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Chapter 993:

[‘Enough is enough’. 】

At the same time as the words fell, some kind of "gravity" that Su Jin couldn't understand, but did exist, appeared.

That gravitational force is like the root of all things, and like the essence of the universe, it has an indescribable attraction to all things.

At this moment, Su Jin's memory seemed to have a 'self'. They cheered, moved with joy, and even spurned Su Jin, jumping out of Su Jin's mind, moving towards the gravitational force in the dark. Running, its speed is faster than thunder and lightning, faster than time, as if they should exist where they should be.

‘The defense of the great treasure has failed? Impossible, I have been burning the small universe...'

Su Jin watched in amazement as "Memory" left him spontaneously. Although he was flustered when he first encountered this phenomenon, he was not at a loss.

"Destruction" burning like a flame appeared in Su Jin's eyes. In order to avoid the memory leak and let his secret be seen through, he resolutely decided to completely destroy the memory before it was taken away.

However, at this moment, the attraction in the dark seemed to fluctuate.

In an instant, Su Jin was stunned to find out.

His 'authority to destroy' also spontaneously gave up on him like a memory.

‘How is this done, there is no confrontation at all, and even the authority is affected? ’

In a hurry, Su Jin, who knew that he didn't have time to think about it, opened his mouth for the first time, and in this silent area, read out the spirit of words:

"I pray that my memory will return to peace."

The power of creation came in an instant, and in an instant, it smoothed out the restlessness of Su Jin's memory.

It was at this time that Su Jin sensed a terrifying 'resistance'.

That power is like holding a hemp rope and pulling a star, its own fragility and the vastness of the enemy make Su Jin, who is struggling to maintain balance, have a splitting headache.

【what? The power of creation? 】

There was obviously a bit of surprise in Hei Tian's voice, as if he didn't expect the truth of this exclusive Nuwa to appear on Su Jin in the form of a weakened authority.

This unforeseen discovery made Hei Tian's movements unavoidably hesitant, and the gravitational attraction that attracted all things stopped for a moment.

That's because Hei Tian was guarding Nuwa, guarding against his weak connection by relying on the authority of creation, and taking action against him.

This is not difficult for the Emperor Wa, who is also in the top ten among the two-digit figures, but for Heitian, it has enough deterrent power.

Taking advantage of the moment when the black sky was alert, Su Jin frantically burned the small universe, and his own spirituality, relying on the connection of the contract, had a certain blend with the spirituality of Alger's 'the devil against the gods'.

In a trance, many demons raged in Su Jin's spirit, like a violent wind and waves, blowing against the fragile island.

The lion exuding the radiance of the sun, the Pisces connected end to end, the white hair and golden eyes, the Gemini standing back to back, the silver crab wielding giant tongs, the goddess with a beautiful face and the heavy double-faced star in Su Jin's hand. ax.

Six Sun Sovereigns suddenly appeared in Su Jin's spirit, turning into pillars, supporting the fragile island, suppressing the spreading magic little by little, and controlling it.

The scene reflected in the world is that Su Jin's hair grows uncontrollably and quickly, and soon touches his ankle and falls into deep understanding.

There were snake-like scales growing on the strands of hair, and the strands of hair danced like black tentacles, where they opened their teeth and danced their claws, and at the end of the strands of hair, the golden eyes were silent. He opened his eyes like a snake, staring at everything around him.

"I see!"

With the help of Alger's power, Su Jin finally saw the straw hat boy standing in the deep comprehension of Yuanhei.

He stood less than 3 meters in front of Su Jin, looked at Su Jin whose appearance had changed greatly with strange and subtle eyes, and said with sincerity and admiration:

"Can even unfinished truth be seconded..."

"In a sense, it may not be an exaggeration to call you a 'Protoss Killer'."

Chapter 1420 Who did you say was beaten?

Just when Hei Tian sighed, Su Jin, whose hair was already demonized, suddenly raised his head and stared at his face. This glance made Hei Tian's face turn gray, and his body began to petrify bit by bit from the face. However, this petrification was quickly contained. Make it invisible.

And while Hei Tian was petrified, Su Jin raised his hands, and his hands were in the shape of lotus flowers, gathering endless starlight.

At the same time, two figures with unclear faces appeared on his left and right sides at the same time. Their faces were blurred, and they could only be vaguely seen as women from their bodies. They raised their hands like Su Jin. , the stars in the palm are bright, as if condensing the vastness of the universe.

Without too much hesitation, at the moment when "Athena's Wonder" took shape, Su Jin brazenly smashed it into the black sky.

In a trance, as if something exploded in this pitch-black world.

It made no sound, but roared in the spirits of all.

