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Chapter 985:

Not long after the two began to communicate, Athena closed her eyes, and after she finished speaking, she opened her bright eyes again and said lightly to Su Jin:

"Little Athena has confirmed the Queen's attitude. She has determined that she will intercept one. She also asked me if you need some other assistance. If necessary, she will try her best to help you solve it."

Hearing this, Su Jin thought of a very expensive thing that he hadn't considered too much before, so he said without hesitation:


"I need extreme power, the more the better, it's better to borrow two hundred."

Chapter 1404 How much did you say?

"What? Two hundred?"

Hearing Su Jin's request, Black Rabbit jumped up from his chair in fright, his knees almost hitting the conference table:

"Su Jin, do you know how much it is? All our family's current possessions don't add up to three extreme powers!"

"How much money doesn't matter." Su Jin replied to the black rabbit, and directly forced the rabbit who was frightened by the "huge loan" to calm down.

"That's right, money is definitely not as important as your life, Su Jin." Hei Rabbit thought for a moment calmly, then gritted his teeth and said, "Borrow, you have to borrow, even if you lose your family, you have to survive first, and then think about how to repay the money. , when the time comes, my weaving power can help you repay your debts."

"Then you have to go to the end of the world..." Su Jin made a joke, testing the atmosphere of mediation.

Then, he took a deep breath, thinking about how to prepare.

Two percent of the limit power, and recycling the forum can probably collect 100 million points.

And 100 million points is the best consumption of "break through the eighth sense" provided by the forum.

In the face of double digits, Su Jin naturally understands the necessity of strength, and because of the emergency, the slow accumulation that he thought before was naturally lost.

He wants to get points now, the more the better, and he will not hesitate to go into debt for this.

He didn't believe it anymore, he could still lose after this stud.

And even if he loses, the Ouroboros may not succeed in killing him, after all, the 'creditor' will definitely not agree.

So at this time, naturally, the more you owe, the better!

"All in all, 200% of the ultimate power is the bottom line, and you can borrow as much as you can. I don't believe it anymore. I put my head on the belt of my pants. I can still lose this one!"

Alger was startled by Su Jin's gambler-style words, and couldn't help but glance at Su Jin strangely:

"Why all of a sudden, so many extreme powers..."

Speaking of this, she suddenly paused, and then said to Su Jin in a subtle tone:

"Is that the need for that thing?"

Su Jin naturally understood what Alger meant, and knew that she was asking herself if there was any precious life-saving means on the forum that needed so much power, and he just nodded affirmatively.

"..." Alger was silent for a while, and then said: "I will solve some of them, about eighty, and the rest..."

Speaking of this, Alger looked at the black rabbit who was still wondering 'what is that thing', and said angrily:

"Rabbit, cry with your sinister ancestor and let him get some reparations. Hehe, don't think I don't know about him. Without his cooperation, would Su Jin be so easily caught by those old guys?"

"Oh? Oh!" The black rabbit nodded suddenly, and then continued to ask Alger: "Do you want more? After all, didn't Su Jin help the ancestors copy the Ouroboros warehouse last time? He should have a lot of money in his hands now."

Hearing the words of Hei Tu's "filial son and worthy grandson", everyone was stunned.

It was Athena who responded the fastest and said:

"I still have a lot of Di Shitian's black material in my hand. I will sort it out and hand it over to you later. By the way, the reserve price is 20 copies of the limit power. Whether you can ask for more depends on the situation."

"Of course, if necessary, you can give these things to Asura and let her negotiate. After all, Asura is the best at dealing with Emperor Shitian."

"I understand, I will try my best."

Looking at the solemn look on Hei Rabbit's face, those who don't know will think that she is accomplishing some sacred task, but in fact, what she wants to accomplish is actually blackmailing the old grandfather, and she is still pro-grandfather, which is embarrassing... Su Jin complained for a while, and then asked Athena:

"Little Athena is still on the Queen's side, ask how much you can get there."

Athena was silent for a moment, as if she was communicating something. After a while, she said:

"... Thirty copies at most, and the Queen doesn't have much stock. I borrowed some from Hephaestus, and with the stock on my side, it is estimated that I can make up forty copies."

The stock of extreme power is scarce, and the gods of Hakoba have a great demand for it, so the Queen naturally does not have much.

Even Athena has six limit powers, which is far less than Su Jin's needs.

