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Chapter 982:

Among the less than ten members, four are two-digit existences, and among them, Buddha Shakyamuni is a quasi-digital one hidden in the two-digit number.

This pattern is simply too high.

There is no community that can compare with the Sun Kings, and there is no such thing as a small garden. Even if it is recently established, the Protoss Alliance with Su Jin as a link cannot reach this level, and it can even be said that both quantity and quality are up to the level. not at the level of the opponent.

Without him, the quality of the ten incarnations of Vishnu is simply too high.

Of course, this is also due to the high status of the godhead in the 'middle' under the current situation of the little garden.

This is because Little Garden is in the middle of the beginning and the end, that is, the period of steady growth, in the middle of the life cycle of the universe.

Because the life cycle of the universe is in a stable period, the current Hakoba, the Vishnu spirituality representing 'peacekeeping', is the strongest spirituality.

Similar to this situation is the eastern door.

Among the Three Clears, it is currently the highest level of morality and spirituality in the center.

And if it comes to the end of the box garden, then Shiva's spirituality will naturally climb to the top, and the Taoist ancestor of the Taoist gate will naturally appear in the world in the image of "Lingbao Tianzun".

It can be said that the state of the powerful two-digit number itself is related to the state of the small garden in a sense. As the truth of the universe, as part of the construction of the small garden, they themselves will reflect the situation of the small garden.

This is also the confidence of some factions in Buddhism who dare to die and deny that 'Kalji has been born'.

After all, which old monarch of Taoism is still playing alchemy in Tusita Palace, Lingbao Tianzun didn't show up at all, you said that Kalji was born, isn't that a rumor?

The Three Purities of Taoism are like this, and Vishnu of Hinduism is naturally not far behind.

As a community composed of the ten incarnations of Vishnu, the Sun Kings are, to a certain extent, equivalent to the embodiment of the rules of the little garden, and they also play a pivotal role in the little garden.

And in the mouth of God Xia Matthew, the world hidden by the 'Sun Kings', the depth of the water in this is naturally deep and terrifying.

Su Jin has no doubt that there is definitely a double-digit number of people in that world, and he even doubts that there is a place where the boxboat sleeps, which is rarely seen.

If Lamia is really there... the danger of rescue is too high.

The same person Su Jin noticed the danger was Sun Wukong.

At this moment, this Dou Victory Buddha has a solemn face, his eyes are fixed on Xia Matthews, and there is a little inconceivable in his tone:

"Xia Matthew, are you sure that the place is the site of the Sun Kings? That place, can the rookie community under your subordinate really run into it?"

"...Maybe, it was because of an accident, a reasonable 'accident'." Xia Matthews was silent for a moment, then sighed softly.

"A reasonable accident, this is really reasonable enough." Sun Wukong pouted, obviously disliking this so-called 'reasonable'.

She is almost 100% sure that there must be a two-digit arrangement here. As for who it is, she has to ask the four of the Sun Kings.

Of course, Hei Tian had to rule it out. After all, it was He who personally dispatched the incarnation to wipe out the hand of order. If it were He who leaked the secret in person, it would be too embarrassing to be known by other supreme powers.

The number of times the box boat was shot was too small, and there were even no sighting reports in the early days of the dawn, so who was the king of the world and the Buddha?

Sun Wukong's heart is faintly biased towards Buddha. After all, in her opinion, it is the big monk who is full of brains. He will think of the rude method of 'unexpected discovery'. Of course, only the one who is in charge of 'karma' , can make such unreasonable things happen reasonably...


"This is a trap!" Sun Wukong said to Su Jin decisively: "In the world outside the box garden, in the kind of place where you can let go of the two-digit number, thinking with your feet, you know that it is a trap specifically for you Su Jin. ."

"I know." Su Jin said in a deep voice.

Of course he understands that this may be a trap for him to fall into the trap of.

After all, if Lamia is in the little garden, even if he has a simulated star creation map, he will have the means to save his life. Under the circumstance of fighting, the possibility of saving Lamia is not low.

But if it is outside the box garden, where the two-digit number can be used, Su Jin's confidence is not very sufficient.

That kind of place, even just sneaking in, is a 'big gamble' that puts your life on the line.

"This is a conspiracy and a warning." Su Jin said with a cold expression.

His intuition told him that among the Ouroboros, more than one two-digit figure knew that he wanted to save Lamia, and even the feud between Hei Tian and the Crusaders, the assistance to him, was also on those two-digit chessboards. within.

But they didn't care about this, and even made moves on the chessboard and beside Su Jin on this premise, trying to let Su Jin enter the path they arranged.

If you want to save Lamia, you need to go to the demonic realm occupied by the Sun Kings. If you want to intervene in the things set by the two-digit number, you must be prepared to face the two-digit number.

