di Shitian narrowed his eyes, a funny smile appeared on his face, and then his face changed instantly:

"Sorry, you think too much. That's my son-in-law. Why would I go to pit him because of the job that Buddha arranged for you? This is obviously impossible."

Sun Wukong froze for a moment, his expression a little surprised.

However, before Sun Wukong could speak, Di Shitian said with a serious face:

"Unless, you add money!"


Chapter 1379 Meeting

After the deal was reached, Sun Wukong scolded and walked away, and before leaving, he took away the fruit plate together, not a single fruit was left for Di Shitian. Emperor Shitian didn't care when he saw it. Anyway, he slapped the monkey, and some fruits were taken away when they were taken away. The landlord's family didn't care about that.

Seeing Di Shitian sitting on an office chair, leaning his feet against the table, with a smug look on his face, Shiva said casually:

"Where are you silly?"

"Don't you think that what you get from the monkey now will stay in your own hands? Don't you want to pay that stinky brat in the end?"

Hearing this, the smile on Di Shitian's face suddenly froze, and even began to disappear little by little.

"Tsk!" Di Shitian clicked his tongue, and said angrily: "Well, I can't make me happy, but I just mentioned what that kid Su Jin is doing."

"Because you look so happy." Shiva replied indifferently, and then said calmly: "By the way, are you sure that Su Jin will dig up Karji's affairs and bring it to the fore? He is not The kind of 'righteous people' who know they will offend people, but still do it."

"I naturally have my intelligence channels."

Di Shitian also knew Su Jin's 'careful' character in his heart, but he was not very confident:

"That kid likes to hide so much, he likes to hide no matter what it is, unless you really push him in a hurry, or that guy will hide in the wind and climb to a height that you think is completely impossible. ."

"In fact, I think this character is quite good. After all, if you live, you will have a future, but this kind of character is not suitable for the Heavenly Army."

Hearing this, Uesugi Kenshin looked at Emperor Shitian in astonishment.

And Shiva also raised his brows slightly, with a surprised expression:

"Do you really want him to secure the position of the commander of the Heavenly Army?"

Seeing the two of them like that, Di Shitian was a little bit incredulous: "...You don't think I want to hold that kid Su Jin for a while, and then come back to power? Isn't that right? I seem to have that kind of power. Someone with a lot of desire?"

"..." Shiva was silent for a while, then turned his head towards Uesugi Kenshin and said, "Tell Shezhi, after this guy's right and wrong roots are broken, his brain may be really broken."

"Oh." Uesugi Kenshin nodded naively, then took out the gift of liaison and prepared to notify.

"You are enough!"

Di Shitian looked at the two of them speechlessly, pinched his eyebrows, sat up straight again, crossed his hands, and placed them flat on the table:

"It's not that you don't know the current situation. The Ouroboros guys have already figured out my style. Almost any strategy I come up with to deal with them can be countered by them."

"The last time I was able to successfully overwhelm them, it was already the ultimate in the case of relying on the troublemaker to attract firepower there. It is basically impossible to do it again."

"That's why you want the Heavenly Army to change their brains?" Shiva snorted, and then said in a sarcastic tone, "Is the son-in-law who is 'like me' chosen?"

"Where does that kid look like me?" Di Shitian rolled his eyes and protested seriously, "Am I as stubborn as him?"

Hearing this, Shiva and Uesugi Kenshin both looked at Emperor Shitian speechlessly.

Di Shitian's expression suddenly became unbearable, and cold sweat broke out on his face.

He patted the table again, and then said:

"Even if that kid knows how to advance and retreat as well as I do, does he have such a dazzling record as me?"

"The Dawn War, the Star God War, the Seven-Day War, the Carly Yorga Battle, the Dystopian Demon King Crusade, the Evil Dragon Crusade, I can't finish talking about Lao Tzu's record for three hundred years, what about that kid?"

"Just defeat a Zeus, and he will hide? What are you hiding? A real man, you should put your head off your trousers, don't be cowardly, you're done!"

Shiva took out a cotton swab and plucked out his ears. Uesugi looked at his nose, nose, nose, and heart, obviously he didn't take Emperor Shisha seriously.

What is Su Jin's situation, and what is Di Shitian's situation?

A human species who climbed up slowly from the seven-digit number, Di Shitian, a born three-digit **** and Buddha standing on the top of the gods, what are the basic conditions for the two? What growing time? Is that even better than the record?

Di Shitian also took the bonus of Su Jin's youth.

Why didn't he say that it only took 'one year' for Su Jin to be promoted to four figures?

Changed to Di Shitian, what is he doing this year?

Take a look at Di Shitian's diary.

On January 12, Mrs. Zeus, this **** is really moist.

On January 13th, Puxian was reincarnated as the seventh mother, her legs were really slippery, as slippery as the skin of a dolphin.

On January 14th, I played with the elephant main swimming pool, which was really exciting.

On January 15th, Di Shitian, Di Shitian, you can't fall any longer, Shezhi will ignore you, and you have to restore the reputation of the whole army.

On January 16th, the little white-haired fox raised by Poseidon tasted really good, especially the one who pretended to be unwilling but still cooperated, tsk tsk tsk, Poseidon found a treasure.

Shiva didn't even look at this kind of diary. Marta, who was willing to report it publicly before, has ignored it for hundreds of years. Uesugi Kenshin felt that he had received visual pollution, and he was embarrassed to say.

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