The only people who have enough money are "special people" like Hephaestus, which is why Hephaestus can get more than the Queen of Halloween.

Thinking of this, Athena couldn't help but glance at Alger. This guy actually made up 80 shares in one go, thinking that he wanted to divide his own authority.

Hehe, only a special existence like a three-digit exception can divide one's own power under the condition of guaranteeing his personality, but it is basically impossible for Alger to not sustain his injuries for ten thousand years after the eighty powers are split.

It's really hard enough... Athena was filled with emotion.

"Eighty shares of Alger, Twenty shares for Di Shitian, plus thirty shares of the Queen, and forty shares borrowed by Athena, this is one hundred and seventy shares, and there is still three shortfalls. Ten..."

Su Jin calculated the account and found that there was still a large gap at the end. While feeling restless, he had to enlarge the goal.

But he was still somewhat uncertain, so he asked Alger:

"You said, if I borrow some more from Shiroyasha, is it feasible?"

"Huh?" Alger was stunned for a moment, and said incredulously: "You actually want to borrow money from that stingy white-haired man?"

"Isn't there any possibility?" Su Jin felt a little nervous in his heart. He felt that Bai Yasha was not too stingy. Although he heard that he was quite poor, he was not at all.

The corner of Alger's mouth twitched, and he took a deep look at Su Jin, and then said angrily:

"I guess there should be. It's not really impossible to come up with this thing in a sense, but you have to tell her about it yourself, and I can't answer it."

Speaking of which, Alger, who was worried that Su Jin misunderstood that he did not want to contribute, added:

"I robbed her of her small treasury when I challenged the Three Thousand Worlds before, so once you ask about it, it will cause unnecessary misunderstandings."

'You still do this kind of thing? ’

Su Jin stared at Alger with astonished eyes for a while, and after she glared back at her, she narrowed her eyes and said in a subtle tone:

"If that's the case, then I'll go talk to her."

Alger nodded and said, "Well, remember to find a time when she is happy."

Chapter 1405 Lowest Common Divisor

In the steaming bathhouse, White Yaksha with white hair and shawl hummed a little song, leaning on the edge of the pool with his back, and there was a wooden plate floating on the water in front of him, on which were white porcelain bottles and wine glasses.

Bai Yasha leisurely picked up the white porcelain bottle, poured a glass of wine, took a sip, took a sip, and said with a long sigh:

"Hey, calm down~"

"It's winter, it really is the most suitable for hot springs."

Bai Yasha sighed with emotion, then pointed to his shoulders, and instructed Bai Xue Ji, who was wrapped in a scarf behind him:

"There are more hammers here."

"Yes." Bai Xueji lowered her eyebrows and bowed her head, carefully waiting for her, for fear that her Lord God would be unhappy, and she would end up eating and hanging.

She recently studied hard in Arcadia, and the result is that she has gained three kilograms. If Shiroyasha knows this, it will be a jerk.

Seeing her cautious appearance, Bai Yasha laughed in his heart, but at the same time he thought of another **** who flew away before he was covered, and couldn't help but mention:

"If only that stinky boy was as honest as you are."

As soon as she finished speaking, a familiar voice came from the direction of the bathroom passage:

"What? Want to bully honest people?"

Hearing the sound, Bai Yesha's mouth twitched, and he looked in the direction of the sound. When he saw the man in a swimsuit who was not ashamed at all, he immediately rolled his eyes and said:

"Aren't you ashamed, kid? You came here?"

"Sorry, this is public land." Su Jin said, sitting by the pool and testing the water temperature with his feet.

Seeing Su Jin's roguelike appearance, Bai Yasha snorted: "Who are you fooling? When we first came in, we clearly saw the female soup written outside. You can find a reasonable excuse!"

"Is that so? Now it's changed outside." Su Jin said, pinching his nose and jumping into the water, splashing a huge spray.

Bai Yasha hurriedly protected his small wine, and then looked at Su Jin who floated up from the water surface and shook his hair with disgust, and said speechlessly:

"You stinky boy is really getting more and more shameless."

At the same time as saying this, Shiroyasha put the drink on the ground on one side, and then said to Shirai Snow Princess:

"You go back first."

"Yes." Bai Xueji hurriedly withdrew as if she had been granted amnesty.

