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Chapter 997:

However, the moment the sound of the drink sounded, the entire Garden of Eden was completely submerged by the withered and yellow leaves, and in a sudden smash, it smashed into the Hakoba Continent and sank into the mountains and forests.

Above the sky, holding the ears of rice in her hands, the red-haired beauty in white robes lives in the fruit forest with lush grass. She stares coldly at the mountains and forests that engulf the Garden of Eden, and then swept across the void, staring at the A sight to behold.

At this glance, the gazes cast by one after another disappeared in an instant.

The red-haired beauty sneered, turned around, and disappeared with the wind.

It was at this time that the existences of the upper levels of Hakoba came to a consensus.

...the eighteenth cosmic truth, the twentieth supreme being, the strongest truth in the little garden was born.

...that is the lofty Mother Earth who is in charge of the truth of the 'Earth', the **** of the beginning of time who shares the 'Earth' with the center of the small garden.

...【Earth Goddess】Gaia.

Chapter 1427 New chess player

EXE world, the mother planet of the mechanical god. The pure white light, which competed with Su Jin for all things, suddenly expanded for a moment, and then suddenly contracted into its original human form.

The figure hanging upside down on the cross suddenly appeared, and the white robe he was wearing was much dimmed. He couldn't see the specific appearance on his face, and there were faint blood stains on the corner of his mouth, as if he had been severely injured.

And at this moment, the thoughts in the heart of the 'single god' were disturbed.

It was his mistake to project most of his power here to block Su Jin.

Unexpectedly, the Four Great Primitives would give up chasing and kill Su Jin, which was the negative impact of his weakness in Hakoba's authority.

Unexpectedly, Su Jin actually had a two-digit quota and gave it to Hestia, causing him to be unprepared for this, which was his fatal mistake.

In the Little Garden Universe, the Little Garden Continent conceptually represents the 'Earth' in all the Little Garden universes, and is the most important of the three cornerstones of the Sun, Moon, and Earth.

Because the moon is not a planet in concept, it cannot give birth to a protoss, so most of the authority is scattered among the center of the small garden and the sovereign of the moon.

The sun, as the core sovereignty, has been focused on by the four truths, so it has to be divided into twenty-five parts.

Therefore, what can really be mastered by the Central Box Garden is actually only the sovereignty of the 'Earth', which is the cornerstone of the Central Box's ability to suppress all high-level existences in the Box Garden Continent.

Therefore, even if there are many protoss that symbolize the sun, the protoss of the earth will never be born, because that is one of the powers of the central core of the little garden, and the slightest infestation will be counterattacked by the central.

This is the common sense known to the ancient truths of the universe, and it is also the secret information that is blocked for the rest of the people.

This is also the reason why Hestia is infinitely approaching double digits, but the group of Greek gods she leads has always been ignored by the truth of the universe.

This goddess of stove fire has chosen the most wrong choice from the very beginning, cutting off the possibility of herself becoming the truth of the universe.

But now, the most unlikely thing happened.

Hestia was successfully promoted to the protoss of the 'Earth', the mother of the earth, Gaia.

And his body that existed in Little Garden was caught off guard and was attacked by Gaia. With a three-digit figure, he faced Gaia, who was in charge of the land of Little Garden and incarnated as a **** in the beginning, and was hit hard without any accident.

In fact, even if most of his power is not contained by Su Jin, this result will not change.

Gaia, who is in charge of the truth of the earth, as the planetary spirit of the earth, is like the White Night King who is in charge of twenty-five sun sovereignty before the dawn.

Within the Hakoba Continent, He is the strongest 'universal truth'.

Because the entire Little Garden Continent is His 'truth'.

Only the four primordial primordials of ultimate sublimation, and those suppressed by the center of the little garden, but the power is not dispersed, also chooses to sublime itself, can it be suppressed.

It is a pity that He was plotted by Su Jin and Hestia together, and at the most critical moment, he dispersed his power.

...can't be in love!

With this in mind, his face suddenly became clear, and he stared deeply at the golden universe incarnated by Su Jin, trying to inject the indescribable madness and chaos into Su Jin's spirit and strive for the moment of escape.

And Su Jin, who had been expecting it, had been waiting for this moment, he sneered, and in the expanding universe where his body was transformed, flowers, clumps of rice ears, and trees bloomed in it. bloom.

That is the truth 'earth' that Su Jin borrowed from Hestia, who had been sublimated to Gaia, by temporarily incarnating as the center of the little garden.

Shortly incarnating as the center of the little garden, and using the connection on the spiritual grid to second the truth of the universe, Su Jin approached the limit of double digits in a short time.

Then, He looked sharply at the One God.

Suddenly, the figure hanging upside down on the cross trembled for a moment. At the same time, his flat belly suddenly swelled, and it soon became the size of an October pregnancy, and then split.


A cry sounded.