At this moment, the chaotic zone covered by the extreme black suddenly separated.

Time and space are formed in chaos, matter and energy are transformed in madness, and the four forces are derived from this, and a brand new universe seems to be opened here.

At this moment, Hei Tian raised his hand and snapped his fingers-.


The crisp snap of fingers sounded, and the nascent universe was suddenly stopped from the birth process, and began to shake violently and silently, as if something had sucked the foundation of their birth away.

At the moment when the 'Athena's Amazement' was contained, Hei Tian raised his head and looked at Su Jin, who had gone away.

At the moment when the big bang of the universe was blasted out, Su Jin quickly withdrew from the scene, obviously understanding that such an attack could only hinder Hei Tian for a moment.

"Want to get out of this world?"

Just looking at Su Jin, Hei Tian guessed his purpose.

In fact, although the world they are in is indeed not within the jurisdiction of the small garden, it does not mean that the power of the central garden of the small garden cannot interfere here.

Since the gift game can be played here before, it is feasible to return directly to the small garden with the help of the power of the center, like returning after observing another world.

The reason why Su Jin maintained the gift game of the big maze just now was to use this connection, and after Lamia and Sun Wukong evacuated, he returned with the power of the gift game as soon as possible.

However, such an operation was stopped by Kuroten, so he chose a secondary method, that is, to first escape from the area covered by the truth of Kuroten, escape to another world, and then return to Little Garden from another direction.

Su Jin, who is well aware of the power of double digits, has no intention of confronting Hei Tian from the beginning. For him, it is very stupid to fight with the owner in someone else's house.

Even if he had to fight, Su Jin didn't want to be in this world that was heavily arranged by ouroboros. For him, the best fighting area was naturally the starry sky of Hakoba, followed by the other world at the lower level, and finally other unexplored areas. In the other world observed, only the worst and worst situation will stay here and fight Hetian to the end.

In an instant, Su Jin's full hair waved in unison, and the golden-eyed hair of countless top elders fixed the surrounding time and space, grabbing the control of all things with incomplete truth, so as to find a way out of this world. weak point.

He intends to break the fetal membranes of the world and forcibly traverse to other worlds.

However, no matter how they fought for control, the all-encompassing Yuan Hei had been following Su Jin's side, blocking all his paths.

Vine-like black tentacles formed in the deep black, and then were swallowed by the deep black. The golden eyes opened, petrifying everything, but they were also dyed with extreme black at the same time.

At this moment, the two sides were caught in a long-term tug of war, but it was obvious to the naked eye that the seconded power from Su Jin was rapidly decreasing, and the counterattack was getting weaker and weaker.

Hei Tian, ​​who was well aware of this phenomenon, looked at Su Jin, who had already opened the dimensional distance, but was still in the area under his control, shook his head gently, and said in a persuasive tone:

"Although I don't know what you used to stabilize the spirit and borrowed Alger's truth, it is a pity that this power does not last long, and you do not have the cornerstone to control this power. This unfinished truth is enough to fight against me, but in your hands, it's just a bigger toy."

"I know that you want to get out of this world and rely on the power of the center of the small garden to attack me, but unfortunately, this is futile."

"I'm not afraid to tell you what the true face of this trapped world is. Although it itself is the cradle of Kalji's birth, in essence, it is based on the concept of Kurimo's 'carrying the dragon of the world'. 'The world,' is His truth."


"So even if you get rid of the universe created by my truth and return to the world, you will face the 'world' of Klimo, and face the powerful dragon god. Although he is young, his combat power has always been in my hands. Come on, I believe you should know that too."

"...Your actions like this will only embarrass the World King. After all, he doesn't want to shoot at you, or he won't let me be your opponent."

"It's useless to continue like this."

He was so dark that he sighed softly, and then persuaded Su Jin:

"Give up resistance and face me."

"Show all your (linguistic) in front of me."

"We don't want to kill you. Killing you will only arouse the hostility of the protoss and the dissatisfaction of the twin goddesses. As far as the Ouroboros is concerned, we just want to determine your essence, and that's why, it's up to me to come forward. The reason for the trial."


"As long as it is determined that your spiritual status is not what we thought, then everything can be discussed. The position of the head of the sky army, the position of the king of Olympus, even the chief ally of the Ouroboros, these are all ours. compensate."

"This is just a trial. Although it is a trial of the Demon King (forced), you have nothing to lose, do you?"

"So, give up resistance and truly show your spirituality."

Su Jin, who had been trying to stay away, finally slowed down at this time. His black eyes stared at the black sky, and there seemed to be endless thoughts hidden under the dark eyes, as if he was considering the pros and cons.