After Bai Xueji left, Bai Yasha looked at Su Jin who was slowly swimming closer, rolled his eyes and said:

"Still come over? Turn us around!"

"It's all brothers, what are you shy about!"

Su Jin swam to the side of Bai Yasha carelessly, picked up the other party's small wine, poured himself a glass, then took a sip, exhaled, and sighed:


Who is your brother? You are clearly trying to take advantage of us... Bai Yasha looked at Su Jin with a black line, and when he saw his indifferent rogue, he snorted angrily:

"You kid, didn't you run to the meeting? Why, even Alger and Athena can't solve the trouble you caused?"

It was clear to Bai Yasha that Su Jin took the core members of the community to a meeting as soon as she came back, but she didn't pay too much attention to it.

This kid has recently competed for the head of the Heavenly Army. During this process, it is normal to discuss things with colleagues in the community. It is absolutely necessary to leave her aside, but if you are in a bad mood after the meeting and come to harass her, it will not work. .

Her dignified White Night King is not your Su Jin's punching bag!

At this time, facing the "malicious slander" in Bai Yasha's words, Su Jin sighed lightly, nodded and said, "To be honest, it really can't be solved."

"What?" Bai Yasha was stunned for a moment, then said incredulously: "And the trouble that the magic star can't solve? Who are you provoking this time? It's not like that guy Yawei will go down and kill you personally, right?"

"That's not it, of course, it's not my problem this time." Su Jin shrugged, thought about it, poured himself a glass of wine, poured his thoughts into it, and handed it to Bai Yasha: "The matter It's complicated, you'll understand after drinking this glass of wine."

"Let the old lady drink your saliva? You're really not ashamed." Bai Yasha glanced at the wine glass in disgust, but took it, and sighed.

The drink entered his throat, and information-rich pictures exploded in Shiroyasha's mind, but the moment he received it, the knowledgeable Protoss became stunned.

"What's the situation? What's the situation with him?"

Bai Yasha stood up suddenly, while splashing a bunch of water, people also pressed on Su Jin's body, pressed his shoulder and said:

"Did you do this? You actually let those old guys from the Sun Kings play tricks on you? Did you copy their house or play with their ancestors?"

Su Jin rolled his eyes and said angrily, "You ask me who I am asking."

"It's not reasonable..."

Bai Yasha let go of Su Jin's shoulders, wrapped his hands in front of him, and thought hard:

"When we were the most arrogant back then, we weren't as miserable as you!"

Su Jin heard this sentence as if an arrow was shot in the knee, co-authoring him is even more problematic than Bai Yasha, a problem child, right?

At this time, Bai Yasha scratched her hair in distress:

"Does Athena have anything to say?"

Su Jin glanced at her, and didn't remind the guy to get off the body directly, but said lightly: "She thought about it for a long time, and she didn't understand why the Ouroboros targeted me like this."

"Even she can't figure it out. It seems that only the old guys know the secret well, tsk, it's quite secret." Bai Yasha tutted, and said with a complicated expression: "This matter, you Did you tell the boss?"

"...That's not true." Su Jin shook his head, he just guessed that the twin goddesses and Ouroboros had reached a certain consensus, but if he really wanted to ask himself, he felt that his relationship with the twin goddesses was not good for the sake of it. .

Seeing Su Jin's reaction, Bai Yesha nodded and said with a smile, "Hey, I didn't expect you to be quite self-aware."

"But it's true. Compared to asking yourself presumptuously, it is better to let the number one **** of the twin goddesses ask, and the possibility of getting an answer is higher."

Su Jin was stunned for a moment, then glanced at Bai Yasha with a strange expression and said, "Did this guy misunderstand the purpose of my coming here, thinking that I wanted to use her channel to ask about the attitude of the two goddesses?

This is really a misunderstanding. I asked her to help me first. How could I have the nerve to talk about borrowing money... Thinking of this, Su Jin said quickly:

"There's that part, but it's more for one thing."

"Oh? There's something else, and you're begging for us?" Bai Yasha showed a funny expression, grinned at Su Jin, and his expression was full of teasing: "I really can't do anything about you, but who let us be you? As for the main god, this subordinate is in trouble, and the boss naturally needs to help."


Bai Yasha snorted proudly, and raised his hand to the height of his heart, slapped himself and said:

"Tell me what's going on!"

"It's not that we blow it, there are not many things in this box garden that we can't do!"

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