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When Gu Qingyuan was less than 9 o'clock, he couldn't wait to sit in the Internet cafe, downloaded the software of the New Third Board in advance, and began to analyze Dashan shares.

First, I checked some news about agricultural stocks, and even started to read it from the time it was delisted. I checked it carefully one by one. Gu Qingyuan pointed his finger at the screen and passed it one by one.

At this time, Gu Qingyuan's ability to understand words is also very abnormal. A message can be analyzed simply by passing it through its main points and the obscure information it contains.

"Old Gu, are you here so early?"

As soon as Li Huzheng came in from the entrance of the Internet cafe, he shouted at Gu Qingyuan with a loud voice.

After opening a small ticket for the Internet, Li Huzheng sat beside him with a smile on his face. At the very least, there is no need to worry about the cigarette this morning, and he smokes Huazi.

Du Yuchuan’s fake cigarettes that Li Hu was smoking recently are almost gone.

Li Huzheng was not polite, and took the cigarette directly from Gu Qingyuan's table in his hand, took one out, smoked it, and put it in his pocket easily.

"Old Gu, what are you looking for?"

Li Huzheng leaned forward and found that Gu Qingyuan's screen was filled with dense text.

Gu Qingyuan frowned, treating Li Hu as air completely, and his attention was highly concentrated.


Li Huzheng curled his lips and ignored Gu Qingyuan. He was used to his intermittent deafness.

When observing a message ten days ago, Gu Qingyuan paused on a text.

"About Yalong Holding Company's field visit to Dashan Agriculture."

The content is very brief, just explaining the time. As for what to investigate and what matters to discuss, I didn't write about it. Whoever reads the news will feel that it is not painful and will most likely ignore it.

"Yalong Holdings!"

Gu Qingyuan uttered these four words heavily. He was extremely familiar with this investment company.

This is the holding company of Wu Qianhua, the top ten investment company of China in the future!


Gu Qingyuan laughed, his body trembling constantly with the frequency of laughter.

"Crazy, crazy!"

Li Huzheng turned his head away, took a puff of cigarette, put on the headset again, opened the chat dialog, and started Zuan's daily conversation.

After coming here for a long time, Gu Qingyuan gradually calmed down, but there was a smile on his face.

Then, when I eagerly opened the trading software and prepared to place an order for purchase, the purchase failed just when the trading was closed in the morning.


Gu Qingyuan yelled and slapped the keyboard.

"What's wrong?"

Hearing Gu Qingyuan screaming, Li Huzheng immediately took off the headset and threw it onto the keyboard. He looked around and looked around.

"Old Gu, what's the matter?"

Li Huzheng asked again, worried that those people in the alleys of the railway station were seeking revenge?

Gu Qingyuan, like a okay person, frowned, staring at the screen in a daze.


Li Huzheng cursed with his mouth curled and put on the headphones again.

"What am I doing at that time?"

Gu Qingyuan frowned and muttered in a low voice, trying to remember what happened at that time.

"It seems... Lao Zhang and the others discussed agricultural matters." Baolai Novel Network

Gu Qingyuan tapped his fingers on the computer desk, and his heart became anxious. In the afternoon, will Dashan shares directly announce the suspension of trading? Is there any chance to buy it?


Gu Qingyuan glanced at the empty table and slapped Li Huzheng on the shoulder, "Where is Laozi's cigarette?"

"Smoke? Hahahaha."

Li Huzheng laughed dryly, took it out of his trouser pocket and threw it on the table.

"I thought you quit."

Gu Qingyuan didn't continue talking, took out a cigarette, frowned, and looked very irritable.

"Let's go, eat a meal?"

After another while, Li Huzheng turned off the computer, patted Gu Qingyuan on the shoulder, and asked with a smile on his face.

Gu Qingyuan shook his head, did not speak, staring at the screen in a daze.

"It's over, it's over, it's crazy."

Li Huzheng yelled a few words, moved his stool and walked out of the Internet cafe. When he was about to reach the door, he shouted at Gu Qingyuan again: "If I go to Xiaoyong, you can eat a bowl of noodles. I'll charge your account. ."

Gu Qingyuan was smoking a cigarette and didn't bother to pay attention to him. Li Huzheng, who used his own name to eat and drink at Kang Xiaoyong's house, said that he would eat a bowl of noodles instead of adding a chicken leg?

Time was walking minute by minute, Gu Qingyuan held the mouse tightly, sweat overflowing on the palm of his hand, and it took less than ten minutes to open the afternoon.

With a dingdong sound, Gu Qingyuan let out a cold sweat.

The news page of Dashan shares jumped, Gu Qingyuan swallowed hard, and his legs under the table shook a few times. He had never been so nervous before.

If it were not for the intermediate level of the proficient level, he would not think that Dashan shares in the New Third Board was an opportunity, including the discovery of Yalong Holdings later, all of which were too coincidental.

So this time the opportunity, even if it is the abyss, Gu Qingyuan will not hesitate to jump down, the capital market will see even a 50% chance, will take the risk.

"Not bad!"

Gu Qingyuan sighed. It was a piece of news about whether agriculture is painless or not. He wiped the sweat from his forehead and waited for the opening.

While waiting anxiously, Gu Qingyuan felt what it means to live like a year. When the market opened, Gu Qingyuan frowned and began to quickly tap the keyboard.

Open the trading software, all pending orders are purchased, and the price is three points higher than the stock price at this time. Of course, the transaction price is still calculated according to the lowest sold price.

The number of purchases of one million is now the largest order in Dashan shares, and the long string of numbers looks very conspicuous.

Gu Qingyuan opened the trading volume and continuously showed the number of red purchases. In just half a minute, he had already purchased 100,000 yuan of shares.

After that, the purchase volume slowed down, switching to the handicap, Dashan shares had risen by five points.

At this time, there was a purchase number at the transaction volume, 4399 lots. This unusual number suddenly attracted Gu Qingyuan.


Gu Qingyuan whispered, shouldn't it appear in the end?

At this time, the stock price of Dashan shares was surprisingly low, with 4,399 lots worth a mere 20,000 yuan. This is a very small purchase number for the NEEQ, which requires a threshold of 1 million.

After thinking about it for a moment, Gu Qingyuan's wink was bright, and he started to place the order again. The price was directly linked to the daily limit. It was very violent to buy and take it all!

In just five minutes, all the remaining 900,000 funds were consumed, and the stock price of Dashan shares was also stretched by seven points abruptly.


Gu Qingyuan fisted and knocked off the table. This kind of digital thinking and the pleasure of gaming with the dealer made him feel very comfortable.

Although 4399 is a very ordinary number, the number of purchases of 8,798, 17,596, and even 35,192 lots that appeared in the market some time ago were all within the same time period, and they were all double the number of purchases of 4399. number.

And today's turnover rate is surprisingly low. Then, the 4399 purchases that appeared at this time, will it be a signal from the dealer?

Has the position built, or that Yalong Holdings has completed the conversion of its equity?

In thinking, at this time Dashan shares have reached the daily limit!

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