This is their "warning" to Su Jin, and it is also their temptation.

Thinking about it carefully, this may also be called a trial, a trial to verify whether Su Jin is qualified to jump off the chessboard and become a chess player.

From this point of view, I am afraid that among the Sun Kings, a certain two-digit number is ready to personally test Su Jin.

So the choice is obvious.

Su Jin will either meet this trial and win, or he will admit his cowardice, shrink his forces to the lower level of Box Garden, give up his position as the commander of the Heavenly Army, and avoid the double-digit chess game. There is no third option.

"It's really a big trouble." Su Jin muttered to himself.

Chapter 1399

'So, how to break the game? ' Su Jin thought with a solemn expression.

Although it was not an option that he could not bring Baiyasha, Alger and others to go with him, this option was rejected by Su Jin as soon as it came into his mind.

He dared to make a promise, and really brought Alger and others over, and the opposite side must bring Lamia to transfer the position. After all, now it is Su Jin who has plans, not them. When the enemy is dark and we are clear , Su Jin is too passive here.

And the key point is that if there are multiple two-digit battles in the outer universe, Su Jin can't guarantee Lamia's life safety in that terrible battlefield.

Therefore, the final result must be that Su Jin goes to the meeting alone, there is no second possibility.

And if Bai Yasha and the others are in Hakoten, they can intercept the double digits of Ouroboros more, and even create a situation that is beneficial to Su Jin. If they can go together, the situation will be unknown.

Try asking the two goddesses to come forward and stop the Buddha? It is estimated that not, since the Sun Kings dare to do this, it is naturally a pre-set, and there is even a possibility that ‘the Sun Kings have reached a tacit understanding with the twin goddesses’.

So considering the worst case scenario, if the two goddesses don't show up, let Alger, Shiroyasha, and the Queen of Halloween come forward and help me keep an eye on a double-digit figure?

I guess the other side is thinking the same way, right?

It is very likely that in the content of the transaction between the Sun Kings and the Twin Goddesses, there is a condition that "Buddha and the Cross Religion will not do anything" in exchange for the Twin Goddess' concession to some extent.

After all, if it is really bad, the Sun Kings can completely unite with the Crusaders, press people with power, and let the two goddesses recall Shiroyasha. After all, Shiroyasha is still the other party's subordinate and cannot resist his orders.

The current situation, in a sense, is probably the result of compromises and concessions by both parties. Is it because I will greatly destroy the situation in Hakoniwa and will soon succeed the commander of the Heavenly Army, so the Ouroboros are anxious?

Those old things, could it be that they want to try if I am qualified to be the commander of the Heavenly Army? Or because I repeatedly broke their arrangements and wanted to teach me a profound lesson?

Do you mind doing it yourself?

Hehe, these old monsters really look down on me?

"Hey, with your expression, shouldn't you really want to go?" Sun Wukong scratched the back of his head and looked at Su Jin's indifferent face. After realizing what it meant, she panicked a little.

If Su Jin really went to a place where there are definitely double-digit ambush, how could she explain to Bai Yasha and the others? To know that she brought out the person, she was going to bring a corpse back. She was afraid that she would face Arcadia's parents without face.

"Monkey, you don't understand, I guess the things here have already been decided by those old guys." Su Jin shook his head, and then asked Xia Matthew: "Your Majesty Xia Matthew, think about it, Kalji The place where you were born is also that world, right?"

Xia Matthew opened his mouth and looked at Su Jin's affirmative face. Gradually, his expression became silent, he sighed softly, and explained the answer wordlessly.

"As expected, it's true that I want to be the commander of the Heavenly Army, so the matter of Kalji is included?"

Su Jin narrowed his eyes. Although the future was uncertain, his emotions became higher and higher:

"Hehe, who is the person who wants to meet me, they have already decided, really believe me, they are so sure that I have hidden a hand, do they have to dig it out?"

Sun Wukong didn't know what to say at this time.

She also knows now that those two figures are forcing Su Jin to go out, trying to test something, so no matter how Su Jin chooses, even if Gou doesn't understand at the lower level, there are some old things that force Su Jin to come out.

The current situation is not whether Su Jin chooses to go or not, but that he has to go.

"This is really..."

Sun Wukong pursed his lips and muttered to himself:


Hearing this, Su Jin shrugged nonchalantly and said with a smile, "To a certain extent, yes."

"You're still laughing?" Yang Chan looked at Su Jin inexplicably. She didn't expect Su Jin to be able to laugh even when she was forced to fight against two figures.

That's two digits!

There are only seventeen supreme powerhouses in Hakoba, and even if two exceptional protoss are added, there are only nineteen!

