You can search for "Thank you for your invitation! I failed the college entrance examination and became the richest man Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!At night, a tall and short figure appeared on a small road in a village three kilometers away from the street alley.

"Alright, that's the room with the lights on."

Du Yuchuan raised his head and said something. After Gu Qingyuan took a puff of cigarette, he narrowed his eyes and looked over. There was a dog barking in the illuminated courtyard.

"If you know how far you are, you will get a taxi."

Gu Qingyuan glanced at Du Yuchuan and continued to walk forward.

"Ha ha."

Du Yuchuan grinned and sneered, "If you come to this village, I am afraid that a taxi will not come, but there is no good person here."

"I broke a major case here some time ago and arrested fifteen people. Do you know what wicked things have been done by those who have suffered thousands of swords?"

"Kidnapping women?"

Gu Qingyuan said casually.

"Fuck, you know all this? Huzi told you?"

Du Yuchuan looked surprised. When this stall happened, Gu Qingyuan wasn't getting upright.

"I guessed it."

Gu Qingyuan smiled and looked up at the light not far away, as if it flickered and dimmed.

"These dogs deceived college students here and locked them up as daughters-in-law. Fortunately, they were rescued by the police. Haven't you seen those college students who are tortured like crazy?"

Du Yuchuan gritted his teeth and said, thinking of his daughter who is going to high school at home, he can't wait to tear up the animal stuff by himself.


Gu Qingyuan looked at Du Yuchuan and asked, "How many college students were kidnapped at that time."

"Eight!" Du Yuchuan stretched out his hand and gestured: "A total of eight, those animal stuff, it's good to be shot!"

Gu Qingyuan frowned, didn't ask, and walked forward in strides. Outside of China, he had seen too many dark sides. The hell was really empty, and the devil was in the world!

Just outside the iron gate of the yard, the dog inside barked frantically.

"Boom boom boom!"

Du Yuchuan picked up the iron ring on the iron door and knocked it hard.

A few minutes later, a loud voice rang in the inner courtyard, and the previous dog barking became louder.

"Yang Ye, it's me, horoscope beard."

Du Yuchuan smiled and shouted outside the door.

With a click, the iron door was pulled open, and the light of a flashlight directly hit the faces of the two of them.

Gu Qingyuan and Du Yuchuan reflexively blocked them with their arms.

"Master Yang, see clearly."

Du Yuchuan said with a smile, nodding and bowing, with a cheeky face.


The middle-aged man named Ye Yang shone his flashlight on the ground and asked in a bad tone.

"There is business!"

Du Yuchuan said cheerfully, squinting at Gu Qingyuan, then winking at Yang Daming.


The corner of Yang Daming's mouth raised, and after taking a close look at Gu Qingyuan in a suit and leather shoes, he pulled the iron door open.

"Come in and talk." Yang Daming drank.

Gu Qingyuan nodded and walked in behind Du Yuchuan. In order to better pack himself, Gu Qingyuan put on a long-lost suit.

There are four bungalows in the yard, of which only one has a light on. After walking in, there are half of the house naked, some playing mahjong and some playing poker.

And the whole room was covered with a layer of smoke.

Yang Daming inadvertently glanced at Gu Qingyuan and found that he was still expressionless, as if he was not intimidated by the scene inside.

On the contrary, Du Yuchuan kept shrinking, and after seeing himself, he immediately voted for Yang Daming with a flattering smile.


Yang Daming yelled. In the noisy room, he instantly quieted down. It can be seen that he is the boss here and has the absolute right to speak.

"Get out, let me talk about something."

After Yang Daming finished speaking, the person holding the poker in his hand threw the card on the table and walked out of the room. In a blink of an eye, there were only four people left in the room.

Among them, the man who is still in the house is quite similar to Yang Daming's. He is Yang Daming's younger brother, Yang Xiaoming.

At this time, Yang Xiaoming was squatting in the corner playing with his mobile phone.

"Xiao Ming, pour some tea for the guests."

After Yang Daming said something, he looked at Gu Qingyuan with a smile on his face and stretched out a hand to make a please gesture.

"This brother, sit on the kang!"

"it is good."

Gu Qingyuan nodded and was not welcome. He didn't take off his shoes, and sat cross-legged on the kang.

There was a square table in the middle of the kang. Gu Qingyuan sat on one side, and Yang Daming sat on the other side. As for Du Yuchuan, he squatted and stood behind Yang Daming.

The attitude is very clear. Du Yuchuan wants to be superficial, and he is not familiar with Gu Qingyuan. This time he is just a pimp, so if something happens in the future, he has nothing to do with him.

"Xiao Ming, you're a dog, haven't you poured your tea yet?"

Yang Daming smiled at Gu Qingyuan, then raised his head and yelled loudly.

As soon as the words fell, Yang Xiaoming walked in with two iron cylinders, quacked twice, the iron rod was placed on the square table, and the tea inside was splashing!

Yang Daming smiled and took a sip of his tea. He didn't think there was anything wrong with this way of inviting guests.

Without pouring water for Du Yuchuan, Gu Qingyuan frowned slightly. It seemed that Mr. Du would brag at noon. This surnamed Yang didn't seem to put him in his eyes.

"Brother, drink tea! Why? I don't like it."

Yang Daming said in a low tone.

"Where is it."

Gu Qingyuan directly picked up the cup, blew the tea, and took a big sip.

"Ha ha."

Yang Daming grinned, "Brother, you are also a bold person."

Gu Qingyuan smiled faintly, took out a pack of Huazi from the inner pocket of his suit, took one by himself, and threw it at Yang Daming.

Yang Daming took it in his hand, drew out a cigarette, and took a puff, then slowly said, "Brother, what? I'm in an emergency."

Gu Qingyuan flicked the soot and nodded lightly.

"How much do you want to use?"

Yang Daming asked directly.

"Five hundred thousand!"

Originally I only planned to borrow 400,000 yuan, but after thinking about it carefully, if I only borrow 400,000 yuan, then the living expenses will not be enough. Anyway, I came here, and instead of opening 400,000 yuan, I might as well directly 500,000 yuan.

For a while, the room became quiet, and only Yang Xiaoming was squatting in the corner making silly laughs from time to time.

"so much?"

After a while, Yang Daming spit out smoke, frowned closely, and looked at Gu Qingyuan carefully. This face was too young, so he just asked to borrow 500,000?

There are also some young college students who have come here to borrow money, but most of them have opened three to five thousand, and the most is ten thousand. Gu Qingyuan was the first to open five hundred thousand directly.

"Why? You don't have so many?"

Gu Qingyuan asked with a smile, the form looks very plain, as if to talk about another ordinary thing.

"Yes, yes, just brother, what are you doing with this money!"

Yang Daming said with a smile, and his tone was more polite to Gu Qingyuan.

"Do some financial investments, and the money on hand is still pretty close."

Gu Qingyuan said flatly, as if the five hundred thousand in his eyes was very insignificant.

After speaking, the house became quiet again, only the occasional dog barking in the yard was heard!

Yang Daming frowned, smoking one cigarette after another, looking at Gu Qingyuan from time to time, his expression looked very tangled.

At this time, Du Yuchuan suddenly spoke.

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