The only **** whose breath suddenly became weak snorted, his figure suddenly collapsed and dissipated, and he evacuated in all directions.

Seeing this, Su Jin immediately wanted to take advantage of the situation to pursue the attack, but at this moment, a pure white light flashed, and the original truths who had kept a distance from the battlefield were forcibly distorted by this pure white brilliance, which did not affect their essence. way to approach Su Jin extremely quickly.

Seeing this scene, Su Jin, who knew that nothing could be done, immediately made a decision. Before other original truths approached, he quickly grabbed the crying baby, with the power of tearing it from the One God with the truth of the earth. Fragments, contact the dimension forum directly.


Su Jin's existence disappeared little by little, leaving only four figures exuding stalwart rainbow light in the vacuum of the universe, engaged in a confrontation with a strange atmosphere.

Vaguely, it seems to have heard 'Did you see it? ''I saw it. ' 'Are you pregnant? ''Pregnant. ' and the like.


gap between universes.

On a punk-inspired mechanical spaceship.

Su Jin's figure appeared on the bridge and found an empty seat to sit down.

In the process, his body sometimes turned into a pillar of light that reached the sky, and sometimes into a dazzling golden nebula. The two phenomena were intertwined and merged, but they were distinct.

Without hesitation, Su Jin threw the crying baby whose face could not be seen into the dimensional forum, and threw it together with the authority that had been torn from Hei Tian before. He used the power of the forum to seal it, and then steadily lifted the state of the center of the incarnation of the small garden.

"You seem to be in a bad situation."

In the bridge, after Su Jin appeared, he subconsciously closed his eyes to prevent himself from being ignited by the concept of Su Jin's body.

"It seems that the means you use to deal with double digits is so risky that you almost can't maintain your own state. Oh, this is really a risky common sense."

Even Aizen can see the risk of Su Jin's incarnation as the center of the garden, and it is naturally impossible for Su Jin to not be aware of it.

It is true that this is a way to obtain the power of grandeur in a short period of time, but at the same time as the center of the small garden, the center of the small garden can also infect Su Jin.

If it wasn't for Su Jin's microcosm, which had broken through to the eighth sense, with strong resistance, I'm afraid that backlash would have already come down when Su Jin just defeated Hei Tian.

Being able to persist for so long is already because Su Jin's foundation is solid enough, and most of his strength has been poached by the Dimensional Forum.

This is a trump card, a trump card that needs to be used carefully, hurting others and hurting yourself.

Su Jin snorted, wiped the golden blood stains on the corners of his mouth, adjusted his state quickly, and then said to Aizen Sangyou:

"Thank you very much this time, Aizen."

"If you mean to deceive the world with Kyoka Shuiyue's solution and cover up the coordinates of another world you got from the previous troops of the Mechanic God, you really need to thank me."

Aizen's tone was still full of that confident tone, just like when he was in the Soul Realm.

And the coordinates of another world in his mouth are naturally the coordinates exposed by the organization "Time and Space Administration" in the world view of "Magic Girl Nanoha", which was discovered by the mechanical **** of the EXE world.

This coordinate is Su Jin's hiding place, because it is far enough away from Little Garden, but it also has a certain connection with the EXE world, and the EXE world is linked to the world of High School of Demons, a world under the jurisdiction of Little Garden, which is enough for him to indirectly observe the little garden by remote control. situation, which determines the time of return.

And when Su Jin's mood was floating, Aizen said again:

"Speaking of which, I also want to thank you. The data of the two-digit battle is not so easy to obtain. Even if I can only observe an extremely small part because of the difference in dimensions, the return is far beyond my own. put in."

"After all, with my current spiritual level at the four-digit elite level, I can't escape the word 'ants' in the eyes of those who exist."

"So this time, I should owe you a favor."

Aizen said this, took out a pocket watch, put it on his hand, and said lightly:

"As far as you are concerned, it is a risky thing to let me follow you to the next world. It is easy for those truths to perceive the abnormality. After all, my methods are full of flaws in their eyes, even if I borrow you The power of the power has raised the level, but at most it can only be delayed for a while."

"Enough, this period of time is enough for them to determine my position."

Su Jin took a deep breath, then glanced at the pocket watch in Lan Ran's hand, and said in surprise:

"The piercing gate with the power of collapsing jade, and the vague coordinates on it, are you planning to observe another world?"

Lan Ran snorted and pushed his eyes gently:

"For you and me, this can raise the threshold of safety. After all, whether I return to the Soul World or go to Hakoba, it will only increase the risk of your exposure."

"...I have a second of pity for that other world."

Su Jin, who had recovered a little bit, even started a joke. After laughing for a while, he seriously said to Aizen:

"Let me reiterate, are you interested in officially joining Arcadia? Aizen."

"I still say that."

Before Aizen's body faded and disappeared, he said plainly:

"I have no hobby of subservience."