Dare to face their existence, there is no such thing in Hakoba, and even Emperor Shitian once said in public, "Three-digit and two-digit can't compete at all, that is the gap beyond the dimension. ’

In Hakoba, the so-called fighting against the two-digit number and repelling the two-digit number are all 'incarnations' of defeating the two-digit number, which are used to decorate the facade.

Even so, the 'moisture' of this incarnation is more than the sum of the eight major river systems in Little Garden.

In Hakoten, the three-digit number that is truly comparable to the two-digit number. In the past, there was only the Queen of Halloween. Now, at most one Argel is added. Even Argel is still uncertain, after all, she is too 'young'.

"If you don't laugh, what else can you do?" Su Jin gave Yang Chan a strange look: "Those old things are stuck in my way of retreat. Could it be that they are crying and begging for mercy?"

"Isn't that more embarrassing?"

"Although that's what I said..." Yang Chan opened her mouth and wanted to comfort Su Jin, but she found that there seemed to be nothing to comfort him.

Can't always say, 'Perhaps the double digits didn't intend to kill you? ’

This is possible, after all, Su Jin also has a backstage person, but Sun Wukong also had a backstage back then, and her second brother Yang Jian also didn't have it?

But the result? One becomes a Buddhist fighting over the Buddha, and the other becomes a Dharma protector of the heavenly court. This is the final "end".

Thinking of this, Yang Chan couldn't help but glance at Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong noticed his sight and couldn't help rolling his eyes:

"From the Yang family, I know what you want to say, but it depends on Su Jin."

If you can't beat the double digits, what is the best end.

She and Erlang Shen have already explained the answer.

But Su Jin can only think about things like 'Zhao An'. After all, it is ouroboros, and the hatred between Arcadia and ouroboros is deep, and Sun Wukong is worried that Su Jin will not save face.

"Look at me? You really have to look at me." Su Jin murmured to himself.

He knew what Su Jin had done. He was actually somewhat prepared for this wave of temptations by the Sun Kings, but he didn't expect it to happen so quickly.

I thought that I would have to wait until the matter of 'I have a two-digit quota in hand' was exposed as soon as possible, but I didn't expect them to decide to test my upper limit so quickly... Su Jin sighed inwardly.

"Although I don't want to talk too much, I have to remind you that it's best to make a decision as soon as possible." Xia Matthews, who was beginning to look illusory, looked at Su Jin with emotion and said, "Those existences won't give you too much time, give you You don't have much time to prepare."

Speaking of this, Matthew Xia paused, took a deep look at Su Jin, raised his hand, and a silver-white key in his palm caught Su Jin's eyes:

"This key is the coordinates of that world. Whether you choose to pick it up or choose to give it up is up to you."

Su Jin looked at Xia Matthews deeply, then the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and he reached out and picked up the key:

"I made a decision!"

"Notify them for me. After three days, I will give them a surprise!"

Chapter 1400 The wooing of the Taoist gate

As Su Jin's voice fell, Xia Matthews figure also became transparent, and soon reached the point where he could not block his sight.

Before disappearing, he sighed softly:

"I'll take your words with me."

After the words fell, Xia Matthew's figure completely disappeared into the air, and the surrounding black and white environment began to restore its original color little by little.

Obviously, after the incarnation of Xia Matthews disappeared, this exotic dimension that originally overlapped the world lost its source of power and gradually returned to the world.

After all the colors became vivid, Su Jin and others also appeared in the real world, in a small room.

Su Jin lowered his head and glanced at the silver-white key in his palm. He didn't say much, but put it in the storage space, then turned his head and said to Sun Wukong and Yang Chan:

"Okay, we can go back. After all, there are still many things to prepare."

Hearing this, Sun Wukong scratched his hair and said to Su Jin with a distressed expression:

"Boy Su Jin, are you sure you really want to go? And you only have three days for yourself."

Sun Wukong actually knew that Su Jin had made a decision that he probably couldn't stop him, but three days was too short? With this little time to prepare, can you really deal with those old monsters? I'm afraid this is not the time to have fun, right?

Hearing this, Su Jin turned his head and glanced at Sun Wukong strangely: "Since you know that time is short, why are you still stopping me here?"

"Why do you blame me for this? You don't know good people!" Sun Wukong couldn't help rolling his eyes, and then said angrily: "Forget it, I'm afraid of you, let me know when you're ready. With one sound, it’s time to send the Buddha to the west.”

What she meant inside and outside of her words was obviously that she was going to take this trip with Su Jin.

Su Jin couldn't help but be surprised, and wondered:

"you sure?"

"The target of those old guys is not you, is it necessary for you to do this?"

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