At the end, he looked at the black sky and sighed faintly:

"To be honest, I don't hate you, but unfortunately, many things are beyond your control."

Hei Tian looked at Su Jin unsurprisingly when he heard this. He was no stranger to Su Jin and naturally guessed what he might do.

Rejection was one of the plans from the very beginning.

"It doesn't matter, it just takes a little more time." Hei Tian sighed deeply, with a little regret on his face: "It seems that for the next few thousand years, I will have to avoid that magic star."

The attractiveness of perceiving the darkness of the surrounding abyss suddenly intensified tens of thousands of times. After being so powerful that his own thinking was almost unable to proceed normally, Su Jin's mouth slowly grinned, and with a swipe in the air, he listed the interface of the Dimensional Forum, which was heavily loaded on it. A little, shouted:

"Go to your mother's trial, I can't live anymore...!"

Chapter 1421 Are you actually a central spirit? !

A curtain of light that only Su Jin could see rose in front of him.

And above the light curtain, line by line options are disappearing.

'Understanding the Mystery of Life and Death', price: 100 million points.


'Shards of the Will of the Gods · Liberation', selling price: 2 million points.


The total price of 'Liberation Sun Sovereign·Leo·Aquarius·Pisces·Gemini·Cancer·Taurus': 1.2 million points.


Seeing that the massive 145.9 million points on the forum were consumed to only 1.39 million in an instant, Su Jin was so heartbroken that he couldn't breathe, and even his internal organs were in pain.

That's the points he earned in exchange for his debts.

Slap it!

It's all gone!

In an instant, Su Jin's eyes turned red, and his eyes looking at Hei Tian were also filled with indescribable madness.

This kind of change made Hetian inexplicable, and at the same time made him have an ominous premonition, but before his inspiration foreshadowed anything, a change occurred.

Under the consumption of massive points, the changes in Su Jin's body began.

The small universe, which had been accumulated for a long time, could not even be promoted by the authority of creation, surpassed the sum of the five golden saints, and the quality reached the limit of the seventh sense suddenly condensed into a little in Su Jin's body, and then exploded with a bang!

The "Big Bang" was born in Su Jin's body.

This instant explosion was born in Su Jin's body, and it also expanded in an instant.

With a buzzing sound, Su Jin's entire body suddenly swelled and disintegrated inch by inch.

Suddenly, a vast and dazzling golden nebula was born in this dark area, and it expanded rapidly, just like the beginning of the universe, spreading its own power infinitely to the end of nothingness.

At the same time, in the depths of the nebula, at the original singularity, a terrifying will is constantly expanding, rising rapidly as if there is no upper limit.

"what happened?"

Hei Tian, ​​who realized that he was starting to lose control of everything around him, was suddenly enveloped by the expanding nebula, and he noticed a terrifying bright golden power in it.

The two-digit cosmic truth can use its own truth to directly control all things and bring everything under control, just as the center of the small garden controls everything in the small garden.

Because of this characteristic, the initial stage of the battle between the two digits is almost all the competition for the dominance of 'all things and everything', and the second is to start to compete for the 'power' that one has.

Su Jin had no feedback before, which is why, at that time, almost everything on him, including authority, was under Hei Tian's control. If it wasn't for the great secret treasure still resisting, the authority of creation could be exerted to a certain extent because of its special characteristics. At that time, he was afraid that he had become fish meat on the black sky chopping board.

When three-digit numbers face two-digit numbers, it is such an abyss-like gap.

Although the authority of the three-digit number can be effective, after the truth is unfolded in the two-digit number, your authority becomes the authority of the other party. What effect can a gun not in your own hands have?

It is precisely because of this that the three-digit gods and Buddhas of Hakoba will not even have the idea of ​​being hostile in the face of two-digit numbers, because the two sides do not even have the basis for hostility.

This is also the reason why Su Jin couldn't even detect Hei Tian's whereabouts only 3 meters ago, but only when he borrowed Alger's truth.

For, true equivalence arises only in equality.

But now, without the help of Alger's power, Su Jin actually competed for the dominance of everything, which made Hei Tian a little caught off guard.

"This is... truth?"

But whose truth is the appearance of a nebula... Hei Tian was stunned, and almost mistakenly thought that a two-digit possessor had come, but the next second, he denied it again:

"No, this is not the truth. Although he is fighting for my dominance, it is essentially the expanding nebula that is integrating all things into itself, and this is the phenomenon of competing for domination. The offense is different between…”

"This is not the phenomenon of the birth of truth, but the phenomenon of the birth of the universe. This is the birth of a new universe, the embryonic form of the universe..."

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