"That's it!" Seeing Lan Ran's disappearing figure, Su Jin shook his head and said regretfully, "This is really a pity!"

After Aizen disappeared, Su Jin took a deep breath and began to review the incident in his heart.

Chapter 1428 The sky will change!

In this incident, Su Jin's mistakes in intelligence were extremely serious.

Without knowing the information that the original truth suspects that he is the new will of the center of the small garden, Su Jin prepared in advance, and there was a mistake in the two-digit ace, which led to a fatal risk.

With the help of the forum, he realized the secret of the sovereignty of the sun and the power of the inner source of the small universe, and thus achieved the idea of ​​'incarnating the center of the small garden and gaining double-digit power for a short time'.

This preparation is sufficient when the combat power is low.

However, although this move brought Su Jin a trump card that can face and even suppress double-digit numbers, it also led to a further deepening of his misunderstanding of the four truths.

Su Jin dared to guarantee that the Four Truths really wanted to kill him when he first saw him incarnate as the center of the little garden.

And the reason why they involved each other, and even deliberately let Yawei make a knife, so as to test his upper limit, this is Su Jin's efforts.

When he first learned about the situation, he was really panicked, but he also understood that with the foundation of the four truths, he might not see anything in a short period of time, but after a long time, he would definitely be able to discover his 'abnormality'.

This is also the reason why Su Jin chose to run away immediately after taking the opportunity to tear apart part of the truth of Hei Tian.

In fact, tearing the truth of Heitian is not necessary for Su Jin, but a means of returning to the original. What Su Jin really values ​​is the "memory of Heitian" that was plundered before.

The two-digit secrets involved here, and some important information that Su Jin doesn't know, are what Su Jin likes. This can help him determine the current situation and make a reasonable judgment.

And part of the essence of Hei Tian is that Su Jin is trying to repay his debts, taking advantage of his hostile position to make a fortune.

It is because of Hei Tian's memory that Su Jin determined the position of the four truths and understood their doubts.

Before Su Jin stepped into the trap, the four truths defined him as "suspected of the new will of the central garden", "unknown and powerful existence from the outside world", the possibility of the two is half and half.

In this case, for the four truths, the temptation of Su Jin is necessary.

In this, the position of the twin goddesses is extremely embarrassing.

As the guard of the Central Garden, He also sheltered the existence of Su Jin, the "suspected new will of the Central". He was suspected of being the enemy of the Central Garden by the other three truths, so he was suppressed and guarded by them.

Under the pressure, the twin goddesses chose to acquiesce to their temptation of Su Jin, but he also interfered with the content of the temptation with his backhand, placing the trap in the "world" of the betrothed Kurimo.

This has guaranteed Su Jin's life from the very beginning, because once he is defeated, when he finds out that it is not the central will of the small garden, Kurimo will take over the battlefield and 'seal' Su Jin.

As an old-fashioned two-digit number, Kurimo naturally has the ability to grab people from Hei Tian, ​​and he can even be foolproof, and Hei Tian also knows this.

This is why when Hei Tian fought against Su Jin, he always focused on probing and testing, and did not show the true fighting attitude of 'truth' for a long time.

Because He was guarding against the sudden action of an off-court person like Kulimo from the beginning, and even when Su Jin resumed the game, he also discovered that after the truth unfolded in Hei Tian, ​​there were only two Mingyues watching the two. The means of Klimore.

Originally, the protection measures set by the two goddesses were very good, but the situation suddenly got out of control. Su Jin abruptly showed the means of incarnating as the center of the little garden, which in turn caused all the arrangements of the two goddesses to fail.

Even the two goddesses themselves have confirmed the suspicion of a 'defendant faction'.

If it wasn't for the immediate pursuit of Su Jin, I am afraid that at this time, the three truths have already started to suppress the twin goddesses.

Therefore, to relieve the siege of the twin goddesses is also one of Su Jin's reasons for delaying time.

He took advantage of the pre-arrangements made before traveling through the world, and used the forum to travel around the world many times, just to delay time.

In the process, Su Jin took advantage of the negative effect of 'assimilation' brought about by the special state of the incarnation of the box garden center at that time, and borrowed the power of the Dimensional Forum to swallow and suppress this 'assimilation' phenomenon. Truth sends out 'signals'.

Although the Dimensional Forum can block the perception of the four truths, when it suppresses the central assimilation of the little garden, and even when the essence of capitalism occurs, its power trajectory can be observed by the truths.

And such a power, when the four truths do not know the existence of the 'Dimensional Forum', this power will naturally be judged as the power of Su Jin.

And such 'power' does not originate from the power of the center of the little garden.

This is decisive evidence to deny Su Jin as the 'incarnation of the central will'.

Here, I would like to thank the Dimensional Forum. When Su Jin ordered to suppress the assimilation of the center of the small garden, it still had the power to plunder the center of the small garden, which directly led to the four truths quickly determining the identity of Su Jin.

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